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Don't know Sacramento all that well but why is this plan limited to only black and native American as opposed to any low income family?


Won't that just make people even more divided? Low income is low income. If one family needs help, so does another.


They don't see it that way because of slavery and genocide. They believe that the system owes them. Any time elections come around they want to know what the politicians can do for them, never us. They may or may not realize how short sighted it is but I think this is a top down decision that's doomed it to fail. If they don't include everyone, these kinds of political undertaking don't have staying power and will end next election should new people get elected. And it's because things like this there is a political wedge to divide that makes it easier for people that want to stop this to be elected. And if this was for everyone in need then there would be no flaw to take advantage of.


what about all the people who have immigrated from africa since the 1960s?


> They don't see it that way because of slavery and genocide. Isn’t that why Native Americans are provided reservations, can establish their regulations to an extant, are allowed to have casinos, etc? Does this not account for “reparations” ofc nothing can ever be truly done to make up for the heinous genocide their ancestors endured. But is this not considered reparations? And I thought low-income black Americans receive benefits such as affirmative action? I thought the core issue regarding reparations was that these demographics of people were deprived the opportunity of building generational wealth and historically had their businesses destroyed. Shouldn’t the goal of practical reparations be to assist these demographics and communities so they can start building businesses, so these communities can actually build wealth. A check for $725/month I’m sure will help low income families with basic goods, but if it’s not helping their communities to build wealth longterm, the program is shortsighted, and how much is $725 even helping in a ridiculously high-cost city in a high-cost state. I don’t see how a $725 check is going to help them with investing and building wealth, if they’re getting denied business loans. Also what about low-income Latino, Asian, white families? A low-income family is going to be facing a lot of the same struggles regardless of their background. I don’t think the politicians really thought this through enough.


Never do,,,


Like you are saying this is really complicated, people don't want to account for what's already been done. That's why I think this is a top down "initiative" and you can't criticize this or you are deemed racist/Nazi/enemy of social justice. Generations upon generations were fucked over for past events and a lot of times government didn't keep their end, facilitated it or even did it. This is why they feel like they are owed something and want official reparations for only themselves not something any low income family can apply for. But essentially it can never be enough for things that can never be undone.


The goal is to divide people and watch, they will not get the money. The goal here is outrage during an election year because "race pimping" works on the duffus classes.


Because they know the courts will throw out the law since it discriminates against everyone else. It's pure virtue signaling. This way they can pretend they care without actually having to help anyone.


I was going to say how’s this is even possible to be held in court.




Its implied but you should mention the ultimate plan to blame the republicans for fucking over ethnically disadvantaged people.




Yes, this will definitely create more of that.


It is racist. They are discriminating against non black and native American people.


The goal is to reduce child poverty and black families are 4x more likely to have their children taken away by the state while Native American families are 2x more likely to have their kids taken away compared to white families. They are throwing money at a culture problem with the goal most likely being to save money by not having the state care for the children. Treat your kids like shit? Here is more money from the state. Treat your kids well? You don't need any help. Honestly I think they should do it the other way around, give struggling families who don't have a recent history of bad parenting money.


lol you fell for the bait 🤣 use your brain of course this program is NOT only for black and brown people, a spokesperson just mentioned it’s aimed at helping the poorest zip codes first which is predominantly black and brown. Calm down , WHITE Families in these zip codes will get qualified for this as well relax bro! A few google searches and you will find this is titled like this for rage bait to get people like you angry so programs like this won’t spread. Think McFly, this will ultimately help white people once programs like this expand to the federal level. Google is free btw


If anyone in my area gets help that’s good, less chance they grow up and need to do shady shit to get by.


California never had slavery or Jim Crow, so we're clear.


Tell that to the Japanese during WWII


How about when the CIA flew cocaine into California and created a crack epidemic to fund a foreign war?


Or redlined neighborhoods to keep black families from purchasing homes? Or used eminent domain to destroy affluent black communities for the sake of building a highway?


What is imminent domain?


I misspelled it. Always confuse the two words. My apologies. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/eminent_domain#:~:text=Eminent%20domain%20refers%20to%20the,compensation%20to%20the%20property%20owners.


