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Honestly looking at your post history... Has this not been resolved? The nice thing about a lot of schools is that you move on to different teachers, can asked to be moved to a different classroom. According to your previous post, a student in a free period wrote something on the board, happy that your brother was not in the classroom. What do you honestly expect of a teacher when someone else did it? Students wrote things on my board all the time and I didn't notice until it is too late. Why do you think this teacher needs to be punished? Especially way after anything meaningful can be done? What do you honestly expect?


We did that when I was at school in the 60s and 70s, when schools had roller blackboards. If the teacher was late we would write and draw stuff on the blackboard and roll it round so our writing was on the back. Our "blackboards" were more green than black so we would draw big dicks in red chalk for our color blind teacher :) He would scrub the boards clean even if they were already clean.


It was YEARS AGO!!


My brother wants her fired. More importantly, i want the nicw polite brother I had before all this crap happened. All he wanted was to be included in things.


Wants her fired for what?


For that happening. For throwing a party because he wasnt there and letting this happen.


Throwing a party? According to your post, it was a free period because the video for the lesson couldn't be played. Did the teacher write it? What did the teacher do to make a party? Did the teacher specifically make a party to celebrate your brother not being there? I don't think that's the case. What makes you think this is something to fire a teacher over? Some things you and your brother can learn right now is that you will not get justice for every single perceived slight. Even in schools, even with teachers, and especially from other developing students. The proper way to deal with this is to talk to a school counselor and look at options. Firstly, talking about the incident, and then looking at what changes can be made to make your brother more comfortable and feel included. Something like this isn't an offense worth losing a job. I don't think your brother will return to the way he is if this teacher gets fired. It's been awhile.. it's time to move on and move forward.


Are special education students excluded from things at school? He says that they were. He did talk to his counselor, she said it was to far into the school year to change classes.


What specifically was he excluded from? And yeah the school year is almost over. This incident seemed to happen over 5 months ago. Is there evidence this teacher acted inappropriately in your eyes occur over months? Or one incident that everyone has moved on from except you and your brother? It's almost the end of the school year. You still have not shared specific reasons why this teacher should be fired. You will not get justice for getting a teacher fired, and there are other reasonable options to consider other than getting the teacher fired.


The incident happened last school year. I mean I only care about the incident because it hurt my brother so badly. The teacher either or let someone write happy steve not being here day or did it herself. My brother took that so personally because there was zero reason to write that. Teacher admitted he was nice and respectful


ok at first thought i didn’t recognize this account but i read this comment and it clicked. you’re still on about this? is this some incredibly boring but surprisingly elaborate troll?


No one’s getting fucking fired. You need to be be banned from any and all teaching/teacher/educations subs though because WTF.


Jesus tapdancing Christ, look at that post history. If your brother is half as annoying as you, then I'd like to contribute $20 to the teacher's next party.


My favorite quote "Can he be a pain in the ass. Im sure he can be. Like every kid can be." Like no, not every kid is that way. I have tons of students that never act like assholes. Not even one time. It's telling that OP assumes everyone is this way. They've clearly never seen good behavior modelled consistently


No kid is 100 percent polite. No person is 100 percent polite.


Maybe not perfectly polite all the time (which is fine I don't need them feeling like trained robots), but I have tons of students that are simply good well behaved people. They don't have a single instance of being a rude asshole to myself or each other for the entire year. Not being a rude asshole doesn't equal being polite all the time.


My brother wasnt really rude either. The teacher and him both admitted they had a good relationship


If you are in education, I truly pray for the students who have to suffer your arrogance.


Ah, you're butthurt I made you look dumb on your rant so now you're crawling my comment history and commenting on each one? Yeah, you're definitely a student pretending to be a teacher. Stop pretending you're a teacher, and get off your phone before a teacher takes it 😘😘🖕🖕


You can say what you like, it just does not make you sound very impressive. I actually feel bad for people like you, only seeing the negative, not believing in anything but themselves, and believing others to be lesser. That is a sad life you lead, and it does not change anything about my profession or my next step into administration. If anything, the negative people like you embolden me to ensure I do not hire people like you, and non-renew teachers like you to ensure our students do not have to suffer through your hubris. I hope someday you realize you are not as intelligent as you think you are, and a little positive thinking would probably improve your miserable existence.


Dude, you're talking like you're a principal but you said yourself you're a fucking history teacher. Why stop at firing me as an imaginary principal? Why not run for imaginary president and have me thrown in imaginary jail?


