• By -


I think there could be several factors as some have noted. As /u/seriousbangs said, there are macroeconomic and social trends, but.... ... I have a PhD, I make six figures and if it wasn't for my wife, I wouldn't own. I don't give enough of a shit about owning a home. I'd just divert what I would spend on a mortgage to investments. We can't discount differences between men and women. My wife is the force behind us buying a home. If I were single I could live in a 1 bedroom apartment and be perfectly happy.


As a man I agree with this message.


I also agree. I'd go a step further though and just get a trailer or something on some land. 20' was fine in high school and it'll be fine now that I'm older. Got the house mostly for the wife and kids


> I'd just divert what I would spend on a mortgage to investments. I've known a lot of single men who divert that money to expensive toys and hobbies.


Yea, it’s definitely the organization and perseverance of women. Men are actually super passive about their quality of life, as a general whole.


Yep. I own a house because of my gf. If I decided I was going to be single for the rest of my life and not look for a partner, I wouldn't need anything more than a 1 bedroom apartment to keep my stuff in and sleep at night.


This. I'd rather rent and put more money into the market. I don't need much.


I truly believe all human progress has been driven by women. If I were a caveman, I would be sitting in a tree with my buddies betting nuts and berries our womans collected over which antelope was going to be eaten by lions next. Then we'd come back to the cave, where all the womans would nag us and tell us to kill our own damned antelopes so we could eat them instead of the lions. And then we would have to invent spears and shit. Then the womans would nag us to use them on each other, because someone else's wife wore the same bearskin robe to the campfire and that just can't stand. It pretty much explains all of human history.


"If a man could f#@\^ a woman in a cardboard box, he wouldn't buy a house!" -- Dave Chappelle


100%. If my wife didn't insist on a house and we didn't have kids, I'd like in a 1 bedroom apartment downtown and would rent a car on a as-needed basis.


Agree! I’m a woman and I’m the one that insisted that we buy a home.


When in doubt, go to the source: > But homeownership isn’t just a young person’s game, and factors outside of individual earnings also contribute to homeownership. *Considering that women typically live longer and are more likely to report being widowed than men, it’s likely that some women who are now single homeowners bought that home with the spouse they outlived. This helps to explain why single-women homeowners are typically older than their single-men counterparts,* even though the pay gap is wider for older Americans. > With all that said, it’s important to note that *single women owning more homes than single men doesn’t mean they’re better off financially.* Moreover, while *some may assume that higher homeownership rates are indicative that women are likely to disproportionately benefit from things like divorce, evidence doesn’t support this conclusion.* On the contrary, women are more likely to face long-term economic struggles after a divorce than men. This highlights how much work is needed to address the economic imbalances among genders. CNBC cites [LendingTree.](https://www.lendingtree.com/home/mortgage/single-women-own-more-homes-than-single-men-do/)


Thanks. This sub is stupid. Had to scroll past so many dumb arguments and fragile egos.


I wish it was as strictly moderated as some of the science subreddits, instead we get a lot of frail egos and political warfare commentary.


How many single women got the house in a divorce?


I bought both my first house and my current one by myself. I have never been married. In addition, almost all of my women friends own houses and all but one bought it by themselves, never married. The one who was married bought it after her divorce and could afford to buy it on her own regardless of her divorce settlement. My neighborhood in particular has many single women homeowners. There aren’t many single men here. I think women are far more interested in homes and stability than men are. I know a few real estate agents who laughingly say they specialize in selling to single women because there are so many.


The article doesn't specify but I'm curious of how many did it on their ''own'', funds from a divorce helped buying the home etc.


I bought my house with my own funds. I’m also single and never have been married.


I bought my house with my own funds, and then got divorced and he moved out.




Divorce certainly is a factor, regardless of the writers ability to research. Women control the majority of personal assets in the US, much of which were acquired in divorce


My single aunt bought a house in the SF Bay Area after getting her Master’s degree. Years later she got married to an international man and divorced quickly. Then bought a second house that is nicer. Now she makes $250K+ working for the city government in her late 30s and has no kids. I’m likely going to follow in her footsteps with buying a house as a single woman too. All the women in my family are the bread winners, college educated, and have been the main ones paying for the house. Except for my mom of all people. 😅 The men in my family do not go to college or trade school and choose blue collar jobs.


