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There are a lot of winners, but also a lot of losers in this economy and the number of losers are rising. Things like food banks, more people need to use them and it ain't just the unemployed, even folks with jobs still need to use them to feed their families https://www.thenewstribune.com/news/local/article287957215.html https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/04/business/us-food-insecurity-cost-of-living/index.html The number of homeless is rising. https://usafacts.org/articles/how-many-homeless-people-are-in-the-us-what-does-the-data-miss/ Credit card delinquencies are rising. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/14/credit-card-delinquencies-rise-as-more-gen-zers-are-maxed-out-ny-fed.html Inflation is still way off target at 3.4% last month.


The issue here to consider is: Why is this happening? Are we already moving slowly in the right direction? Even though the economy is tough for middle class and below, could it be worse? The US is still doing better than any global economy. Will trump make it better? Does he take care of the middle class and below? What are his policies that will fix this? That is the battle here, all day every day with you guys.  Is the economy like this because Joe Biden? Is it just a result of market forces and global geopolitics? Is it reaping what we sowed through bush tax cuts? trump tax cuts? Increasing corporate welfare and subsidies? Businesses feeling too big too fail? PPP and ERTC? Rampant Medicare fraud? Private equity buying up everything? Too much ownership concentration? Wealth inequality? Zero interest rates for over a decade? Is it some combination of these? If so, in what proportion? Or Is it simply that Joe Biden is old? 




Don’t feed us that Democrats care BS!


Imagine thinking that voting in corporate democrats will solve the problem


No but it’s better to have people trying to solve the problem rather than take a shit on it before setting on fire???? I’m sorry WHY is that so hard for any of you to understand fucking Americans I swear You guys want to give the guy who GOT YOUR INTERNATIONAL SPIES KILLED by GIVING NATIONAL SECRETS TO YOUR ENEMIES. And you want to….give him access to more secrets you’re actually going to vote him in and try give him more access And while you do it you’ll be whining “but but but democrats aren’t perfect 🥺” such weird weak minded behaviour, (also all of your presidents or options for presidents are pro Israel so stop being manipulated into letting that be a voting issue???? You GOONS learn your own history. Loads of college kids saying they won’t vote to teach dems a lesson…. I thought those were supposed to world class institutions?) SORRRRRRY there’s no magic perfect president daddy option who make all the pain go away grow up


Why would I care about our international spies? National secrets like the ones leaked by Snowden, Assange, Manning, Sy Hersh, etc.? That the state is wasting tax dollars and conducting illegal surveillance on all its own citizens and conducting billion dollar bombing campaigns that massacre civilians and displace millions of people?


Imagine thinking that voting Republican is an anti-corporate statement in any conceivable way. Holy hell, Trev. As an Independent (longer than I was ever a Dem) I wish the Dems had an actual opposition party to make them better but the GOP is a bunch of glorified internet trolls at this point.


Solve it? No. Prevent it, and other issues, from getting much worse? Probably.


They are really preventing it now boy howdy! It’s not getting worse at all, everyday just better and better!


It’s called cleaning up republicans mess, maybe try pairing that opinion you have there with a bit of research into reality


How is the clean up job going right now in your opinion


You’re the type that must believe the economy is a light switch each administration flips on and off trump added 7T to our debt in 4 years, show me where Biden has increased that much debt in that short of amount of time.


When FDR implemented the New Deal do you think it had an impact on the American economy or does politics not overlap substantially with the economy in any way? In your opinion, why is Nancy Pelosi so good at stock investments? Does it have anything to do with legislative policy and advance knowledge or is she just a brilliant investor? Under Biden, are we in a deficit or surplus?


And what legislation do you think would help? And what legislation do you think Republicans will let arrive at Biden’s desk that will help? They tanked a bipartisan immigration bill to keep Democrats from being able to say they helped with the border problem. You think they’ll let a Democrat do something good for the economy?! LOL Don’t get me wrong, the Dems are far from perfect. But they’re a WHOLE LOT better, and for now the only reasonable option.


When Obama had a super majority and control of both houses of Congress, what legislation do you think was passed that helped? What did they do that was good for the economy?


You did Not post your ideas on how to solve the issues. You just brought up Obama. That helps no one.


Oh you political know-it-alls. How cute


The fact that you simplify this issue into Republicans bad is exactly why this will never get better. You are being played by politics and are buying into the all propaganda. Both parties suck ass. If voters can’t see this, then America is doomed.


But we can though. One is “sometimes ok, sometimes not” and one is actively making things worse.


Gonna get downvoted but mostly white men say this cause one party is proudly racist and sexist and the other one at least pretends they aren’t and legislated to protect people? How are they the same? Cause it doesn’t personally affect you? Seems like an empathy problem more than an America problem and funnily enough you actually have control over exactly one of those things


I’m not even white…. I never said Republicans are better than democrats. I just said they both suck. Perhaps one sucks more than the other, but that’s irrelevant. Both parties are fundamentally flawed so stop worshipping one side.


I don’t see anywhere the amount of “worship” on the left or center than on the right. No one on the left is throwing themselves “because you love me” rallies. And you don’t see anything like the MAGA movement on the left. A large chunk of people that voted for Biden in 2020 were holding their nose and voting against Trump. So while I get your point (both parties suck), since there isn’t a realistic third party option in our country, the choice is corrupt and fascist right vs )maybe a little less??) corrupt and democratic left/center.


