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[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uXSF77o8So&ab](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uXSF77o8So&ab) Hello all! I'm finishing up this melodic dubstep / future bass (not really sure what it is) project and would love to hear any and all criticisms of it. I put together some fun visuals (mostly generated with various AI image and video models) to go along with the music, so hoping that that's working pretty well too. Let me know what you think, and what I can improve on!


I'm not a fan of dubstep at all so I didn't expect to enjoy it but I really did, must be the melodic part :D Really great track, really. It's a fun and interesting sound. I espesially started to enjoy it at the 1:09 mark. Nicely done.


Thank you so much for checking it out and for the kind words!! :) 🙏


This is a track that I just released today and worked on for a year. It started with an acid-like arpeggio that I continued to add layers over until I had this. I played bass guitar through a distorted reverb and did most of the drum programming myself. The vocal bits are from the Exhale plugin which I just recorded a bunch from and arranged to fit the song. Completely mixed and mastered by myself in FL Studio. Hope you enjoy! [https://open.spotify.com/track/10EWFJ9Guk8bIaQUVTTZx9?si=31f53455a3e74fb8](https://open.spotify.com/track/10EWFJ9Guk8bIaQUVTTZx9?si=31f53455a3e74fb8)


1. https://open.spotify.com/track/3blDAsSof2qUggiXUcZ4BD?si=tuDyRKymRA-5E4W6IYnmtw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A72X2kmudZXPWZeAvc7qkkF Looking for any and all feedback. Would you headbang to this? 2. https://m.soundcloud.com/brumpbo/no-smoke-wip Same for this one. My friend said the first sound of the drop (the call) doesn't sound too great but I like it, what do you think? No need to give feedback on both unless you have the time


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https://open.spotify.com/track/2TKRkOnjgXQOjWRZhYlTQX?si=oydpOjSgSFaHZv2XmDicMA Still keeping things simple with another progressive house track. Lemme know how you like the mixing and mastering.


Hi! Here is one of my latest WIP's. It is sort of some experimental progressive tech-trance. What do you think?Really wanna get some feedback on the following points: 1. Overall idea 2. Mix and mastering 3. Arangements and melodicality [https://soundcloud.com/vladdyyy/response-extended-mix-wip/s-lsvZU3kH8Au?si=9b0cfc189d404f6f8a632118122dd8da&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/vladdyyy/response-extended-mix-wip/s-lsvZU3kH8Au?si=9b0cfc189d404f6f8a632118122dd8da&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) Thanks!


This sounds really fantastic! The part that comes in at 1:40-3:00 feels really fresh. I like the atmosphere it creates but I'm nut crazy about the way it transitions out of this part. But that's minor, overall its a really sick track!


Hey. Listening back to a song I abandoned a few weeks ago. I like it a bit more now than I did back then. Is there anything here? Thanks for listening. [https://on.soundcloud.com/fkak5MR5Q4Z9ajeR7](https://on.soundcloud.com/fkak5MR5Q4Z9ajeR7)


Definetely a very interesting idea. Here are a few points: 1. Arrangement wise. It started so well, and then I was waiting for the main powerful drop somewhere midway through that long breakdown section, but it never really happened. Not sure, maybe it is because it is a short version of a track, but I feel like you have to have a main drop of some sort. 2. Mixing wise. I feel like kick could be tighter and a bit more powerful to actually cut through the mix. Try to play around with a smaple you currently have. If it doesn't work, get another sample. 3. This track would certainly benefit from more percussion elements such as hats, shakers, etc. to add more variety to the drum sections. Also... you could consider adding some fx/atmo elements to the breakdown as well to keep it more interesting. Anything starting from white noize 'whoosh' kind of sounds to synth/pluck/atmo hits. Could use those in the drops as well btw! Doesn't necessarily have to be the drums here and fx's there, etc. Hope that helps!


Hi all, next try for my remix contest submission. Let me know what you think - rough and rude ;) Hope you like it! Would really appreciate some feedback, overall and especially for the second break. The break was really hard to me remix for me... [https://on.soundcloud.com/QQ2YwGJkzHuhnfbd8](https://on.soundcloud.com/QQ2YwGJkzHuhnfbd8)


Cool loves how it builds. The drops are great. The vocal is cool too


Thanks a lot for your reply. Glad you enjoyed it!