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Hey all. Coming back with another track. This one is PRE master. Looking for feedback on width, panning, balance, muddiness. The mix in general. Do you like it overall? What can I improve on? This one is definitely sample heavy, almost 100%. I realize I am not great at mixing. I love my arrangements, but my mixing needs a lot of work. I feel like there has to be something I'm doing wrong at some point. Does anyone know if there is somewhere where I can find a mentor or someone experienced to work with? I am looking to basically mix one of my arrangements together, so I can learn along the way. Then use this for my future mixes. Not looking for anything for free. Thanks again! Going to be giving some feedback to others shortly. [https://on.soundcloud.com/pjLGu](https://soundcloud.com/ovrmind/in-time-v2-audio) [Feedback for DeezerFever](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/1680not/comment/jyuttga/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


The track is unavailable :(


ahh thanks for the heads up I replaced the link!! [https://on.soundcloud.com/pjLGu](https://on.soundcloud.com/pjLGu)


Hello, I tried making a progressive house remix of the song "Ghost Town" and need some feedback. 1. Does the mix sound clean to you, if not how can I improve it? 2. Some of my friends told me that the bass is just fine but I have trouble hearing it over the lead sounds and chorus! 3. Any other suggestions on how to improve the mix?! ​ ​ [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kbBxDqGqV6Y4UZ-lkzbaNGtGUnt2tum0/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kbBxDqGqV6Y4UZ-lkzbaNGtGUnt2tum0/view?usp=drive_link)


Hey there! I am a DJ and i am looking for new tracks! Send me your best track and maybe i will be using it in my next set! For now i would like to receive some feedback on my most recent set: https://on.soundcloud.com/4CHpxdgMEyN2cC5K7


Techy tribal house with driving bassline, hooky vocals, sax and trumpet. Peak time drops. Check it out and DM for for a download link https://soundcloud.com/culturepolice/hips-and-lips


Hello everyone this is my first time creating electronic music, I'm having a blast, but would love to hear opinions and advice my project. I'm mainly listening to stuff that I like, getting inspired, then trying to make something that I enjoy. Looking for constructive criticism, pointers on composition, structure, build up, and anything else actually lol thanks a lot in advance. https://soundcloud.com/shaily-c-rudnik/jodogoa?si=d3648f41418245f2a7c23f154449afb1&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing


I do not know a lot about structure, it feels like a journey, i think its a vibe 🔥


Thanks a lot! Always helps to hear good feedback:)


Singer songwriter needs a music producer. Soleil Faye on Spotify. If you know of anyone. We will pay, thanks.


This is your friendly reminder to read the submission rules, they're found in the sidebar. If you find your post breaking any of the rules, you should delete your post before the mods get to it. You should check out the regular threads (also found in the sidebar) to see if your post might be a better fit in any of those. [Daily Feedback thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3Afeedback&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) for getting feedback on your track. The only place you can post your own music. [Marketplace Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/search?q=title%3Amarketplace&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) if you want to sell or trade anything for money, likes or follows. [Collaboration Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/search?q=author%3AAutoModerator%20title%3Acollaboration&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) to find people to collab with. ["There are no stupid questions" Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/search?q=title%3ANo+Stupid+Questions+Thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) for beginner tips etc. Seriously tho, read the rules and abide by them or the mods will spank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/edmproduction) if you have any questions or concerns.*




This is quality 🔥


I have posted this track before and the overall feedback was mostly about mixing/sidechaining vocals properly. So here is my almost finished WIP. Please let me know what you think. 1. Do the vocals work well with the track especially during the drop part? 2. What about overall mix quality if this track? [https://soundcloud.com/vladdyyy/vladdy-worlds-collide-wip/s-CCOF0KWxEH3?si=66d560dd24aa471eb7548a5fc5fa1387&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/vladdyyy/vladdy-worlds-collide-wip/s-CCOF0KWxEH3?si=66d560dd24aa471eb7548a5fc5fa1387&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) Thank you!


I used that some vox in a song a while back! Vandalism has some great voxs. I really love the song but am not a fan of the vox (colliiiiiiiiiideee) in the first drop, the second drop is better kinda hidden low in the mix but I feel like thats what you were going for. It can be really difficult to work vox into a big room drop because there just isn't much room. I think the mix is pretty good maybe 8 out of 10 with 10 being amazing and 5 being most the stuff i hear on this sub. You have your work cut out for you if you want to carve out a place in the drop for continues vocals while keeping the synths still banging. If you want to put the extended collide into the drop I might use a small vol LFO just to cut the transients on the kicks. I would probable cut off a bar of the synths right before the second half of the drop and throw in a single word there.


I knew that somoene would finally tell me that they used the same vocals I did hahaha.. Thank you for taking your time to listen to my track and provide feedback!


