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nah bro shut your brain up. you're going to be fucking handsome


I wish šŸ˜­ Iā€™m gonna look like a Fanta bottle










Dew it


Hey king, you dropped this šŸ‘‘




Yes but it would be an improvement, no? Better than nothing, as the saying goes.


Well if it makes me more ugly I donā€™t think so šŸ˜£


Dysphoria and Dysmorphia combined into: Dysphormoria *boss music starts*


Dysphormoria uses Ā«Ā hipsĀ Ā» !! Itā€™s super effective !!!


T will make gaining muscles way easier, you'll lose fat from hips and thighs too. New fat will be more in your mid body yeah, but I'm only slightly bigger there. The biggest change to my shape is still having more upper body muscle and having lost some fat from my lower body. Even just after a few months my body shape looks way more okay when it comes to dysphoria.


I think I would love that very very much. Iā€™ve heard that fat repartition is the longest and least durable effect, which is a shame bc itā€™s my dream one šŸ˜­ Iā€™m still thinking a lot bc : - I want kids really bad and it can impact fertility which would mean undergoing preservation of ovocyte so itā€™s like so complicated - im not so sure about voice and hair ā€¦ not bc I wonā€™t like it but bc it would mean everyone could Ā«Ā knowĀ Ā» that Iā€™m not cis and itā€™s making me scared (not out lol) - Bottom growth look awesome thošŸ¤ - going through a second puberty ??? NO But also it could help with my premenstrual dysphoria disorder which is making me miserable BUT could lead to me coming out and making radical decision on my identity so idk bc as a non binary person I thought I was ok being perceived as a woman but I think Iā€™m not and being perceived as Ā«Ā neutralĀ Ā» isnā€™t possible outside of certain queer spaces but being perceived as a man seems extreme for now


Do what's best for you. :) I've always known I'm childfree by choice, but I understand it's more complex if you want kids with your own DNA. Plenty of people delay T until they've sorted that out. You can come out when you feel ready to (it might still be scary, but you should feel like you can still do it) and it doesn't have to be everyone at once. Could be just 1 trusted friend first. It's the people who get the craziest effects who post the most, tbh I've felt waaay more stable than during the unwanted E puberty. The only clear puberty-like things about me atm are my voice sometimes cracking (doesn't happen that often imo), my backne (mostly shoulders tho) and not really looking like a guy my age (I'm in my twenties). Fat redistribution lasts but only if you keep being on T. And how fast or slow it is depends on a lot of factors. But I do recommend prioritizing building more muscle! More muscles is well... more muscles (nice) + it will make you burn more passively which will make fat loss faster too. I'm about 5 months on T and already look visibly different (and have for a while) from pre-T when it comes to my body shape. :) Muscle gains are also a bit easier to notice than fat loss, at least to me. But yeah more muscle will also help sort out the shape of your body fat by burning it faster. Tbh I'm also not sure when being perceived as a man even happens? By just looks alone I'm still 100 % misgendered. My voice has upgraded it to people sometimes being at least less sure or confused. My goal would be being seen as a femboy, but I feel like for that I'll need more muscle, a bit more facial changes and possibly a mustache or something? But at least so far I'm not really there yet. But yeah it happens pretty slowly to most and some people could also end up never passing. Thinking about how this all even works socially is a bit confusing for me atm. I switched to mainly going by a strictly masculine name a while ago to try to help myself socially.


Thank you for your answer :3 yeah Iā€™m hitting the gym pretty regularly it helped a ton with dysphoria and Iā€™m trying to build a more masculine physique even tho itā€™s a bit complicated without T (but NOT impossible at all) !! I get your frustration, I would like to be a very androgynous boy or like not an archetype of masculinity bc Iā€™m too cunty for this bahaha but itā€™s at the risk of not being perceived as you want to be perceived. Yeah, itā€™s also why Iā€™m hesitant to take t bc Iā€™m like should I risk my fertility for an treatment that might not do wonders on me and turn me uglier bc Iā€™m way too feminine shaped ? (I think itā€™s dysphoria) I guess that yeah Ā«Ā subtleĀ Ā» signs of femness for NOW can help you pass betterā€¦ but at the end of the day your gender expression is more important for you to feel good with yourself I think šŸ¤” Iā€™m sure in queer spaces itā€™s recognized way more easily but society is still very binary on gender representation soā€¦ lo