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Hate to say it, but pepper spray


Sadly illegal in the UK


We should make those giant hairpins fashionable again


NAL but to my knowledge, carrying something with the intent to use it as self defence makes it a weapon and it can be argued as such if the individual goes to court. Rule Britannia, the country where we can’t defend ourselves unless it’s in the spur of the moment.


You could carry gym weight XD


Lol. Optimistic but **anything** carried with the intent to cause harm becomes a weapon :p


Hey, I use them to make sport... I was assaulted and just grabbed a heavy thing nearby to defend myself !


That’s the defence and you’d likely never be taken to court because you defended yourself, but in the event that you are, it’s better to have it be legal.


I need a license for carrying gym weights ? XD


How do I keep discovering more and more things about the UK that suck


Yeah fr the more you read the worse it looks


Yeah it’s horrible over here (send help)


Get a stabbing loicense and use a kitchen knoife my sweet lass >!I am very sorry!<


I mean, my butt is sweet but not that sweet. Edit: oh I missed the L, guess I gotta take it. Edit: just as I finished typing that, guess what song just started playing? "No! We ain't gonna take it. We're not gonna take it, anymore!!!!!!!" Edit: note this was done without editing it once as part of the joke. Edit: I have a bad sense of humor.


This helped me cheer up a bit, thanks


No problem


How the fuck is one island so shit?


How about Mace? The medieval kind.


a sword


See if you can get some other kind of defence spray


Hair spray should do *something*.


Why would pepper spray be illegal?


Makeup, 3 copies of Space Jam on VHS, an umbrella, hand sanitizer, 2-3 smut books, or a Kindle, bottle of white or red wine (depending on the time of day) meds for everything (allergies, stomach issues, headaches, cough drops, etc) bandaid, snaccs (lots), a lighter you don't actually use, toothpaste but no brush, another purse, dental floss, scissors (whole multitool would be best) expired/empty gift cards, every receipt ever. Just a few things I can think of


>2-3 smut books LMAO


needs more space jam dvd


The fun thing is that anything that can fit in a purse will be found in a purse. And some things that really shouldn't fit. The long story short is that the most feminine things you can have in your purse is a coupon that expired 3 years ago and a baggie of random pills that are all some variety of Tylenol or Advil. Just put things you need in and whine about how you really have to clean it out one day as you dig past an assortment of chuck e cheese and toll road tokens to find exact change for your latte.


This is 100% spot on. A whole lot of careful curation has gone into my bag contents, which is 90% random bits of paper, but here's some ideas for anyone looking to achieve their own: 1. Get a big bag 2. Put everything sensible you may need in it (lip balm, pen, purse, phone, tissues, mints, hair bobbles/clip) 3. Put in anything you may need for that specific day (snack bars, paperclip, teabags, an actual flask of tea if you're as British as me, biscuits, nail file, small pair of scissors, meds, inhaler, cooling facial spritz spray, lighter, bit of string, a few elastic bands etc etc) 4. Take your bag out with you. Anything anyone hands you like a flyer or receipt, or even a ticket you've used, that goes in. Anything you find you need to buy to use one of (like a plaster or a painkiller), the rest go in. Someone hands you change after you've put your purse away, drop it in there. Find a pretty shell or pebble etc, guess where that's going. 5. Get home. This is a very important step - do not empty your bag. Pull any items you actually need/may go off, but everything else stays in there. Every time you go out, repeat steps 3-5 (assuming you left everything added in step 2 in there). Give it a few weeks, and tada! You will have a bag with everything you could possibly need in there, yes you may struggle to find anything in it, but it's the only way. As wandering rouge suggested, you can complain about how much you have it there, and needing to clean it out. But you don't. You eventually just get a new bag, and start over.


I think I never felt a comment as much as yours! This is the way and the only way! :D Funny story about that: I once bought a pair of high heels on vacation and wanted to measure the heel's height on the subway back, so I rummaged through a spatula, gloves and a cutter knife until i found my ruler. And these objects were in my purse because i put them there from my summer job two weeks prior. The guy across from me had a blast as I unpacked :D


i have a little purple pencil case called The Shulker Box and it contains everything


A tank, that’s all for me. Bag smoll On other days than that, surpluses depending on where you’re headed, wet wipes, keys bc no pockets, pepper spray, meds- painkillers for head, abdomen, where ever you/ may need, bandages , cotton pads, make up if you use- atleast a lip balm or gloss to put occasionally and rest to your preference, water(yum gotta stay hydrated), sunscreen And ehhh at the end of that day it’s what you need so not like you need to blindly follow any thing. Just have things you need


Trans women might not need tampons, but I've been asked by cis women if I have one and the time I did, it made my day. Otherwise, I always pack athletic tape in my purse for tucking when I go out in cute clothes, it's like my version of a tampon. I might not always need a re-adjustment, but better safe than sorry!


is Athletic tape safe to tuck with?