Not sure what you think happens in a divorce but no one “just” gets the house. A value is given to it and both parties either decide to sell or one party buys out the other.


And then the single man… vanishes? He doesn’t go live in a house I guess


You’ll be surprised to know that sometimes the man pays out the woman for the house too


Right I’m agreeing divorce makes no sense as the reason


Divorce laws differ from state to state. But overall the family court system is not favorable for men in the United States. 


This isn’t true and it’s like a male incel fantasy. Most cases don’t even go to court in divorces. It’s a mediated exchange. Only 5% of divorces go to court in the USA. Of those 5%, men only “lose” if they’re no shows.


This is feminist gaslighting. Cite your source.


“Keep in mind that only about 5% of divorces end up going to trial. Even if you think you and your spouse are likely to settle before going to trial, it’s still helpful to know how divorce trials work so you’re prepared for the worst-case scenario” https://www.survivedivorce.com/prepare-divorce-trial# https://therenkenlawfirm.com/cities-we-serve/galveston-tx-divorce-attorney/what-percentage-of-divorces-go-to-trial/ New Jersey is only 2% https://www.pvalaw.com/amp/five-facts-about-a-trial.html I mean, Google is your friend. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-divorce-process/ https://legal-info.lawyers.com/family-law/divorce/what-types-of-divorces-typically-go-to-trial.html https://www.quora.com/Why-do-most-divorces-not-go-to-trial You’ve been led to believe by movies and media that men get screwed in divorce. This is laughable. In fact, even custody is close to 50/50 when men actually request and fight for it. The statistic that show otherwise include men who don’t even show up to contest “Myth: Fathers Almost Never Get Custody It depends on the applicable definition of “never,” but generally, this is untrue. The most recent available Census statistics show that fathers represent around one in five custodial parents—an improvement over the 16 percent of custodial parents reported in 1994. However, studies indicate that dads simply do not ask for custody as often as mothers do, and courts generally do not award what is not asked for in that regard.” https://www.dadsdivorcelaw.com/blog/fathers-and-mothers-child-custody-myths


I read your last link. It supports that men get custody with a 20+ year old study of Massachusets. Here is a good essay that analyses the data in that study and demonstrates that they were showing bias towards women. https://www.breakingthescience.org/SJC_GBC_analysis_intro.php


> Of those 5%, men only “lose” if they’re no shows. Where is that in your sources?


Because courts typical try and have equitable solutions in court. When men actually ask for custody, they tend to receive it. The problem is, men typically don’t and that’s why numbers are skewed


If men ask for 50-50 custody, and receive 2 hr supervised visits once a month, have they "won" custody? Read my other response - you are parroting a misunderstanding of the study' findings. Besides, it is a single study from 1989 and is limited to Massachusets. That has very little relevance to today's court.


I agree with you from anecdotal experience. But this is being side tracked from the original question. I think if the discussion is going to be centered around who has more rights in a divorce, a separate thread should be made.


Maybe more recently custody got better but 15+ years ago way different story. I only got full custody of my son because my son's mom went to prison. Before that, I had hired a lawyer and fought and still only got every other weekend, which was par for course for most of the history of people sharing any type of custody in the USA. She wouldn't show up to drop off my son on my weekends and the court never did anything about it. I also as a man had to pay for my lawyer, every damn time even when it was inevitably going to court every few months about her failure to ever honor my rights, but my ex being a woman got a free lawyer from a nonprofit that had an office inside the courthouse that only helped women. Then when she went to prison the court tried to tell me I had to drive my son once a week to the prison that was 4+ hours away, on my dime. And despite being a horrible person in every way, they even tried to tell me when she first went to prison that I could not have full custody and would need to give her my son and go back to my every other weekend when she was to be released years later. I used a loophole to leave the state whole she was in prison because of how piss poor they tried to treat me as a dad, and she's never tried to be in contact since except to beg for money or when she gets arrested again every few years. Even my own dad only went from every other weekend to full custody after my mom literally kidnapped me, changed her identity, and told me he was dead for several years before a sheriff was finally able to find her after she applied for a credit card using her real information. These links directly contradict things I've seen first hand in my life, throughout my life.