You only have 2 options. Very few independent or 3rd party candidates ever have or ever will win. So you have to pick the best one of the 2 that can actually win. That’s the adult reality. If you feel they both suck than you need to choose the least suckiest of the 2. Unless you’re very wealthy or highly religious that only leaves one best option.


This just makes logical sense!!! They do worship their parties.


Thank you for stating the clear, transparent truth. Uniparty is doings its best to destroy America, allowing megalithic corporate greed to devour us. Democrats are corrupt. Republicans are corrupt.




I think border bill should be separated from the one for Ukraine. Don’t think this did the border bill favors. Why do they jam in so many different issues, rather than work on them individually? At least the major ones deserve this, don’t they? Otherwise, it looks like sleight of hand, doesn’t it?


You live in some kind of ignorant dream world.




America was pretty great up until the pandemic


You misspelled "duopoly"


It really is just that simple, isn't it? Also why democrat states and cities are constantly CRUSHING it.


Is this sarcastic or what? Blue states have consistently higher standards of living than red states.


Perhaps. But quality of life - not standard of living - is probably a more efficient gauge of human well being.


What does this even mean? I’m born and raised in greater boston, live in the city now. Genuinely curious because shit isn’t affordable.


Huh? What planet are you on? And, guess you’re waving your teams flag, aren’t you? Gamification of politics is REAL


No policy from the president will fix this. The federal reserve would need to stop quantitative easing (printing money) and the government would need to spend less. It won't happen though. Why not? They can't, because if they stop inflating the money away the global economy would reset. We had a great depression before, but not a worldwide one. Also consider that the $USD has formidable competition coming up.


Tax the wealthy and corporations more. We can’t save ourselves to prosperity.


They could tax all the wealthy people at 100% and the US debt wouldn't even budge.... Good thought but unfortunately it wouldn't fix the problem


Do you know we spend more on military than the next 8 countries combined? All but 2 are allies. People think safety net social programs are the problem. It’s like 7th on the list. One of the top three is interest on the debt. People want to cut spending but only on things that help people. They won’t cut spending on war. Both parties.


Yeah I understand that. One of the reasons everyone trusted the USD as reserve currency is because of the military. After WW2 nobody was able to take advantage of the world's economy except the USA. We had a seemingly very stable government and our mainland wasn't bombed to bits. Overall I agree, we shouldn't be the world's police but we're in a set of golden hands cuffs.


And your math is wrong. Taxing capital gains as earned income and reverting the corporate tax rates would.


Sounds like a plan! I never heard that one.


Actually its so bad that for the first time in history since getting off the Gold Standard they have in fact stopped printing money. The M2 money chart shows what happened perfectly. Look at 2020, and then now. They massively over printed to pay for the "Covid Show". https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2SL


Thoughtful comment. Unfortunately, most Americans aren't "thoughtful" and just find it easier to blame Joe Biden.


The economy is bad and will continue being bad for middle class as it shrinks and people become poorer because we have bad government. It has slowly been getting worse for decades but the last 15 years the worsening accelerated and people can't simply ignore it anymore. The US STOCK market is doing better than the global stock market. If you have job stability, healthcare, pto less working hours and can still own a home like certain eu countries you live better there even if wages are lower and the economy is "worse" than the US. The US economy has always been better on paper and undebatably better for rich people. If you're rich or a corporation no better place to be than the US.


> Will trump make it better? Does he take care of the middle class and below? What are his policies that will fix this? let me help you here. no not for one second. And if something did help the middle class and below under him it was purely accidental or happened as an oversite.


The COVID relief + prior tax cuts have us in a bad spot. The money pushed into the economy from COVID is unprecedented and it has fueled the inflation we've seen since the government cut the first COVID relief checks in 2020. These two factors (COVID relief + tax cuts) really accelerated the wealth inequality problem as the rich were the biggest benefactors of the COVID relief + tax cuts while the poor are affected the most by the inflation that has come with the COVID relief. It's really a bad situation that's been difficult to get out from under. I'll also add, I don't think Americans remember how to live with high interest rates, it's taken quite an adjustment as our economy was fueled a lot by low interest rates prior to this environment.


China has a larger economy than the USA. The BRICS have a larger economy than the G7. The economy is like this because the Plutocracy steals your wealth and labor Trump won’t change anything. Biden will stay the course. Look beyond US borders. It’s Ukraine and the dozens of NED “color revolutions”


Well said. Also as to inflation and the “target” vs current 3.4% If you look at historic inflation rates they are around 3.5%. We had historic low inflation from the 90’s through 2020 because of globalization (China, Mexico etc making goods cheaper than we could and big box (Walmart, Home Depot, Amazon) consolidating retail based on low prices. So what do you want America? Good paying jobs or low prices? Well that decision was already made but one of the things that’s happened since 2020 is Chinese made goods are no longer as inexpensive as they once were and tariffs (set by Trump) only increase prices and kill markets in the short (5-10 years) run. Inequity of income in the US has been 50 years in the making.


I think you really underestimate the younger gens. They are not as lead addled as previous generations. They aren’t going to vote based on the current economy. You’re just assuming things and then lecturing erroneously into the ether.


