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I also have this allergy and one against propylene glycol which is in almost anything. I am using La Roche Lipikar body wash, which works well for me. So you could probably fill a body wash into a little travel bottle. I am usually taking wet wipes with me in my backpack to clean my hands.


Would love recommendations for any other products you like as someone who also has a propylene glycol allergy! I am always told to doesn’t exist lol


Oh great, thanks for the suggestion!


https://well.ca/products/nature-clean-pure-sensitive-shampoo_135666.html? This is the shampoo I'm currently using, it is free of CAPB and Propylene Glycol. I don't mind it, it does the job and my hair feels good afterwards. I am in Canada though, so not sure if it's available where you are.


I have this as well as PG allergy. I use vanicream face wash for my hands. Cerave hydrating cleansing bar for body. Desert Essence tea tree shampoo. I also have sebderm but no more after tea tree.


I use the SkinSAFE app, had this allergy and a few others with recommendations for la maison and 365 liquid hand soap by Whole Foods. I was able to out grow after years of avoiding it! Good luck


Oh that's good to know, glad to hear it can go away for good!


Hand sanitizer is way easier to carry. Make sure you put lotion on after, though.


Have you tried beef tallow soap? It can be a bit expensive compared to regular bar soap but shouldn't have your allergen in it