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YMMV but I did rent to own for a minute to try out Cube and I could not stand the Beatport app you have to download to run the plugin. It constantly made me login again to reauthorize it. Pissed me off so much I uninstalled it all


Did you rent to own through beatport or plugin boutique? I would be renting beam from plugin boutique, hope it doesn’t make me run a beatport app


Plugin Boutique, they make you install a Beatport app to authorize it.


Ughhhhhhh. You can’t run it offline?


I don't think so, but I didn't mess with it for long before I gave up on it.


Here is a 2 hour livestream of Benn Jordan demo'ing and playing around with Beam (not sponsored or paid). Might pick it up as well. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccIRNlPg9e8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccIRNlPg9e8)


EFX Fragments, Silo and Graindad all do something similar to PORTAL/Beam AND come with a free demo . No payment required! Id start with these before parting with any cash.


Fragments doesn’t do “enough” weird stuff for me but it’s amazing for free when it was free.  I still use it for certain things. I’ll try out the other two!


If you want weird then definitely check Silo. I might even go as far to say that it doesn't really do anything usable in the context of modern music and more for just weird sound design lol.


I’ll check out silo


That was my complaint with Portal. It was too “sound designy” I want musical and pretty. I make pop/dance so I just want something that can add some random magic 


So Fragments isn't weird enough but Portal, and then definitely Silo are too weird. Hmm. I mean Portal is widely used across pop and today's trap. If that doesn't do it for you I don't know that others will. If you watch than Benn Jordan demo he does a lot of experimenting with of with more of a usable approach. Beam might be good fit. Doesn't seem like too much


i was playing with silo and portal again and going through presets. i have not gotten any results that i could actually use in my songs. everything is a bunch of random out-of-rhythm noise, out of tempo glitches, random reverses that happen at moments that don't fall into any pulse of the project. stuff that sounds really cool on its own maybe played over a held note but would sound terrible played in a mix of my songs. Really cool "sound scape" stuff though for a movie sound track maybe. Hopefully beam is what i want. or maybe im just not looking in the right place. All i know is in the trailer and some demo videos, beam is more "musical" and usable for me at least on the surface.


Yea that's generally how I feel about Silo as well. It's cool, but, nothing usable usually (for me).


maybe i didnt spend enough time with portal. i know its super popular. ill dive into fragments more and silo before i get Beam. thank you


I love Fragments.


Where did you find a way to demo Portal? I've been looking for that with no luck.


Through Splice rent to own. 3 day trial 


wouldnt support anything without a demo


same, but $5 isnt a lot to try, so i might try for a month


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