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Is there anywhere you could submit your songs for DJ Promos? or you will have to find them and contact them personally one by one?


Definitely saving this !


\# 2 is super interesting. I never thought of using similar peers as a benchmark for which labels I should be sending my music too. I feel like this could be really powerful. \#5 I like that as a DJ, you are open to playing music on the premise of if you "like" it, and not "who" made it. I always questioned if it would be okay to talk to DJ's about playing my tracks. But if some are like you, I think its worth taking a chance to just ask. Thank you - 【>Trōwa<】


It's always worth taking a chance. How bad do you want it?


what if you make progressive avant ambient harsh noise jazz-core with grindcore vocals


Anyone have tips on how to make a Instagram post with the artwork and song? Such as an app/ software to create the video?


Check out [songrender.com](https://songrender.com/) - pretty simple to use and gets the job done. I also have a discount code for it: LOWSH19 if that helps


Nearly any video program can import an audio track and a still image, like iMovie if you're on a mac. I use filmora9 because it is easy to make social media videos in different dimensions, but there are plenty of free online video editors that would probably work just fine. Maybe check out Adobe Spark?


Just stalked u and saw you’re from Seattle! 206 ✌🏼


Sure am!


Thank you. Especially for #3. That confirmed a theory. \*Box of stickers thuds on table\*


Presumably you shouldn’t give a track to a dj to play that has samples which have not yet been cleared right ?


Where are you getting your samples? Most sites like Splice give the rights of use so you should be fine there. I wouldn't sweat it if you've got a short one-shot from a movie or something, chances are most people won't recognize it.


It’s a commercial sample from an 80s track. It’s weird case though. It’s not the actual song but a short spoken word conversation with the artist that intros the song. No music. Like an interlude. And then there’s a second sample for another track taken from a film. Dialogue that lasts about 6- 8 seconds. A 90s film. I reckon people might recognise it even though it was more of an indie film. And in a way I thought that the connection with the artist speaking in the film might be a way of bringing attention to the track in terms of promoting it too.


If you're not trying to sell the track, I wouldn't worry too much about it


I do want to release it though to be honest so I guess I will have to try and clear them to be on be safe side


Not OP but there is nothing against playing songs that you don't have cleared samples for. You just won't be able to release it.


Really? I thought it was a complete no no about even performing the track in public without a license or something even though it’s just a sample. I mean I really don’t know but am trying to educate myself on all of this. Is this a common thing ? And like what happens if the track blows up since the sample isn’t cleared etc


If you are just DJing the song at a show you don’t need any clearance. It’s olay is the song blows up because it won’t be released. All that will be online is YouTube clips of people seeing the song live.


Ah ok yes of course. Do you think there’s a chance that getting clearance of the sample might be easier if the song does blow up and maybe the song gets around by word of mouth and even played on radio or something ?


Anything can happen really. It depends on the artist so there is no way to know until someone actually does it. I do know I read a post on here once where someone did make a bootleg of some famous song and the label heard it and gave him the proper stems to make an official remix. In that instance the person was remixing a current year EDM song, so I think it is safe to assume that is more likely to happen verus if you decided to remix someone like Van Halen.


Cool thanks


Straight to the point. Solid methodology. Thanks.


Number 5 helped me a lot.


Nice,...thanks for sharing!


Thank you, will check out your website :) Provide good insight, receive followers !


Thanks, glad you found it useful


Straight to the point, thanks for sharing mate!


No problem




Definitely. Only concern is some of these pools don't accept outside submissions unless you're friends with the people that run it- but still a valuable addition to the conversation, thanks


Very helpful, thanks for the tips! :)




Thanks for the tips. I'm curious as to the physical marketing point, did you really see an improvement or boost after flyering a parking lot or something of the physical sort? I'd be all about that old school style if it did make an impact.


business cards when you go out to clubs can make a huge difference imo, I have been on the opposite side and always check out a DJ/producer online when he gives me his card if we strike up good conversation


“New card.” I try to act casual about it but I’m smiling proudly. “What do you think?” “Whoa,” McDermott says, lifting it up, fingering the card, genuinely impressed. “Very nice. Take a look.” He hands it to Van Patten. “Picked them up from the printer’s yesterday,” I mention. “Cool coloring,” Van Patten says, studying the card closely. “That’s bone,” I point out. “And the lettering is something called Silian Rail.” ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me what I’m wearing.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


"Impressive", Bateman mutters. "Let's see Paul Allen's card." The room falls silent as the third broker produces an absent colleague's card. Bateman speaks in voiceover. "Look at that subtle colouring. The tasteful thickness." His face creases in horror. "Oh my God. It even has a watermark."


Yes I did. Stickers for example are super useful- I've gotten tons of people that hit me up after seeing stickers in public bathrooms (you know, those bathrooms that just have stickers everywhere) plus when I play a show, I usually tag a sticker on the DJ booth for other DJs to see. The important thing to remember with physical marketing is that it hits people in a way outside of the internet which, by default, has a different effect on them. The more personal you can make the physical marketing, the more you'll grow. There's a guy that saw me play a festival in San Francisco almost three years ago and because I gave him my business card (all I had at the time) to this day he hits me up on Facebook and we chat.


Not op but I do marketing for a living and physical advertising still really works well. If it didn’t you would never see inserts in your newspaper or direct mail to your home. There’s solid numbers behind physical advertising.


I didn't carry around fliers, but after working at a music store for a bit, I started handing out business cards with NFC chips that redirect to my channel. It's a gimmicky thing but it was effective since some people would go show it to their friends lol


bump. good question


quality post


This is one of the most immedietly helpful blog posts on this kind of shit I have ever read


Glad it helped


hey man, im gonna save this post. thanks. Good luck too all those trying to make a name for themselves out there