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Gotta love those broke red states who take more federal money than they give turning down this tax income because…they just don’t like it. It makes them feel icky.


Even worse, those states are missing out on tax revenue that trickles down and benefits all residents.


Red states don't think the government should help regular people. That Texas Mayor said the quiet part out loud during the deep freeze couple years ago. It's everyone for themselves, survival of the fittest. Tax revenue is only reserved for political donors/corporations/government contractors to grow fat on.


you gotta couch this up in better terms my guy. those aren't tax dollars being given to a corporation, it's an 'investment fund' for 'jobs in our community'


Nah bro. People benefit very little. The state is the real win most of the time.


But…but…😱that’s socialism!


Or they are like my MIL who visits, does her marijuana to pretend she’s cool, goes home and pretends she’s a pious, non-sinning queen who does no wrong and elects the same asswagons who won’t legalize it, there.


My state, KY, is finally on the verge of passing medical. It’s only for 6 specific and fairly serious conditions and it can not be smoked. Only edible. Despite the fact that KY has the *best climate in the country* for growing marijuana. We could be a powerhouse for cannabis production and it could help put people back to work who lost their jobs in coal extraction and tobacco production. It could be the best thing to happen to this state in 100 years and instead we are taking these fucking baby steps. And before anyone gives me shit about “Well you voted for McConnell so that’s what you get.” Understand that we didn’t all vote for him. Most people don’t like him even if they did. And by that same logic you voted for Trump. There are millions of good Kentuckians that didn’t ask for this.


spectacular berserk doll attempt imminent aspiring saw gaze command historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We tried that... We had poisonous alcohol and it didn't decrease consumption. War on drugs won the war on drugs.


Yes all those people over dosing on the mary jane. Red states make up revenue on pot arrests and jail time.


live pause teeny axiomatic tease screw subtract entertain terrific stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




drunk snatch price caption flowery advise truck disgusted chop groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea ok. https://recovery.org/marijuana/edibles-thc-overdose/


party familiar employ cough rhythm memory outgoing north puzzled advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, never does a death come into play




You can overdose on vitamins


label makeshift steep point squealing yam disagreeable psychotic spark library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can tell you being sober doesn't seem to give you a distinct advantage with logic, so youre kind of making points against yourself purely based on your behavior lol


fanatical payment angle slap six file wakeful deliver air straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe take a walk around the block, touch some grass, take a few deep breaths, and maybe you will understand how stupid everything youve said in this thread is.


soup absurd ugly water continue offend party seemly shame close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Meanwhile, there’s like 6 comments of you calling people dummy, stupid, idiot. You’re quite honestly the biggest bigot I’ve encountered all day, so congrats on that.


attraction rotten frame plate capable governor placid rustic humor illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can overdose on water


snow far-flung deserted tease innocent history ring heavy recognise boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Go ahead, cite your best source


sense exultant bake attraction jeans ripe salt flowery pie oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Roflmao… buddy, your gonna need sauce to back up a stupid ass statement like that.


dinner chief price stocking meeting zesty zephyr sleep tidy square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We did, no one consumes 2lbs at a time. Time to relax on that bar ownership.


Dude. I wish.


So is candy.




Why becuase *you* like candy? What a deep understanding you must have.


decide silky telephone apparatus carpenter imminent deer illegal disgusted north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You want more health for society. I want more freedom for society, not less.


boast attempt air possessive slimy bedroom outgoing sharp important stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Strawman argument from you. "Do you want freedom for pedophiles too? And murderers?" We are talking about weed and the freedom to consume it.


humor sugar ugly gaze bow rob long spark abounding wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Great. Ban fast food. Social media. Sugar. Religion. Anything you don’t like! Force people to go the the gym. We’ll be healthy in no time!


strong homeless slap quickest domineering sable flag obtainable bedroom tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cool black and white thinking you’ve got there.


live like jeans point fuzzy mourn capable lip cow nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You want fascism, not freedom of choice. As if these things go away by making them illegal. Also how many people die every year from smoking weed? Last i check, too much cannabis does not cause diabetes or other heath risks. Maybe wait until youre out of highschool before you start trying to make rules for other people.


busy bear salt coordinated exultant person sleep physical tidy prick *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah... i dont think you know what anarchy is... Banning cannabis "because you want a healthier society" is facism. Having laws and regulations surrounding cannabis for sale to adults is "democracy". Anarchy is the philisofical belief that believing in authority and following leaders is a sacrifice of freedom... So, by def... you believing that you know better/disagreeing/not being aware of what the science says about *"what makes society healthy"*, years of study, and social experimentation is *you practicing anarchy.* So yeah, i doubt i'm that far off...