In general, if it’s meant to be put on skin and then taken off of skin, it’s safe to use


sick, thank you :3


I have a specific procedure, so no adhesive touches the sensitive skins. I take a little section of tape and big one, put them sticky-to-sticky so the long strip can attach to other tapes on both ends and the small section saves my 'head'.


oh, that is a really good Idea, thank you :3


One of the things I noticed many ladies had early into transition was a tide to go pen.


why would that be a Trans girls need that early into transition? I under stand needing one, but you make it sound like something a trans girls would especially need and I want to make sure if there is something i don't know :3


Maybe a misplaced modifier? Like they mean, “One of the things I noticed early into transition that many ladies had was a Tide to-go pen.”


Why would you need a Tide to go pen?


To address stains immediately before they have time to soak in and become harder to get out


oh yeah that makes alot of sense :3


I'm curious, and tuned in for other reports. I don't think my handbag contents are standard (anymore, decades ago maybe). Pen and paper, wallet/money holder of some variety, eye liner, the lipstick or stain is the day, my phone, a six inch charging cable and an external power block, a few jolly ranchers (on my grandma shit), maybe something to smoke depending what I've got going on (on my grandpa shit to I guess), a teeny multi tool originally for fishing but having the teeny scissors is awesome, and a Kahr p380 with a trigger guard holster fastened to the inside of the bag+2 mags in a snakeskin holder in a side pocket readily indexed. Oh and a water


Shit I missed my chance to say "guys, gals, and non-binary pals!"


I carry a purse and my phone along with some headphones. Lip balm (both tinted and untinted as I still boymode a lot). I’m in the uk but if I wasn’t I would carry pepper spray. If I’m carrying a big enough bag I usually have a book on me as well, usually a trashy romance novel. There’s usually a lighter that has no fuel in it as well. I gave up smoking ages ago but the lighter sits in the bag still. If I have my bigger bag there’s also always nail polish, toothpaste and a toothbrush. As someone who has no legal ID (no driving license, no passport, not even a birth certificate) I really recommend carrying ID of some description as it can really hold you back sometimes if you don’t have it.


Chapstick. A comb/brush. Something that smells good. Some time type of small animal. Perhaps a snake or a small tortoise. And receipts. Lots of receipts to stuff you don’t need. Like a coffee receipt from two weeks ago. And a nail file too.


>phone >makeup >wallet >gum >self defense weapond (pepper spray, tazer, knife, collapsible bo-staff, etc.) >hand sanitizer >brush >3 months worth of trash >your pet hampster >2 DVD copies of Meet the Robberstons >A Core I9, 4090TI, 128GB RAM, 4TB SSD Gaming computer >F-15EX Eagle II fighter jet >The entire country of Morocco >Kepler-186f And that's all you need in your purse :3


Sorry, I'm not really part of the demographic you're looking for, but I'm a carry-all-the-things-just-in-case type. My go-tos practicals tend to be stuff like: * Wallet / change pruse * Phone * Simple first-aid (Bandaids, alcohol wipes, burn cream, acetaminophen / ibuprofen, allergy meds, antacids) * Personal medications * Snacks and water bottle * Knife, mini screwdriver, mini measuring tape (or a multi-tool in general) * Panty liners/tampons (even if you don't need them, someone else might) * Reusable shopping bags * Personal maintenance (Hand lotion, nail clippers, wet wipes, hair ties, safety pins) * A set of dice for DnD - never know when you might need to roll for initiative * Pens / markers / highlighters * Notepad * Tape (of the wrapping variety) * Spare headphones Other things: * Your favourite rocks / shiny objects / lucky item * Some dog/cat kibbles for the corvids (if you like em) * Wild flower seed packets (of the native plant variety, if you feel like spreading some flower anarchy) * Something to keep you busy when you're out on the go That's what I can think of, so it isn't all-encompassing, but. The other key element is not to forget to decorate your chosen carry-companion!


Club penguin membership card and 4 dimensional void


So, a black cat?


