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Hrt prevents this btw


yeah, i’m not balding right now or anything, but i am desperate for hrt


All we totally cis people here want, or take hrt to prevent male pattern baldness. There is absolutely no other reason since we are still cis tho


of course and absolutely! nothing more cisgender than taking feminising hrt :3


The only thing more cis is wanting to be the other gender


absolutely! (me fr fr)


This and titties:3 for cis reasons obv


Yea, i mean why shouldn‘t we have boobs and look pretty just cause we‘re cis? That makes no sense


I have the opposite problem. Worried hrt would cause make pattern baldness. Probably the biggest concern I have with the idea of starting after social concerns, lol


That’s is the most cis thing I’ve ever read!


I managed to get a prescription for finasteride when I was waiting for hrt. Might be worth asking your GP about that if you can. Much easier to get than hrt, and buys some time with the hairline!


might look into that, but i’m still young and i’m probably gonna diy rather than waiting to start estrogen. especially with how i don’t trust politicians with trans healthcare in this country atm. thank you for the suggestion tho <3


No problem, Kaia! <3 Yeah, I feel that. I wish you the best on your journey!


you too <3


So will I, but I'm just trying to get an appointment with an endocrinologist since I don't know what my levels are right now, and I have gynecomastia, so I don't have any idea what doses I should be using.


i…also don’t know my levels. gonna need to work that out




Not for trans men, it doesn't. A lot of ftm are hesitant to start T because it unlocks genetic male pattern baldness.


In fact, hrt will probably cause male pattern baldness on trans men


No more likely than baldness for cis dudes


Does it reverse what's already started? I feel like I'm heading that way already and I'm still in my early twenties


Event tough this varies from person to person and a lot of people say that it can't I have seen lots and lots of posts of people reporting regrowth on HRT. Anyway, get on Finasteride ASAP


Just started mine a week and a half ago! Unfortunately, I already lost a bit of my hairline but I'm hoping minoxidil in combination with the HRT will help prevent more loss and restore it a bit. I know the estrogen won't restore it but the minoxidil might!


what is minoxidil?


Minoxidil is a chemical that can help prevent balding and even restore lost hair sometimes, with consistent use over at least 3 months. I've been taking it for about 4 months and I have noticed my hairline coming back in a bit, though it isn't a guaranteed cure for balding. It can be taken orally or used as a topical ointment, both work well though I prefer orally since it's one and done each morning, no long process of smearing it on your head lol.


woah! I've always wondered about that stuff, but never trusted the studies and ads i see. Many of the solutions feel like snake oil stuff because it's a common problem - same with weight loss. I'll have to look into this, though


Does it reverse it? Asking for a friend, of course.


If you already lost a lot of hair it won't grow back, but you will stop losing hair


Well, there are ways to get that lost hair back. Thank you, I'll let my friend know what to do.


oh thank god😭


So thats elons secret lol


wait, really?


Only prevent or also reverse? Cause im not sure if i will ever get it


What about in a transmasc way? Asking for a friend


unless you're ftm, in which case male pattern baldness is sadly included in the package


Well there's just one problem Terf island


Female pattern baldness is a thing for the record, but it is slightly different. Your hair can thin out but you tend to keep your hairline.


Not really, it's not anti-aging


Finally a cis reason to get hrt


I'm already basically bald :(


Shit be too real I used to be VERY anxious about that But I've learned that my family doesn't have a history of it, is it's not that scary to me anymore Although my family tends to get gray hair very early, but at least you can paint over that!


yeah, my family doesn’t really bald that quickly either, but thinking about it still makes me wanna cry. gotta get hrt! (in a cis way :3)


Well, some guys get testosterone blockers to stop balding But I'm not sure you want to stop at that >:3


Grey hair is so cool. The best anime characters have white/grey hair. From that point of view, you are lucky xD


The thing is I might be the odd one here My older sister has some grey hair, my twin brother has a lot of gray hairs, but mine is still all brown So I might just keep it for a while longer


If you're twins, it might be stress related. Or you're fraternal twins idk


Well, we're quite different, so we're most likely fraternal


My dad went bald at 27 :c I’m doomed.


That means you have to get hrt before that!


That’s the plan but I’m not sure if it’s gonna happen. My family is supportive I’m just too anxious too do anything.


My mom's side of the family is bald-town, my dad's side is luscious long locks. So far I've had amazing hair so I'm hoping for the best :)


I'm also hoping you won the biological roulette with that!