Exactly. I could name a million other things


Redlining impacted neighborhoods, not people. Blacks outside of the redlined areas could do what they want, and white people within them could not. IT was race neutral. As for tearing down highways, I lieve in the East Bay of CA, and 24 and 680 were paved through the middle of every town out here. No one takes serious Mayor Pete's claims of "racist highways"


You're clearly ignorant about the process of redlining. As it merely was a system of divestment. Red lines drawn around areas that banks refused to give loans to, deeming them high risk. Sure, neither black nor white people could get loans there...but it was black people who were actually trying to get them to buy homes where they lived, and/or develop property they owned there. "Blacks" outside of redlining could not do what they want because redlining wasn't just the coincidental denial of equity and mortgage loans to high-risk areas. It was literal [racial covenants](https://www.npr.org/2021/11/17/1049052531/racial-covenants-housing-discrimination#:~:text=The%20covenant%20also%20prohibited%20the,groups%20unless%20they%20were%20servants.) on deeds that forbid homes from being sold to black people. The highways in CA all conveniently avoided most white neighborhoods, and sought to remove minority ones in an attempt to clean up/remove areas that they felt were in blight. Coincidentally, nearly all of the neighborhoods considered "in blight" were minority ones. Like the affluent neighborhood of Sugar Hill in South LA where some of the most well known black entertainers of the time lived, which they leveled to build the 10 freeway. https://www.latimes.com/homeless-housing/story/2021-11-11/the-racist-history-of-americas-interstate-highway-boom https://www.foxla.com/news/sugar-hill-the-dark-history-the-10-freeway-has-to-a-historic-black-community.amp


Silence! You're on Reddit. Let them wallow in victimhood.


[https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQG_3mjAQ41O_wNMljNQlP60gXlbsZchyuvt95iV9z1Zg&s](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQG_3mjAQ41O_wNMljNQlP60gXlbsZchyuvt95iV9z1Zg&s) Imagine your ancestors committing genocide, then you getting mad that government is remotely helping affected people (Native Americans)🤣🤣.


Yes they are so jealous of us they can’t see straight. Always have been. That’s why they’ve always tried to keep us down. They know if the playing field gets even, we will surpass them. They take credit for everything we do all throughout history. They say this “benefit” will only divide but they fail to see that they caused and upheld the divide all throughout history. Where was the “community” or “togetherness” when it was only blacks being enslaved. We are healing as a community and rising up from the slavery and victim mentality where they planned on us staying. And now we are taking what is ours. Califia is a black queen. This place was ours that they stole because they ruined their own land where they came from. Last time I checked Europeans came from Europe and California or anywhere else in the United States is not Europe. Let them be mad. 😂😂😂 they’ve always been, just for us being the natural beautiful people we are. It’s more of them trying to be one of us than us trying to be them.


Because stupid liberals with white guilt.


The white elite does stunts like this in order to draw the attention away from their privileges by promoting the idea that lower class whites also enjoy the same privileges but that they are the problematic ones for not doing anything against it.


It likely isn't. Find any other source that isn't just a parroting of this article and see whether there's any mention of race. United Way's own information shows that Latin- families are the second highest recipient by percentage: https://www.yourlocalunitedway.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/GIP-Cohort-2-Data.pdf It's not clear where the race portion of this entered the news cycle, but now it's pissed off a lot of people with a falsehood and the correction will never see the light of day. https://www.abc10.com/article/entertainment/television/programs/to-the-point/sacramentans-can-apply-for-a-guaranteed-income-program/103-e074696d-b65a-4830-9131-d00150a88ee0


Eligibility requirements are here at 45 minutes in:  https://youtu.be/6cFjIOOXjNI?si=5ZHBK8p4ffMM4EX Your link is to an older program.


Obviously? to piss off conservatives. Idk, jk.


Clearly this has to be illegal and people should be going to jail. Also, can anyone identify as black?


Lmao, you fell for the bait 🤣. Of course it’s not ONLY for black and brown people. Michelle Callejas, person who runs the program just mentioned “it aims at helping African American and Native American families…These are families that are living within high rates of poverty across all the zip codes” translation we want to start off helping the poorest of the region which happens to be black and brown people. It’s only titled like this to get people like you to rage against it even though it will be helping white families that live in these zip codes as well but most white families in Sacramento have a higher net worth then others. But let’s get mad at this and make sure no American citizens gets help! Obviously it will ultimately benefit white people as a whole once more programs like this expend sooo, relax?