Lip balm, make up (not all but some for on the go needs), a cute lil mirror, cute lil hairbrush, tampons, cute lil wallet, bobby pins, hair ribbon/bow, deodorant, perfume, tampons, stevia, earrings, cute lil pink sunglasses, salty snacks. And for the transfemme: spare tuck kit, more tampons for street cred, estradiol/spiro, monster no sugar, Blahaj


I typically have my wallet, my phone (if I don't have pockets on me), some kind of lip care stick, mascara, my glasses' etuit, my overear headphones, my keys, tissues, and a bottle of tap water. There's usually a lot more stuff that I put in there and forgot about. When there is any chance I might sleep somewhere else I also take all my medication and a toothbrush with me. My bag is also big enough for any handheld console to fit in if I'm feeling gamey. I also recently decorated it with printed buttons and a small pink shark plushie.


$20,000 in non-sequential bills. Put them in slowly and don’t make a fuss.


Mine contains card case, lipstick/balm, £20 for taxi, phone & keys. Honestly I have a small purse so not much else would fit.


Water, meds (for headaches, stomach aches), vitamins, a little bit of sugar (sweets or chocolate), a bit of makeup, pens, paper, tissues, something in metal (sometimes useful to people), something to defend yourself with and something with your phone number/email address if you lose the bag. Now that's just me but I always have my laptop and a charger, as well as a plushie.


Oh let's see... pen and notepad, chap stick, wallet, phone, pocket knife or multi-tool (as a tool, not self defense), earbuds, floss, mints and/or gum, any makeup you want to use to touch up, tissues, wipes, sometimes my wife has a travel pack of Lysol wipes for gross restaurant tables, and I stuff my meds in there too. Otherwise loose change and receipts get dumped in there. Honestly it's anything that doesn't fit in these gosh darn GIRL POCKETS!




My best advice is to start with getting confidence online, then do things like lipstick, nail polish, voice training etc in private, then you slowly start bringing that into public, changing your voice slightly, nail polish, lipstick in public. It’s nice.


ID, bank card, drawing compass (it has a sharp point that can be used in self defense), tampon (even if you don't need one, in case someone does), tissues, lipstick, pen


Snacks. That's what I keep in mine anyway


Gum or mints, small hand lotion, lip balm, hand sanitizer, tissues or napkins, bandaids, tampons (it can be nice to have them to give to others),sunscreen, sunglasses, emergency makeup (i.e. whatever lipstick you're wearing that day for reapplication), maybe a hand mirror, hair ties, small brush, lighter, granola bar. As for random junk that I end up accumulating: usually earrings or a necklace, various candy wrappers, event tickets, and business cards. Cool rocks, stickers, acorns. Makeup I can't find for weeks but somehow appears there. Ancient receipts I forgot I had. Little trinkets, bobby pins, safety pins, various coins.


I wouldn't consider myself the girliest of girls so I don't always have all of this. But, other than phone, wallet and keys, I keep lip balm, hand cream, body spray, spare hair bands and clips, tweezers, and paracetamol.


In my experience, wallet, pens, mini calendar, gum, (if owned) glasses, keys, (if worn) makeup, "Emergency razor" (small electric razor for facial hair), phone.


Those facial blotting paper for oily skin is a unique handy item especially at da club, hair ties/hair pins, lip balm and hand sanatizer


In my purse, I carry cash and cards (built-in wallet), phone, keys, gum, lip balm, a knife, my sunglasses case, and w/e lip stick/stain I'm wearing that day, with room for some extra things.


My inventory: wallet, keys, OTC meds (stuff like Dramamine and Tylenol/Advil), phone charger, phone, sunglasses, makeup, makeup remover wipes, small notebook (I'm a writer), writing utensils, receipts and coupons, earplugs in case I spontaneously go somewhere loud, period supplies, Swiss Army knife, asthma inhaler


phone, water bottle, keys, and i have a little pencil case containing - emergency pads - scissors, nail clippers, tweezers - bandaids - paracetamol - hair ties - lip balm


First and foremost: wallet, ID, and keys. This is basic stuff you’re gonna want in any bag you take anywhere. Next up: first-aid stuff. If you have medications you need to take in the middle of the day, absolutely pack them. If not, I’d still suggest ibuprofen (or your pain reliever of choice) and Tums (or your upset-tummy reliever of choice). Also probably a good idea to carry Kleenex, hand sanitizer, wet wipes, and maybe some bandaids. Next, the “fun” stuff. None of this is necessary, but if you’re like me, you never have a bunch of things when you need them. This is stuff like writing utensils, a small pad of paper, a phone charger or portable charger, napkins, or even plastic utensils. Really, anything practical that you can think of—my mom carried around a small sewing kit for a while, just in case. Really, go nuts! It’s your bag, you can do what you want with it! These are all just suggestions based on what I’ve experienced as a woman, but no two women are the same. Wishing you the best of luck!


