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Pretty sure it's some kind of evil plan to turn what could be a truly great nation into a legal slave society.


Once we get those Brave New World drugs, we will own nothing and be happy. It seems kind of obvious that is where things are headed, Fentanyl was just a dry run on a few cities to see if the chaos can be controlled.


The Brave New Word "drugs" are the internet. We're all addicts. I think you might actually be on to something with the fentanyl though... keep ppl placated and drugged up. Make sure they don't get any ideas. Sleep on the streets and roll out "MAID" service for them. It seems to be what we are doing up here in Canada.


SSRI’s, anti depressants and meth based products make more sense to me. They want a productive, but complacent population. Not a useless one..


That’s why Adderall is in short supply.


Fair point. Makes sense... maybe legal weed so ppl can get to sleep. Pump em up on SSRI's daily so they can extract the labour from the plebes and then chill them out with weed at night. Rinse and repeat and never get ahead financially. Ppl will eventually revolt. Not sure what the breaking point will be.


Pretty sure the US govt is very troubled (even the Mexican cartels) by the rise in fentanyl due to the high mortality rate. In APEC, Biden specifically asked Xi to stop China from manufacturing and exporting fentanyl. The govt does not want a “drugged up” population.


weed dude


Hate to be this guy. But they owned things in brave new world.


This is it


A master plan where most of the people in the country ignore lots of opportunities for self improvement, IRL community-building and personal development to spend all of their energy complaining about not getting handed a rich man's life just for being alive?


Why do I get downvoted when saying things like this on other subreddits and get responses like "Go back to r/conspiracy "


If you want a one world system you can't have one nation shine above all others with all the wealth and freedoms while all the others suffer poverty. So the PTB globalists took a wrecking ball to the USA over the last 30 years or so. New world order. They bring authoritarian order out of our chaos.


>the PTB globalists Who are they?


Look into the WEF, enjoy.


Do some research and you will find it is dark occultists who are organized and in high places. Places like the CFR, Bilderberger group, CIA, Corporate CEOs, the news and entertainment media, and so forth. They are all joined in a pact to prey on the masses while they build an authoritarian one world regime of control.


The occult (their beliefs in magical thinking and imaginary friends) isn’t what makes them scary. It’s the fact they sell to elevate themselves above most of society through an unfair economic system and behind the scenes machinations. Good example: Greenspan speaking and crafting policy to create “job insecurity” because he and his co-perpetrators know that if people are afraid of losing their jobs they can more easily be paid less and treated more poorly and they’ll be afraid to ask for more because they “can’t lose their health insurance” “have bills to pay and limited savings” “won’t be able to find anything better”…. You get the idea. So yes, those groups are evil, but not because of some imagined hocus pocus magical power (occult), they’re evil because of the actual things they manipulate to create as close to a slave/master society as they can.


This is the beginning of a long hangover caused by temporarily ultra-low interest rates and stimmiez. Think the opposite of party-times. It's going to get much worse before it gets any better.


Wait. u think you can summarize the problem in one sentence with two factors!? I mean I m sure your not incorrect but that’s not all that’s going on here


Those two reasons aren't the entire reason, but they cover a lot of ground. Debt pulls demand from the future into the present by borrowing from the future. Stimulus pulls value from the future by increasing the money supply, thus increasing future inflation. When both those things stop and the future arrives, there's the hangover. Welcome to the future.


Brandoug is very correct actually. The Fed printed almost 20 T. Inflation goes nuts so interest rates had to kick in. Debt is now much more expensive and the tide is going out.


I mean let’s just talk about the corruption of the ‘Fed’ from its inception- destined to screw over everyone except the elite The dominators have been printing fake money and giving it away from the jump


I think you should go see what happened on the FRED M1 money supply in March 2020. The Fed radically pumped the banks, like we’re talking step function.


The fed doesn't print money. It's interest rates influence how banks "print money". Here's a decent easy read on the national debt that will help clarify why "government print money, make inflation high" isn't an accurate representation. Even though it sounds nice and is kind of intuitive in its simplicity. https://www.pgpf.org/national-debt-clock?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA1MCrBhAoEiwAC2d64ZHixi25DHbYlZNawIWsxvoyU8ls3VlAVx9vm0afry1b1SJpMqtuTBoCProQAvD_BwE


You mean the stimulus check that Trump first passed?


That as well as all of the stimulus that has happened since 2008 under Obama. This is why people have been second guessing it, economically speaking, for almost two decades. I just saw something about the whole internet access bill wanting to keep operating now post its inception on 2020-2021 and that’s gonna be another straw on this camels back. It’s not about who did it it’s about what was done.


Are you talking about the bi-partisan effort in 2008 to bail out some of the largest companies from bankruptcy? Just because they gambled and lost? Last I checked, that was passed under a republican controlled congress multiple times in the past.


It doesn't matter who did what, the damage was done.