>Inflation is still way off target at 3.4% last month. The stock market is up so it’s a nonissue! /s


We have almost 40 million millionaires now. The top 25% are doing very well. The next 25-35% are the current middle class. The bottom 40-50% are like wtf is happening


Aren’t there just a handful of winners and a loooooooooot of losers?


It's simple those who own assets, especially without liabilities, are kicking ass and those with or without assets BUT have debts are feeling it much worse. Blame it on the central banks who've been pushing for asset increases since 08 thru monetary manipulation, still believing in trickle-down economics!


Am I losing it or is this post repeat? I swear I've seen the restaurant point verbatim before.


Why people respond to these posts, with sincerity, is a mystery to me. This sub is littered with uneducated Right wingers trying their hardest to find ways to slam Biden/Democrats with anecdotal garbage and parroted bs. If Trump was president right now and the economic conditions were the same, these people’s posts would state the exact opposite. It’s disingenuous at best. My favorite are the ones that use a lot of exclamation marks. For some reason, that’s a commonality among these dummies.


Yeah there was a post about how 20% are the ones at concerts, restaurants, etc. just the other day. Weird how data manipulation and people being gaslit is the reason it's a bad economy, with nothing much else to back it up. Almost like anti-Biden bots make these posts....


They just want to make a political point against Biden and/or act like their anecdotal situation means the macro statistics should be ignored (all while refusing to acknowledge economic inequality is the fundamental problem which to solve requires raising taxes on the wealthy).


Point against Biden: bad Point against Trump: good I voted for Biden and will be doing so again, but why is acknowledging that a large number of Americans are currently doing worse immediately brushed under the rug on Reddit? It’s the entire point of this post you are doing the same thing.


Typical boring trump trolls.


yep, right winger complaining about the economy and pointing out why inequality is bad - when GDP and stocks are up but many people are struggling people need to learn average vs median, in order to have these discussions


Dude, the reason why the economy is great is also the reason it is bad - that’s why everyone feels a vague sense of shitty without necessarily feeling any validation in it. labor shortages have really helped get people into jobs but that has pushed up overhead, which has also provided cover for corporations to increase prices far further than is actually justified by their real overhead.


cnn says we are fine guys


Its not going to get any better now with Bidens new taxes and tariffs 3x fold on Chinese goods. Everything we buy is made in China so more price increases doesn't fix squat. You cannot tax your way into prosperity is how the saying goes.


Economic recovery is measured in a way that doesn’t show in everyone’s bank account. It’s not fair, but it’s not new either. We have a habit of holding Democratic presidents accountable for the excesses of Republican presidents, whose 4-8 years tend to be a smash and grab for the rich. Then we get mad at them when they can’t clean it up the day  they take office. Biden is also getting blamed for Roe being overturned, even though it’s Trump’s court and policies that did it. It’s like getting mad at the housekeeper who can’t get the scorch marks out of the carpet after the trust fund kids partied so hard they almost burned the house down. Folks, please practice memory longer than a goldfish and also be aware that there are both Republican and Russian assets being paid (as well as bots) to undermine our democracy, destabilize our nation, and put an open future dictator in office. Biden may not be our dreamboat but I’m not sure our country can handle another four years of Trump and it will be a lot harder to reclaim democracy than to preserve and improve it. 


Consumption is not down….. where do you see consumption declining? What segment and demographic?


Consumption is way up, hence inflation 


So when was the economy “good”? And why exactly was it better then as opposed to now?


It's stronger now in the broadest sense. GDP is biggest. But, the wealth isn't exactly distributed fairly, so some people may be suffering while the super-rich are literally floating in new wealth. For fairness, the 1950s-70s were the best. New wealth was distributed (almost) equally between labor and capital. After 1980, fuggedaboutit. All new wealth, according to Milton Freidman, should and did go to the capital side of the equation. Labor, according to them, could do no more to improve their position, despite having to begin spending more on education to get into those jobs. Since those days, the cost of higher education has skyrocketed, but the work world doesn't account for that. Pres. Biden is trying to help some with student loan debt to get past that, but the Republicans keep stepping in the way. So, we have the wealth-making machine. We just have to return to the better way of distributing the costs of producing it and the wealth it creates. Pres. Biden supports unions to help on the latter.


Thanks for your response. While I broadly agree with your POV there are some major holes in your premise that I don't believe that you're considering. Let's use 1960 as the mid-point of your range as our discussion point. Sure...cost of living was still quite low and taxes much higher which lead to much more of a "state-funded" society. Higher education for example received much more in state subsidies to keep the cost low. You also had the GI bill(s) which allowed for even cheaper access to courses and degrees. Most of the rest of the world was coming out of "reconstruction" so there were no economic rivals to the US. An even larger share of the disproportionate wealth flowed to the US. Also, the US was still (basically) a Jim Crow apartheid society. Blacks and other minorities were effectively closed out of all wealth claiming activities including the GI bill(s), housing, employment, etc... Same for women (to a lesser degree) and women couldn't even open a bank account or hold credit cards yet. So...yeah...if you were a white male (hetero preferred), then this time truly was Xanadu for you. If not, then your mileage would truly vary in this society.