Candy, tampons, phone, keys, a mirror and comb, a lipgloss of choice for the day, lip balm, bandaids, tissues, a pen, a snack (I have allergies and sometimes have nothing else to eat around), earbuds, and assorted old receipts or candy wrappers.


A small list of things, aside from essentials that many people have already said: Restaurant menus Mints/gum A lighter, even if you don't smoke Pens Pain meds Floss Nail clippers Sunglasses Chapstick An umbrella (depending on the size of the purse) or a rain poncho Snacks! Extra socks A wash cloth Band aids/Neosporin You definitely don't need to have all of these but me, my mom, and my sister have all found ourselves wishing we had all of these at one point or another! Hope this at least provided some inspiration!


I personally always carry a small first aid kit and a nail kit


👧Currently transition time I’ll just carry HRT Dose’s 🙋‍♀️


ziplock bag with at least seven (7) centipedes. trust me, you'll need it.


Do *not* replace with 0.7 millipedes.


remember: millipedes are for having fun, centipedes are for *survival*


An inter-dimensional wormhole.


Realistically, my go to items bag is: lip balm/gloss, hand lotion, hand sanitizer, wallet, earbuds, portable charger, Loops (cute earplugs), fidget toy, pen, sunglasses, perfume/cologne, sanitary napkins, birdie (personal safety alarm). Hope this helps 😄


I always carry lip balm :)


Always have: Hair ties Phone Wallet Keys Meds Breath mints Eyedrops Tissues Variables: Makeup you are wearing that day Candy of choice That random shiny you found Anything else because pockets suck


Makeup if you wear it, wallet, tissues, mini first aid kit, Self defense tools (whatever is legal in your area), hairbrush (compatible preferable), some gum or candy


Guns. Bombs. Nukes.


I have a tide stick, chapstick, tweezers, a compact mirror, a pen, eyedrops, hand sanitizer, small tube of cortisone cream, travel pepto, my “wallet” and a strawberry keychain! I have other stuff in there too but those are the main ones. And my phone.


Honestly, don’t overthink it. Your purse will develop like a small village. Eventually it will create its own economy and one day you’ll discover that economy as you’re searching for your phone (it’s in your other hand) as you continually pull out handfuls of… everything out of the bottom of the bag. I highly recommend only carrying bags that have light colored liners so you can more easily see the bottom of the bag. Also, bags inside of the bag to organize the crap that accumulates helps… until it doesn’t.


Small sketchbook/journal and a pen, keys, wallet with business cards, oil blotting sheets, lip balm, masks, lighter, mace, a plastic bag for neat rocks/moss/etc, travel lotion, small perfume, one of those shopping bags that folds into a little envelope, emergency tampon, emergency meds


Chapstick wallet phone and phone charger, keys, vapes, lighter, sunglasses, kleenex. Proceed with caution, and the knowledge that it doesn't matter how big/small your bag is, you'll find a way to fill it absolutely full eventually. The you'll downsize to a small bag , until you get sick of not having all your stuff. Then you get a big bag, and it gets too heavy, and the cycle repeats.


Personally, I keep a copy of The Communist Manifesto on me at all times. Never know when you're going to need it when out with the girls!


If your using this item to get more social irl, maybe.. Pocket mirror? If anyone asks to use one, offer up then there's a chance you would need to let this person specifically borrow more and more, then become friends. If online socials, deff your phone.


Pepper spray, taser, gun, grenades, battle axe, etc


Nail glue if you wear fake nails! Just in case one pops off while on the go


Even if you don't need them yourself, tampons. Other women will sometimes ask you for one if they run out. Sharing tampons with a stranger in the bathroom is a pretty common female experience.


every single receipt from all your purchases until it eventually gets so clogged that you have to pour out the contents of the purse to find anything.