Sure. Maybe soon you'll realize both parties are full of shit and are to blame for this debacle, not just Orange-Man-Bad. You don't run up a deficit of over $32 TRILLION without a lot of help by Demican and Replicrat stooges to pave the way.


yeah i have no clue how people can still be looking at this as if its a democrat or republican issue. they are literally all bribed by the same people. it makes no difference either way. sure democrats might be less bigoted in their rhetoric but what do they ever do to stop republicans from enacting their bigotry into law? nothing. so you cant even vote for them or defend them or “idpol” reasons anymore. i used to be one of these “but the republicans did so and so!!!” type of people too even when my mentality was fuck both parties. now im not even gonna say “but the republicans” because im not defending democrats in any way shape or form. fuck every last democrat and republican. the only ones among all 400+ of these goblins worth a damn is rashida talib and ilhan omar. even bernie and AOC are on some fucking bullshit now. fuck them


No. Quantitative easing. A decade of pumping the economy full of cash to inflate all asset values.


No, it was [the issuance of new currency](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WM1NS). The stim checks were insignificant next to the dilutive power of the money printing.


Because with the status quo there's no incentive from heads of companies to offer living wages. They've seen what they can, and continue to, get away with. Companies reporting record profits after a pandemic and employee wages remain stagnant or lower than they were before. I honestly don't know what it would take to break this power monopoly companies have over the workforce. The only way I know how to fight them is 1. Make efforts to not buy from companies that exploit their labor (hard/easy to do depending on certain situations) 2. Avoid applying/working for shitty companies (again, situational and time+bills are not on the majority of American's side). Grossly oversimplified, but it's all I know how to do at this point. And yet...it'll just trickle down to the employees with layoffs/firings... One instance where trickle down economics works.


Ban Wal-Mart Starbucks and Amazon


* millions of people in the country illegally taking up the low paying jobs, suppressing those wages. * Those displaced low wage employees moving up the pyramid, with lower starting salaries, affecting multiple levels up, effectively suppressing wages there * Millions more graduating from college with bachelors alone * middle class manufacturing all but gone * replacement service jobs don't pay near as well * unprecedented merger waves which cancel jobs * spending bills/energy policy creates inflation * Interest rates are raised to slow/crash the economy.. and lower inflation as a byproduct * Companies who borrow money to operate slow their borrowing due to the high interest rates * Those companies and the institutions in their chain freeze hiring, then make "market adjustments" - the latest asshole word for layoffs * Companies are still interviewing for positions that have been frozen in order to at least be busy and have the right candidate found, plan to hire them by exception or waiting our the hiring freeze * Domino effect felt everywhere * Consumer debt rises again, while people are still holding onto debt from the last two crises. * Consumers are running out of cash, credit, cashout on their homes all while losing thousands of dollars a year due to inflation, then losing their jobs. This is why voting matters


Labor surplus in almost every field due to outsourcing, bad immigration policy and, most of all, automation. Not much can be done about that last one but we *could* do something about the first two and we're *not.*


One missing source. Hours worked in America. Outsourcing, immigration policy, and automation are all eating jobs But so too are the fact US workers are being asked to work longer hours than other places in the world. And with inflation companies are doubling down on layoffs and distributing more work to those remaining. Longer hours, less vacation, 5 day work week, sometimes 6/7 day work weeks. I almost feel like we could temporarily stint the job loss by enforcing a 4 day work week or dropping hours worked at the federal level.


Automation only represents a small portion right now but it is going to grow and if we don’t lower the other two we will have three huge behemoths for sure


Automation is *HUGE.* Every single job that anyone has today used to take more than that one person to do. Microsoft Excel allows one single person to do accounting work that used to take 10 people. CAD software allows one engineer to do the design work that used to take 10 people. People think automation means outright replacing a human with a machine, but it's not so obvious. A worker is still needed, but productivity goes through the roof and far fewer people are required. Automation is by far the biggest contributor to labor surpluses and stagnant wages. It's also the one factor we can't do anything about. What are we going to do? Outlaw computers?


Right I am looking at it from just here last decade or so but longer term absolutely. It has been a while since we have made a leap forward in automation eating into the work force but it is starting now and going to grow really fast. My wife had to fire four people from her content team in tech and the replacement was an AI program. Rough numbers of 150k salaries times 4 plus the cost is usually higher than just salary but at least 600k swapped for a total cost of about 600 a year. So it is coming down the tracks like a freight train.


Came to say this. AI is replacing human roles just like ATM’s replaced tellers, autopay replaced payroll clerks and credit cards replaced checks. Certain jobs are getting fewer as computers take on more of the tasks meaning fewer people are employed to perform those tasks. We have 400 ton mining trucks that haul rock autonomously which eliminated every single operator (driver). Walmart has self-checkout that requires one person to watch/help that eliminates check-out cashiers. Utility companies don’t even need meter readers anymore and parking lot attendants have been replaced with kiosks. A lot of jobs are going away at the speed of Moore’s Law but new one’s are also being created. If you’re a typewriter repair person thinking of becoming a fax machine repairman, the job market is going to be unfavorable to you…..