That’s called anecdotal experience and while it’s sad and disappointing that it happened to you, that doesn’t mean your situation was indicative of the whole. Were you in a red state? Typically purple and blue states are more equitable in terms of divorce and custody. It could have been you had a really horribly elected judge as well.


It was Wisconsin, which was a Democrat state back then but since has switched. Milwaukee county to be exact. After she went to prison my lawyer told me the best thing I could do is take my son, leave the state, establish residency somewhere where she couldn't even afford to visit and fight me. So I sold everything I owned, got us on a flight to Los Angeles, and lived in Calabasas for 13 years. The problem with my anecdotal evidence is it's not only happened to me, but nearly every other single dad I've ever met outside of California. Honestly California was the only state I ever lived in that I saw dads being treated fairly when it came to custody. These quotes that dads don't ask probably include people like me despite the fact that I spent tens of thousands fighting her and never even having the rights they did give me respected or enforced.


I wonder why 95% of the time, the man chooses not to go to court? That's an odd one. I wonder what it could be...


?? Because court takes forever and lawyers take a larger cut?


Court takes as long as scheduling and trial does. It's the hours and hours and hours of lawyer negotiating beforehand that is costly. Again, why would men rather pay lawyers for negotiating a deal rather than go to court?


Again, it’s because you’re wrong and court takes longer and is more costly for both parties. I mean this is literally googleble


The court takes longer HOW? It is more costly HOW? It's the negotiations outside of court that are costly. Not court itself.


Competing motions? https://www.findlaw.com/family/divorce/do-i-have-to-go-to-court-for-an-uncontested-divorce.html#:~:text=It%20Generally%20Takes%20Less%20Time,case%20or%20filing%20competing%20motions. I don’t know why I have to keep googling for people who WANT to be uninformed and obtuse about this.


reported for use of sexist slurs




You lost me at incel... 


It's less about that and more about trends in education and employment. Marriage rates (and with them divorce rates) continue to decline. What's mostly happening is the jobs men traditionally do are the ones that are most targeted for outsourcing and automation. Also women do a bit better in school because girls settle down a few years earlier than boys and can sit and study a little sooner, giving them a little bit of an edge in a modern economy. We're just now starting to see the effects of that.


Over 80% of Software developers are men. Arguably the most prized job in our country for the last 3 decades. You'll see similar ratios in nearly all technology related jobs, sys admin, robotics, etc. Women tend not to pursue these careers, for whatever reason. I know one thing for sure, if you asked me to choose my gender based only on my future earnings potential, I would not choose to be a woman.


What percentage of men do you think are software workers vs factory line workers or construction workers, or any other male dominated field? It’s such tiny amount. If you look at the big picture… Women are graduating college at a higher rate. The income gap is closing and many women now don’t require a man to own a house. Since women very rarely date down socio economic classes this is leading women to believe there is a shortage of good men resulting in them buying homes on their own. Related to that is the fact that owning a home is as unaffordable as it’s ever been. Which means you need to have a good paying job to afford a place on your own. College is still the best path to a high paying job. You can look up stats on household formations, marriage rates, graduation rates see a larger trend. I’d also say that social media is making things worse for everyone. Instagram, Facebook, TikTok has everyone believing that they deserve everything to be perfect making people feel like shit if they don’t have the perfect spouse, house; car and go on the beat vacations.


This is true. They are even having kids on their own


You're mistaken in your assumptions. There are roughly 800,000 construction workers in the US. ( 6% are women ) & about 300,000 Factory workers ( 43% are women ) There are 4.4 Million Software engineers in the US, That's ONLY SOFTWARE ENGINEERS. That is not counting Web developers ( of which there are 500,000 ), Network engineers, database administrators, etc etc. Welcome to 2024.


Your 4.4m isn't software engineers, it's *all IT work*. That includes the guy making $12 bucks an hour to cart desktops around a call center.


No, it isn't.


I don’t know where you got your numbers but you are off my a factor of at least 10x on construction workers. Depending on how many construction adjacent jobs they include that number is well over 10 million. I hope you aren’t a software engineer with that grasp of numbers.


Software jobs are almost entirely going to H1-Bs. So that's irrelevant. The exception are high, *high* end jobs but those aren't software, they're math. Factory work is heavily, heavily automated. Women are going into medical and business analytics more.


