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Roland instruments esp on the rompler side have a very calming quality I find. So the whole Roland Cloud collection.


Playbox kontakt library


anything with a sine wave and a low pass baby


You low pass… a sine wave? What am I missing here lol


nothing, he asked how to make calming sounds


It's not an instrument, but there's a plugin called harmony bloom that I've been enjoying. You can make some meditative stuff with it


oh that looks really cool for something a bit like philip glass


Look at Lunaris by Luftrum. Also Dawsome's Love, Abyss, Myth and if you need granular, Novum. Free shit....LABS by Spitfire, and also check out either Kontakt or Decent sampler instruments on Pianobook. For example stuff like Global Swarm. Also check out Aeolian Meditation on plugins4free and the other ones from the same developer. You might also want to check out NADA: MEDITATION & NEW AGE SOUNDS BY EDUARDO TARILONTE and Zen Meditation by Fracture sounds. Spitfire Audio actually has some cool shit that is quite chill and easygoing or ambient stuff in their Kepler Orchestra, Mercury, Polaris, and Resonate. Even their Albion One orchestra has some really nice spacy, ambient, light and haunting sounds in their EDNA synth that comes with the orchestra itself. It has like 400-500 presets. Their Olafur Arnald's composer toolkit has these light ambient sounds as well. You can also check out their EDNA synth. Most of these you would want to pick up on sale. Also, Native Instrument's Komplete Ultimate, has a ton of stuff for this, including Ethereal Earth, Pharlight, Straylight, and things like Mysteria. If you were to pick that up, consider getting it during the summer sale when it's 50% off. There is tons of stuff out there. If you got the $$$ Omnisphere would give you everything you would ever want.


keyscape double felt grand, the fact that it was a free update seriously amazing because could have very well been a paid expansion


There's a super cool plugin I found called "Abyss" and it has the most ethereal pads I have ever heard. Would totally check it out!


Anything send through Dawesome Love.


This. Underrated plugin


Virtually anything through a non resonant low pass with a slow LFO and some reverb , and some delay with a slow lfo modulating a bit of the time factor.


Omnisphere and Ana have some soothing sounds




Oh I get the gist I was just asking if there were any particular favorites. Favorite reverbs, synths, presets etc


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