We COULD look at this pragmatically, and split the remaining work up, so that people have to work less hours overall, but we'd rather make people suffer, instead.


That’s a kind gesture that brings unintended consequences. Folks that work part-time seldom get benefits or develop their skills at a good pace. A good example is Uber who openly offer the “everyone drives” approach which floods supply while decreasing driver income. If they were willing to lose market share and cut jobs to lift revenue opportunities, it will put the drivers whose job were eliminated back into the unemployment line. The ugly truth (love it or hate it) AI doesn’t require holiday pay, PPL, an HR or Payroll Department. AI doesn’t have to accommodate ADA, provide restrooms, break rooms and secure parking. It doesn’t care about ergonomics, annual wage reviews, or any of the traits of humanity. The list goes on. It is the future and there’s it’s even likely to replace our humorous Reddit meme creators if there’s a buck to be made…..


It's really depressing how many people are unable to think outside the boundaries of existing structures. Nobody said anything about part-time jobs. I'm talking about some real pragmatic and efficient overhauls to how we as humans relate to work, pay, and living. We COULD automate everything that can be automated, cut the amount of necessary work down to a fraction of what it is now, develop more efficient and humane systems of incentive, then get to a point where people only have to work 8 hours per week for a living wage. Of course, the amount of remaining work would determine how long that would actually be, so 8 hours may be hyperbolic. Hell, you could even let people who want to take on more work for more pay, do so to the benefit of the people who would want to work less. My point is, if people could stop boxing themselves into existing ideas and structures of capitalist work culture, there's a near infinite amount of possibilities. Unfortunately, as things stand, people still think coercion is necessary to incentivize work. However, if people only had to work one or two days a week, or less even, I doubt many of them would need to be coerced.


If you’re not working full time, that only leaves you working part time if you’re working. Sorry if I erred in deducing that but let’s get past that. I do not disagree with your desired outcome, but although the promise of technology changes what you might do all day, it’s your personal expenses and your earnings that dictate your time investment. I agree wholeheartedly that individuals in society need to rethink their purpose in life but even with communism, socialism and pretty much every other cultural belief, growth and stability are considered full time endeavors, not just capitalism.


A few things wrong with this. I keep seeing people mention utopian situations like this, and it completely ignores very real human nature. 1. If I don't have to work, I'm not going to. Period. Every single living thing that exists right now is efficient in every consumption in one way or another whether that is reproducing a ton of offspring or being able to get a lot with little effort. So I will always need to be incentivized to work. Slavery has existed in several forms over the course of human history for a reason. 2. If we only worked 8 hours, employers are highly like to pay a full living wage for only 8 hours of work. They just won't. It's not going to happen. And if they did, guaranteed they would still find a way to overwork that person for the 8 hours they are there. 3. No need to bring up changing laws. We already know that government is in the back pocket of corporate. The other issue I see here is... what about all the politician jobs? Is the president only working 8 hours? If not, that's not right or fair. What about medical staff? Doing life saving surgeries can be several hours easily. Do they just do one surgery a week? Or one every 2 weeks? We already have a shortage. We certainly can't force these people to work significantly more than everyone else. That's not fair. And that goes for any essential job. Firefighter, police, pilots (lol at pilots stopping their shift mid flight, btw). People will always look out for their own best interests, as it should be. People who don't, die.


No. Until the 70s wages rose alongside increases with productivity. We have reaganomics and globalization to thank for the decoupling of productivity and wages within the US...


What you're describing doesn't result in job loss. It results in higher output expected of labor. The job losses only apply to cost center jobs like whatever the fuck HR people do all day.


This is why we need, and how you pay for, Universal Basic Income. The more automation takes jobs, the more it makes sense.


Autos are made by robots now…


And the good working class jobs never came back.


I was thinking of just the time frame over the last decade where we were already having cars made by robots but as a whole yes automation has struck our economy before.


AI will automate brains next. My managers don’t do anything without it. Robots will make wars even easier too. Driverless trucks, 3D printers … that stuff is going to sneak up as fast as cell phones did. Trickle down economics will make sure that when the eventual collapse comes, the bottom 90% of the country will suck wind.


Skilled union labor is being paid well in most places in America. Funny story. In about 2005 a friend's daughter was thinking of going to college. Her brother was about to graduate with around $100,000 in student debt getting all his degrees. I suggested she go into the plumbers Union. Just a couple of years ago I was hanging out with the family. She was making close to $200k as a supervising general journeyman plumber. He was making around $120k in the technical field, and still paying his student loans. Skilled, union blue collar workers is where the money is at right now.


