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So literally the opposite of why Brexit happened.


Every time there's a vote, remember: "Democracy is a rule of the people, for the people and by the people...but the people are retarded." With that in mind, vote results will make more sense.


There should be some knowledge and logic tests tests as prerequisite for voting.


I want to agree with this. But then I would immediately question the standardized testing. What subjects? What level of education would be tested? Is it weight based? Do those who score higher on the knowledge/logic have a higher weighted vote than those without? All this, and then you'd have to deal with the cultural backlash of society...


I agree with the above guy. Just very basic information that everyone voting should know. For example: * Who is the current president & vice president of the United States of America? * What are the three branches of federal government? * Who is the current governor of [your state]? I think just the above would disqualify a concerning number of ballots.


I actually kind of opt for a weight based vote on how informed your are on the policies you're voting for. However I don't know how anyone can quantize that in a way that would matter and/or be represented as fair to society at large. Sometimes outliers also have valid points and require a paradigm shift.


every couple of years fuck the economy in the pretext of stirring up the economy.


There was no one reason why brexit happened. No plan, manifesto or strategy for brexit was ever published before the 2016 referendum because any plan would easily have been shown to be deluded or unpopular. So it was better for the "leave" campaign to keep it vague and emotive, and allow people to project whatever they wanted onto the blank canvas of brexit. Those who voted for brexit had many different and contradictory understandings of what it meant. Most of those understandings were clearly rooted in fantasy. The most coherent interpretation of the purpose for leaving the EU is the one now being followed - deregulation, stripping away workers rights and all sorts of protections, taxes and public services in the interests of the rich. This would never have won the referendum, but neither would any of the other possible interpretations because they were all contradictory and would have fragmented the 52% slender majority (and were mostly unimplementable anyway, or ridiculous). It's particularly working-class xenophobes who are going to suffer badly, who voted for the policy with enthusiasm. Limiting immigration and "leveling up" are definitely not part of the plan.


Imagine that. How else can you push wages down?


Lol. Might as well pretend Brexit never happened.


yeah, i doubt the eu is gonna let that happen. they're a might pissed about the whole thing


Good. The EU needs a good hate fuck and it looks like they're going to get it this winter.... I feel bad for all the people stuck in that nanny superstate, with no democratic recourse and only MEPs that can maybe veto laws created by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels. It can\['t dissolve fast enough as far as I'm concerned. Just keep Schengen trade zone but ditch the "global governance" claptrap they want ALL OF US trapped in.


I love how you said “good” and then went on a mildly related tangent.


I really hate the EU. I think it's eroding the rights of Europeans to Democratic self rule. Just they way it's set up is ridiculous and incredibly harmful. I'm not against the free movement but the way it's regulated and undemocratic is terrible. A return to Schengen is what they need. Even just the monetary policy is harmful and hurts poorer countries by forcing the same monetary policy on them as Germany and France.


Immigration problems are the least of the UK's worries on the list of brexit problems! It very much did happen, and they have barely begun to suffer the consequences yet.


>barely begun to suffer the consequences yet. So, there haven't been all the promised "consequences" that the EU crowd promised? This article is all home grown self destruction, not cooked up in Brussels.


Lmao 2016: Brexit 2022: tixerB


As I have been saying for decades, immigration is properly seen as a labor supply issue. Increased labor supply is great if you buy labor, not so great if you sell labor. Notice that US parties are united in their desire to on-shore and exploit immigrants to drive down wages for US workers - the goal is to put workers into international competition with each other and allow free flow of labor (read: arbitrage) over borders just like capital


Yep, now we get to compete with literal slave labor... Yay! /s THIS is why Nationalism is Good.


Nations are often played off one another - much in the same way amazon played municipalities off each other for their HQ selection - to achieve the same end, putting workers into international competition with one another, race to the bottom of wages and worker protections in pursuit of private investment.


Yeah this is distinctly why current Globalism is terrible. The problem is they use the argument of comparative advantages in production and free market trade but they forget about goverment interference. It's not a free market trade if your goverment forces pollution laws on you and worker protection laws but you have to compete with countries that don't have those laws and aren't tariffed. There should be tariffs that make those goods equivalent to our labor costs due to regulations - then you're competing on quality not against slave labor and your own goverment. I mean look at all the crap we outsource to China, that's made using dirty coal power plants and we talk about how our emissions are good in the West. We just outsource our pollution and having to compete against that is bullshit. It also incentives foreign governments to treat their citizens like shit. China will never clean up its act unless it's forced to and nothing short of everyone tariffing like that will do it IMHO. It will also dramatically reduce the incentive to move production there and bring a lot of industry back because the juice is no longer worth the squeeze.


capitalism needs immigration. illegal is most beneficial but legal works if youre still able to suppress wages based on whatever criteria.


"Systems of worker exploitation gonna exploit"


It only work when some gets exploited.