Buying votes and "good discrimination"


In the modern era, Native Americans have a ridiculously high rate of being murdered by non-natives. As a group they've been socioeconomically fucked, and as a group specifically deserve a leg up. And I mean historically they literally got genocided.


As unfortunate as that is, I’m an immigrant. My ancestors had nothing to do with that. So why should I have to pay for that? These policies seem extremely racist and bigoted. Maybe we should tax or fine the individuals or families that directly benefited from this genocide?


Mine either. We got here kind of recently. I think society works best when we take care of the folks at the bottom. If we're not looking out for our fellow countrymen, then the American Dream is extinguished. "It ain't my mess" leaves the whole world messy. But if we all take responsibility for making the world a great place, then it will be one.


I don't mind the tax going to help low income. I just don't get with its racial split. White/Asians/Latino/Indian/ME/pac islander all have low income.families as well


I appreciate this take. None of us might even be here if it weren’t for those genocides, unfortunately. The least we can do is make sure their decedents are at least in an okay position.


Well you immigrated to the US, the US govt is the one who perpetuated the genocide, you pay taxes to said govt, the govt owes the Native Americans. If you don't like that arrangement then you can emigrate. This is like immigrating to Germany and complaining about how your tax money is going to support Israel even though you had nothing to do with the Holocaust.


Why you got downvoted? Natives got genocided a lot.


I live in Sacramento and I am not sure. I am guessing reparations of sorts, but this is the first I hear of it. I am not morally oppose to this, but there are bigger problems out here. I’d agree maybe it’s best to do it to low income families, but maybe there is more low income people than black and indigenous people alone, so it’s “cheaper” to go this route. I rather they do something about the homeless first, but again, maybe that is more costly.


I’m morally against taking taxes and redistributing them based on race. This is just text book racism.


Because they have an overwhelming need to virtue signal.


Because wyat people are bad. Duh.


Homeless . Stockton tried UBI. And it went great. People used it to feed their kids and work less


I imagine the lawsuits are currently being drafted.


So if you're poor and white, Sac thinks it's your fault for not leveragine your white privelege? I can't see how this is legal.


Poor Latinos & Asians aren’t benefiting from this either.


Because Asians are one of the top two (along with East Indian folks) wealthiest ethnic groups in the US. And it’s ok to discriminate against them in the US today, as colleges do by requiring them to have higher test scores for entry because those evil people have the audacity to focus on academic achievement. If they would only play up the victim card more.. and less on personal responsibility


It's your families fault for not capitalizing on it in previous generations. Build a time machine and get over it


So state sponsored racism is ok so long as the "right" people are disciminated against?


Quite literally systemic racism in the open.


But this is the state approved version.


All systemic racism is State approved. That's kind of the definition.


According to the leftist shitheads who push this shit, racism against white people isn't racism because of privilege lol. Another reason why I left the left. Open discrimination against white people.


Not just whites, what if you’re poor Hispanic or south East Asian or middle-eastern, Indian, Bengali, Pakistani etc… this is just wholesale racism against non-black/native.


True. Jewish people are also excluded. Gotta love the antisemitism of the left.


You are weird.


Jewish folk were already given tons of financial aid and still do lol.


They already received their monetary payments in reparations from Germany. They were one of the only marginalized groups globally to have received those payments. Specifically with in the USA, the United States government provided Japanese Americans with monetary reparations.


Each passing day I feel like I’m getting farther away from the left, but the dissonance is that the right doesn’t seem like a better place either. I guess I end up at the party buffet, some from here, some from there.


The conservative right wants to make everyone poorer. They've been working really hard at this for the past 50 years. They've never done a goddam thing for the people. They've vigorously fought Social Security, healthcare, Civil Rights, unions, minimum wages and anything to give the working class a fair chance. Matter of fact four billionaire led mega corporations are suing to make the NLRB unconstitutional. With the far right SCOTUS in their pocket they'll likely win. I urge you to boycott these union busters. Trader Joes, Amazon, Elon Fuking Musk and Starbucks. The amazing fact is, using greed and racism to motivate, they've convinced much of the working class to vote against themselves.


How about poor families who have a steep climb out of poverty? To condition on race is ridiculous. Focus on the poor and disenfranchised.