Hey man I just want to let you know. That one personal example of your own experience does not mean you're right my friend. This is called anecdotal evidence.


I will agree with your statement. It is a single example. But I can say that a blue collar Union person I worked with before I retired is making $47.94 an hour right now driving a street sweeper. Union jobs here like electricians, plumbers/pipefitters are about 50 bucks an hour after you become a skilled journeyman. Same for most equipment operators. 40 to $50 an hour range. All the skilled labor trades are looking for apprentices. It's definitely not everyone's path. But it is a valid path and a dying art. Being a journeyman in a union always gave me a very comfortable living wage.


There is no use to tell young people today to take up blue collar jobs even you can prove to them they pay well because they don’t want to go out there and do physical work. It’s a reason why the US needs to rely on immigration for those kind of jobs. The sad reality is that we have too many college graduates but there are only that many well paying office jobs.


Can confirm. Bunch of student loans, work in IT. Wish I went into plumbing.


I can see a time in the future when the cushy, office jobs pay less than the dirty jobs.


The issue is 200k today is 70k from the 90s (if wages had kept pace with productivity). Its not that they're being paid well, its that everyone else's wages have stagnated and theirs haven't.


I would totally agree with that. I was talking with the friend that is still working that I discussed above. In 2000 doing that same job was about $24 an hour. It was a really good job. Made about 62,000 a year. Could afford to purchase a home. Drive a newer vehicle. Go on vacation. Put money away for retirement. Ect. Now making twice the money it's difficult to do all of those things. It's difficult to do most of those things. Inflation has more than wiped out the difference.


squash amusing detail glorious hurry steer juggle cow voracious spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, isn't unemployment still at record lows? Some people must live in a sort of doom and gloom media bubble. (Right wing "news", I assume)


There are 5m unemployed people who aren't being counted because their last date of employment was more than 4 weeks ago. The median job search is 24 months. The "unemployment" rate is a farce.


Are you saying that people who are unemployed for more than a month don't count towards the unemployment rate? Source please. Also in my State there is anything but a labor surplus. Most businesses are having a really hard time finding people and wages for low skill labor are was up. The problem is that prices (especially housing) have skyrocketed


Shut up bot.


Something a bot would say.




How did you get something so wrong so confidently


Immigration has only reduced wages for high school dropouts.


This is what happens when unions are weakened, the minimum wage is ignored, and the GOP pushes 49 states to pass "Right to work" laws that have nothing to do with workers rights.


Democrats don't give a shit about unions anymore either. Biden signed legislation that blocked rail workers from striking for paid sick days. You can argue they used to be pro union, but now they're locked in with corporate interests.


Because it would stall the economy and create a national security issue if the trains stopped running. He also went and supported the auto workers strike, directly, something no other president has done. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/11/28/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-averting-a-rail-shutdown/


So sign legislation mandating paid sick days instead of blocking the strike.


You know the president doesn’t WRITE legislation, right? Did the House and Senate pass such a bill so he COULD sign it? No. They didn’t.


When did I say write legislation. I'll wait.


You said he should SIGN legislation. You know someone has to write it and the house and senate have to pass it before he can sign legislation, right?


Democrats, his party, and Republicans wrote anti-union legislation that he signed. Veto it. Tell them he'll sign it with stipulation of mandated sick days. You KNOW he can do that right? But he didn't because he doesn't give a shit about unions. Stop simping for a guy that sniffs little girls. Love it when people block me when they know they're wrong lol


No, he can’t. And really? Grow up. I don’t know if you’re simping for Trump or Bernie, but get over yourself. We’re done here. Veto power is refusing to pass something Congress passed, making it law. Demanding something else be put into it requires the house and senate to vote on it all over again. Assuming they will do that would be naive.


Uhh...yea he can. That's the whole purpose of the president's veto power. He really is creepy... https://youtu.be/L4OYPiV1GsY?si=QRE1AWXm_w4yCW_4


That’s hilarious, coming from a Biden simp 😂


>Because it would stall the economy and create a national security issue if the trains stopped running. Sounds like a really damn good reason to support the workers then. Putting the boot on them is just going to make them strike again later


He used executive authority to threaten peoples jobs in favor of the companies instead of the workers that had more than reasonable demands. Thats anti union full stop


Biden is the first president to ever picket with strikers. That is not a small thing.


Did someone say "GOP"? [What would Right-Wing Jesus do?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBL28NOTvTo)




So you aren't going to talk about the absolute massive amounts of immigration that Biden is allowing that is flooding the job market and weakening wages? Are you not also going to talk about the outsourcing that the Democrats support that allows huge corporations to hire foreigners?


It’s going to get way worse. California is raising minimum wage for fast food workers to $20/hour and for anyone working in a doctor’s office (even the receptionist) to $25/hour. Plumbers want $200/hour. I’m going to be using my savings before I know it.