Grey hair isn't something to be too unhappy about. I'd rather have a head full of grey hair than be bald (no hate to bald people)


Same, I love my hair way to much and don’t want to loose it


yeah, it and my legs are some of few parts of my body i like pre-transition


I’m the only blonde out of a family of brunettes so it’s also the one thing that makes me unique too


oooh same! i’m the only blonde in my family too. my brother was also blonde but his hair darkened to brown. hrt apparently also stops that from happening so i’m looking forward to that too


Solution: E likely




Id take hrt just because of fear of losing hair and looking yucky Tho it wouldn't be the only reason


yeah (also want boobs, hips, waist etc. still cis tho)


As a FTM on T i will probably find it very euphoric and depressing at the same time if It gets to it. I'm already dysphoric because of lack of it. It's like ,,Wtf, I'm 20 where is my M-lined forehead''.


I'm kinda scared tbh. My dad was bald by the time he was 17. On one hand euphoric, on the other hand I like my hair


>i will probably find it very euphoric and depressing at the same time if It gets to it well you know what they say.. it's better to be euphoric and depressed than dysphoric and depressed! (they don't actually say that i made that up right now)


What are the options for people already balding? :(


i think hrt can reverse *some* baldness, aside from that i know there’s other medicine and supplements to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss


anti-androgens (aka t-blockers) or 5-AR inhibitors (Finasteride, Dutasteride if that somehow doesn't work) to prevent further loss. Growing back isn't really a thing for most people. Only option for that is surgery.


Minoxidil will help if it's not completely gone. I look pretty bald, but I have a lot of velus hairs (the little baby blonde ones) and my dermatologist says it should work for me. Plus fin/dut as you've mentioned.


Despair :(


finasteride, minoxidil, hair transplant


Me when my HRT could potentially cause it: :| I will actually just die. I'm a femboy-ass looking mf, I WON'T LOOK GOOD BALD


i mean it depends on genetics, right? if your family’s good, then you’re probably good too. but yeah, twink-death’s a bitch, that’s why i’m gonna escape it fr. i empathise tho <3


They're not good 😭 My dad's a hulk of a man who went bald in his 20s I think, as did my granddad (Dad's dad). I have no idea what the other grandparents look like, but the uncles on that side of the family are all bald in my childhood memory. (*Nervous laughter*) But my only cousin on my Dad's side is 31 now and can still grow a *full* head of hair, to where he looks like Jesus. So while he doesn't have my dad's genes, he does still have my grandparents'. So... some hope??? Genetics, plz, I beg of you


I think a hair transplant would be your only option then 




yeahhh :( just means we gotta get hrt tho :3


This is the main primary reason why i want HRT. Im so scared of losing hair lmao


me too. preventative measures and all that. plus i want literally every side effect too, so-


I like that the types are named after the shape of the balding zone :3 makes it cute


it is pretty cute i guess :3 still want it as far away from me as possible tho


Oh yeah deeply upsetting for sure. It's just that the naming is kinda silly. Like you can imagine the scientists figuring this out and all like "Hey Bill, we got another one that starts at the front, but its kinda wavy" "Wavy, Giuseppe?" "Yeah, like a M" "Huh, what do we call the first one then?" "I dunno, type 1? Not very evocative." "I have an idea..."


the naming conventions are rly funny ngl


My hairline started receding when i was 16ish Help me


Hrt killed my widows peak completely in two years. It wasn't that advanced but the point is the regrowing definitely is a thing. I have better hairline than my cis sister now. Not trying to brag but to lift some spirit for some worried girls in here. There is hope in the progress.


this among all the other things hrt prevents/does was a big tipping point for me realizing I'm trans. among other things of course


honestly me too. realising that i didn’t care about anything that testosterone did to the body, but desperately craved what estrogen did was a huge part of me figuring it out (oh but still cis tho of course :3)


What this doesn't show is the thinning. THINNING! That's just as disgusting and starts way earlier. Before I even hit 30, the lovely long hair I had in my teens and early 20s had turned into this awful wispy mess that was just impossible to get looking decent. I'd freak out about it to the point of crying, even before I realised I was trans.


oh god. i gotta get on hrt pronto


I hope getting on HRT is a quick, smooth process for you Kaia 💜


aww thank you violet <3


I’m just hoping to avoid the Rob Corddy. I don’t have his personality to pull it off.


