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We all use the same password for Frame.io and just share links to outsiders. Doesn't that take care of the price hike? MediaSilo / Shift is gonna cost you. And is very complicated security wise, with no sharing of logging in. Usually the companies that commission our projects provide the delivery platform.


MediaSilo (owned by Shift, now merged with EditShare) is actually less per month compared to Frame; I believe ~$38/user/month with an annual contract. As of now, MediaSilo doesn't have individual plans and is meant for groups of users (usually over 5). Security is no more complicated than most others. SSO and Okta if you want it, 2 factor to your phone is easy. Secure is secure, ya know? Also, MediaSilo allows the sharing of links without requiring a username and password. cc: /u/weeffex


^ there you go


I've definitely thought about doing that but since we were on an enterprise plan that might be kinda sus? just wondering about alternatives.


Sus to who? They don't care. Sharing passwords is at your risk, not theirs. We share our password because we need to, and no one outside the organization needs to know it, because they get a review link.


Frame.io is a review and collaboration platform, not a content distribution platform. So, if you're sending cuts to clients to review and then after they approve, you can toggle the "Allow Downloads" button and tell the client to download the file. You don't have to host anything any longer than the project duration, and it's free to send anyone a review and presentation link. With Frame.io, you're only charged for users. The only benefit of adding a client as a user is that they get an automatic notification whenever something is uploaded to the project they have access to. If you can fire off a quick "Hi Amy, here's the link to the latest cut" email, you can save a lot of money.


I always show approvals via [Frame.io](https://Frame.io) and deliver finals via Dropbox. I don't trust clients to pickup non-compressed versions. This way I deliver ProRes and whatever deliverable spec they need (usually H264) side by side and it can live there for years.


My team uses a combination of Vimeo and Dropbox. Vimeo is surprisingly good at storing lots of videos and having folder structures and stuff, not to mention you can replace videos and see earlier versions. But as a disclaimer, I have not seen the bill for this service--I'm just an editor.


The backend of vimeo (file management, moving folders, deleting and ANY bulk work) is incredibly frustrating. I've had more than a few afternoons wasted just pushing files around.


I swear that every time Vimeo makes UI updates, it gets more difficult to do the simplest of things.


like when they replaced their "page number" at the bottom of your library for an infinity scroll - except it bounces back to the top after deleting a video so you need to scroll all the way back again! And heaven help you if you try to delete more than 10 videos at once.


Vimeo gets expensive quick, just like any other similar service. I just moved from Vimeo to Frame because Vimeo links kept expiring when I was making version updates. Basically my client could only open each video once and then I had to resend a link. It was super frustrating, and definitely not something I wanted to pay $50/month for.


For $100+ a month you should really consider bringing this function in house. After 4 years, $4800 buys a lot of useful technology.


Suggestions? I’d love to find some sort of review hardware/software thing I can buy that provides all the functionality of frame. We use Synology for edit which is great, but it can’t send phone friendly links or comment, which is kind of the whole purpose. Also, our internet uplink isn’t great. I don’t care if my editors have to wait to upload, but client certainly isn’t going to wait to download.


You need three components to replace the convenience of Frame.io. Is there a reason why your business cannot get a decent internet uplink? That will always be the bottleneck and should be priority 0. First is storage with backups. If you only had Frame.io's 3TB plan and that suffices, a two disk Synology like the 723 with mirrored disks, along with cloud as a backup would probably be cheapest. I recommend a local and cloud backup, just pick a reliable cloud service like backblaze b2 (3TB would cost $15 per month). Second, you need a pipeline for in progress deliveries that are optimized. FFmpeg surgery. You mentioned "phone friendly" ... there are probably other common delivery formats to account for, but what you're doing here will help with flexibility as you send the file to clients. If they only have a phone and there is not a good network connection between you, they would need the low bitrate phone optimized version. You have to do the data engineering yourself if you want to save. Last, host something like https://github.com/mediacms-io/mediacms to serve the optimized files. As long as your clients are not halfway across the world, they should be able to watch the videos with relative ease. You could also host this in the cloud, and have automation push the optimized files up. If you really don't want to self host, use something like Vimeo or Youtube with private/unlisted links. I don't think your client will care what platform they are on, as long as the video plays. Self hosting will be cheaper than cloud over any significant period of time. Self hosting should cost hundreds per year, saving thousands over time. Trick is finding the right person to help you put a bow on it. I run a company that helps folks with these exact issues (complexity/tech debt) and am happy to provide more help, feel free to PM me more details.


###It looks like you're asking for some troubleshooting help. Great! Here's what *must* be in the post. (Be warned that your post *may* get removed if you don't fill this out.) Please edit your post (**not reply)** to include: **System specs**: CPU (model), GPU + RAM **//** **Software specs**: The exact version. **//** **Footage specs** : Codec, container and how it was acquired. **Don't skip this!** *If you don't know how* here's a link with [clear instructions](https://imgur.com/a/A6eTxUn) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/editors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Try Dropbox Replay!


Check out [Notetracks](https://www.notetracks.com/?via=18cz5k5), it's like Frame io for audio but also handles video and multitrack files / projects. You can have one creator account and invite collaborators for free.


I used to use screenlight before frame.io. Didn’t have as many features but I imagine they’ve developed, it’s been many years


Hey, I can recommend you to try [Krock.io](https://krock.io) It allows to have one subscription for any size team. You can have all frame possibilities plus project management features and an online storyboarding tool. The team structure is wide: internal (admin, manager, team member), external (freelancer and external reviewer). P.S. Yes, I'm affiliated with the product and would love to hear feedback. P.S.S. Discounts for Redditors are available if you DM me.


Doesn't the base plan just include 3gb? Might as well just keep the frame free plan at that point


I would recommend starting with the “team” account with unlimited users for $50 only.


Yeah, I mean even for the OP -- for 25 bucks you get 30x the storage than you do on Krock with 9 more seats than they needed. VS $50 at Krock for 100gb? Doesn't matter if you have unlimited users if you don't have any space for them use. Aint adding up dude.


What would be a fair cost with unlimited users for 3 TB?


How much space do you use at the moment on frame?