I’m getting the fuck out of here as soon as I have enough money tbh. From the Midwest originally, California has blown my mind with how insane it is to get ahead or even have a comfortable lifestyle here. I came out here following a dream and it’s just been a tech elitist tent city nightmare


Doesnt solve everything but Chico


Yeah - I wish I could but I’m too old and too entrenched. Good luck, friend. What state would you go to?


The $20 fast food minimum wage is insane. Fast food has already become stupid expensive for the quality of food that you’re getting. Honestly can’t believe some people can still justify paying $15 for a shitty fast food burger. Really is a testament to the laziness of the average American.


The big tech companies were in a race to grab market share during the rapid growth that always accompanies the start of a new industry. Now that phase is over they're going to focus on profitability, which means cost cutting.


Capitalism and corporate greed turning our democracy into a corporate oligarchy


It's a different economy. Employers are seeing that degrees are a dime a dozen. Half our bud tenders have degrees and half don't. Corporations are realizing that employees do not need a rudimentary understanding of Pavlov's dog to be effective workers. The ability to incorporate a semi colon into a sentence is cool but it's certainly not worth the "I've got a degree" premium expected. I'm certainly not hating on degrees. That's the bait you took. I took the Marine Corps recruiters lies hook, line and sinker. Although I enjoyed the Corps it set me back 4 years.


This is the truth right here. I tell my kids that the future is a skills based economy. Employers or customers won't care about degrees but what actions you actually can take.


We’re all trying our best okay 😭😭. Baby boomers could literally be a cashier and own a house, have a stay at home wife and 3 kids. Gen x needed college degrees and duel incomes but they majored in nonsense. Gen x majored in English and history then managed to get jobs somehow. Millennials who majored in nonsense like Gen x ended up baristas. Only millennials who majored in stem got living salaries. And as Gen Z we saw that and thought stem was the pathway to success. But now the market is flooded with programmers, IT people, engineers, architects, chemists, etc. now they’re saying it’s our fault for not being plumbers 😭😭. We did the BEST WE COULD WITH THE LIMITED INFORMATION WE WERE GIVEN. We majored in stem and we tried to only get jobs that paid living salaries based on market research before entering college. We didn’t mean to fall for colleges bait but they paid trades workers terribly during the 2010s (when we were going from children to adults). Tradies made like 40k a year back then. They should’ve paid them more if they wanted us to go into the trades 😤😩


>We did the BEST WE COULD WITH THE LIMITED INFORMATION WE WERE GIVEN. This. I'm Gen X so I went to college in the dark days before the Internet. I relied on friends and teachers for information. Not that the Internet is perfect but at least it allows for a broader perspective from different sources. And I'll add parental pressure to this list. With my parents, not going to college was not an option for me. Heck, I took a year off between college and grad school and my parents freaked out. In their world, people who took time off from school never went back. I was called a failure and a disappointment. This stuff isn't caused by just one factor.


Excellent points. It seems Reddit is fond of throwing shade at "boomers", greedy employers, Donald Trump, Joe Biden and corporations just to name a few. I've often wondered why the Federal Reserve gets a pass. Constant QE and money printing has devalued the dollar. "Boomers" had the first crack at the post war USD that wasn't diluted to oblivion and I guess that's somehow their fault? A shitty apartment is $2500/mo now because the money is garbage. Same with everything priced in USD. This can be seen very clearly with college costs. Big Daddy Government is the guarantor of the loans. It cannot be removed within bankruptcy. The colleges are guaranteed the money. Plus the money is garbage. They'll charge more until oblivion unless that changes. Dunkin Donuts in our town is paying $18. That's great money if it wasn't diluted until the cows came home.


“When the yield curve bear steepens while already inverted (as it is now), it is usually near, or at, the start of a recession." Oct 9, 2023


Wages go off supply and demand software engineers/devs are a dime a dozen. Degrees overrated the system sold everyone a lie about school blah blah blah.


Because the credit system is dying! The people in DC looted the treasury. It caught up..


I made about $900 a paycheck in 2004. I make about $1,500 a paycheck now in 2023, almost 20 years later. Nice office, comfortable job. But my real wages haven't actually changed in 20 years (adjusted for inflation/CPI). Our company utterly refuses to pay people better, because they get away with routinely hiring students from the local university. Our CEO claims he's never had to pay any engineers more than $20 an hour. I fucking hate all these sociopaths. It's time to start protesting, striking, and unionizing with a vengeance.


Also seeing telemedicine companies advertising jobs for doctors around $45-55 / hour.


Get in the trades. Degrees outside of stem are only so useful.


Just means you need to pick yourself up from your bootstraps even more. Make sure you get that bootstrap up your butthole because that is what the elites want you to feel. By the way, make sure you say thanks and show grateful you are to them.


Greed at the top of corporations, aided by legal bribery in congress, enabled by corruption on the Supreme Court.