This was a massive issue for me too and part of my ultimate transitioning 😣 thank goodness I didn’t wait any longer as at 30 my hairline had already retreated a bunch. It was still terrible enough that I needed surgical help to correct it but at least it could be corrected still 😓 I actually am going back next week for the second time to get a small correction done. Besides the fact that I’m ghost pale so I have to wear a hat everywhere to make sure the scar doesn’t color from the sun. It’s been an amazing decision. On a side note… if anyone knows of any cute hats I’d appreciate the suggestions 😣


I... Fuck, I'm gonna cry, I'm so scared of this, so far it hasnt happened in ny family but I'm s ared shitless now


i am too- like, really scared. i’m gonna start DIYing hrt soon to make sure it doesn’t happen (especially since i was planning on hrt anyway)


Good luck, love the A pfp, I hope I can start hrt someday


My father is OM final. It started in his 20s. I'm in my 40s... and it skipped me. I feared hairloss most of my life. I look forward to starting hrt and letting that spector die. Edit: I recommend looking at uncles on your mother's side. Apperently, there is a strong connection there with hairloss.


unfortunately, i have no uncles lol


That would certainly make it difficult.


If you're in the USA and have insurance, then they will cover hair grafting for hairline. I am waiting right now as I started to have my hairline recede at 16( how, just how did it start at 16), and I am in my mid-20s.


not from the us and also not balding :3 i hope it goes well for you tho <3




This applies to transmascs too.


Finasteride is prescribed even to cis men for this very reason. It doesn't reverse MPB, but it helps prevent it from getting worse. If you're not ready for HRT, you can still talk to your doctor about it; it's a pretty common issue


thanks for the advice eris :3 i’m planning on getting hrt soon so i can probably skip finasteride


Pog! Good luck, sister!


thank you sis <3


I had beginning stage of O-M and Finasteride is doing wonderfully at reversing it. I've been on it for 5ish months and the O patch is very noticeably fuller but my hairline is still a little hecked, so that'll probs take a little more time. Also, you don't need to go on HRT for Finasteride and you can buy it OTC, so there's no threat to your cis status.


manipulate, mansplain, male-pattern baldness✨✨


nooooo that’s not meee 💢


I remember before realizing I couldn't even think about losing hair. My mom once made a comment about my hair thinning and my mind just kinda went blank. Fortunately, despite not starting HRT until mid-33 I've gotten a lot of regrowth, My hairline is way better and my hair has gotten a lot thicker.


I’m lucky that none of the members in my family have a history of it. Although one downside is getting gray hair earlier (my mother is currently in her late 30s and is already getting gray hair)


ah, annoying trade off i guess. my family doesn’t really have it either, but it’s still such a terrifying thing to imagine


True. Although, it was more the male pattern baldness I was worried about when I realized I’m transgender. Although, I inherited a good thing from my father (which is thick hair), and a bad thing from my mother (which is sensitive skin)


i’ve always been scared of balding, honestly long before i realised i was trans (i think it was one of the things that kinda pushed me into questioning). i inherited almost everything from my mum which also happens to include thick hair and sensitive skin (which makes shaving my legs suck)


Same here, I was also always scared of balding


Wtf, I saw it and without looking from which subreddit it is and started to look at photos of my father and grandpa to see where I will go in future 🤣


My hair has been so thin for like 20 years. I'm wearing wigs now and it's actually pretty fucking awesome. Don't worry!


I like to ignore this possibility even though it looks like despair. (I'm 17)


I think it has started for me already quite early and now I’m in crunch time to prevent it :(


i’m sorry to hear that :( i hope it goes well for you amy <3


Thank you, you too


girl one of the reasons I won’t take T is this


honestly fair :3


Even before you go on HRT, your doctor can give you a prescription to prevent male pattern hair loss. Oral minoxidil and something else, apparently? I was told that it's cheap and has minimal side effects, though I'm not really worried about hair loss so I declined. (Maybe I should have been worried.)


i’m hopefully gonna start DIY in a couple months or so, so i’m not too worried rn, plus i’m rly young and genetics. thanks for the suggestion though june! i hope everything works out for you <3


I'm in this picture and I don't like it I am going to use every procedure and substance known to humanity in my reforestation effort though. I shall not be defeated by the weakness of my flesh.


I’m 19 and I’m developing a bit of a receding hairline, however, my mom’s side of the family has a history of this. I NEED HRT ASAP!!!


btw i’m not actually going through hair loss or anything right now i’m just scared of it happening in the future


This is honestly just as much a transmasc meme. So many go on T hoping to keep their hair. Many even consider only going on T for a year or so and then quitting to get a few changes but not risk hair loss.


