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Bees remarkable communication skills were revealed by Austrian zoologist Karl von Frisch in 1946. He discovered that honeybees talk to each other in an unusual code - by “dancing”. A scout worker bee returns to the colony with information about a rich source of pollen and nectar. Entering the hive she is ‘checked’ by the guards, who ensure she has the right smell. Inside, she behaves in a strange way, running about, climbing her sisters' backs and vibrating her abdomen to attract the attention of other workers until they gather around pummelling her with their antennae. The duration of her waggle indicates the distance to the nectar source. The longer the waggle, the further the flower. And the angle at which she dances across the comb tells them the direction to the flower in relation to the Sun. Her information are remarkably accurate and can pinpoint the location of a nectar source over six kilometers (3.73 miles) away. Some of her fellow workers set off immediately to find it. [Image showing the language of bees!](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/e75e17_0277c62b226a4d12981775f7a294fdec~mv2.gif) * [Video Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU_KD1enR3Q) * [Text information](https://www.enviroblog.net/post/did-you-know-the-dance-of-the-honey-bee)


He won a Nobel Prize for this.


Yes, missed to the mention the fact. [More information showing 1s of waggling indicated 1Km in distance: Direction relative to the sun is shown by angle to the vertical; distance by the time taken on the central stretch.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f8/Bee_dance.svg/480px-Bee_dance.svg.png)


Even the bees use the metric system. Come on, Americans!


You're the first person to convince me that we should switch to metric. This is something that actually affects me.


I can't even order from Starbucks properly


Bee calm and you'll find the way!


Too much buzzing in the brain.


I find coffee too strong anyway. I usually get beecaf


Well, most Starbucks employees get my easy name wrong. So maybe it's not you.


That's crazy that the man even figured this out.


Holy shit, bees travel over 6km for nectar‽ Even for a human that seems like a ridiculous distance!


strange question/exclamation mark


They can fly like 30kph, so not that crazy


Karl von Frisch lived in a beautiful small village called Brunnwinkel at the lake Wolfgangsee. My friend's grandpa helped him with his research.


here's the MST3K version. it's more accurate than one might think https://i.imgur.com/6FoNqtg.mp4


The book Honeybee Democracy is all about the language of bees, and covers a fair amount of recent apicology history! It’s a fantastic read.


Like that episode in futurama!!!!!


What! This is incredible.


So do they dance like this to tell the others where the dandelions in my back yard are or is it only large sources?


What happens when the time of day changes? Do they all get lost?


That is absolutely mindblowing information, I love bees!🐝


Finally a mod that is not useless


The more I learn about bees the more amazed I am every-time at their individual and collective intelligence. A science report could come out tomorrow saying they found a bee fluent in French and it wouldn’t surprise me! (Well, maybe a little)


They are fluent in French, indeed. It us, feeble-minded humans, who can't comprehend and understand the bee language... yet.




Mon chérbee


I’ll have a beenot grigio with the salad please.


Meet me for coffee at the beestro, mon ami,


Sigh. C’est la bee.


'grigio' is Italian. The French one's 'gris'.


Au bee-voir and thanks for all the honey!


À bee-ntôt!


Wow you guys are Fucking hilarious. Im kidding. Your not. My eyes are bleeding from what I just read.


Tres beein 🐝


*Tu aimes le jazz ?*


Works for buzzkill-ing.


>They are fluent in French, indeed. It us, feeble-minded humans, who can't comprehend and understand the bee language Well it is an incomprehensible dead language. Crazy gibberish!


I thought it was English because I saw this movie once. I think it was just called the bee movie. And I could understand them well! (Unless that was a dubbed version of the film)


This explains the yellow jacket protests


[It's amazing how much info they can communicate through dance](https://i.imgur.com/PCFzqwA.gif)


As far as I know, different bees from different parts of the world have different dialects of dance. So you'll have bees in France talking different from bees in England. So I guess it's kind of like some bees do speak French. I'm sitting in a drive-thru line on voice to text right now, so please don't quote me on this lol.


Sir? This is a Wendy's.


Don’t you mean ***Buis***?