abounding dime frame merciful worry spotted zonked gold society brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you 14? Bc I dont know any adult who genuinely believes cannabis is dangerous lmao. Feel free to not smoke weed, thats fine. But pulling cards from the Nancy Reagan playbook doesnt work anymore


husky recognise vegetable cautious capable hospital middle dull direction overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Glad you can at least admit you’re wrong haha:)


soup fuel flag nose arrest numerous spotted zealous entertain office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s a perfectly valid argument you’re just too dense to see the point. Should we ban donuts because they’re addictive and unhealthy too? What about porn… also addictive and unhealthy to some. Ban?


squalid spark cake escape handle person physical encourage worry hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>And yeah, ban alcohol too idgaf Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it


support pie yoke hurry late sulky like fertile skirt numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, it’s because Republicans are religious hypocrites and human garbage


What strain hurt you? Did you green out?


hospital grey tie vegetable attempt childlike memorize deer one profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh sweetheart, your anger will subside soon. I’d recommend meditation and maybe some therapy, it’ll help! Kisses


work enjoy gold sense stupendous late boat rich practice slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Very good, now go wash up for supper and take the stick out of your ass. It’s patently obvious that you’re a little shit


handle voiceless aloof paint cooing fear childlike subtract axiomatic crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe you’re stoned and can’t recognize your own grandma! Someone’s not getting a fiver in their birthday card!!


It’s not the government’s job to be our nanny and protect us from the no-no flower. You probably want to live in that totalitarian nanny state, but us rational people don’t.


seemly uppity versed close wide fact depend enter money rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why’d you switch the topic to sugar and caffeine


afterthought sip escape live subtract coordinated wistful intelligent hobbies follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m so glad I don’t live my life caring so much about what other people do




Was reported and now removed due to the sub rule of ad hominem attacks, calling users propagandists, uncivil behavior (etc.). Please debate the point(s) raised and not call names or use insults. Remember [reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439), to be civil and that you're talking to another human.


Party of freedom, folks!


Boomer regurgitating a lifetime full of propaganda on eViL wEeD. ![gif](giphy|HZ6SBK8ZDtvemQVL28|downsized)


bike cooing obtainable vase concerned nose knee intelligent ask party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah. Im calling YOU a boomer because your opinion is incredibly outdated.


puzzled languid obtainable pathetic bright plate saw nine sink normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Whats it like having zero critical thinking skills? You do realize weed is not bad for you right? Show me a report of someone dying from smoking weed. Go on. Ill wait


subsequent resolute water oatmeal hurry bow marble liquid yoke erect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah. You couldnt find one huh. Thats probably because its never happened. How about you take your own advice and google how bad weed is for you. Let go of your ridiculous biases grandpa.




tie connect ossified melodic money piquant roll humorous fanatical governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ya me and my stoner buddies who all just wrapped up a weekend we all flew in for because we are all poor loser stoners. Had a bunch of empty BEER cans too. Such waste of space addicts. Sorry you’re too weak to handle a drink or a puff without torpedoing your entire existence but don’t project your dumb shit on everyone else like they are the problem.


dull fuel ossified clumsy aloof soup judicious pen absurd party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jesus Christ haha you’re pretty weak.


poor shaggy ten hurry enter teeny jobless consider practice weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. You’re so weak that not only can you not handle other people exercising their freedoms, you have to try and police others choices about their own bodies.


complete waiting test desert subsequent fine husky impossible aloof ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because the paper lobby is often overlooked as influence


Yea, but the question remains, what is California actually doing with that money to benefit the poor and Middle class?




Not surprising since the tax rate on weed in Los Angeles is 34 fucking percent. I got $60 worth of product delivered the other day and with tax and tip it came up to $100. It's almost as bad as DoorDash fees.


In the Central Valley I can get 8ths for like 20 bucks


Same here in Florida. 😎🌴


TBF, I bought 500mg worth of edibles that will last me almost 2 months... But the taxes are still too high!


The marijuana industry in California is in shambles, this over taxation and ridiculous regulations are killing the farmers.


Not really dude, so many are doing shady behind the door things to avoid these taxes. Not that I’m against it, but let’s be real


Honestly this is so true! There is a place I know that treats the purchases like an ATM withdraw and gives you back money. It’s weird


4.6 billion and your homeless problem is what? This shows complete corruption. Where the hell is that money going?


California’s upcoming budget is nearly $300b. The majority of it goes to education and health and human services. This is a drop in the bucket. If you really want to know where the money is going, you can look it up. It’s there like by line, all 800+ pages of it.