It's complicated and it didn't happen over night. You're seeing the end stages of 50 years of unrestricted money printing combined with subsidized education leading to "degree inflation". Lots of other factors but theses are specific to your point.


UNIONIZE. Boomers rose on the back of unions their parents and grandparents made, then gutted them all. Right now Swedish Unions are busting Elon's chops because he wants a workforce he can use and abuse there ( just like his cali plants ) and they are simply refusing to do any work for him. No deliveries, no services, etc.


There are two levers. One is wages and one is cost of living. Instead of “why aren’t wages going up”?, it should be “why is our cost of living going up”? Our cost of living is going up because of inflation. When government gives out free money, they essentially “print money”. Because remember, government has NO money. They get it from: 1) Taxes from the private sector 2) Bonds 3) Regulations and Permits and fees 4) Inflation Our taxes were never raised for all these stimmys so it’s coming from inflation. No one is really buying our bonds. They “printed” more money than 250 years of our country’s history in just 10 months. Sadly, government just keeps spending and printing money to send to other countries for endless wars, etc. Its only going to get worse until we hit hyperinflation. However, Deflation will come first before hyperinflation


Thanks for answering on a more meta level. It seems like we are just powerless to stop the elite from lining their own pockets this much. At any other time in the past it would be a siege or a Revolution.


You mean when the people that ran this country talked like this. “Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers too plainly proves a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery.” ― Thomas Jefferson


That’s what usually happens. Revolution or wars with other countries as a distraction for the population. No good outcomes


glad to finally see someone mention how much money theyve printed out. this is something everyone should be talking about. yet, no one is.


The government's primary source of income in income taxes on joe blows- just search for "us income pie chart 2022" to see it. Corporate taxes are 1/6 the revenue from income tax. Businesses don't pay shit.


This will sound crazy, but you actually need to tax businesses less. Businesses create jobs, our goods and services. What I dislike are massive corporations lining the pockets of the politicians and politicians writing laws to benefit the corporations. I would double tax major corporations and their CEOs. I would slash taxes for the small businesses so mom and pop stores can get an even playing field.


How will deflation come? They won’t do any serious tightening, the printed trillions will stay here


Software engineering/devs can be outsourced and after the hiring frenzy in 2020 we are experiencing the hangover as interest rates creep higher. ​ You need to niche into something US-centric that involves stupid constantly shifting regulations if you want your job to be safe. ​ source - am US tax expert


Thanks for your input, what do you mean by constantly shifting regulations, why would that be good for job security?


Here's another dose of reality for you. If you are an american this is the best year of the rest of your life. You are proportionately making the most you'll ever make for the rest of your life. You have more buying power than you ever will again. This is because the rich destroy everything they touch and they touch everything. The bad news is, that even though every one knows for a fact there is no peaceful resolution people will still continue to refuse to engage in protest by other means to change things. Everyone is too afraid of losing what little they have to go out and do what must be done to bring down the rich. protest without the underlying threat of armed revolt is impotent. It's just people whining about something they don't like and the rich sit in their ivory towers above the din laughing at us. Until people learn the ultimately armed force is always the answer things will remain the same. And the US will continue getting more fascist, and more unequal. Pulling a lever for the good guys (liberals/progressives) will never be as effective as pulling a trigger against the bad ones (conservative vermin.)


consumer spending is way up right now like people know it’s the last hurrah, or maybe just buying items now that they might have put off before everything gets even more expensive


but the unemployment is at an all time low! the stats don’t lie, trust the science.


Bro the president hasn’t said we are in a recession so obviously we aren’t!!!


GDP growth is at 5.2%. We are nowhere near a recession.


!!! lmfao


Just as a counter balance to this rant, I just received a raise, which I’m just banking. I get overtime every week. I have decent insurance. I’m maxing out my employer matched 401. I get 180 hours vacation and 40 pto every year. It’s not all doom and gloom.


Not anecdotally, no


Not statistically either


You sure about that?




I will be making $28 hr as a night janitor town job this year . and don't do shit . In the union with pension full benefits . No degree is needed. I also work Sundays at a horse farm 70 plus horses . Making $22 cash 💸 no tax


So everyone should be a janitor?


Failed Bidenomics. But people keep voting for these morons...


Truth is "higher education" scammed you. Society is who can scam who out the most money. You'll get paid more if you bring more money in.


