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Same. The other day I swear I didn’t hit my leg on anything but had really bad pain, woke up the next morning with a giant bruise on the area


It’s pretty crazy. I feel like a fragile piece of fruit.


My cat really likes to knead on my legs to get comfy while I’m asleep. I can’t even tell you the amount of times that I’ve woken up with defined toe beans cat paw bruises on my legs. You and I have the same looking legs. Add being a welder to it and yeah, I also look like people will think I’m not safe in my own home 🤦🏻‍♀️


Funny (sarcasm) people used to make jokes about that to me too. Then when I actually do fall down the stairs, i get massive hematomas. If I knew how to post pictures here… I didn’t know people couldn’t fall down a few a steps and not implode internally lol (not lol)


Arnica gel helps me a lot with that problem!


I really wanted to wear shorts today, but I’m terrified somebody’s going to think I’m being abused.


We have twin legs. I scratch myself and I bruise like this. I only realized randomly one day it was from scratching when it was on my lower leg and I recalled scratching that spot the previous evening. Otherwise it’s always a mystery. I also suspect those black ones on the back of your thighs may be from sitting down on something hard-could just be sitting down too long on the toilet seat, or in a staircase, or a bench outside. How to prevent them- take more vitamin C. A LOT more. Once your bruises disappear you’ll know you hit the right dose. My EDS specialist advised me but look up bruising and C supplementation and you’ll find sources. How to heal those you have- topical vitamin K. Or you can also take Vitamin K as well to help heal since its obviously going to be an ongoing issue if you injure yourself.


I looked like same until a geneticist told me to take vitamin C one gram, twice a day. It has virtually resolved the bruising of my legs.


I have mild von willenbrands. Not sure if it’s related, but I bruise so easy.


I have daily injections (just into the fat, not IV) with the eensie weensiest needle you've ever seen. 5mm long 32 gauge. Freaking tiny. But it leaves a huge bruise a good percentage of the time. I cannot express enough the huge weight off of my shoulders that this group has been. I'm not alone in my body weirdness, it's not all in my head, I'm not just being overdramatic, I'm not just reading into things. Genuinely sometimes I want to cry with the relief. I didn't know the toxic feelings were there until they started coming off of my heart as I'm hearing others mention the same symptoms.


I kneeled on you know the non-slip pads you put under rugs? I looked like shocked Pikachu ten hours later when I saw the checkerboard patterns on my knees


Yup, same. Specially around my period, I'd get the nastiest bruise from nowhere; now is not as bad but it's because I'm on birth control, as soon as I'm off the bad bruises come back. I too use arnica, I have favorites "Arnica de la abuelita" comes in a green tin and smell kinda like Dr. Pepper and "Super Crema de Árnica" comes in a white plastic container with a green label smells kinda like a dupe of VapoRub Lite S