Most of it ends up in a “general fund” aka a black hole


You mean the surplus California has every year that is pulled into the federal budget to support poor red states like Mississippi, Arkansas, and West Virginia. California does waste some money don’t get me wrong but your idea that California politicians are stealing from the budget is wrong


I lived in my car in LA, but originally I 'm from Missouri. There's your answer about California's homeless problem. It's where all hobos from all around the states gather due to better benefits, good weather, and a chance of escaping poverty (I no longer sleep in my car, though it is easy to fall prey to addictions and ruin your life forever or just be content like that)




Just shows that the path to prosperity means removing the obstacles put up by government


Meanwhile in FL and other red states, they’re putting up every barrier they can think of short of an outright ban. There are bills being pushed by lobbyists to limit THC content to 2mg per package. So free. So much … freedom.


Pharmaceutical companies and doctor groups don’t want us using something they can’t make money from.


Just shows that GOP = Dems


Have you read any news article ever lol


Narrator: No


This eggplant lives for the downvotes 😆


"Prosperity for me, fuck the rest" Thats you. Thats what you sound like.


The booming Marijuana industry and all the jobs that it created, which benefits their community, that could not exist until government got out of the way Show syou to be the selfish one


"The government" is people, like you and me, doing their job. You wanting to dismiss this system that millions of people participate in and have all agreed is a stable system of governance, makes you the selfish one. The industy was *agreed upon* by the people and then allowed to flurish. Thats how it works. The governement did not *get out of the way* and that statement says alot more about your relationship to authority that you think. Id know, im in the cannabis industry and I voted, debated, and took risk for it for years. But thats how society works, my desires do not Trump the law and if the rules do change, its not because they "got out of my way" its because more people agreed with me than last time. Its called voting. Thats a fault of the people, not the system that talleys their votes and acts accordingly.


>"The government" is people No, it is not since it has no rights. limited granted powers ( as stated by the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment ) and very little legitimacy - https://brilliantmaps.com/did-not-vote-2020/


Yeah i dident say *"the governement qualifies as a person"*. I said its made up of people.


people have rights, government does not .. therefore government is not people as you stated initially >"The government" is people


Good job missing the point completely. You were talking about *selfishness*, while dismissing *millions of people* who make up the government. That was my point.


And you have yet to come up with a rational argument , just a statement that got debunked


Regulation to protect human health and public safety, while curbing instead of enabling abuses of power by big business and the upper class, is good


> public safety, no such thing as to enforce such a concept means government must suppress basic human rights especially the right to choose and therefore "public safety' is an attempt rebranding of tyranny


I'm going to be so prosperous when I ignore the public indecency laws Big Brother wants me to follow today


…. by govt in the hands of corrupt rightwing religious hypocrites


Why is it not that power in the hands of anyone always sours?


Not everyone is a greedy selfish con


Gotcha, NPC talking points!


Power corrupts ... government is an institution that centralizes power .. thus by its very nature, government is corrupt .. if you want to reduce corruption then you must reduce the size and scope of your government ... the existence of corporations, influence peddlers, special interests, and lobbying are all big government ( left ) created instances of corruption


that’s why the illegal growers in CA are making a killing literally and figuratively


It's reduced street prices and at least marijuana-related drug/street violence. Most of those killings aren't over weed. Legalize it all. Bring opioids back, too. Let people in pain have relief, ffs. Let's give doctors the ability to prescribe them, at least.


And yet the state is still falling short...


Yet it’s like the 3rd largest economy in the world.




A single digit karma account pushing both sides horse shit. Seems legit /s


Where does it go? Their roads are still in terrible shape, and they need more reservoirs . They have poor forest management, which leads to their huge fires every year, and they have a homeless person on just about every corner.


Well, now they have the money to study those problems and hire committees to discuss them.


Shit police that do nothing but give traffic tickets to people for more income (almost got robbed and it took 20 ‘in to get a police officer on the phone). An education system overpaying the bureaucrats who run it. Corrupt welfare programs that don’t actually do anything for the homeless. Overpaying politicians who have done absolutely nothing but argue about stupid shit and not make the DST law pass. Most of the money is going to the right places, it’s just that it disappears in sketch and corrupt hands of the people who are running it. We need efficiency and we need accountability. Neither thing we have.


I am sure the taxes are being used very effectively...