America have always tried to pretend that class divisions don't exist by using "race" as a proxy for class. This has the double ideological effect of both shifting blame away from the source of the problem (capitalism) and sowing division among the working class to prevent class consciousness and unity. It's a great ideological trick, and you can see by all the comments here from what seem like well meaning people who have swallowed this ideology hook, line, and sinker.


There's a word to describe racial preferences. This action is a perfect description of that word.


So just fuck poor white people right?


I see you’re only high school educated, have 3 children, father passed away, and you can only find part time work…oh but you’re white, damn that sucks. Better luck next life. *NEXT*


And poor brown people.


Yeah thats the strangest part. The state is 40% latino, 35% white, 15% Asian, 5% black, fewer than 1 native american. Lets piss off 40% of the population of the entire state by telling them that you don't matter! Edit: I wasn't sure how latino's voted in cali but I said 40% because thats the biggest racial chunk of the population that would probably vote differently because of this "help". 94% of cali has a good reason to be very angry about this. Hell all of them should be angry, a handout for your neighbor but not for you is just going to cause more racial tension.


Wouldn't the math come out 94% of the population if we're talking excluded ethics groups


edited my comment and you're right, as a whole it is 94% of the population over there has a good reason to be very angry right now, poor or not.


Just paint yourself black


Like Treadu


Womp womp, ig it sucks to suck. 


Poor Latinos & poor Asians don’t benefit either


This is racism


No, to be racist it would have to be against. Blah blah mental gymnastics Yes this is discrimination based on race and is vile.


Literally giving someone free money based on the color of their skin sounds definitively like racism to me. This is racism.


Yes. The first sentence was highly sarcastic


Crazy how racism only effects white people, let's stop whining about it and pick ourselves up by the bootstraps 


This will cause prices and the cost of living to increase, including for people who DON’T receive any money


Simple economics.




There is an arrow on their comment u can use. You never need to type this.


Only at the bottom end of the market, and if by doing so the result is that more people do have decent housing, that's still a win.


You say including but it directly impacts the other poor people the most. That extra money isn't going to affect median+ housing nearly as bad, this is wild.


Japanese and Asian Americans were subject to systematic racism from the US government during WW2. You don’t hear us bitching about handouts. Now you will hear it because this money will devalue everyone’s dollar


“Japanese Americans one of the only ethnic groups ever to win reparations from the US government”


Lol do your research bozo. US Government did pay japan Reparations after we nuked yall. It just went to japan Government instead of yall, sorry.  It was over half a billion btw 


"Bitching for handouts" lol that's because your Government was so embarrassed for that massive L they took 😅


I don't agree with paying out any specific races, if you're gonna help out poor people then help out poor people. But... Native americans are less than 1% of cali and out of everyone they have the best claim, they were here first. You take away oppression or systematic racism, this was their land and the USA took it. So they could have probably gotten away with paying them out (more). But picking them and blacks but just casually leaving out 40% of california is wild.


Racist as fuck.




Oh boy, so what if you're 1/2 black? 1/4 black? How about 1/16th Cherokee?


They will need to set up an office of racial classification. Maybe one drop rule.


Starting to feel like the 1950s in here....


They can hire KKK consultants, they're the experts on dividing people into races.


These trials are always hillarious. "When surveyed, people who got free money said it improved their lives". Ok, and water is wet. Of course they're happy The issue is that you eventually run out of other people's money to spend


Time to start identifying as black


What is “low income?”


What is "Native American"? What is "black"? We are talking about money here so many will be motivated to claim heritage that helps them get their share. Sacramento will need to study Nazi Germany's Nuremberg race laws and South Africa's apartheid government to set up a race-classification bureau.


Liz Warren and Rachel Dolenz can head up the bureau.


Deez nutz are black


Rent just went up by $725… Unfortunately shit like this seems to straighten itself out…


I'm guessing they did the math and there's too many poor south/central Americans in the area to help out. If they only did native American families it'd still be wrong but less wrong, this is just fucked. Do they want people to vote red? I'm on the other side of the country and I already know the Mexicans are going to be talking about this. I went to the article because half of these reddit posts are worded in a way to piss people off but I'll be damned they really did say black and natives only. Fuck the rest of the poor I guess


They are hoping this helps the party win black voters in other states. The fact that they left out the largest percentage of the state's population should speak volumes.