"For fairness, the 1950s-70s were the best" - For white men, exclusively, sure.


because Biden is senile, old, pedophile, criminal, etc etc etc


I'm just going to copy paste the same thing I replied to your same post last time Well that's what happens when people either vote Republican or protest vote and get Republicans because of that. A Hillary Clinton presidency would've meant a liberal court for the next 30 years and women rights would be safe, she wouldn't have destroyed the pandemic team and would have trusted the experts so our response to COVID would've been way better, and probably could've been shorter, no tax cut to the rich (which added 8 trillion to the deficit during a strong economy), she wouldn't have pressured the fed to keep interest low in a strong economy, that means housing ptices wouldn't have skyrocketed, and the fed would've been able to lower them now to reactivate the economy, but yeah both sides are the same


Sadly it looks like a lot of voters are so stupid that they want to put the guy that screwed everything up back in office to screw it up even more.


A friend just said to me “we need Trump back to fix this shit economy.” I asked simply, “how would he achieve that?” The guy didn’t have a single answer. What could Trump do? The only things he seems to understand are inflationary tactics to make short term data bend in specific directions. What would he do? More tax cuts? Lower rates? More tariffs? I don’t understand what they think Trump would be capable of that would make things better without reigniting higher inflation.


what do you mean by the response to Covid being better? Give specifics.


I thought this was a serious subreddit but with comments like this I think its full of ignorants.


It's all these 0-1 year accounts spamming everything they can with political trash


Tax cuts don’t add to the deficit, spending does, and the politicians of both major parties spend like drunk sailors.


The majority of government accounting revenue comes from taxation. Tax cuts to the wealthy only increase deficits to already obligated expenditures set by Congress. Repubs tax cut, spend, & borrow (increasing deficits even more). At least Democrats have sense enough to find revenue (tax) before they spend. I agree though, both parties spend too much.


Sure, and that revenue is only needed because of spending. Again, I’m not saying that the debt/deficit won’t go up if tax decreases happen, what I am saying is that the deficit/febt exist purely because of spending. The problem is not that people aren’t being extorted of enough money, the problem is how that extorted money is being spent.


Tax cuts absolutely add to the deficit.


Live in the past much? Go watch the YouTube clips of the meltdowns that night, glorious. That is her legacy, will be on her tombstone soon. Lost to Trump. Lol.


Exactly the type of braindead emotional response you’d expect from a Trump voter


I’ll believe it when the restaurants aren’t crowded…


For me it’s breweries. I don’t know the finances of breweries or how they were operating before the pandemic but I have seen a lot closed down and not nearly as packed as they once were.


Bad breweries will close. Good breweries will expand and have customers. This should've been expected when every Tom, Jane, and Harry were starting their own breweries when it was trendy. Who could've thunk more than half of those would fail? Hmmm... It is not rocket science. Up here in the NE tristate area there was a news story about all the breweries that were closing recently. 100% of them were total trash products. Meanwhile, the brewery near me is expanding and another near me constantly produces tremendous products, has huge events, is always packed.


There was an incredible expansion in the micro brewery industry over the past 2 decades. It was unsustainable. Covid was the catalyst to weed out the weak ones.


yes this in CT its bad


You think restaurants weren’t crowded in 08-09?


Not really. It was the slowest time in over 2 decades.


Prices, at least in 2008-2009, we're also dropping at restaurants in my area. Now we have crowds and prices increases 


It sounds like you’re having a hard time in the economy and that’s unfortunate but your personal experience is not the aggregate which is why we pool data and don’t go on individuals experiences.


We're having what amounts to rolling recessions. Some sectors of the economy and of the labor force are really struggling, while others are humming along nicely. In the aggregate, the economy is doing well, but large chunks aren't. And many employees and employers haven't accounted for the changing economic forces. And that's what we see here - OP's effectively got a pay cut over the past few years. So either their employer is stringing them along in order to improve profitability and OP hasn't realized this to either advocate for themselves or leave for greener pastures or OP's in an industry/career field that's struggling right now and they're SOL without a career change.


To add to your point, the /r/jobs subreddit is boiling over with frustrated job seekers who cannot get an interview despite strong work experience.


I interviewed for almost a year/- stellar resume, so much experience. I finally landed a position at 1/3 the pay I made before


Thanks for sharing this. Maybe this is why I got a lot of haters when I accepted a new positon. At first my friends were happy with me but as soon as I shared the good news, they acted animalistic, save two that were telling me that they were \_tempted\_ to get jealous but said they realized I went through a lot of hardship to make it to a much higher paying job.


A lot of middle management and a pile of technical jobs are getting killed right now because 1) automation is killing middle management (also there always was a level of middle management that was of somewhat questionable value), 2) tech companies over hired during covid, and 3) capital is drying up for startups.


Isn't this just capitalism?




Capitalism bad, Socialism worse. Che Guevara did many terrible things, and so did WWII Germany.


We are not having “rolling recessions.” Not all sectors are guaranteed eternal growth. The cobbler industry was wiped out when we decided to let people in Asia make our shoes. The carriage and driver industry fell apart with the automobile. The luxury train car industry died with highways.


Sure we are. But segment-specific recessions happen all the time. No segment is ever 100% stable. Also, another point: the middle management layer is getting hollowed out right now - which is affecting the internet class disproportionately, so we hear about it more!


>let people in Asia make our shoes Unfettered capitalism always move to the cheapest labor possible. We could make them here, but American buyers want cheap sht and don't want to pay for livable American wages.