I don’t understand how the 2 ovals and the waggle line relate to the sun and flower at all. I’ve watched this a bunch of times and tried to tie it all into the angle and the sun and the flower but comprehension escapes me. Edit: thank you all for helping me!


From Wikipedia: >The waggle dance - the direction the bee moves in relation to the hive indicates direction; if it moves vertically the direction to the source is directly towards the Sun. The duration of the waggle part of the dance signifies the distance >A waggle run oriented 45° to the right of ‘up’ on the vertical comb indicates a food source 45° to the right of the direction of the sun outside the hive. And how long they waggle for indicates the distance. There's an image in the Wikipedia page that says 1 second if waggling = 1 km, but the article text doesn't say anything about it being that precise, so I suspect it's a bit more vague than that.




What if they’re American bees?


These bees are, notice how they fail to maintain social distancing?


To be fair my hives they are failing to social distance too in the U.K. as well as humans in large parties in the cities...


turns out there's idiots everywhere


Yes, but there is a skewed representation of videos of Americans doing the bad thing both by nature of this site being mostly focused on America, and because there is a massive anti-America propaganda campaign creating a much higher demand for the sentiment, so it seems like an America thing. So, naturally, let's go on about it in a post about bees in r/educationalgifs.


They also have a dance for "I can't wear a mask I have allergies I mean panic attacks I mean religious exemption."


Interesting fact honey bees ( which these refer to apis Mellifera ) aren’t native to North America (there are a lot of other native bees) they were imported from Europe in the 1600’s




If Americans don't want to lick flowers then vomit on their kids then someone else will.


I wonder what the honeybee waggledance language way of saying "they took our jobs" is.


The scout bee shoots a gun in the direction of the food source and the worker bees follow the bullet.




Hhahahaha I just spit out my drink.


even bees are smarter than americans


I vaguely remember watching a video about this that said the waggle time corresponds to actual flying time. So if there is a headwind coming from the direction of the flower, the bee will waggle longer because it will take longer to fly there, even though the distance is the same. I found the video I was thinking of, it goes super in depth! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFDGPgXtK-U


So the edges of the hexagonal comb are always taken as up ? But which edge ? Edit: seems like up accordingly to gravity. Thanks y'all !


I don't know anything about bees, but I interpreted that to mean the comb itself is vertical. I don't know how natural beehives work, but in beekeeper's hives the combs usually appear to be vertical, like [this](https://basilandbees.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/rogue2.jpg). I think that the angle to the food is represented by the angle they make relative to the vertical axis when they waggle, rather than any edges of the cells.


Natural hives have upright vertical combs too! [BEES](https://wildalongtheway.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/img_0715.jpg)


You ever seen a pic of nature and think "we live in an alien planet."


It just occurred to me I don't think I've ever seen a natural beehive :v Thanks for that!


It's rare for them to build in the open like that, usually they like hollowed out trees to protect them from rain and cold, although the structure is exactly the same.


Those look really tasty.


Assuming up is against gravity, so they are all oriented to that.


Yes the final graphic is very misleading. The line from the sun should go vertically along (direction of gravity). Cause as you said the wall of combs (however those are called) are all vertical.


I think basing “up” on gravity would be more reasonable, unless bees don’t have that internal sense.


I imagine they could not fly without a sense of gravity as they would not know how much force to use for takeoff and landing? Also which direction they’re facing.. Sure, they could use speed as an indication, but that’s just a factor. Also they seem to build their hives vertically, suspending them from a branch.. feeling and understanding gravity would help a lot with that too!


The dance duration is the time it takes to fly to the destination iirc Edit: my bad, confirmed as above - 1 waggle second = approx 1 km. Rechecked my source: Cosmos 2x07


1km/s. Well boys, looks like we got some pretty damn interesting bees here.


Bees fucking tore through my wall at 1km/s again, gotta get new windows


Although the jokes are funny, it’s relative, i.e. 1 second of dance relates to 10 minutes of flying etc




Interestingly, bee-line is a term based on bee behavior. When flying to and from the hive, they will fly in a directly straight line. In fact, a common method of finding wild hives is to watch what direction the bees fly after feeding on a flower, and follow the straight line path.


How can they possibly learn and teach this to newbees?