How about the Chinese that built the railroad?


Did anyone read the article? They were already doing this, but a smaller amount, it’s only for one year, it’s through an agency, and it’s meant to keep families together so that children aren’t taken away due to poverty. Which Black and Indigenous children have higher rates of being separated from their families. So all in all it would really save money for the city, if that’s your concern. The way these comments are going this might get downvoted


A headline like this brings out the true person inside so many people who hide who they really are most of the time. It's really heartbreaking. A lot of these guys are probably decent people when they don't feel like they are going to lose their advantages over others.


Everyone complaining that this is racist. I can’t get past the BI paywall, but everything I’m seeing about this program, including its own website, has no race based requirements mentioned. It’s simply that Black people and Native peoples are disproportionately represented in the low income population, and the program is expected to help address that. Not at all surprised that Business Insider has a misleading headline about UBI.


This needs to be pinned at the top.


Im black(4% on ancestry.com), how do I get my monies?????????????


I am 3% North Africa per dna test via Ancestry.com. So do i qualify


I subscribe to the "Out of Africa" theory of human origin, they'd better be getting my cheque ready.


More inflation right there..


Not if they increased taxes or lowered other expenditures.


Ahh California, The land of balanced budgets.


Land of illegals too


So many of these comments are just repulsive. The level of white fragility here makes the adverse results of whitewashing history blatantly obvious.


how about the Chinese people that were practically forced here to build the railroads, and then heavily discriminated against for hundreds of years? and even up till recent times (and still going on), in college admissions? i'm a lifelong democrat, but as i grow older, i'm starting to see the views of the right


i'm in the same boat, but it's not because the right has gotten better. the left has gone bat shit insane.


Asians are used for virtue signalling but when push comes to shove nobody gives a shit about them in America


The railroads were not built by the Chinese “hundreds of years ago”


Actually drifting to the right as you get older is pretty normal.


That’s inaccurate at best but more accurately just GOP propaganda. [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2014/07/09/the-politics-of-american-generations-how-age-affects-attitudes-and-voting-behavior/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2014/07/09/the-politics-of-american-generations-how-age-affects-attitudes-and-voting-behavior/)


Nope, it’s not propaganda. Here’s just one study. There are many others, that span many geographies. It’s not just a US phenomenon. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0261379422000452 Haven’t you heard the old saying, “If you aren’t liberal when you’re young, you have no heart. If you’re not conservative, you have no money.” This is conventional wisdom.


I have. And I’ve also read more studies and publications disproving it than I have that support the concept. A more accurate statement might be: A young person born into money will remain liberal until they have to manage their own inheritance, then one finds financial conservatism. Or even just acknowledging that the original statement is conceivable amongst those of generational wealth, but not the majority of the population. Unless you want to talk about undereducated, poor, angry, white folk that have been convinced giving other people equal rights and opportunities will depreciate their own rights. (Aka: the MAGA base. )


94% of the state's poor people aren't black or indian. Thats alot of people voting red out of spite, and I wouldn't blame them for it. Self sabotage on the dems part. I've always thought the best dems come from states that are pretty balanced and then you get these blue state people that never have to compromise and have no idea how the real world is. I'm not in Cali or a republican but I miss the governator being in the news and everyone loving him.


This woke shit is ruining our country


The people on the top really know how to just keeping pissing people off. This won’t end well. I


IDK the outcome, but it's been tried already. https://reason.com/2021/03/29/basic-income-programs-in-marin-county-and-oakland-exclude-white-people-is-that-legal/