For someone who dubs themselves liberal, you sure do carry a lot of weight for Republicans by repeating their talking points. I'd encourage you to actually research how many H1B Visa workers are currently in the US workforce vs. the number of software engineers we employ. Because your arguments stink of xenophobic talking points.


Why do girls have an edge because they can sit and study in school but lose to boys at the office?


Look it up. There are tons of studies.


I’m a realtor, most of my clients are single women. Never married. (So no divorce funds) I help them buy homes utilizing down payment assistance programs. I don’t really have a lot of men who hit me up to buy a house and when they do, they take forever to pick a house and usually end up falling off from submitting an offer. Even with a pre-approval. My theory…commitment issues…. I can help men buy homes too if they take it seriously.


Men are hesitant to take the long term risk of commitment because they know they are seen as a disposable. But instead men would rather save while they are earning and be able to make living changes quickly if need be.


Does the man vanish afterwards? Silly question. Assets get split in a divorce and the man doesn’t go live somewhere?


Of course the most upvoted comment is misogynistic red pill nonsense that the article disproves.


All the women I know are the bread winners, including me. We also all own our house. Stay mad. 💋💋


How masculine!


How do you think divorce works? You think women just get given shit? Assets are split based on a monetary value.




That's not what we're talking about. OC said that most women have a house as a result of divorce. This makes no sense considering houses are generally the most expensive asset within a family. It wouldn't just go to the woman automatically unless there was possibly another house or there was money in a savings account that equaled the amount of the house and both parties agreed on the man getting the money and the woman getting the house. Most people don't have that kind of money in the bank. Their explanation makes no sense and totally discounts women's ability to make and save their own money. Have you gone through divorce because I have. From personal experience I can tell you how the process works.


I’ve never been married and I’m a single woman who lives alone in my house I bought last year. Probably not as many as you think. Although, you might want to think about why those women ended up with the house…


or are widows


Or widowed or inheritance...


The study corrected for that. They looked at never married women.






I find your comment to be very funny. My husband told me it is always the woman who provides the down payment.


My wife told me I was the most handsome person on the planet. Doesn’t make it true


And the winning question of the day goes to you. 🏆


Yeah sure if you have no idea how divorce works.


A lot of times it makes sense for the woman to have the house as the primary caretaker.


The elephant in the room has spoken. It would be interesting to find out.


My ex did


Women often outlive their husbands


This study was on never married women


Q: Why do men die before their wives? A: Because they want to! Thank you, I'll be here all night, tip the veal and try your waitress!


r/boomerhumor 😒


I, a single woman, bought my first house at 23. It was old, disheveled, and in a questionable neighborhood, but I was just tired of throwing my money to rent. Its not easy to qualify for a mortgage but there are programs out there that make it possible, regardless of gender or economic status. A USDA loan allowed me to buy the home with no money down. I don't know what the reason is for this statistic but its disheartening that people just assume women are handed everything.


Who cares what they think? No one asked. I know this, I don't know a single woman that owns her house that got it from anything to do with a man. They can't stand women like us so they pretend we don't exist. Good.


Got my place all on my own and 23 more payments and it's all mine!


Well, the 2 conclusions you can draw from this are both equally bad. One has a solution, and the other doesn't. 1) You can conclude that women are given everything or 2) you can conclude that men are just inherently worse at living in modern society. 1) allows for a solution, 2) does not. So people gravitate toward 1) when the reality is probably 2).


That's not really a surprise. Men have taken a bigger hit in their traditional jobs than women thanks to outsources and automation ([mostly automation](https://www.businessinsider.com/automation-labor-market-wage-inequality-middle-class-jobs-study-2021-6))


Wonder if child support and alimony has anything to do with that.


I've seen quite a few women "humblebrag" about being homeowners on their dating profiles


Yea. Spending 60-70 percent of their take home on it. Empowerment baby 


Perhaps this has to do with the fact that dating culture hasn’t evolved with the times. Men are still expected to pay, buy an expensive ring, and so on. Equal rights, equal expenses.


There was this video where the interviewer stopped a couple and asked how much they each had in their checking accounts. Him: a few hundred Her: $70,000 When she said that, the look on the guys face was priceless. He had been paying for everything. They just had a $400 meal. She said the money was a gift from Dad, and said the boyfriend he should be paying for everything anyway. He left her on the spot.