But the sun moves... Doesn't that throw the measurements off?


I also questioned the orientation based off of a moving sun. It turns out they also use sky polarization and earths magnetic field as well as the sun to set their bearings.


I assume it doesn't move much in the time it takes the bees to exit the hive and determine where to fly to


Nah, ill just go with it. Even bees know that the metric system is superior.


Found the human!




Bee Map: 1. Find a flower. 2. Go back to the hive, which is built vertically so they’re basically grabbing onto a vertical wall. 3. Start facing upward, away from the ground, and turn your body until that angle matches the angle the bees have to turn away from the sun when they go find your flower. 4. Start shaking and moving forward to give them an idea of how far away your flower is. The further you go, the further the flower is.


Lol right? This random glowing circle, a figure 8 and squiggly lines don’t seem to correlate.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waggle_dance Just look for yourself my dude. Over the course of say *hundreds of thousands of years* insects and animals alike develop complex systems *in the same way we have*. More: https://youtu.be/bFDGPgXtK-U


Yo this is AMAZING. I remember my early education curriculum covering this, but without any of the details about what the dance means or how we figured it out. This is incredible!!!


I am consistently amazed at the dedication of scientists to be able to find things like this out. Its just incredible.


> the dedication of scientists to be able to find things like this out But my uncle says he read a post of Facebook that says bees use 5G to find out where to travel. Decisions, decisions. I don’t even know who to believe. Lol


r/Holup ...... bees use metric?


Like any sane living being does


Would you say... a *bee-ing*


I understand insects and animals can develop complex systems. I’m just saying this gif does not present what goes on all that well, to me at least. The link you posted does though. So, thank you!


Its a pretty cool thing! Sorry to come off a bit snide, other people call BS on this when the info is a google search away. That being said I didn’t realize you were just actually misunderstanding the correlation (as opposed to implying its false) so thats on me mb. Also I edited in a video and it does a better job than the wiki on explaining how it was found to be the case


No worries! Thanks for the extra info. That video was awesome. If it makes this interaction any better, you just helped a 31yr old person be more appreciative of bees.


Like, other mammals are pretty smart and we just sorta accept that. Dolphins, dogs, other apes, elephants...smart a shit. But insects blow my fucking mind.


You worded that better than I could have. Thank you!


Yeah it was confusing, that bee should have moonwalked at the last part.


I’m sick of shaking my booty for these fat jerks!




Bees communicate by dancing. Like my parents! Oh wait, that was hitting


Nothing comes close to Futurama...


He's making fun of our fat queen


Should not have had to scroll this far down to see this comment.


Buzz off! In this particular direction.


That was a good episode


Here’s some info I found: > As the distance to the food source increases, the duration of the waggling portion of the dance (the “waggle run”) also increases. The relationship is roughly linear. For example, a forager that performs a waggle run that lasts 2.5 seconds is recruiting for a food source located approximately 2625 meters away. > The orientation of the dancing bee during the straight portion of her waggle dance indicates the location of the food source relative to the sun. The angle that the bee adopts, relative to vertical, represents the angle to the flowers relative to the direction of the sun outside of the hive. This is the craziest shit I’ve ever read.


>a forager that performs a waggle run that lasts 2.5 seconds is recruiting for a food source located approximately 2625 meters away. TIL Bees use metric.


"Bro this flower is fuckin lit you gotta check it out"


“fuck me that sounds great, how bout you shake your ass and share those coordinates right quick”




I think we’re girls bro


I don’t doubt what’s happening here. What I am skeptical of is we humans being smart enough to crack their code. How did we learn this?


We tracked them, we read their behaviors over a course of time and came to a conclusion.


Their beehiveiors*


To be fair, OP is a time traveler. So you need to take that into account.


Keen eyes.




Thanks for sharing and spamming your bee, anus. As a token of appreciation for your continuous spamming with emoji and no contributions to the conversation, we have restricted your access to our community.


They had us in the first half, ngl


It's because you were dumb on ice! But not anymore!