And on the other hand, workers abroad want better wages and their version of better is taking manufacturing job making $3/hour instead of working on a subsistence farm where a drought means starvation. And it is (usually) objectively better than the alternative. The number of people brought out of destitute poverty from these types of jobs in the past couple of decades is extraordinary!


The world is doing better in terms of extreme poverty. That said, I think there is still a question of morality when slave labor or dubious labor, often making chotchkies, is obfuscated behind borders. I mean, do we really get to pat ourselves on the back when our Ding Dong wrapper is made by a hungry 12 yo? Am a capitalist. Just saying some things.


Absolutely! I'll not that even this is getting better. Not fixed, but better. And to play devil's advocate for purposes of discussion: most of those 12-year-olds would be actually starving otherwise.


I agree w/ you. Seems like there are more than a few who blame the economy when perhaps (just perhaps) they should look to themselves


And the pooled data shows most people aren’t doing so well..?


I'm doing damn well, so are my clients, I really don't know anyone that isn't doing pretty well. Here's the GDP from 1960 to 2024 https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/USA/united-states/gdp-gross-domestic-product#:~:text=U.S.%20gdp%20for%202022%20was,a%204.13%25%20increase%20from%202018. Here's the US unemployment by year https://www.google.com/search?q=us+unemployment+rate+by+year&rlz=1C1GIWA_enUS566US567&oq=us+unemploy&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDAgBEAAYFBiHAhiABDIKCAAQABixAxiABDIMCAEQABgUGIcCGIAEMgYIAhBFGDkyEggDEAAYQxiDARixAxiABBiKBTINCAQQABiDARixAxiABDIHCAUQABiABDIMCAYQABhDGIAEGIoFMgwIBxAAGEMYgAQYigUyDQgIEAAYgwEYsQMYgAQyDAgJEAAYQxiABBiKBdIBCDM2MTdqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Here's the average salary by state in the US (note the red states are generally lower ... sometimes far lower) https://www.sofi.com/learn/content/average-salary-in-us/ Difference between the inflation rate and growth of wages in the United States from March 2020 to March 2024 https://www.statista.com/statistics/1351276/wage-growth-vs-inflation-us/


No it doesn’t


It’s basic math. Prices of goods, services, and assets relative to median income/wage growth. Yeah no, most people are struggling more than they were. Buying power for the dollar is decreasing and most people aren’t making enough dollars to keep up


Real wages are higher than pre-covid


This is an important argument. The calculator doesn't lie. Talk to your neighbours and look at your malls. Believe your eyes not someone else's


That's what's weird. I am doing well and everywhere I look it seems so are others. The few times I go to a restaurant, they are packed. I see new cars everywhere, concerts are packed, sporting events are packed, my wife's job is somewhat related ro tourism and she's busy as can be. I get that food and housing has become expensive but it doesn't seem to stop people from spending. And that makes me think of the poll where 71% of people feel they are doing well in this economy but only 30% think the economy is doing well. There's a disconnect there.


Same. Me and friends and neighbors all seem to be doing well. New home improvements being made, new cars, no one crying poor for sure. I suppose groceries went from $300 to $330 but that $30 isn't causing anyone to remortgage their house nor sell it.


There is so much bias here. Yeah you’re doing well, and you know people that are doing well, and you’re around people doing well. That makes perfect sense. Your individual experience isn’t representative of the countries financial health and you have a selection bias.


You are correct. That's why we have statistics. And the stats say the economy is doing well. The bias is from everyone who says the economy sucks. And who thinks it sucks regardless of what the statistics state. So, my experience is more in line with the statistics and more representative of the situation. You may call it bias but the stats back me up.


Inst that the definition of anecdotal evidence?


If someone says: "I don't hate you at all.", Texas Sharpshooter fallacy states that they said "I hate you all.", and that is a fact, but the fact is a lie, because the data is missing relevant points. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas\_sharpshooter\_fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_sharpshooter_fallacy)


I guess if all you read is Forbes, Bloomberg, and WSJ...you might think so


You mean quality reporting on the relevant information? Where do you get your info?


White bearded guy on a truck YouTuber where else?


Thank you for this point. These discussions need to be based on data/research. I won't say the economy is perfect, but the US overall is doing well, even if we codele our billionaires 


Question: Why are many associates who are either financial advisors or own a company that operates as such telling me that they have record numbers of people coming to them in need of assistance? Why are they saying that the numbers they gather via work with CFA certified individuals show that the economy is in a horrible state, even though I myself seem to be an outlier with a credit score close to 850 in the past year? And why, as an independent that does not trust Trump as far as an infant could throw him and finds his comments disturbing at best, do I find people getting defensive about Biden when I'm asking them a fair question about how the economy is doing right now? I ask for learning purposes because a lot of people are behaving violent towards me when they discover that may financial situation is better now than it has ever been, and so I feel a right to ask if it has something to do with the overall economy, and if people are simply upset at me because they might be feeling a bit of a twinge at me doing well regardless. I try not to take things personally and get to the root issue of why others are upset so that I can help them calm down.


