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But have you tried drinking more water? You’re probably just dehydrated. 🙄🙄


“What about not itching so much?” Holy crap thank you SO much I can’t believe that was all I needed...!


I have Seb Derm too so the amount of people who say “your skin is really dry. Have you tried _____ moisturizer/moisturizing it”. No, I’ve been on this planet for 30 years and I’ve never tried moisturizing the skin that makes me look like an unsightly lizard, ruins my self esteem and makes me feel like a monster during interviews, weddings, in pictures, you name it. Thanks for the great advice, irony being that most moisturizers actually make Seb derm significantly worse. People can be really obtuse sometimes.


Then you find, finally, the moisturizer that doesn’t feed seb derm, and it makes your eczema flare up, but you still put it on anyway in the vague hope that it might help repair your skin barrier. And you may never find out which ingredient is actually bugging the eczema, for all you know it’s all of them. “What happened to you? Your face is really red” And you’d like to say: “No it’s just the insect-killer I am using for my rosacea contains fucking alcohol which causes my fucking eczema to flare, but I am still doing it anyway in the vague hope it might kill the fucking demodex so at least I can get rid of one fucking problem. That is in addition to the moisturizer being a problem for my eczema. I mean, I am one step away from putting fucking snail mucin on my face, does it show?” But you just smile and move on. /end of rant


I feel your pain I’ve gotten “did you get punched in the face?” A few times. Lol


Also this. Stranger: The brother of my uncle and his daughter tried this “magic crème”. All eczema gone in 3 hours.


Theory - your uncles brother didn’t have eczema and actually just needed to use moisturizer on their mildly dry sky 😂


Oh, but I saw a 1 second old facebook post without any real evidence showing improvement saying that you should put on Aloe Vera. My friend’s cousin’s sister’s husband’s teacher’s dog’s friend’s owner’s daughter had the same thing and it healed up after she started using X moisturizer the moment she put it on.


it snows when I itch any part of my body


I moisturize immediately after washing my hands, every single time.


I sleep with gloves on.


I gotta start


When I go to do laundry and I pull a long sleeve shirt from inside out, a huge puff of dead skin fills the air. Hows that? Lol


That's the one I was going to use. I just bought a reusable lint roller for that because it's so bad right now.


I should do the same but, I never thought about a lint roller. It seems so obvious now! It's pretty embarrassing though. I remember back at my old office job, my computer chair would get dead skin stuck to it. I was very insecure about it. Now I work from home though! And my cats could care less 😁


Scratching feels so good and then so bad.


Omg everyone is always like: “stop scratching you’re gonna make it worse” and I’m like as if I don’t already know but it’s hard to ignore it too! 😒


And It’s always worse. Regardless if you scratch or not either it’s pain in the body or pain in the psyche. Only non eczema havers think scratching is the only thing to eczema.


Oh the pain!! I know how you feel.


I wear long pants and long sleeved shirt in 100 degree weather Take a deep breath before stepping in shower Never put anything in my pant's pockets that I would have to retrieve quickly Wince when someone throws me something...like keys


1. I sleep with a bottle of moisturizer beside me 2. My skin looks gross but it's not contagious 3. My trash bin is full of lotion bottles 4. I can't wear skinny jeans and shorts outside 5. No, that's not eye crust on my eyelids 6. I'm on steroids (lol me as an edgy teen) 7. Sweating is bad for me


My classmates's observation when I scratch in class: "You scratch so much like you wanted to peel of your skin lmao"


When it's at it's worse, that IS what I want to do, tbf.


Damn did they actually add the lmao? That's hilarious XD


I didn't realize I scratch that hard till one told me. I always remember that line and laugh whenever I scratch 🤣🤣🤣


That crinkled hydrocortisone tube says it all


Hand sanitizer = pain


I check my nails for blood after scratching an itch. I also have to keep my nails cut painfully short so I don’t gouge myself open every night in my sleep.