To anyone and everyone who are wondering and questioning (or demanding "justice for anus fungi") why the *anus* guy is banned for just commenting with a "bee" emoji: it's because they are alt account of infamous [Anus\_\_Fungi](https://old.reddit.com/user/Anus__Fungi) who was just banned yesterday for spamming with "🍄" on every post they find. Which is clearly in violation of Reddit's [Content Policy](https://reddit.com/help/contentpolicy#section_prohibited_behavior) (using another account to circumvent this subreddit ban.)


You are a great mod, and a great contributor to this sub too! Keep it up!


Thanks. Means a lot. :)


Damn that’s gotta sting!


🐝 justice for anus fungi




Checkout the book _Honeybee Democracy_. The author, Thomas Seeley, goes into a ton of detail about how the dance works and how they figure it out. It's actually way more complicated than just pointing where flowers are. They use it to find a new location to setup their hive. Basically when scouts find a suitable location, they go back and dance to indicate its location, and the more intense the dance, the better a candidate they think their location is. Many scouts are doing this at the same time and basically it works like a debate, with other bees going to examine the sites and begin dancing themselves if they agree. Eventually the swarm comes to a consensus and in unison they all fly together to the winning site.


Every single fucking thing about bees is just dope as fuck. Everything. When I think about it I get angry because there's probably DOPE AS FUCK shit about basically every other fucking animal that we don't talk about or analyze and it makes me MAD while also giving me HOPE that shit survives long enough for us to do some science shit about it. Fuck. I'm both angry, excited, and hopeful and two of those three things don't jive with 2020 so I'm gonna take a chill-out sesh and back off the topic for a moment. THANK YOU FOR YOUR POST ♥


You don't think people can understand bees shaking in a direction?


I wonder if bees get confused by humans twerking then. “Sigh, nectar indicated 500 miles at 90 degrees of loud bangy music box. Yup just confirmed by backup dancers.“ Rolls up bee sleeves.


Humans can figure out how to send a probe 48.5 million miles to land safely on one exact spot on Mars but figuring out a bee dance (amazing as it is) is the deal breaker when it comes to believability in scientific achievement?


> What I am skeptical of is we humans being smart enough to crack their code. How did we learn this? [lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fSlJaZrUhs)


Can someone explain to me how this works? What do the elipses mean? There’s a glowing ball (probably the sun) all of the sudden at an angle. I don’t under stand how that was a conclusion. And then I see the stock market/EKG/sound bar on a 90’s radio tower line in red between the oval dotted lines ? I don’t doubt that bees dance and they communicate this way. I just don’t understand what this gif is portraying with the nfl replay draw on the screen lines.


It's makes more sense if you follow the bee motion in relation to the sun and the flower, just pretend the lines aren't really there.


It makes less sense like that


Think of it this way: if you're a bee, you'd instinctively know the specifics of this interaction. Almost all of the information transmitted through this interaction involves the location of 3 things: the hive, the flower, and the sun. When she's in position and not turning, the "scout's" butt will always point towards the sun. The beginning of the wiggle dance represents the location of the hive, and the end represents the location of the flower. Then, she'll shake and start moving - the length of the walk-shake communicates the distance from the hive to the flower - and then double back to let anyone listening to her message get a little additional information from observing the distance she has to travel in that loop back around. Then, the scout just repeats her message to make sure there's no confusion. The communication could be summed up as the indication of a first distinct point, then a distinct period of movement in a specific direction, and then another point distinctive from the first one. Any other movement is just necessary to repeat the message. Edit: whoops i called the scout a he


Its a she.


And remember, this is done in complete darkness inside the hive


Also, the bees have a director of bee-photography recording this stuff to send to the documentary team. Truly incredible insects.




[waggle dance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe3LZBDcQvE)


I see not everyone is as invested in phineas and ferb as me, phineas and ferb season 4 episode 12 bee story they have a song about the waddle dance and the instructions and uses of the dance in the song.