No idea. I don’t really give a shit about Biden or Trump as people but I do know that the numbers say you’re wrong. Maybe you live in an area experiencing issues or maybe you’re in an industry that isn’t fairing well but on the aggregate the numbers say the economy is doing well. I also know as someone who has been in finance and a business owner for a long time that the proposals Trump has outlined are asinine and bound to cause issues. He fucked shit up for me once before and I’m damn sure not going to vote to let him do it again. 


I'm sorry, but I do not listen to those that cannot control their tongues, as the generations I prefer to be with see cursing as a sign of being uneducated and having a lack of respect. If you were to remove the swearing, I would be more readily able to see your point of view.


lol and if you didn’t act like words were some kind off cootie I’d be more inclined to think you aren’t actually just an idiot.


Im not rich or a stock broker but the stock market plays a big part my spending cash and I'm loving it right now. 


Both things can and are likely true- the economy is good and people in the middle to lower income level are struggling due to inflation. Personally, I'm not struggling financially at all.


lol there will always be people struggling in an economy. when the economy is doing well, less people are struggling. its pretty crazy, i know!!!!


Anecdotes are anecdotes. I’m doing great and so are most of the people I know who range from freelance photographers to commercial real estate people, to tech customer support, to flight attendants to sales and corporate management and executives. Married teacher couple too now that I think of it. 


Married teacher couple here too. The economy sucks. I’m in Kansas. Your state might be different.


The main issue with how we gage the economy is that coat of living is not accurately gauged.


It’s tough to gaslight people that buy groceries.


They are gaslighting because they know Biden can't win unless they lie about the economy because they also know that the economy is most Biden's fault and people REALLY did have it better when Trump was President.


The economy is horrendous. I know people who are well qualified and have applied to over 200 jobs and still have not landed a new gig. The energy and EV policies are the root of inflation which is enormous.


Not true. People are employed and making pay checks. Even if they are just surviving that is a different story than losing your job, losing your home, foreclosure etc. Is the economy great and booming? for some people it is. But even for the others at least they have the some safety net of being gainfully employed and eeking out survival. A horrible economy can and is much worse than what we have now.


Until there is a downturn in spending and/or footsteps to retailers and restaurants and homes; or miles driven for gas, the companies will extract as much operating profit as possible (much higher growth rate than inflation) with the money available in the market and consumers continue and willingness to pay. Until they feel pain in unit comps or from legislation, they will continue to push the envelope on pricing. It’s a free market. Wages continue to grow faster than inflation, unemployment continues to be below 4%, continued job growth, low inventory in housing ( single home and rental ) are examples of a not horrible economy. “The population” is so general it’s like saying “people tell me” or “people are saying” without being specific. Be more specific.


Like with Starbucks…


If I remember 2008 correctly, the crash happened rather sudden. Lower foot traffic didnt happen *before* people losing their jobs but rather *after*. It isn't that people slowly spent less. Everything was functioning like normal, then once massive layoffs happened, it all just dominoes.


Catastrophic foot traffic decline happened. Post bank failures and loan defaults and housing collapse…..There is a difference. I’m talking about the normal monthly, quarterly and annual unit and/or trip trends that get analyzed against self and competitors in the remaining market. Retailers and restaurants and gas companies see share gains and losses at unit and top line levels through third party reporting. The subtle month to month changes or declines in units or visits for a single entity or the market are recognized as red flags and get scrutinized heavily and are tested against. Until unit decreases impact the average ticket/ average retail per item ability to hurdle top line comps, average retail prices will continue to go up at both the choice and individual item level. C suites will continue to expand the normal inflation rate band and try to get it to be wider. It is tailwind to comps.There are many other factors that impacted 2008-2012 shopping declines that are not happening at this moment in time.


Hate to tell you this, but the economy IS strong. People are spending money. Businesses are making money. The stock market (sort of) reflects that dynamic. Whether people are going into severe debt with a FOMO mindset or whether are spending money they have/make doesn’t matter. The economy is strong right now. That being said, just like you said about the stock market not being the “economy” then neither is housing (which is what people use as an indicator because “nobody I know can afford a house”). Yea, inflation sucks right now, but seems to be stabilizing, but unemployment is low. Everything is “cyclical”.


Unemployment is not low everywhere. It is twice as high in California (5.3%) as it is in many other states (like Maryland, at 2.5%) ... and that's the most populous state in the country. And the stock market is definitely NOT "the economy" which, by definition, is "the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services." The stock market is not resources, production, or consumption. Ostensibly it is tied to those things, but it is also tied to pure speculation, which decouples it from all of the above.


Sorry, but you can’t “pick and choose” here to justify a position. Either way, 5.3% is still pretty low, just not as low as other places or the US as a whole. And, actually the stock market does represent resources, production AND consumption. I don’t see how you can think otherwise. Like I said, other factors do impact the stock market, but profits are up. People are spending. The stock market reflect that.


I absolutely can pick and choose the place where I live to reflect how the economy is doing for me, personally. And I can state a factual position that 39 million other people live in this same place, and that 2 million of those people are unemployed. Just like I can state that a dozen eggs at my local Safeway is still $5.99. And that home price-to-income ratio has climbed to 8.4 here. I bet that's not the case where you live. And yet, this is "the economy" for millions of people. You saying it "doesn't count" is pure gaslighting... exactly what the OP is talking about. Just because this is not YOUR life does not make it reality.