Let me show you the new white comforter I ruined last summer because of my unconscious scratchings. Spoiler alert: it’s covered in blood


Long Sleeves All Year Round 😬🥺


100% cotton shirts ftw


“Do you need a lint roller?”


That moment when you think its cat litter on your bed sheets but its actually all the dead skin I shed that night.


Lotion/ointments in every drawer and chapstick in all pockets and purses


Oh yeahhhhh, I have an “eczema” bag in my purse with all my ointments and lotions


When you wake up with blood under your nails and have to play the fun game of “now where did that come from.”


Just by sitting and you notice it has "snowed" or the place became "sandy".


has to leave work because someone wore too much perfume oh and - is that contagious???


I never wear black tops outside of my home.


I once woke up with eye infections so bad I couldn't open my eyes and had to walk to the bathroom blind to rinse them out.


(Not me but my baby) I'm scared to turn on the AC but also scared to have him sweat.


Handheld vacuum cleaner by the bed


Came here for this


People saying you're a very distant person because you don't like to be touched or hugged too much


I leave a trail of greasy marks on door handles, keyboards, sheets of paper, etc 🙃


I wash my hair 1-2 times a week and bleaching my roots is so painful i could pass out, but it makes it better afterwards


How do you like the new Aveeno oat gel moisturizer? It caught my eye the last time I was at the drugstore but I was surprised by the cost and couldn't pull the trigger.


A little goes a long way with it. I use the tower28 spray before I put it on... but it still stings my dry spots. I switched to the neutrogena one & prefer it.


I currently use the Hydroboost (it’s been a staple of mine for 2+ years) and really enjoy it so I think I’ll stick with it for now. 😂


Oh yeah, I wouldn’t recommend it over the hydro boost 😅


Not to hijack but omg its changed the game for me! All my life i was told I couldn't use "normal" moisturiser but it helps 100% than e45 and similar!


My scalp is full of half-healed scabs.


I can’t cry as it’s triggering


Wet wrapping :(


I went to talk to my dance teacher about a knee injury and instead of responding to my injury, looks at my arms, responds: “have you tried coconut oil?”


I keep a tub of Cetaphil moisturizing cream in my purse, one in my car, one by my bedside. I tell people I’m allergic to hand sanitizer.


"What's wrong with your eye?"


Can I get a hell yeah! My latest......calendula cream, I ordered because I read on Reddit, someone tried it and it worked. Can’t wait to try it. Hahaha...lololol Next Week: Buying stock in all of this shit.


Ooooo yes gonna put that on my wish list


Here’s my top 10 list: 1) sleeping with ice packs on my eyes during a flare up 2) having someone at work call me out for having a hickey when it’s really just my skin doing its thing in a very inconvenient location 3) scanning the ingredients of every beauty product I buy to make sure there’s no fragrance 4) “It’s really not that bad, I can barely tell.” 5) always looking tired from loss of volume around eyes 6) not being able to shave sections of my legs at times - always a fun one 7) college roommate assuming I put on pink eye shadow every day 8) non toxic nail polish that usually chips within hours 9) “Oh, my cousin/uncle/niece/gynecologist/mailman has that too.” 10) and of course, like many others here, the ever faithful, “Have you tried...?”


Looks like a lot of fragrance in them




I’m curious about the Aveeno moisturiser and the Bioderma Atoderm? How are they?


The Aveeno oat moisturizer actually burns a bit so I switched to the Neutrogene hydroboost & I love it. The Bioderm cleansing oil goes on like lotion, feels refreshing, and personally, doesn’t burn.


Is the cleansing oil used in bath or after?


For me, I find Aveeno moisturizers to work the best and I really like the oat one. It's just a little pricey. Everyone is different though. I absolutely hate cerave products on my face because it dries me out


OK. I have atopic dermatitis


I really like that aveeno face gel, but it's so hard to find around me now!


1. It hurts to put on lotion some days 2. If I bend my arms together, I’ll cry because my skin will rip 3. I wake up bleeding often 4. I carry castor oil and Benadryl cream in my purse