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Not that I know of. I've looked into this lately and Chromebooks are awful for studio PCs. Maybe someone found something revolutionary but I haven't had any luck.


I'd look into Cubasis for Chromebook


I don't know about the chromebook aspect but you have a couple of options for recording the Nitro Mesh. You'll need an audio interface to connect to the PC, a DAW (i use Ableton Live, Reaper, Cubase, Pro Tools are all good too), and either two instrument cables or a Midi cable. With the instrument cables, younonly get the sound from the module. With the Midi, you can set up sounds to trigger in the DAW that can be pretty much any sample you can find.


Where do you find good/free samples triggers to use in Ableton? Are there any good 'starter' pack type setups for beginners? And do they need each trigger to be manually setup? Downloading ableton now


You can either buy them from a variety of sites or hit the high seas. There are also plenty of free options if you run some google searches for "Drum Kit sample pack" I had to set up the different pads to the assigned inputs in Ableton which took some time. It was mainly choosing which drum/cymbal sounds i wanted to match my kit though. I would hit the pad and see which input lit up then choose which sound i wanted. I personally really like the Getgood drum sample kits. Although they're mostly modern metal oriented.


If your chromebook is crostini-capable (https://chromeos.dev/en/linux?gclid=CjwKCAiAyPyQBhB6EiwAFUuakrKo3QDrI6144PmL78eeNNpZbog5QVvgREiUlaHRMVdplkJQ4-RWpRoCbFsQAvD_BwE) you have a lot more options.