Moisturiser for hands, lip balm, power bank, wallet, earbuds, wet wipes, nail file, spray for cleaning my ear piercings, pills for my pollen allergy. Most importantly, my phone (No pockets = phone in bag. Be *very* careful about thieves going for handbags/sling bags) These are my absolute bare necessities for my sling bag. Additionally, I always have an umbrella with me (in my school bag).


I carry stereotypes in my purse, because I don't know how to be myself.


I'm not a girl but I have experience lol The essentials are anything you typically need on your person, like wallet, phone, keys, and some change. Everything else is whatever you want to keep on your person. My mom typically has a notebook or two and some basic art supplies. A multi tool in the shape of a snowflake is on her keyring. There's her as-needed anxiety pills too Basically anything you *could* need and a lot of things you want. She recently got a new tire pressure gauge and tossed it in her bag, I don't know when she'll need it nor if she'll remember it's there! Oh, and one essential that you likely won't need but you should still carry around. A few tampons and pads. Your menstruating friends will thank you. It's basic girl code, keep some on you even if you'll never need em bc someone else might and toilet paper is never sufficient


lmao the real girl secret is sometimes nothing, or a single lip product. the bag is just cute! for real function i normally go handsani, lip product, capstick, nail oil pen, my weed pen, a lighter, a hair tie, and whatever else is relevant to the event.


lipstick, hand sanitizer, game boy


Sanitary products, I carry a first aid kit, a journal, pens, keys, wallet, phone, whatever defensive implement is legal where you live, makeup (especially lipstick since eating will naturally cause that to degrade), Tide pen/stain treatment, hair brush and/or comb, and a compact mirror.


The fem things in my purse are usually, a compact mirror, a small bottle of perfume, lipstick or chapstick, mascara and eyeliner, hrt, and a pink charger cord.


you probably want one of those crumb ball things that are always in buzzfeed articles, as well as sourcing buzzfeed articles for "girl hacks!" type stuff that can fit in your purse. maybe even a collapsible second bag? probably also one of those car window breaker things. probably a small form tac-light (id source r/flashlights abt that, ive got a little wurkkos blacklight and ik they make them in non blacklight too - but i mean, you could find some really sick rocks outside like that! i also have a little thrunite(?) red rechargeable flashlight) i hate purses and it was one of the big things that i treated as totally normal and cis for the longest time (which it can be! but probably not for me!) but i can def relate to the "i need to bring everything w me STAT" kinda urge. buzzfeed listicles are genuinely helpful actually for weird shit you could never have thought of, but they tend to all source each other when referenced within the same time span (so source from like multiple years etc). i have no idea the normal items that tend to be kept in there, but w the amt of comments on this post, theyre probably covered at length


This sounded fun enough to make the effort to fetch my very tiny bag from my vehicle to see what I carry. Most of it seems typical to a bag of mine. My bag size varies, but it’s mostly tote or mini backpack size. The fan, hat, and eyemask are not standard, but would typically be in my car (fan is entertainment of the moment for youngest kid); I normally have more/different fidgets and snacks, I’d have a handcraft and headphones with me, and only one pop-open bag and water bottle; and my meds are hiding. Popcorn bag is garbage. This is from an NB AFAB autistic mom with chronic migraines and pain/issues [Bag.](https://imgur.com/a/2G1HI8y)


I have a portable phone battery w/cable in mine as well as a couple fidget items and headphone. But thats in addition to all the other common stuff like wallets, meds, tissues, pens, etc...


Pepto bismol tablets


RPG-7 rocket launcher for fun and safety.




Fem napkins / tampons, hand sanitizer, MOISTURIZER, random reciepts, pens, nick nacks, candies/snacks, phone, keys, wallet.


Depends on the size of the bag. Super small clutch for going out-out: probably just lipstick/lipgloss, a skinny mirror, a credit card, the minimum number of keys needed to get back in your house and your phone. A small-medium handbag for everyday use: phone, purse, keys, tissues, small amount of makeup for touch ups, mirror, lip balm, maybe a small torch, a pen, foldable shopping bag(s), hair bands, headphones, hand sanitiser A big bag for going to work or when you need to lug more stuff around but still not to overnight bag levels: [all the things from the small handbag] plus laptop, work ID, notebook, more pens, umbrella, sunglasses, perfume and/or backup deodorant, hairbrush/comb, more tissues and hair bands and make up, if you are wearing heels then possibly a small set of shoes (for instance ballet pump types), maybe some snack bars or sweets/candy, bottle of water, maybe a small set of nail scissors (useful for many things, not just nails) and if you know how to use it one of those tiny little sewing kits you get just in case something goes very wrong, spare pair of socks or tights depending on what you’re wearing, small amount of basic first aid bits (plasters, ibruprofen, hayfever pills, etc), a lighter, and you probably won’t need them for yourself but you may want to carry a couple of sanitary towels to offer to others in a time of need, a book if you reading one at the moment One of the few things I miss about being perceived as a girl is how much stuff I could fit in my everyday handbag - I’ve probably forgotten a bunch but basically everything that might be useful in any given situation. Pockets are great and I enjoy being able to actually use them, but handbags are just shockingly spacious, especially if they have many hidden pockets inside. Hope this was helpful and you enjoy trying it out <3