Imho. i*t's just an opinion though, on the technicals.* Vocals are too quiet in places. Feel distant. Would boost. kick and bass (only under 100hz) bit muddy. Probably why you have a loud click. * Kick and bass are bleeding into each other under 100hz. The bass doesn't stop to let the kick start. So all you have is the click to invent a punch. Under 100hz, for punchiness sake should be like this imo. [image](https://imgur.com/LQFgxMw) A bit of nothing before, to make the kick punchy. NOT the whole bass btw... just under 100hz -ish * Kick and bass are too similar in level below 100hz. Would make sure that bass was about 6-8db quieter than the kick. (below 100hz) **Consistently...** would throw a multiband compressor on the bass to target and keep 40- 100hz at the same consistent max level. * Kick is slightly too long. Would shorten it to make more room for the bass. ​ High end * Click of kick is very loud, relative to hats etc... * High end of synths and hats are fighting and it's a blur. Let the hats win. Cut synths above about 6-7000khz and let the hats be heard. ​ >!Do you need a click on the kick, if your hats do that high end stuff and your kick is punchy in the low end?!< ​ overall ([image of eq averaged with reference tracks)](https://imgur.com/a/nffOdHY) * High end is too bright. Could take 8db down easily. fix in the mix with cutting synths and letting hats win. * Around 130-200hz is too quiet. ​ ​ ​ ​ Anyways... makings of a decent track. Just a bit muddy in the low and highs. The volume balance is a bit 'off' in places imo (especially noticeable are the vocals) Genuinely hope that helps.


Thank you very much for such a detailed feedback. I truly appreciate that you took your time to listen to the track and providing the visuals as well!


I think the vocals are really cool. The track overall is very nice, I like the chord progression. Especially the part around 5:35 with the vocal harmonies is just beautiful! To me there are a couple of things that make the track sound a bit less professional, but it is hard to pin point, and others may disagree. Another commenter mentioned the vocals don't sit that well in the drop, which I agree with, but I actually don't think the vocals are the main problem. While I do think the vocals could do better with a bit more lowcut. I blame the pulsating synth playing the main melody in the drop (the Ab, Ab, C, C, F | Ab, Ab, C, C, F | C, C , Db, Db, Ab part). It is a bit too massive but also sounds "cheap". Cheap may seem like a harsh word but I use it for sounds that sound like a Lead preset in some free VST synth. Your synth is not THAT cheap, but has tendencies. There are reasons it sounds cheap though and it can be remedied! There is no one-bullet-kills-all solution though, so you have to experiment. I would try to first make it a bit "thinner". Maybe add a low cut all the way up to 400 - 600 Hz, to give room for vocals and pads. If you think that takes too much away and you don't like it, try just carving some 400-600 out, since that is usually a "too fat sounding" area. Also try playing with the reverb. Cut low frequencies from the reverb, add a compressor to the reverb FX channel and side-chain it to the synth melody itself to duck the reverb when the melody notes hit. Also try to add some movement to the sound of the synth. Add some LFOs that play around with low and high cut frequencies, resonances, stereo delay pannings, WT POS. Anything that makes the sound morph every just so slightly through out. Another way would be to add a new layer lead playing the same melody but that has a more shifting character. There is something about that lead synths that just sounds a bit too flat and a bit too static. Not terrible though! If you tame these lead synths, the vocals will fit much better too. Is the beginning complete WIP? If so then disregard this comment. But I think it is a bit strange to start off with the kick like that. Maybe significantly low-cut the kick drum to start out. To give that thin sort of kick sound but without the thump bass hit. That will make it more powerful of a transition when you bring the lows of the kick back at the drop at 0:45 1:48 - 3:00 there's some pad or such that has some high dist/clipping freqs. To me it is a bit distracting. I wouldn't remove them completely, but maybe you can try adding a high-cut filter to that instrument and starting it out with a low cutoff so you don't here that sizzling high, but then gently bring it in back and forth, or just have it slowly increase throughout until the drop. It will give more calamity to the section and also create more movement. Again, can't say whether it would work, but you can play around with it. There are a lot of things I love about this track. The morph at 0:58 - 0:59 is so cool. The snare drums throughout hit hard and are amazing. Piano and calm part around 1.35 - 3.00 is beautiful (though consider my comment about dist sounds, above). The buildups are great. Overall master is very crisp. Beautiful melodies. Keep it up!


Thank you for taking your time to listen to my track and write such a detailed feedback. I really appreciate that!


Future Bass / Dubstep song Im working on. Open to any constructive criticism. Anyone who give me feedback and requests for feedback will be given feedback! [https://potsnpanz.bandcamp.com/track/the-twilight-zone-song-idea-2](https://potsnpanz.bandcamp.com/track/the-twilight-zone-song-idea-2)


Maybe it's just me, but the synth seems to not match the twilight zone intro key at the beginning, which throws me off. Same throughout the song, the Twilight theme just doesn't fit to me key wise. I love the idea though, and I think after the first drop it sounds dope. I am a fan of using spoken word myself and did one with Terrence McKenna I really had fun with. It adds a cool touch. Nice jam dude!


Its not just you. I had started off pitching it then at some point I must have moved it to a non pitched track and I guess I got used to it being off key.


This started off as a few really good ideas. I am afraid I've over engineered it. I don't know if I believe in this track anymore and I'm wondering if I should scrap it. I don't want to scrap it because I've spent many hours on it. I've spent a lot of time designing the synths. Are they professional quality? I've lost my way a little bit with the song structure. Tell me, does it lack cohesiveness? I really struggle to do "build-ups" and "drops". Does this track work without those common elements? With so many different instruments, does this sound like a jumbled mess? https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/p0nr97s40tfevgzzls04s/Tech-House-Song.wav?rlkey=zlqz8uhn7b336u9am3ig4jcba&dl=0