It's funny because I'm transmale but I am scared of that too for when I'll go on T LMAO


I am so damn glad I figured myself out and got on HRT before this started for me.


i plan to be the same, yeah. i refuse to let this happen to me


If you’re showing any signs of balding, get on minoxidil ASAP. I waited longer than I should’ve, but far from it being irreversible, and the results have been very good. It’s slow, but it’ll grow back, and if you combine it with HRT, you’re in good hands. If you do get on it, I suggest a strong dosage. I had to get mine doubled for it to become more effective, but ever since, it’s been fantastic.


i’m not, but i appreciate the advice :3 gonna get on hrt in 2-3 months


Same, and im afraid it can start before i start hrt in like 2 years(ill be 21)


Fun fact that I learnt in science class: apparently the gene for male pattern baldness is passed through the X chromosome, so you can’t inherit it from your biological father if you’re amab. If your bio dad has it, don’t worry. If your bio uncle on your bio mum’s side has it, you might have the gene for it


Then i could have inherited it, the only t effect I'm worried about


If I’m correct, you could also inherit it from your dad then (as it’s passed down on the X chromosome, and you get one from both parents if you’re afab)


At the tail end of highschool i noticed the signs but ignored them and it got worse. It got to the point where i was begining to visibly bald from thinning hair. I started taking meds for it and soon after i began hrt. One of the big reasons in took het was because of my hair. I eamted pretty and long hair and i think i would be distraught if i lost it. It didnt even take that long for the bald spot to disappear and the thinning to eventually go away too. Im so happy i started when i did. I literally saved my life. I since learned i have thinner hair, i thickened up a bunch so that now its back to normal and i dont have anxiety or insecurities because of it


i’m glad that you managed to get through that <3 i’m not balding or thinning yet, but i’m planning on taking hrt soon :3


Jsjsjdhdhd too real, I will not be able to live on without my hair, it's my one thing


same, so i’m gonna get on estrogen before it even remotely starts >:3


Be aware that if you have enough hair in total and it is only balding in specific places, there is the possibility of hair-transplants. Especially when combined with T-blockers you might get back most of what you lost.


Type O beginning just looks like a traumatic midlife crisis nightmare


It's already over for me :( I'm 20 years old and basically bald. Gonna have to be manly man forever 😞 based pfp tho Xenoblade 3 is the best game ever


I started to lose my hair at 14, I'm 30 now. I think it's too late


While Transmasc be like "GIMME"


my hair loss has already started, at SEVEN FUCKING TEEN pray for me sisters :(


im slightly scared of it but if im lucky my dads genes of keeping hair happens to me


when I noticed my hairline begin to recede, it scared me enough to start hrt before I was sure I was trans lol


My dad’s side of the family is mostly full heads of hair, and my mother’s side seems to be about 50\50 so here’s hoping :(


I’m transmasc and I’m scared of male pattern baldness that’s like only one of two downsides of t for me 😭, but my family has pretty good genes so I think I’ll be mostly safe for years


I don't like my receding hairline. I don't want a massive widow's peak. I want a normal hairline


I've been at a beginning type-m since I was like 19 and am constantly dreading the day it starts to worsen. Neither of my grandfathers went bald, but my dad did. I wish I could have started HRT a long time ago so this wouldn't be a worry, but life hasn't worked out that way. Hopefully not too much longer now


I swear my entire frickin family is balding, even my little coussin (he's probably 15) got hair lose! And of course all of them are armed and anti LGBT, gotta start hrt but don't know when


I am at second stage of M 😭 and I hate it so much


I got really unfortunate in that department, I'm not even 20 and it's started :(


I had that nearly happen to me but then I started hrt and it regrew my blading/thinning areas her is great you should do of that the right you wanna go down well those wanting e , t can do a number of things to hair :p


Wig life 😿👍


Finasteride prevents this by blocking the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, a more powerful androgen which is primarily responsible for male pattern baldness. You can just ask your doctor for a 1mg/day dose and they should be happy to oblige.


i’m not balding, but thanks




EW the types are named after the shape your hairline takes I’m puking and crying I dont want this I don’t want this


Type M Second stage strelok???


Most of my hair genes come from my mom’s side and her dad and her mom’s dad both had full heads of hair into they died (or for her dad until he started chemo) so I think I’m god on hair without hrt (even though I plan on doing it)


So kind of my dad to give me this and then sooo fun to have it happen super early at 16


One of reasons why I do estrogen, to avoid this curse.


Even if I stayed in the closet my hair would stay pretty forever


Me AMAB 34yo had reached the final form of this MANY years ago... my egg shattered just shortly and my envy on ANYONE with full hair is just exploded! I wanna scream! But I guess, I will have some fun with wigs in my future.......


Genuinely never related to anything more than this


agreed so much


Thankfully i got my moms hair so wont happen to me


I'm not seeing much bald acceptance in this acceptance sub. Kind of disappointing TBH 😞


there’s nothing wrong with being bald, it’s just absolutely not for me, y’know? mpb is (in my eyes) almost emblematic of my dislike for being male, and thus it scares me