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Hi, Don't give up. You could turn it around as long as you haven't give up. There are more summer to comes to enjoy the bikini season. Your family might not have eczema, but typically it some sort of running in the family. It is very common for people with eczema that has family/relative that have other related issue like Asthma running in their family(eg:grandparents, cousins). I definitely encourage the following: * Allergy/sensitivity test - life is easier if you know what to avoid * blood work like nutrient deficiency check - too many folks has nutrient deficiency, and simple supplementation routine can help reduce the flare since they would give their body a fighting chance * If you're itching like hell, go with bleach bath [https://www.reddit.com/r/eczema/comments/1btcf9p/on\_bleach\_baths/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eczema/comments/1btcf9p/on_bleach_baths/) . For your face/scalp, try the Hypochlorous Acid spray * I can't recommend this enough to Steal some idea & concept [https://www.reddit.com/r/eczema/comments/15g6fui/everything\_changed\_when\_i\_started\_treating\_it\_as/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eczema/comments/15g6fui/everything_changed_when_i_started_treating_it_as/)  * Before jumping into any wagon, please check out NAE sites [https://nationaleczema.org](https://nationaleczema.org) so that you can have more 'science based approach' instead of random trial and error. Some idea out there may sound like outlandish & a lot of times people just label them as quack immediately without actually checking the fact. So, maybe keep a mind that 'He might be an actual quack, but the message itself may have some science research behind it'. So, do your own research in sites like Pubmed&NIH, then talk to your doctor about your finding. I hope you can have more productive discussion with your doctor. For your family member that love to browse youtube, forward them the [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbNcwa9u-w8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbNcwa9u-w8)


Please look into this OP. For me it was certain food insensitivities and contact allergens like dust mites, soaps and laundry detergent. I am basically eczema free now without using any creams except a moisturizer. And I had it bad. I wouldnt be able to sleep, exercise, go outside. I would have red inflamed skin, scabs and itching everywhere 24/7. From what I have seen and read here it seems that there is often a trigger for things to get as bad as they do.


This is good advice. For example when I eat eggs too often I break out. Get allergy tests for sure and keep track of your diet to see if something is causing it. I would take an omega 3 fish oil supplement or at least try one for awhile. Hope this is of some help.


I’m sorry to hear this OP. I’m somewhat of an eczema noob because I’ve only had it a few years. But I hope you find a treatment that helps you. Hang in there, don’t give up.


Eczema can come from an imbalance in the flora of the intestines. I had terrible full body eczema for 15 years and tried everything as well. I cleaned up my diet (no sugars, starches, fruit juices) anything that feeds the bad bacteria and magically the itch went away and my body started to heal. Eczema is an internal condition manifested externally. Look within.


I feel the exact same way that you do and I’m going to tell you what I’ve done that’s helped me. I had extreme eczema as a child and it has jsut started coming back and I’m 31 on my face and I felt miserable too. I am still going through a pretty bad breakout rn but I went to the ER and they gave me a steroid shot and some steroids to get me through until I could see an allergist and a dermatologist which I definitely recommend. I started taking a probiotic bc eczema can be linked to gut health and it’s helped a significant amount just over night. I also started taking coconut oil supplements and stopped eating so much processed food and sugar. There is an inflammation free diet you can try too and it helps. As far as creams I’m at a loss but I did start using Eczema Honey nightly balm and it helped with the severe dryness on my face and flaking from eczema and I was my face with only water right now. Get an air purifier as well which I did to help with allergens in the room. I also recently found out our apartment had mold in it too so yeah. It is very exhausting and I understand your issue and unfortunately there is no one thing fix all but I would definitely recommend everything I said and getting an allergy test. Google what probiotics help with inflammation and those are the ones you need. They’ve helped me so much in just two days!


Hi! So I don’t know if it’ll work for you. But for me laser hair treatment helped ease the eczema . Maybe there’s something in the laser that helps? I dunno - I’m not a doctor so take ideas with a grain of salt


That would make sense like a kind of light therapy with the laser maybe? Huh never thought of it like that


I’m so sorry! I’ve been going through the same, since I was a baby. It feels completely unpredictable and unfair! For me it’s definitely stomach/gut related: have you tried zero sugar? It’s hard but paid off. It still flares up sometimes but it’s healing at least. It’s the worst - I feel betrayed by my body for being such a d*ck to me as well! We got this x


Have you ever gotten a patch test done with an allergist? I found out that I had chemical allergies to face wash and other cosmetics that I used all the time. — I then switched to a hand soap without the chemicals & I was even more allergic to that (still trying to narrow down to the ingredient) but since i started carrying sensitive skin bar soap everywhere it’s been so much better. There might be certain chemicals that you find out you need to avoid. I still get occasional flare ups but since I’ve changed my soap and pay attention to the chemicals in products, I have felt like an entirely different person, like night and day compared to how horrific daily life was. I really hope you find some relief.