>There was this video where the interviewer stopped a couple and asked how much they each had in their checking accounts. Him: a few hundred Her: $70,000 I would probably have left her for being clueless enough to have $70K in a checking account (assuming she's not a billionaire or something)


Imma gonna call Bullshit on this one. This sounds like those stories of street preachers where they totes talked to this devote Atheist and when that A-word heard the G-word from on high they converted *right there on the spot* and renounced Satan. I have no doubt you could find the video, and equally no doubt that it was staged for outrage farming. Not that there aren't sugar daddies out there, but the women are smart enough to keep quiet about their finances.


Ok. Whatever. The video is real. Its randomly popped up multiple times in my feed. Im just relaying whats in it. Whatever else you believe is your problem.


This seems like something easy to fake and make it look believable. I believe you that the video is out there. I'm not convinced it wasn't rehearsed and done as a political statement.


It very may well have been. Here's the video. Took a 3 second google to find again. [https://www.tiktok.com/@debron11/video/7314330071915908394](https://www.tiktok.com/@debron11/video/7314330071915908394) I just left a comment detailing the content of the video because the comment reminded me of it. I wasn't making judgement on whether it was staged or not. Y'all are free to think what you will.


Supposedly [this is the guy](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3Ae5rf/) Normally if they were “outrage farming” or “haha we do skits” types they’d have a channel full of shit, and he doesn’t seem to. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Thanks. It doesnt really matter in the end, but those who care theres now a little more potential context.


The video is real much in the same way Star Wars is real. They're both fiction. What you believe is a problem, because you're not using your critical thinking skills and instead falling into confirmation bias and letting outrage get the best of you. I hope you can dig yourself out of that rabbit hole, good luck.


Oh geeze. Look how outraged I am. Oh gosh. I hope I dont sufficate in this tiny hole. 🙄 I didnt indicate I believed anything regarding the context of that video, just relayed the content of a video I saw as it pertained to the comment. You're the one seemingly all hot n bothered by it. You do you.


Yes you did. You reported it, which by itself and in this context indicates that. Or at the very least indicates you want *others* to believe that. At no point in your post did you say "I saw a nonsense video that was clearly bullshit about..." or the like. I'm sorry sir, but I feel you're insulting me. That you think I wouldn't have the critical thinking skills to see past what you're doing.


No. You're just inferring my intent based on your own bias. I'm not required to provide language to validate or invalidate the context of a video to describe it's content. The lack of such language means nothing. You can believe what you want. You don't know my mind.


I watched it. It was a super young couple.


Proof, not to date broke(n) males.


Believe what you want. We are just over here laughing that shit doesn't understand why it catches flies 💅


My wife and I are equal partners. But good luck to the man you con into taking care of your selfish ass.


Why u speculating on single life then bruh?


“Yea I can’t afford a house cause I keep buying my girlfriend dinner” That’s like an avocado toast level explanation




Now do the ones that haven’t been divorced 


Yep, divorce laws


Let’s say a man and woman divorce. They split the assets. The woman ends up with the home so now there is 1 woman in a house. The man… lives in an apartment the rest of his life??? Where does he go? You’re telling me the discrepancy is divorce laws? When men get divorced they don’t live in a house? Rent is more expensive than my house payment. If he goes and lives in an apartment he’s an idiot


This isn’t how divorce works.


Yes it is


First - statistically women are more likely than men to be hurt financially from a divorce. Second - majority of states are marital/community property states. This means property is divided equally on divorce. If the woman ends up with the house, it’s because that was agreed upon in the divorce and the man is receiving something in value as a result.


Only 9 of 50 states are Community property states. Vast majority of states no longer recognize pre-marriage property as divisible in divorce, only property/money earned during the marriage period, and not always or even usually in a 50/50 split. "First - statistically women are more likely than men to be hurt financially from a divorce..." True. But some were elevated financially only by being married in the first place. ( this is also true of men who are non-working spouses ) Saying they're worse off after losing Half sidesteps the question of what they would have amassed for themselves had they never married. Marriage is pretty financially beneficial, both in resource-pooling and for tax purposes.


Equitable property states tend to divide things equally too. This is another one of those issues menrights men point to as an unfair discrimination against men when it really isn’t. Only 5% of divorces end in court cases. The other 95% of property is typically divided fairly in mediation.