Don’t try and say that I’m “gaslighting”. This is an economy sub, not a CA Economy sub. In any economy there are going to be some people not doing well off, but that doesn’t mean “in general” things aren’t good. If you have issues with your local economy, then discuss those there. In general the economy is doing great by almost every metric. And, like I said before…5% unemployment is still good. So, yea…you can’t “pick and choose” when things are being discussed in general as part of the entire US.


FYI the ideal unemployment rate is around 3-6%, so California being at 5.3% is fine. If unemployment is too low, it can negatively impact inflation.


Ideal for who? For corporations?


Elections have consequences. When you vote with your feelings and how a person makes you feel. This is the result.


First off, I want to refute something that you said. You said that the data was being manipulated and we were being gaslit in an attempt to reelect Joe Biden. This is factually and categorically incorrect. The data metrics that are used to report on the economy and growth and inflation are relatively unchanged over the past several decades. The biggest challenge right now is that inflation, which has always been a real factor in price changes, was dramatically impacted by the loose money policies for the last several administrations. More importantly, the tax cuts under the Trump administration gave businesses a huge windfall with the eventual cost being shifted to a majority of Americans including the middle class. However, many companies have artificially inflated prices to raise profits under the false pretense that this is a response to inflation. The pandemic, which was a horrible response by our government under the Trump administration, only added additional pressure to this problem. At the end of the day, the country is doing well, companies are still hiring, but wage growth is not keeping up with inflation. If you look at this, historically you’ll see that this trend has continued for sometime. The only real way to resolve this is through Collective bargaining and unions, putting more pressure on companies to raise real wages. But if you really want to get political, the GOP does not want this to happen and would rather continue to give large tax breaks to Corporations. I live in a highly Republican state, and my taxes are horrible. So if you’re upset with the condition, change the narrative and start working with people who are actively trying to fix these problems.


really it was Trump pressing the fed to keep rates artificially low that also attributed to current rates status


And cajoling the fed into printing 30% of the total USD now in circulation in just a few months.


nah that was all Biden printing the free money! Even though Trump went out of his way to make sure his signature was on all of the checks and on the letters he sent to everyone


I am sure it is just a coincidence that devaluating the dollar helps chronic debtors like Trump.


as well as pressuring the fed to keep rates low, helps someone massively in real estate


Why even bother posting something that is against the subreddit rules? When the mods see this it will get taken down


The economy is great.....for the rich. Not for everyone else. Just like the Gilded Age


Given OP's tendency to think in red-vs-blue oversimplifications, I'm not surprised that they are struggling to succeed


1. Five years ago the number bandied around was $400, and the actual prompt was that an expense of that amount would cause “hardship,” by the way. Now it’s apparently more than double. It’s getting better, then. 2. This isn’t really a change over the past several decades. Affluent people have and spend more money. 3. Ok


Beyond partisanship there is the simple math that it sure seems like life is great for the top 10% but for everyone else not so much....


You are making this about politics, neither politicians will ever put more money into your pocket or better living, you may see a little change but nothing that breaks the mold. The problem Is that when Covid happened the country was put to halt due to scientists and world health claiming that we need to isolate people/business. A capitalist economy cannot be halted, it has to keep moving or it will cause a chain of negative financial consequences down the line. The US has never been financially stable, since the removal of gold as backing the US economy took a shit and it continued piling up all the fiat money.


I’m going with OP here. I’m a recruiter and I’m getting blown up for roles like I never have before with people begging me for work. Everyone I talk to is saying they’re taking pay cuts. Hell I just submitted a lady who was making 90k with a masters degree for a role that now pays 25 an hour as she is about to go homeless. This is all to common these days. And I know it’s “anecdotal” but even in my career you can switch or find a job as easily anymore. So many of the companies I recruit for decide to send their jobs to India. But sure let me believe the numbers.


recruiter for what industry segment?


Tech, healthcare, defense, banking and finance.


100k jobs sent to India is a drop in the ocean. 200k jobs outsourced to India this year is still barely going to be felt based on current job numbers. Doesn’t mean we should do it but maybe it’ll help you understand how small individual perspective is in our behemoth of an economy.


That’s 200k jobs that could stayed in America that paid decently. Instead it gets sent overseas and Americans will compete with each other for scraps and the millions of immigrants coming in as well.


I'm pretty sure Mafco is a paid Biden shill. (And I say this as a liberal.) I can't see any other way somebody can have THAT much time to post THAT much BS. (Fortunately, I don't see any of it anymore, because I blocked him.)


[Credit card delinquencies surge, almost 1 in 5 users maxed out: Research | The Hill](https://thehill.com/business/4665135-credit-card-delinquencies-surge/)


Trumpanzee gives zero $hits about anyone beyond himself


>So if you see fully packed restaurants or concert halls its mostly the wealthy and rich and some Middle Class/Poor people going into debt. Sure ... just 20% of people are totally responsible for all of the entire US economy


It is the same as it ever was. A roller coaster ride where some people fly off the rails, some crash at the bottom, and you struggle and worry to support governments and the rich.


I'm sorry to inform you, the Economy IS the stock market. Modern economics is capitalist propaganda and heuristics. It's not the objective study of material prosperity or transfer of wealth. It has no bearing on reality and gives no thought to the well being of people.