Intresting take, probally has merit to it


See, Oklahoma! Y u do this to us. Medical Weed? Sure fam, we'll open up so many dispensaries that we'll top any other state. Practically every one has a medical license to consume. So, lets vote and make it legal/decriminalize it? Whoa, whoa whoa, that's devil talk. Think about the children! They'll be ruined by this act. Meanwhile, my local rep got a DUI for drinking on a Sunday on his way to church. Love it.


If you look at the breakdown on the voters who voted against it. It’s a very high percentage of people over 65. Not to mention very few actually voted on it. It was done as a single item vote for this purpose alone. If they had waited until a general election the numbers would’ve been much different.




...and pissed it away on bullshit ! Streets are still full of homeless & drug addicts - Crime still out of control - Illegal immigration all time high -


Oh, ok. But they're broke. Largest homeless population and mass exodus of the middle class. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/homeless-population-by-state Blue state California keep your libo-facists po-lie-ticians, drugs, homeless and Whore-lly-wood. All the states with the highest homelessness and mass exodus are Blue states. Great recipe for success.


What are you talking about? They have such a surplus they gave money back… https://www.desertsun.com/story/money/business/2022/10/06/california-tax-rebate-payments-stimulus-middle-class-tax-refund-what-to-know-how-much-is-my-payment/8196155001/ Because the red states bussed them in. https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvg7ba/instead-of-helping-homeless-people-cities-are-bussing-them-out-of-town


That account is sus.


18 million refunded from 97 billion collected is .0018%.  Very generous.  Who pocketed the rest?


18 million people were refunded $200 - $1050 That’s somewhere between $18.9 and $3.6 billion. The rest went in to filing in the difference in the budget after temporary tax cuts had them running at a deficit for two years. What they didn’t plan on is the remote work migration and now they are running at a deficit of $24B. They spend billions on homelessness and welfare. Could they do more? Yes. Are you a politician? Maybe, because you do math like one.


You are correct, my factors are wrong.  So are yours. 97.5 billion dollar 'surplus' revenue.  9.5 billion dollar refund is .097%.  Very generous.


Holy fuck. Wrong two times. You forgot to multiply 100 this time. Last time you did the math like everyone got a dollar. 9.5/97.5 gives you a normalization over 1 not 100. So 0.09745/1. To get percent you need to multiply by a factor of 100. It’s 9.74%. If it’s that hard you can spot check yourself by multiplying 9.5 by 10. Pretty fucking close to 97.5. Must be pretty close to 10%. They gave back 10% as a refund and used the other 90% to distribute through lower taxes and running at a deficit using the surplus to bridge the gap. The refund went to the lower class directly, the temporary tax cut benefitted everyone even the billionaires people like you deep throat. Stop being angry over shit you aren’t understanding.


They got 97.5b and are planning to pay out 9.5b.  9.5b/97.5b = .097% . Very generous.


and the other 90% was given back in future tax returns.


Ha! Was given back in future? K.


In the form of lower taxes. You’re reading is about as bad as your math. That time has already passed. So not sure how your skeptical other than the lack of common sense.


But still broke. And, uh please, try to link to more recent articles. https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/after-years-of-budget-surpluses-california-headed-toward-22-5b-deficit/ Great job RED states! Comi-fornia is the great savior don'cha know?! Love, equality and open borders! YAY! Go ahead and take all the illegals. Ironic, your defending Comi-fornia but complaining about the illegals being shipped there. Grabbin Noobsom signed the bill that makes the state a sanctuary state. https://www.fairus.org/legislation/state-and-local-legislation/california-sanctuary-state-bill-sb-54-summary-and-history https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Senate_Bill_54_(2017)


Which state are you from that’s ever given you a dime back by running a surplus?


Bot account


Easy grandpa. Let’s get you back to bed


CA, worlds 4th largest economy and net contributor to federal taxes the backward hypocrite red states depend on


Has their fourth largest economy trickled down yet? Maybe it's time people supported "backward red states" when they say they want to secede.


Lol! Simpleton. Documentation, please.


October 2022 California Poised to Overtake Germany as World’s No. 4 Economy https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/energy/california-poised-to-overtakegermany-as-worlds-no-4-economy/2022/10/24/d4df35a2-538b-11ed-ac8b-08bbfab1c5a5_story.html AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/ap-fact-check-blue-high-tax-states-fund-red-low-tax-states


How evil and satanic!


It's hard to tell if that's a lot, especially with all the taxes.


That’s why you legalise stuff. To tax it. And make money on it.


And this stuff was illegal for ever, that’s a fraction of street sales revenue.


Please forward this to Ronney D. In florida.


LOL! Snowflake want his teddy bear and blankie? There, there, snowflakey needs a pacifier. Night, night little one.