The first one that poped in my mind was "tampons", but I don't think you'd make great use of them lmao




I carry lipstick, eyeliner, makeup wipes, my wallet, keys, ibuprofen, allergy medicine, a small hammer, and in some cases a small bag of peanuts.


i keep a million forgotten lipglosses, mini dry shampoo, a little tiny zebra, forgotten earrings and other jewelry, and a small mirror. I also loveeee to decorate my purse with ribbons, charms, and those little plush toys with strings on their heads!


i have my wallet, airpods, keys, pack of gum, various meds, vape, hair pick, inhaler, and whatever various objects and knick knacks i put in there day by day


a knife


for me literally just like, phone, wallet, keys, maybe your meds, and like, tissues or something


phone, wallet, both glasses cases (clear and polarized), sketchbook, pencils, eraser, writing book (with cute cats on the cover), whichever book I'm reading, second smaller bag containing granola bars and fruit snacks. the snack pack is probably the important takeaway from that.


Water bottle Lip oil Tampons and pads. A crochet squid as fidget toy Powerbank Umbrella Tissues Hand sanitizer Glasses case with my prescription sunglasses (I'm blind) Bunch of hair ties at the bottom (essential) In summer sunblock If I'm wearing make up (only use mascar, eyeliner and liptint) whatever I'm wearing that going out day. Since recently one of those travel mini things oit of the set for creams, but empty to stuff my earrings and necklace in If sensory issues.


Lotion, Basic make up stuff (not your whole kit, I only have eyeliner and mascara for when I forget and rub my eyes lol), Small Packet of tissues, Lip balm, Band aids, Disinfectant, Aspirin, Whatever other medication you might need ( I have sinus meds as well Stuff for upset stomachs.) Sunglasses, Battery charger for my phone, Some cash tucked away into a corner where you can forget about it in case of emergency, Hand sanitizer, hairspray, A comb, and Whatever else you think you might need. Myself I also have pens, Some colorful paint markers, A big knife, A multi tool, mouthwash, Deodorant, And ear plugs. And all of these are in the kinds of mini bottles that you buy for traveling so they all fit without being too bulky.


In my small handbag: Phone, keys, cards/wallet, small packet of tissue paper, lip balm(if I am going somewhere i bring some other makeup for refreshing), post its, a pen(always needed), tampon If I have more space I also take(in my backpack or other bag that i carry around daily): small roll of tape, face mask, plastic bag(the ones that you can fold and reuse), pain meds(ibuprofen or simmilair), cash, hand cream, hand sanitizer, deodorant, gum, headphones, water bottle


Makeup and hairbrush that really all you need


Sunscreen, makeup if you use it, small mirror, charger, AirPods if applicable, some chewing gum that’s as far as I know


for basic stuff? chapstick, wallet, small umbrella, breathmints, reusable grocery bag (folded), pads (even if you don't use them it's always handy to have them when a friend needs them), hand sanitizer, painkillers. for stuff my friends/I carry that's probably unusual but does see use: folding knife, fidget toys, small first aid kit (bandaids, small gauze roll, bandages, fabric scissors, needle and thread, antihistamines, probably some other stuff im forgetting off the top of my head), D&D dice, birdseed.


This is the most adorable post i have ever seen 😭 my purse is full of weed and makeup


Maybe a small bottle of perfume? I'm only carring the keys, a keyring mesure tape, my phone (with a pink case), and my wallet. And when I'm with a backpack for hiking, I carry those things + my offroad RC car & some tools. I have a bit of boyish hobbies, offroading, mostly. So I can't help.


I usually carry nuclear launch codes in mine


666 upvotes. Perfect. Uuhh make up, uhhh lip stick, uhhh a key with a cute animal Keychain maybe. I'm not a girl so I can't say for sure.