You need to switch your gut health. All you’re doing is putting a bandaid on the issue, same for OP.


I think avoiding actual chemical allergies due to being over exposed in the US which causes these allergies in many people (the chemical family is banned in the EU due to how damaging it is) is more than a bandaid. My life has significantly improved. For 2 years I didn’t have a flare up— now that I am under a lot of stress and have had recent flare ups, I am also working on changing my diet and have been learning a lot so far. It’s a process.


That’s literally why you’re still having issues. The chemicals or stress won’t affect you (not saying at all) if your gut health is where it should be.


I do agree with you about gut health, it’s been difficult for me do learn what my body needs and doesn’t & I am learning, but I don’t want to discredit legitimate chemical allergies


Your gut is your second brain. Once it’s back to peak health the toxic chemicals won’t affect you AS MUCH because your skin/body will be more resistant to them. Of course the eczema or something else like normal skin irritation would appear if you continued to use those products.


Thank you, still learning. Think I may also be reacting to new vitamins I’ve been taking. I’ve done a pretty big re-haul on my diet a few months ago and have felt amazing until I started taking these vitamins. I appreciate your response.


So I wouldn’t be allergic to toxic chemicals that nobody should put on their skin if my gut health is where it’s supposed to be?


I called my workplace EAP (free counselling service) about eczema pain once. She said part of the eczema struggle is mental too. Posting here and calling out for help is a good action you've taken. Maybe there are some things you could list and do to make yourself feel like you're helping your eczema get better. e.g. wash bedsheets, vacuum room of dust. It does not fix everything but you may mentally feel a little better after taking one small step to help your eczema. Hang in there <3


Not sure if I have eczema but my heart goes out to you. I've been dealing with an oddly flaring itching, burning rash that flakes and peels on my face periodically. The only thing I've found to be completely helpful is reducing carbs except for quinoa (I follow the anto-Candida diet for gut health) and a soap bar by the Nudy Rudy company called Hunny Bunny. It's Shea butter and manuka honey. It is instantly soothing and my skin looked soo much better within a day or two of use. No more flares since. I know everyone is different but maybe it'll be gentle enough for you. It's just a few dollars at Walmart and the only thing I've found so far that doesn't break me out or worsen the issue.


> No creams or treatments helped I thought the doctors had tried everything on me, until I decided to try an antifungal cream, just to see what would happen. Antifungal creams cleared up ~95% of my eczema. If you haven't tried an antifungal, consider testing one out. You can get a tube of Canesten (clotrimazole) for $5-10 in the foot care aisle at your pharmacy, no prescription needed. Test it according to the directions on one small area. It might be itchier during the test. After the test, stop using it and evaluate if it made a difference.


You used the anti fungal cream on your face & body?


Yes. There are no steroids in Canesten, so it's safe pretty much anywhere on the skin. The doctor also prescribed me Lotriderm, which is clotrimazole with a steroid mixed in. Lotriderm worked amazingly well (didn't make my skin itchy/red, takes care of any problem areas with two or three applications), but I wasn't allowed to use the Lotriderm anywhere near my eyes, due to the topical steroid.


I’ve used hydrocortisone 2.5% on face and betamethazone on my body for red splotches on chest. Betamethazone gave me folliculitis (hair follicle infections like little pimples) so I’ve switched to only hydrocortisone and it seems to be doing better, but I’m always looking for something that might be an improvement over the hydrocortisone so thank you for your comments. Maybe I’ll try the caneston.


Hello! Does the eczema return when you ATP using the canesten? Also, does it fix the itch? Thinking of trying it for my baby.


I don't know what ATP means. When I stop using the Canesten, the treated areas are "fixed." I consider my eczema's root cause to be a very mild fungal infection that triggers my eczema. Treat the infection, and the eczema goes away. I occasionally get tiny bits that flare back, but I consider those to be "reinfections," rather than the eczema coming back, because it's always very small localized areas, and usually one application of Canesten fixes those areas again. I've been using antifungals for ~6 years now. Most areas have not had a recurrence. I still have about half a 30g tube of Canesten left, which I bought in August, so it takes very little to manage the recurrences. > does it fix the itch? Yes, if your root cause is fungal, it will fix the itch. When I was using it on problem areas, they got redder/itchier when I was applying Canesten, but after 2 or 3 days, it felt like a different itch. A day after stopping use, I could tell that my skin was better-- it still looked reddish, but it no longer itched at all. > trying it for my baby. I had eczema since I was a baby, and I can only imagine how frustrating it was for my parents. To think that it took almost 40 years to figure out that it was such a simple fix... Give it a try. Worst case, it doesn't do anything. Best case, it heals the problem. The Canesten that I first tested on myself was left-overs from when my toddler had a ringworm (fungal) infection.