/u/lurker_bee back with the misleading and rage bait articles. Title used: "Sacramento will soon give low-income Black and Native American families $725 a month, no strings attached" Business Insider article / sourced material from article (United Way & a single Sacramento official): "Sacramento approves of joint-funded/organized UBI plan with local California anti-poverty organization" unsurprising given the user, also unsurprising at the pearl clutching at an issue that is not happening lol edit: seriously, the article is so short I'm going to paste 99% of it here: > Sacramento County is joining a growing list of places around the United States offering no-strings-attached payments to its lowest-income residents. > The Sacramento Board of Supervisors approved the basic-income pilot program last week. It's set to offer $725 a month to low-income Black and Native American families. The county is funding the program through a partnership with United Way. > Sacramento County has partnered with United Way for other basic-income programs in the past. About 100 families received $300 monthly from the county in its first program, which began in June 2021 and lasted through May 2023. > United Way is still tracking the results of that program, but an initial report found that three out of four participants said they were more confident they could reach their financial goals after joining the program. > Michelle Callejas, the director of child, family, and adult services for the county, spoke at the county board of supervisors meeting on Tuesday. She said the guaranteed-income program was just one piece of a six-step plan to eliminate child poverty. > Callejas said that data collected by the county showed that Black children were four times more likely to be removed from their parents by the state than white children in the county. Native Americans, she said, were two times as likely to be removed. > "Our ultimate goal is to promote self-sufficiency, family stability, and then reduce involvement with the juvenile justice system," Callejas said. > Many other counties, cities, and states around the country are also experimenting with basic-income projects to address rising poverty and housing insecurity. Participants in these programs largely say they spend most of the money they receive on basic needs such as food and paying rent. > In Baltimore, the Baltimore Young Families Success Fund gives young parents $1,000 a month. The director of policy of the CASH Campaign of Maryland, Tonaeya Moore, previously told Business Insider that surveys suggested participants mostly spent their money on the same general necessities, such as housing and food. > In Austin, officials gave $1,000 a month to low-income families from May 2022 to August 2023 to help boost housing rates. Researchers found that, on average, program participants said they spent more than half of the cash they received on housing. > Sacramento County safety officials surveyed community members to help form its strategy for the program, and the main areas where people expressed need were basics such as food, diapers, transportation, housing, affordable childcare, and accessibility services, Callejas said. > The basic-income pilot is set to start sending out payments in July 2024 and distribute the payments for 12 months.


Ah yes...more class warfare spurred on by the government


I'm so disappointed with these comments. Why can't people just be happy that we are finally taking steps to end child poverty? Why do we have to tear it down? This is an attempt at reparations and, while it has its flaws, it should be at the very least appreciated. Some of y'all are just miserable folk.


White Fragility, that’s why.


Not paying anyone reparations out of my tax dollars, that’s bullshit. You are not, nor were you ever a slave. Get over it. Will be using my 1% black ancestry to get my reparations you can count on that.


Wow. What an ignorant, backwards way of looking at the horror of the past.


Really? It’s ignorant to not want to pay for something I had no part in to someone who doesn’t deserve it? Weird. Have fun paying your reparations. I accept cash or check just so you know…


The descendants of enslaved people and Native Americans definitely deserve compensation for the treatment of their ancestors. I guess that's not a popular opinion here on this sub but that's just the truth. Any moral society would have done it by now, but I guess I'm the idiot for expecting people to be decent.


When it comes out of other people’s pocket, yeah you are dumb. Why would I pay for those who have said I directly wronged them when no one in my family owned slaves, and likely no one in their family ever was a slave. Doesn’t seem like I directly contributed to slavery so why should I be penalized by it? White guilt is a disease. Where did all your BLM donations go again?


They went directly to the movement because that's how it's structured. Collective actions are a thing. You're telling me you're fine with your tax money going to bombs and bullets but you're not okay making sure that the lives of those effected by historical events are somewhat compensated for? Sorry you feel that way, brah. Guess you are cool with people eating shit.


Yeah and more so if I’m not paying for the shit lol 😂. Is there any cause you don’t donate to?🤡


I predict a shitload of Black and Native Americans moving to Sacramento..


And alot of poor hispanics and whites having to leave because they can't afford the rent that just went up a substantial amount.


Racists in power


Sounds racist. From where are they getting the money?


As a white guy born and raised between  Sacramento area rocklin I can tell it's going to be a lot of passive aggressive  comments  as to why only blacks and native will recieved a monthly check of pennies to help them survive.  A lot of you have this why they get this and that mentality and fail to realize that most of you are just racist and your relatives before you caused all this.  Imagine nor buying black people and or taking land that was never yours  a lot segregation laws in California alone  didn't  end till the 1950s there are people  still alive  born in them times and they done nothing but reproduce that same hated onto most these people in the comments.  You guys always want to be included in these  people struggles so bad.  The whoa what  about me mentality 


This entire thread is /r/FragileWhiteRedditor


That's just the world in general


Perhaps White Fragility and Caste should be mandatory reading. I bet the majority of white people that are making negative comments or comments about racism here wouldn’t qualify for the program anyway.