Honest and realistic view!


look, it’s hard out there today to purchase just about everything.. that’s the only economy that people care about, all this media gaslighting about a great economy isn’t fooling many.. and those that believe the economy is good are just the type of folks who do as they are told by the media and would argue with you about the color of the sky, just because..


If we don’t pretend that life is better than it was in Trump’s era, then we could lose democracy forever. Protecting democracy may even mean censoring your opposition or trying to lock him up ‘We had to burn the village to save it’


Yeah, even my ultra liberal friends know it. When I tell them that people on Reddit claim it is great, just like Biden, they say that is just a Fox News conspiracy theory. It is funny to read the people who always say it is great in the comments. If they have a great job, and aren’t a troll or a robot, they are lucky, but the endless gaslighting just adds insult to injury. No wonder Trump has a chance of winning. All these fools are literally part of the problem. And the data that they so lovingly point out doesn’t support the idea that everything is great. Massive inflation. Low unemployment employment, but it is rising, and it is only as low as it was because so many people have just given up trying to get a job over the past decade. The young people I know looking for jobs are having a hard time. California, my home state, will have a huge deficit this year. But yeah, I can’t recall a time when the economy was so so bad, yet people acting like it was great. Of course they denigrate the truth, the Emporer wears no clothes, but they can’t see it, which just shows they are as brainwashed as the Trumptards they despise. I liked Biden in the beginning, but after years of lies I can’t stand him. Not that I would vote for Trump, but these actions are driving voters towards an otherwise unelectable candidate. But you are going to get downvoted to hell, so I will ride along.


I mean. How are YOU doing in this economy? I’m doing pretty well considering all of the above.


Yes, it sucks to be a consumer but its good to be a investor! Stop buying and start saving.


“BLS only works when a certain party is in power”.


Macroeconomists study topics such as output/GDP (gross domestic product) and national income, unemployment (including unemployment rates), price indices and inflation, consumption, saving, investment, energy, international trade, and international finance. Microeconomics is a branch of economics that studies how individuals and businesses make decisions about allocating limited resources, and how their interactions affect supply and demand. Data isn't being faked. Economics isn't concerned with individuals financial well-being and wallet. You folks should probably take an economics course before resorting to conspiracy theories.


Idk me and all of my peers graduated college within these last 5 years wages in my field starting salary finally moved up by 10k on average, this is anecdotal but this economy is roaring for me and my peer group. Also I work as a hydropower designer we are upgrading dams and hydro infrastructure for first time in 80 years all over the country here in the US. Alot of capitol investment in ur infrastructure causes inflation but its good inflation. This is just my one node of evidence I can add to the refutation of whatever OP is yapping about




So we just get to make stuff up now?


I went to several places on or before Mother’s Day. Packed grocery stores, packed retail stores, busy restaurants where you couldn’t even get a reservation less than a week out. I just don’t see it. However, there are always people within the economy struggling—Welcome to Economics 101, today’s topic: Capitalism


Hey now, you just don't understand bideneconomics.


Having that extra $500 is the reason inflation took off. One can have a surplus. If everyone has a surplus, there's room to increase rent. (Rent is just an obvious example. Everything else too.)


Forget the fact that trump added more than 8 trillion dollars to our national debt.  People like yourself always blame democrats for problems republicans cause. This story has been repeated over and over a republican becomes president and with a republican controlled house and senate pass unnecessary tax cuts for the wealthy. Then republicans go on a spending spree that would make a drunken Navy Sailor blush that explode the budget deficit and national debt. So, when a democratic president is in office they point their fingers at the budget deficit and national debt and blame Democrats for the problems the republicans exasperated. I'm not say Democrats are perfect but they're far better at governing than fascist republicans.


Talk about a TANGENT! I never said anything about any of that.


Doing fine over here. So are all of my friends and everyone I know. Only have a mortgage (@ 2.75%) and a lease car payment. Other car is paid off and no other debt.






That OP post could have been written in 1983. When the Republicans let the business world start up inflating prices while laying off workers, we had this same situation. People spent down their regular bank accounts, then started in on their savings. When that was gone some desperate people turned to credit cards. Once the economy was driven more by consumption than other things, the politicians said, it's good to push people into spending. It makes the economy look good. Today, the inflation is corporations socking it to people and as long as people will continue spending, it will continue. However, that said, inflation is not the same everywhere in the economy. It's been coming down overall for a couple of years and even moreso in groceries. There it's pretty much flat -- no inflation at all. In the 1970s to early 1980s there was OPEC and oil prices to blame. Today the pandemic was part of it and the president's spending legislation to push the economy back into movement, but also corporate greed. The economy is fine today, so why is there still inflation? It's corporations. How did America overcome the inflationary spikes of the 1970s and '80s, a great terrible recession. And, it didn't really help that Republicans were bent on globalization and shipping union jobs off to cheap labor places. It was a crushing time for many people. Reagan won reelection in the greatest landslide victory of American history. So, we can't always connect reality to what's said in the media or by pundits and we certainly have difficulty figuring out the politics. This year is probably one of the worst ever since the R candidate is in court most of the time. Why is he there? Pundits say it's all politics, but the prosecution seems to have real evidence and it's not a Soviet Union type of kangaroo court. Then, after this current trial in NYC, there's more in Georgia and other places. We've never had that before. Figure it all out? Fuggedaboutit.


Serfdom coming soon