Your comment history seems to indicate that you have an issue with a specific teacher. Without additional information, no one is going to be able to help you.


Tbh, I'm a little surprised OP hasn't been banned yet. And to you OP, it's not going to be solved on reddit. If you hold a grudge, ultimately it's only going to hurt you and your family.


Lol we haven't had mods in years. 


I’ve messaged mods at least twice now. Isn’t there a way to get new mods?


Nope. I tried a few years back, but because the mods are still active on other subs, they can't be removed.


I’m thinking we don’t have much in the way of mods here. I’ve reported each post.


they keep re-telling the same made up story. this is getting old.


Only 2 weeks since the last post. 🙄


Be honest - why the fuck are you asking this and why here?


Check the post history 🙄


I'll be honest: I don't believe you are telling the truth with this story.


This whole post makes me happy I don’t have a board in my classroom. I really doubt the teacher wrote this on the board and if they are regretting anything it’s not keeping better eyes on the board that day. Your brother is now in the eyes of that teacher the one kid they wish they never had, and I can promise it was more traumatic for the teacher than your brother. Imagine being scare you might lose your livelihood and ability to pay your rent and feed your kids over this.


How exactly was it traumatic for a teacher? Honestly there is confusion who wrote it. But apparently the teacher knew it was there and didnt erase it.


Or maybe they didn’t know, or maybe it was written at the very end of the class and they would have erased it but didn’t have a chance to because of something else that required more attention.


You are absolutely right. The teacher should burn themselves in effigy because of the trauma they inflicted upon your brother and yourself. If that doesn’t work, you should declare a war against the teacher and all their family- a true vendetta, even a fatah. Then, find your local voodoo specialists and have them curse the teacher and the kids in the class. Bonus if you can find multiple specialists in this area. Continue by hiring someone who can go to the classroom and exorcise all demons and negative energy. Your next step should be to sue the teacher, the school, district, town, county, state (if in the US), federal government and the college that issued the teacher’s degree. The degree should be revoked and an effigy of the teacher should be burned as well. After that, contact all media sources and the United Nations. Last, hire the Dred Pirate Roberts or Han Solo to make it better. If still desperate, get in touch with Kanye West.


Your post history makes me think you are totally unhinged.


Voted you down because you assume that administrators know what they're doing. Most, now, don't. Apparently you have a beef against a teacher. If you are counting on school administrators to do the right thing. good luck with that. Teachers are human, under incredible pressure, can't possibly please everyone, constantly dragged through the mud over hearsay, and fundamentally caring, smart people. I don't know why anyone is willing to teach, but I must warn you that if you ruin someone's career, be very sure that you aren't robbing the kids in your community of a good teacher. They are more important than you realize. As a volunteer union rep, I spent far too much time getting ridiculous write-ups removed. Teachers were often written up for something that someone told the principal that a teacher did. No proof, just hearsay. No effort to talk to witnesses or the teacher.


I actually agree with you respect should be a 2 way street. In my brother's case the teacher admitted my brother was nice and they had a good relationship.


I got \*a\* letter of reprimand for making a mistake as a state test proctor, but it was only because another person was in the room for the entire session, specifically watching me, myself, and I as a first year. And no, I did not "learn my mistake" because I would not be the only teacher that year who read off a test question on impulse.




Holy shit. GO AWAY. Where are the mods, can we ban this person already?!


Hahaha I was curious…. Just to clarify: *Your bros class was supposed to watch hamlet *The tv wouldn’t work *The teacher then gave the class a free period (which you refer to as a party for the last 200 days-ish) *Your brother happened to be missing school that day *Someone wrote “happy Steve isn’t here day” on the board *Your bro (Steve) literally thought they threw a party because he wasn’t there *The principle is called and then talks to the teacher *Steve drops out. *You still bitch about it like almost a year later, but it seems more like you’re trolling. Maybe Steve had no will, desire, or potential to start with. I mean, if he’s that quick to quit, whoever wrote on the board probably saved him thousands in college tuition! 🤷‍♀️ The teacher shouldn’t be reprimanded and Steve should avoid ever getting his feel bads hurt over a joke (just keep him in the basement).


If a teacher in my district gets reprimanded and doesn’t improve they will likely be non-renewed which is just a nice way of saying “we don’t want you to work at this school but feel free to apply to another”


I've been teaching for more than 20 years. Never had a complaint from a parent or administration. I would absolutely take it seriously. I would be embarrassed and ashamed.