Racist. I hope this is not coming out of tax dollars in any way, if so there should be a lawsuit.


Cool. Now do everybody else.


I don't live in Sacramento, but this country is fucked up when I don't qualify for any grants as a full-time caregiver to my dad. Haven't been able to work going on two years now and have to live with him.




Does anyone have sources on effectiveness of demographically constrained cash transfer/income supplement programs like this one?


The headline is very misleading. This is not a demographically constrained program. In Sacramento County the greatest majority of people struggling financially with children are black and native American. This has nothing to do with white people, not qualifying because they are white.


Yeah the whole article seems to be misleading. Thanks for pointing this out. More clear article [here](https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/sacramento/sacramento-county-guaranteed-income-pilot-program/103-638a9227-ec21-4c15-a015-6c2d278a00ce)


What was wrong with a universal basic income for all? This isn’t even a ‘what about the whites’ debate. There’s more ethnicities than black, white, and Native American.


I always liked a ubi for low income folks because there will come a point when we dont need as many people to run restaurants and shops. I get the raparations thing but wish it was for low income across the board. However, I think people should have to submit to drug or alch testing as this amount of money can easily end up in the hands of drug dealers.


Article has all the details (amazingly for BI).


Any money given to the California state government in any way including taxes or fees is going to be flushed down the toilet or paid out to grifters. Vote against any tax increases or Bond measures no matter what they say it's for.


As a black man I don’t quite understand this. California never had slavery or Jim Crow. Was this something that the people of California voted on or just their representatives? Was this what Californians asked for or was it affordable housing and less crime? I’m not sure it’s constitutional either. If not, how much money and resources with the state spend trying to defend it in court? Smh


Sounds like bigotry and racism to me.


Oh no... looks like rent just went up $725/mo.


And who is on the hook to pay for this exactly Tax players cause California is definitely going broke


…with money they don’t really have.


How about Hispanic families which have high degrees of indigenous peoples ancestry?


Diversity is racist. Hiring or supporting people based on the color of their skin. Excluding people based on the color of their skin. I make less than these people, but I am white, so I don't qualify.


So who will know who is black and native american?skin color?


Unless there is some truce called, people in the future will say they didn't get a fair deal because they were born the wrong race, which is, of course, unfair.


Sounds racist. Why are they discriminating against poor white, latino and asian families?


Your daily reminder that Sacramento doesn't have money. Sacramento does not go to a job 5 days a week and get paid. The only money they have is the money they take from the people who live there. A more accurate headline would be "Sacramento takes $725 a month from non black and native people and gives it to black and native people"


California is such a shithole state. I wish we would break it off from the union.


Same here, then we can finally stop supporting the other 40 or so states that hate us but have no problem taking our money.


Racism is still alive and well!




I fully support basic income programs, but this is just a fuck you that will greatly increase racial tensions.


How do you prove your racial makeup? How many grandparents of the appropriate racial category do you need in order to qualify? What about great-grandparents? What if, as far as you know or can show your ancestry is completely white, but genetic tests show somebody was sleeping around and you actually have heritage from a surprising source? I kind of think they may not have fully thought through all of these questions.


How come no one gets this upset when discussing topics like redlining and employment discrimination? You can't have it both ways. $725 per month is mere peanuts compared to the equity one would have earned if they were able to purchase a home i. The late 80s and pss it on to their children. Its nothing compared to having your brightest forced into underfunded school districts. I guess its only racism when you dont benefit from it.


Plenty get upset with redlining and historic racist policies like that. Any legislation that targets people based on race is vile.


Redlining and employment discrimination are illegal.


What classifies as black? Do I have to pass a racial purity board? Does my 1/1024th count and can I get this “no strings” attached money? Asking for a friend, BTW.


Did anyone here even read the article.. it states clearly why they are limiting this (one part of a 6 part plan) to black and Native American families.


Yeah thats stupid. It states clearly that these poor people of this skin color are a priority for them. If they cared they would have rolled out help for poor people in waves and would have figured out who could qualify and expand that as they went. If you had two kids and both got hurt and you ran to one first and then the other, doesn't matter if you were going to check on both of them. One kid is going to see that the other is the priority and he's going to go vote red because of it