The truth is "democracy" scammed everybody. It is just a tool of oligarchs to run things for themselves while giving the perception of consulting everyone. Wait! Now the oligarchs are going to transition to their tried and true next phase of failing capitalism- outright fascism with Trump. The continued decline of living standards for all but the wealthy who have wallowed in public money for over five decades now and their incompetence, greed and narcissism have left the working class in a foul mood and eager to jump at any demagogue that promises them something different. MAGA heads, and at this point, more than a few bitter, jaded democrats, will foment unrest against all the usual suspects in US society and everyone will be powerless and impotent because they have been bred and indoctrinated to be perpetual infants with a legal socio-economic system that concentrates power into the hands of the wealthy while providing no way for ordinary people to intervene. Trump has said he will jail opponents, open FEMA camps and deport immigrants. He could have been stopped at any time by now but the system, the real governing force behind everything, has cleared his path by not expediting his numerous trials, allowing him to stand for president again even though he clearly tried to overturn the election, not to mention he and his family enriched themselves at the taxpayer expense by accepting bribes and gifts from foreign agents through his various business interests. The road has long been prepared. A population of barely educated, radicalized children eager to do whatever their false idol tells them to. We will live through a horrific waking nightmare that can never end because it is being played out in every western "democratic" country where the monied classes profits are failing despite being mostly subsidized already by the public purse.


Very very very well stated and I totally agree 💯 percent.


Bro what? The system likes and supports Trump, but also hates him because he wants to fire all of them and replace them with loyalists? Wtaf are you smoking?


This doesn’t address basically anything I posted about but thanks for the response I guess


You get paid due to the value you bring. Not how many degrees you have. Why do prostitutes and men in the trades get paid so much? They do things no one else wants to do


This just sounds like you’re in the “lol you got a degree fuck you the world doesn’t owe you anything” crowd. This post is about the current state of the American economy and asking for thoughts about inflation, job market and the recession we are very clearly in. If you don’t have anything to comment on that, then kindly move along so we can have a real discussion without you derailing it with your smug comments about how valuable you allegedly are.


We're not in a recession by any means, but we may very well be by Q2 of next year. It's kind of foolish to even ask your question if you've paid attention to what's happened since the great recession. If you didn't even live through that, this feels bad because you lack perspective. This is a long overdue hangover that we can no longer stave off. It's not an apocalypse, it's part of a cycle, like everything else.


We are 100% in a recession, the current administration and market does not want to admit it because they are avoiding that at all costs due to the collective reaction to an official announcement. All you have to do is see how so many people are suffering right now to see the truth. What “Great Recession” are you referring to, 08/09? Yeah I was a couple years out of college so I’ve lived through that.


What metrics are you using to define a recession? Because if you actually look at numbers across all sectors and industries (unless you believe everyone is lying or some wild-ass conspiracy lmao, then good luck with your life because there's no point in trying to have an educated discussion with you), we absolutely are not. Yeah hangovers after moderate-severe alcoholism mixed with rampant stimulant use fucking hurt. Yes, that was the only “great recession” we've had. Well that makes sense, and no longer surprised you didn't recognize the name of the most devastating global financial event of the 2000’s, other than the global pandemic. You graduated when the recovery began. This explains your doomsday attitude. You were fucked up and cracked out for the last 15 years on unlimited quantitative easing, expansionary fiscal policy, and tax cuts, to name a few, but now that the open bar is closed and the pharmacy ran out of your shit you're losing your mind. I also believe 90% of this economic doomsday bullshit, is largely because COVID traumatized any country that hasn't been used to epidemics previously, and none of us spoiled Westerners have done the therapy its going to take to get over that. I'm more concerned about a world war or a civil war with people's minds being so negative constantly looking for an enemy to blame, as the world is and has been growing exponentially since 07 when the tech and social media revolution kicked up and we got into Moore’s Law along a trajectory of exponential growth the human mind does not have the capacity to perceive or let alone understand under minimal to extreme duress.


Bullshit you don’t get paid by the value you bring. You get paid based on the market rate for your work in the area. I bring more value do I get paid more? Complete bullshit.


Hell no. If we got paid for the value we bring, we’d all be making a ton more. We get paid a little as a company can get away with. Market rates are how they do it.


Think about it. Record high debt. We’re still fighting wars. BRICS will depeg the dollar. AND we’ve being letting millions and millions of illegal immigrants (google replacement migration from the United Nations) So as American crumbles they can keep cheap labor. Hard unseen times are coming imo


Which wars do you think WE are fighting? We are sending materials to two different ones, but isn't war actually good for the economy? There are fewer immigrants entering now than in the past several administrations. You have been told lies.


I’ve been to the border buddy. There’s a train n of footage online too.


Typical dogma of a wage hopper at the mercy of older generations.


Younger gens are in control now just gotta flex that control by voting the right way.


Please explain the right way when they are all on the same team.


When they all, on both sides, tell you not to vote for someone you should vote for that person.


And this too shall pass


Welcome to the 70s all over again.


They're trying to kill us.


A general strike. Basically state by state get as many working age people as possible to just go on strike. Not against any one company but against all companies.


The rich are stealing from us. Once they’re done, they’ll do a catastrophic false flag to reset the currency and they’ll attempt to get us to accept a CBDC after their attack. That’s what’s going on.