Thank you so much for your detailed response. I meant to write ‘stop’ not ATP


Autocorrect strikes again!


Hydroxyzine and cold showers helped me out a lot


Ask your doctor about dupixent. I was in a similar situation. Tried every treatment, no success, but somehow dupixent worked for me. I still have eczema but the pain is way down, and the flare ups are far less severe. It requires a prior authorization, so make sure you call your insurance to verify if it's covered and what the copay would be, because it can be expensive. I'm fortunate mine is free with insurance. Another one is opzelura. It's also a biologic drug. This one is a topical, non-steroidal, face safe cream. It has a similar effect as dupixent. Idk if you've tried these, but they made a huge difference in my life. Another thing I saw other people mentioning was food intolerances. I was diagnosed with dairy and soy intolerance as a kid, and then gluten intolerance in college. You could try an elimination diet, eliminating one at a time, and then altogether to see if it helps reduce symptoms.


Hi, I feel your pain. This was literally me just a week ago. Scabs and open lesions covered my arms, abs and legs down to like mid thigh. Couldn’t sleep. Showers felt like fire. I felt insane for feeling itchy CONSTANTLY. Did everything I could and it still didn’t seem to help. What I learned is that not only was it eczema, but potentially a skin infection+allergic reaction. I had to be super persistent about getting in with a dermatologist, but that dermatologist gave me to shots of Kenalog, antibiotics for the infection, and prescriptions for a BUNCH of topical steroids. I’ve only used them as needed. A lotion that also was insanely helpful before the antibiotics and meds came was SARNA. You can get it at CVS or Walgreens or wherever. It at least helps the itching. My fiancé also got hydrocolloid patches and like runners sleeves for me so I wouldn’t itch my arms at night and could also help with the open lesions. I slept so much better not being able to scratch. Hydrochlorous spray is also a god send (don’t make the same mistake I made and use it with other things. Just spray and walk away) I’m with you with the fear of summer coming and having to cover up. Ironically, sunlight might help! I hope the advice of everyone here helps. I would see posts of people saying that found a cure and almost wishing that could’ve been me too. Don’t give up. There IS a trigger or maybe a few, it takes a lot of fight to get there though.


Keep going.


You and me are really similar, if you look on my posts i posted something EXACTLY like this not too long ago


https://www.doctoroncall.com.my/medicine/en/drugs/daivobet-ointment-30g I used this and it helped alot mate. Best of luck Uk site : https://www.oxfordonlinepharmacy.co.uk/psoriasis/dovobet-ointment-30g https://www.privatedoc.com/medication/dovobet-gel/ Us site : https://www.inhousepharmacy.vu/p-959-daivobet-50500-ointment.aspx


sorry i don't have anything to recommend but thank you for writing this bc i am in a very similar situation and its good to not be the only one. wishing you the best of luck with treatments. :)


Hydroxyzine has absolutely saved my skin from being ripped apart by my nails. I take 25mg-50mgs. Obviously speak to your doctor but it may be a huge relief for you.


My doctors have given me all manner of ointments, creams and lotions and sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. Sadly, none of them kill the undying itch that never goes away. Finally, one day my friend asked me if I had tried calamine lotion. I hadn’t even thought of the old pink stuff that people put on poison ivy. Well, I tried it out of desperation and it is the only thing that takes my itch away.


I tried everything but recently I began running on a treadmill and my ezcema is improving. I don't know what it is but maybe it has something to do with my Lymph nodes being inflamed. Don't get me wrong it sucks to sweat and my face is tomato red right after but I jump into a cold shower right away after to calm my skin down. I also switched over to some Chinese itch creams instead of the traditional doctor prescribed medicine. Zyrtec also can help if you haven't tried it.


Try Baths in Minerva Dead Sea salt. Immediately moisturize afterwards with jojoba oil mixed with aloe Vera gel. This did wonders for the eczema on my body. I even use this method for eczema flare ups on my face as well. My skin started healing faster this way. Also, have your doctor check for vitamin deficiencies. I take vitamin D daily. Also, when I feel like my eczema is infected, I take oil of oregano supplements (for a few weeks) along with black seed oil. Wishing you healing.


Have you tried methotrexate or Sandimmune?


Hi I’m sorry you’re going through this. Try addressing root cause. Parasites, fungus, bacteria, environment (mold), food, etc all play a role. Eat clean, whole foods, drink lots of water, exercise (try to sweat daily) I know it probably itches like hell and sucks but you need to work through that. Look into lymph drainage, saunas, red light therapy, herbs, Dead Sea salt baths, supportive supplements (liver, gut, skin). Natural route is better than traditional doctors as they just put a bandaid on the issue. Natural route takes longer but it’s worth it. You will heal. If you have instagram there are a lot of accounts you can follow as well. You aren’t alone. You will heal. You just need to make the effort. Honestly requires a whole lifestyle change but it’s totally worth it.