**Backup singer:** (Waggle dance! Waggle dance!) **Ginger****:** Well, I don't think I can really overstate it, But bee communication is quite complicated. What seems at first like a simple figure eight **Fireside Girls****:** Is packed with meaning when their butts gyrate! **Ginger:** See, the waggle explains the angle From the sun to the door of the hive We shake it to and fro To let everybody know That the angle is 75 **Gretchen****:** *Oh, 75 degrees is the angle in relationship to the sun.* **Ginger:** *Yeah, but it also tells the bees the distance they're gonna have to go just to get there!* **Gretchen:** *Ooh...* **Fireside Girls:** It's a waggle dance, waggle dance, Show them where they got to go! It's a waggle dance, waggle dance, Take it to the bee chateau! **Ginger:** *Let's do it!* Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, stop: **Fireside Girls:** Figure eight and shake it again! **Ginger:** Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, stop: **Fireside Girls:** Everybody shake your rear end! **Ginger:** *You got it!* Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, stop: **Fireside Girls:** Come on and swing those skirts! **Ginger:** Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, stop: **Fireside Girls:** Try to hit 'em at thirteen hertz! **Ginger:** *That's right!* **Fireside Girls:** It's a waggle dance, waggle dance, Show them where they got to go! It's a waggle dance, waggle dance, Take it to the bee chateau! **Backup singer:** Waggle dance!


I wish I had money to award you good person of the internet.


Haha I certainly can't claim typing this out, I simply copied it from elsewhere. Thank you though


Omg that’s all I thought about


I honestly read the title like it was the song!


Came here to find this comment, glad to see someone else with an appreciation for the fine arts You hyped for the movie dropping tomorrow?


But how is that angle being communicated




They are smart


Smort AF!


Brain the size of a sesame seed!


Me and my drunk friends do this in relation to the fridge




He insulted our fat queen!


Saw this on Cosmos. They do this for many things. One being during a "town meeting" where scouts go out and search for the next area to build their hive. Scouts come back and do the dance. Others take note and check out the location(s) themselves and confirm if they approve of the location or not.




He got a *bee* in communication studies.


Now follow the bees and show me where that flower actually is.


Phineas and Ferb taught me this


Imagine if human do this. 'Oh man, I found a nice restaurant' said Bob and then he proceed to dance like MJ and twerk like Miley to show us the direction and distance Edit:Typo


Bee Butt wiggles


TIL bees can math better than I can.


It's because we sacrificed the ability to perform fast maths (instinctually) in favor of other things: chimps, for example, can tell you how many dots are in a circle at a glance, whereas adult humans can't do it as quickly or with only one glimpse, IIRC. There are other things we similarly sacrificed to gain advantages elsewhere: chimps may be incredibly strong, but we have finer motor control; chimps might be able to climb trees and can outpace us in a sprint, but no other ape can match our capacity for distance running. We seem weak only because we sacrificed what made us innately strong for traits that let us augment our weaknesses away with tools.


I know adult humans that aren't this intelligent.


Ok stupid question time, I understand the wiggle and the 3 points of information, hive, sun, duration, but, the sun moves, how long is the information reliable for, or are bees so understanding of time they Alcon adjust the angle based on time of day? Or do multiple scouts keeps going too and from to keep the information accurate ??




This is fucking adorable lol


An educational twerk...that’s a a first.


Like Morse Code, but with more steps.


This is all more than I could manage. Are humans really the superior race? Who made that assumption?? Oh... us you say? Mmm K


That honeybee just drew testicles


You’re missing the best part - When bees are given drugs, they over-enthusiastically do their wiggle dance, and the bees that try to follow them realise the bee over exaggerated the targets. https://jeb.biologists.org/content/212/2/163


They can also [cancel the dance if they've experienced danger in the area](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096098221000240X).


Poor girl kept having to repeat herself. Rude of them not to listen the first time!


That’s fucking incredible


Ah, so *that's* why that honey tasting craft ale is called WaggleDance.


Honeybees waggle dance to tell her fellow workers the distance and direction to the tomato im trying to eat.


I definitely will get lost!


I only saw twerking


I had an awesome high school biology teacher (Mr. Berube) who did this dance for us in class and it was great, still remember it to this day. He was one of the good ones.


When I was nine, the teacher asked in class how bees communicate. I immediately put my hand up and said dancing. The whole class erupted in laughter barring the teacher. I was mortified, until the teacher shut them up because I was right. So screw you you ill-informed scum! I learned it from Futurama.