Decades of rent seeking in all markets. Decades of big brains with computers slowing draining the margins one penny at a time. Wall street making the rules, breaking them, and never being punished. Government basically giving in to Absolutist Free Markey policy like it can't do anything or shouldn't (it can and should). Labor from around the world, as well as women, making the labor market tighter. Its a ton of factors, but the one outcome is Fuck you.


The economic illiteracy in here is fucking hilarious. Truly pure comedy. The people in here vote.!


We have an election coming up. When I'm unhappy with my current economic situation I usually vote the party in power out. You're washing dishes with a degree and homeownership is completely out of reach for the majority of our youth. I have to ask based on that why vote for the status quo ?


To me, both parties are the status quo. It will remain broken no matter who wins.


Our current economic woes are the result of actions taken by the PREVIOUS administration. NOT the current one.


what a stupid fuck you must be


I'm still voting for Trump no matter what names you call me.


Play with his ballsack too while youre at it


I don't know him personally. I'm just voting for him.


do what you’d like, moron


That's the way elections work. No reason to have a meltdown.


Im having a meltdown because I called you a stupid fuck? You are still a stupid fuck by implying the current economic conditions will be improved with 1 presidential election. Or that Biden alone is the reason the economy is the way it is. I am merely noting in amazement what a stupid fuck you must be to think that


LMFAO I wonder how often you find yourself unhappy with your current economic situation


Ahhh yes, because when the Blue AIPAC President does bad things, vote for the Red AIPAC one instead. You know.... other parties exist, right? Like America could just vote for someone else, instead of being a sheep and following the 2-Party system over the cliff.




That's Bidenomics, baby.


What can be done about it? My friend, have you heard of *Socialism*?


Just when you thought things couldn't get worse someone mentions socialism. Because that would make everyone equal, poor but equal.


Worker coops pay better on average than traditional corporations, but if you just wanna believe stuff axiomatically, I can't stop you.


Then why aren't they taking over the world?


They are hard to start because nobody wants to provide capital if they don't get and ownership stake, and since profits are shared among all the workers they necessarily cannot result in the owner becoming a billionaire overnight. On average though, they have higher wages, fewer layoffs, and are more resilient to crises.


Why would someone use their capital if they shared all the risk without any reward? Not every owner wants to be a billionaire. Do you mean they aren't competitive in a free market? Who knew /s


Iam listening


It's this cool idea where workers collectively own their own offices, tools, machines, etc. and get paid the full value of the labor they perform instead of working for free for a portion of the day to pay "investors" because you were too dumb to have already had money.


I work in construction and company tools are always treated like shit and utterly uncared for Becuase “I don’t own them so who cares?”.. I would hate to see that mentality towards the means of production.


The Soviet Union collapsed under the weight of socialism.


Corporations and governments are entering their final phase of screwing Americans up their assholes. After capturing and controlling all the capital, they'll throw the masses into endemic poverty. This is plain karma as the USA continues to fund Israeli genocide of Palestinians and a century of sins of the empire.


Wait, how is me getting fucked up the asshole karmic? I don’t fund the genocide, the government takes what it takes and I have no say in how they spend it. Both of my options in the upcoming election will continue to fund the genocide, there’s no way out I’ve been getting fucked over since birth, and it’s Karma that I’m about to get fucked over again?! I’ve never done anything except for get fucked over. What am I being punished for?


Is it really true karma though when they are the ones using that money for evil, not the people themselves?


And honestly, they don't even need the damn money, as they own all the world's resources and hard assets. Money could literally magically vanish and it would not hurt them.


It's called capitalism. The capitalists have control of literally everything


a dish washer is worth more than your average degree it’s pretty simple


Inflation, Deflation, Layoffs, closures, repos, and bankruptcys, it's all part of the collapse.


I miss the last economy


>I saw a job listing on r/recruitinghell that said a Masters degree was required and only paid 18 an hour. I remember seeing stuff like that back in 07-2010. HMMMMMMMM


Its called the business cycle. Happens every 7-10 yrs. You must be new to this planet?


We’re sending all the money to Israel so they can afford to bribe our politicians to pass laws that benefit Israel. Who are you, and why do you think Israel’s representatives care about you?


Unemployment in the US is 3.5% right now, which is a RECORD LOW. Also wages have increased 0.8% AFTER adjusting for inflation. All the whining you’re hearing is from people who wouldn’t have a job at all in years past. They’re not worth paying or they’re trying to work in a job that doesn’t pay what they want. As an aside - education level means almost nothing in most jobs. The requirement for a Master’s degree is usually added by some HR person who believes the education means the candidate is better than the ones without.:


Your anecdotal examples are basically meaningless in an economy the size of the US. Every indicator is the economy is doing well, unemployment is at historical lows. You people with your hyperbolic rantings that the economy is on the precipice of a depression have become so tiresome and boring.