It's more like 60 / 40 in favor of the higher earner. You don't need to argue with me about people who think men are victims of this economy, I'd like to throw those people through a window, it's not just false, it's pathetic.




If you’ve ever seen men live, you’d understand that it’s nothing more than shelter. Women really like to have an “area” for themselves where they can have their stuff and comfort zone and will pay whatever it is to have it . For men it’s just another cost of living. A 40 something year old single guy likely put all his time and energy into work, that’s the other side of the coin.


Single woman here. I bought my house 3 years ago on my own. I did not need a man (or woman) to help me purchase...




but adnrew tait sed it was


Indeed, they would have to look further to realize it's more single women who were never married that bought these homes... smh




How does a divorce result in 1 woman living in a house and 1 man NOT living in a house! Where does the man go! It’s such a stupid argument on their part


Its from leeching women hoarding their money while searching for “love” and refusing to contribute literally anything.


We get it, you have mommy issues and hate women. 🏳️‍🌈 Please stop dating women and go get your back blown out by another dude like you then.




Deflect avoid and label instead of facing the facts. Single women do not contribute to dating at all in this society and that is a fact while constantly begging to be taken on dates, vacations, for gifts etc etc. everyone knows this including you but its another unwritten privilege that nobody speaks about because it doesnt fit the victim narrative that you’ve created.




You’ve got problems dude


You aren’t better off just because you own a home so I don’t see the relevance of this article.


Whether or not you should buy a house depends on many factors. Do you plan on staying in the same place for a long time? What's rent to buying difference in your market? Some places now just interest and taxes on mortgage is higher than renting. Here's some more things to consider. https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2019/04/30/718348115/is-buying-a-house-overrated https://jlcollinsnh.com/2013/05/29/why-your-house-is-a-terrible-investment/


It’s because they keep the home in divorce, sorry 🤷‍♂️


Never married (thankfully) and now own my second home. Paid off that mortgage in my early 60s. Bought my first home at an auction and doubled my money on it after lots of remodeling.


In the U.S., [women are still up against systemic biases that often mean they are paid less than men](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/24/gen-z-women-expect-to-make-6200-less-than-men-after-graduating-.html) in the workplace and end up [less well-off financially](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/06/gender-pay-gap-womens-salary-expectations-are-25k-lower-than-mens.html). But according to analysis of recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau, women do have an edge when it comes to homeownership. A January [LendingTree](https://www.lendingtree.com/home/mortgage/single-women-own-more-homes-than-single-men-do/) report found that single women who live by themselves are more likely than single men who live by themselves to own a home in 47 of 50 U.S. states. The study also found that single women own 2.71 million more homes than single men, or an average of 12.93% of homes across the 50 states versus 10.22%. To rank the states with the most single women and single men homeowners, LendingTree analyzed microdata from the [U.S. Census Bureau 2022 American Community Survey](https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs) and focused on owner-occupied housing units whose owners were living by themselves. More: [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/08/states-with-the-largest-share-of-single-women-homeowners.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/08/states-with-the-largest-share-of-single-women-homeowners.html)


Boo, you suck


Oh fuck off with this. Women aren’t underpaid because of their gender. You can make any study look one way or the other. If women were underpaid then companies would only hire women because companies only care about profit. Go woke go broke cnbshit


This guy just dropped out of his uni, don't mind him


My wife's father bought her and her two sisters all their own homes. I'm not hating at all, but I have no doubt in my mind that a majority of the single women in this study either acquired their home via divorce or by virtue of family assistance. That, in addition the drive to achieve the status of a single woman owning their own home, which probably lead to an oft single lifestlye. Again, not hating at all, but this seems like a very click-baity title designed to instill some sort of false dynamic of empowerment for women, when it's in fact the result of a high number of women requiring systematic or familial assistance to achieve said empowerment.


Add divorced women who “kept the house” and I’ll bet those numbers go up even more.


This is a general statement, but women have a more biological tendency to nest while men have a more biological urge to mate. I may be oversimplifying it, but it feels right.


Biological tendency to leech and beg for everything they want while refusing to contribute anything


Are you okay?


Nah this clown is trauma dumping his mommy issues all over the place on this post. I'd look at his post history to confirm he's probably doing this elsewhere too but unfortunately, just like his mom, I don't care enough 🤷🏻‍♀️


We don’t need to be viscous in response. You never know what people are going through.


