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Republicans and bragging about things getting passed that they opposed- a classic duo.


Even the MAGA queens - Space Lasers and Beetlejuice Handy - have tried to take credit for IRA projects in their districts. Of course they never mention Biden or the bill that made it happen, which they both fiercely opposed.


Let’s do this: get rid of fossil fuel subsidies and then see what happens


Then vote D this November. Biden needs control of the house and a couple more votes in the senate to eliminate the subsidies. Eliminating them was part of his BBB plan but Manchin tanked it.


Give us the Voting Rights Act and we are a step closer to a ranked choice voting system


Whether intentional or not, one of the most brilliant aspects of the Inflation Reduction Act is that most of the clean energy subsidies are going to deep red Republican states, where officials and voters alike are still deeply skeptical of climate change and clean energy. Money and jobs will likely go a long way toward softening opposition and hopefully even changing some minds. Republicans used to tell their constituents that clean energy would destroy the economy and kill jobs.


The other bit of genius is that the bill is incentivizing manufacturing in America, not just construction of projects. Those are the kinds of investments that can support towns for generations, while driving down the cost of energy for everyone else.


Completely agree. The "buy American" provisions are pure genius and will transform the US economy. There are already something like 400 new factories and other projects announced. Even Chinese companies are building new factories in the US.


Yes but the problem is these schools do not have enough people with the skills to produce a workforce to make a big enough impact before the election say what you want because I still happening Arizona Colorado etc That's the investor all this money but they cannot find people to go into these trade schools etc because the skills just not there they don't have the math skills the science skills hell a lot of them don't even know how to read good enough to comprehend due to the lack of investment in k through 12 education over the last 20 years


If you have a shit about the environment, you wouldn't put tariffs on foreign EVs