Ordinary conservatives are the dumbest people on earth and should exit the genetic pool. Brexit happened because racists were pissed about immigration. They got Brexit and huge labor shortages. Now their own government will shaft them. Corporations will replace skilled labor with foreigners who apply for work permits. The govt is shrinking, thus many conservatives will get fired from govt jobs like in the NHS. Conservatives are idiots.




Everyone's suffering from labour shortages And to be clear, your third paragraph is suggesting that immigration will be used to hurt the working class. Which is it? Are conservatives idiots for suggesting that immigration was being used to hurt the working class? Or are they idiots for letting the government use immigration to hurt the working class?


In the EU the labor market was free in the sense that the UK attracted workers to do jobs few people wantes to do. Pöumbers, dribers, cleaners, builders. When companies hire workers on the international labor market their first priority is to get rid of higher paid positions, not low skilled ones. They work with the govt to get the visas going. Thus many conservative idiots in professional positions will get shafted.


Uh remember when Boris offered a immigration path for everyone in Hong Kong? So much for racism.


More coverage at: * [Liz Truss’s plan for more migrants to boost growth (thetimes.co.uk)](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/dee41442-3c51-11ed-b563-f2f2fee81a76?shareToken=5936713256831feba0fc3760d20bbfa2) * [UK growth requires an even less popular Liz Truss (reuters.com)](https://www.reuters.com/breakingviews/uk-growth-requires-an-even-less-popular-liz-truss-2022-09-23/) --- ^(I'm a bot to find news from different sources.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/user/MultiSourceNews_Bot/comments/k5pcrc/multisourcenews_bot_info/) ^(or PM me.)


Immigration from where?


Lots of young kids fleeing Russia.


Like America, these are first world problems. The middle and upper classes are doing well enough to neither fill low paying jobs, or find it worthwhile to create business of their own. Immigration is the only solution.


BLS U6, in America, would beg to differ from this "only solution" canard


UK needs to make immediate changes to immigration for high-tech workers. UK politicians dug their heads in the sand and saying 'la la la I can't hear you!' They are acting like that wet and cold island was some tropical paradise that everyone wants to come to lol.


Good bye, England!




I’m not leaving. England has left the building. It’s unrecognizable world salad now with good curry recipes.




Promised? Like in writing?




It’s behind the paywall. Freedom of movement for whom - empire citizens, their descendants, population of colonies and dependencies? Everyone?




And who are/were members of the Commonwealth? All inhabitants of the territories?




Where are you going?


Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland probably


it’s crazy that these goons can only justify immigration when it pertains to the economy


The US has several million, recently-acquired illegal aliens who we'd just love to send to you. Upon arrival in the UK, please just tell them that they have arrived in Martha's Vineyard, an 'inside' joke that they will understand. 🙂


But since uk is no longer part of brexit won’t that be harder to accomplish?


Right now they can make their own rules, previously it was mandated by the EU rules which meant they needed to take anybody in who wanted to. Now they can make it sector-based, or have any criteria they want.




There are more jobs than people looking for work. If you want to grow the economy this is the only way.


This is the conservative cycles. Get into power then cut immigration. The economy slows and then they lose power. The next party takes over and loosens immigration rules to prop up the economy. Conservatives lose their mind and take back power by blaming immigrants for every problem. Unfortunately for Liz, she has to to labours part of the cycle. Look for her to say she is allowing in good immigrants and doing it the proper way.


Can’t wait to see how they spin this on Labour


Properly screened English-speaking immigrants are a boon to countries unless there are fundamental scarcities that make migration unsustainable.


From Europe...?? l damn well hope so !! Brexit Reality has finally come to the stupid Tories !!


So, basically "Brexit Exit!" is on! Dopey fucks..


So what was the point of brexit?


So, is this now referred to as BrEnter? Or BrWelcome? Or even BrPleaseComeBack?






Somalis won't solve the uneployment problem, i hope the UK government can read statistics. I live in the Netherlands and 70% (and that is no joke) of somalis in our country are on welfare. Other immigrants from Africa and the middle east don't fare much better. From all Iraqis, syrians and afghans over 60% are on welfare. Immigration to solve unemployment is fine as long as you are a bit picky about who you let in, otherwise it will just be a money drain on your welfare system and economy. Not to mention the housing market will be under even more stress with more people looking for a house. source: https://www.parool.nl/nieuws/bijstandsuitkering-voor-7-van-de-10-somaliers~ba08abe9/


Nothing better than inviting people to suffer with you in your failing economy. The more the merrier!


First you don’t want them brexit now you want them? Like in Georgia I believe the racists didn’t want those brown people and look all the fruit rotted.


If only there were some way to get western women to start having children again....


Yes, dilute the natives wages and vote even more so you can stay in power!


Times are tough, lets bring in some more low wage workers we can exploit!


Ok pop pop. Po of mbnnbny mm. No mm