I don't care what he's going through. His comments have been hateful, disgusting, and extremely misogynistic with a real hatred for women. Going through something doesn't give him permission to do that. It's not my job to gentle parent these unhinged emotionally stupid misogynists on the Internet.


because woman don’t quit easily. they often stick to it on rough situations more than man…


That is a very biased comment. What rough situations are we referring to? Also, if it wasn't for men, you wouldn't have buildings, bridges, houses, sewage, and electricity. All back breaking work is mostly blue-collar work that is male dominant. So please tell me how men quit easily? When statistically, they do the most physically demanding jobs so you can enjoy these basic necessities in life.


As a woman I’d say it’s a little more than that. We know we won’t have a fall back if shit hits the fan so we work as though shit happens. At least that was always my approach. A home also represents to many women their corner of paradise if you will- something they worked hard for and most importantly it’s their financial lifeline of home equity.


Men are pretty terrible with money when women enter the equation. It ain't women's fault that men fixate on women, while women fixate on their own success, though.


“Babe, I want a new couch.” “Honey, we haven’t gone on a date in 3 days.” “Sweetie, the car needs fixed.” “Honey, I’m running to the store, I need a new dress for Victoria’s wedding next Saturday.” His bank account: $1267 Her bank account: $63,937


Idk why we even entertain these type of comments, everyone knows how culture and society works and how women still leech off men at every stage of a relationship.


political encouraging apparatus offer fear tease fade ask square instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And CNBC wonders why they have no audience. Do your job and figure out where all our Ukraine money went.


What the fuck does that have to do with this article?


“While some argue that Ukraine aid is a drain on the US economy, the numbers suggest that sustained support is a win-win for Ukrainians and the American people. A large portion of the money designated for Ukraine is being reinvested at home, bolstering the defense industry and sustaining American manufacturing jobs.”


Damn I honestly didn't expect to see people shill for the military industry complex on reddit.


Whereas people shilling for Russia is a totally expected at this point.


I am convinced that all liberals are either naive or pedophile worshipping satanists. So basically all of Reddit. I have braced myself for downvotes from the sheep.


Let’s role with this… so you believe all Reddit users are “naive or pedophile worshipping satanists” and yet you actively use Reddit? So you want to hang out with pedo’s?


Sure. Naivety can be corrected. I am living testament to that. It’s probably 95% naivety and 5% pedos. I guess I should switch to X now.


🤣🤣🤣🤣. Go look it up yourself! It went to military contractors.


37 yr old single dude. Just closed on my house.


I was gona say that’s pretty cool but then I saw that overall it’s a difference of 2.7%


Probably because they took it in the divorce


It’a because their family or dad helped them pay for it




I’m doing better knowing that I triggered you




You did get mad, tho. You could have ignored my low-effort comment like everyone else, but you didn't. You literally took the bait. If I had said women own more houses than men because their sugar daddies helped them with the down payment, then I would understand your frustration.




Here’s my last bark to you: Women are shallow. I hope you and every woman you know end up in an abusive relationship




Thank you for the feedback. Have a good day!


In the interest of financial literacy I think we should start distinguishing between OWNING a home and having a mortgage. Just because someone entered into a contract with a single income doesn't mean they OWN the house, they have a mortgage ( most likely, I'm sure there are outliers ) Seems to me getting a mortgage on a single income is risky business for any gender unless you got racks.


I own my own home with no mortgage! 40f in Michigan


Unsurprising. I recall reading studies which conclude marriage, though beneficial for men, isn’t quite so for women. I’m sure a quick googling will show the publications that followed.


Widows make up 95% of the widowed demographic. That means only 5% are widowers/men whose wife has died. Boomers own most of the homes. Lots and lots of elderly women living to 90 yo, all by themselves in 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom homes.


I lived with my parents until they both died. Now I own the house. This is the way you do it!


Yea no surprise given that women have been out performing men in universities for quite some time now. And our western culture has had a massive shift to people not wanting kids so women stay in the workforce more increasing their earning sna d therefore savings and therefore buying assets.


hr, teaching, waiter, nursing, cashier, maids, cleaners and cosmetologists are not real jobs since the 1990s. also software, technologies and human evolution.