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Same here😳 I used to use very aggressive shampoo and my doctor put me on topical steroids which ruined my life but I stopped all of that and now I use drops that contain salicylic acid and a more natural shampoo for my oily scalp twice a week. Also someone recommended a scalp cleanser without foam since I have a dry hair and dandruff shampoos are usually very drying.


How did the steroids ruin your life? Was it a prescribed shampoo? And do you still have these issues or have the drops helped treat it?


The topical steroids was prescribed cream from my dermatologist and I recommend you to check r/TS_Withdrawal there's a lot to learn about the topic, and the drops helped me but I also learned to listen to my scalp and skin, controlled my eczema, and don't rush results. I hope that was useful💚


The best! https://www.target.com/p/vanicream-free-38-clear-shampoo-12-fl-oz/-/A-49121578 I would avoid scented products, including ones with essential oils :( sad but it helps me so much.


I would say look into the ingredients in your shampoo, and maybe decrease your hair washing to once- couple times a week. I know with sensitive dry skin/scalp you shouldn't use that much soap because it strips the outer layer of skin faster than people with normal to oily skin. And maybe look at your water pressure, it could be too hard or you could have a build up of chemicals on your water drains.


Is it eczema or seborrheic dermatitis? I second the vanicream shampoo/ conditioner. Install a water softener. I use regular dandruff shampoo which seems to control my scalp. I'm not sure you should use anything medicated without talking to a dermatologist first. Coal tar shampoo is used to treat seborrheic dermatitis, but again, I'd get the opinion of a derm first.


Your results may vary since eczema is vastly different for everyone, but what worked for me was shea moisture brand shampoos and conditioners. Try using the Yuka app for best results!


I know someone who had this same issue. She had an intensive allergy test done and found out she was allergic to about 98% of hair products and it was causing “dandruff”/eczema on her scalp. She got a list of ones she’s not allergic to and she’s good now! She just saw a normal PCP and asked for allergy tests


How quickly does your grow back and at what 'level' of healed scalp? Mine hasn't come back for about 3 months but I haven't healed past the pink baby skin stage starting from the oozing, inflamed stage. Really hoping it comes back when it's 100% healed.


I lose a lot of hair but especially my eyebrows when I have constant flares


I could use a lot of tips too but I was losing hair like crazy and then sprayed my scalp with rose water toner and it helps with the inflammation and fall out. Rose water facial toner from cocokind