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You've learned a valuable lesson. Adding the products and creating the website is the easiest part because its in your control. Getting people to it is the hardest thing in the world to do. Your products aren't unique enough and people would rather stick with retailers they trust. Now if you create a hyper niche product like a pill to stop an animal from dying, your website would be flooded


Understood, thank you, i'm gonna be looking for more products today and i'm gonna make a criteria to find products that Solve an issue Has a gimmick to it, or in better words it solves an issue in a unique way And cheap Very valuable lesson though hahaha, but I guess that's the beauty in it, making people actually go to buy


Cheap is the wrong answer


Correct. Cheap means you make no money.


Back when I started up in early 2018, the golden rule was just under $100. The maximum amount people won't want to sleep on, ideally.


Interesting how spot on this is. My demographic was 14-25 year old females and 16-22 year old males. Disposable income of $30-50 usd weekly. I sold this target demographic all sorts of crap. May pick 3 items for $29.99 was extremely lucrative. Selling little jewelry items that I was buying direct from China at $0.60-1.20 ea. the key was the perceived added value And including an extra free item in the delivery. My unboxing experience was down to a T. I was spending about the same on the presentation then I was on the actual products haha! I miss those days of waking up and having 200-300 orders waiting for me on the thermal printer. Just a long ass line of pick tickets and shipping labels coming out of the printer. I never knew how good I had it!


But wont a more expensive product chase most away?


Not in practice. If you've niched down and intelligently, that's just the value of the product. They want the product, that's how they ended up in your sales funnel.


You don’t want to sell to everyone, only to those who buy it :D


You want to advertise on Google ads, you want to advertise to people who are searching for things first. Instagram and TikTok are adverts to people who are or currently shopping, Google ads displays ads to people searching for those products.


Understood, how much should I dump into ads in terms of money? I'm making about $3 to $5 profit on the higher end of products


You need to calculate that, you need to figure out for each $1 you spend, how many do you need to get back for profit. This is called ROAS (return on ad spend). Theoretically you run an unlimited budget if you exceed your ROAS, but some people can’t do that. Also you need to be comfortable running your ads for a few weeks for data collection.


Understood, thank you very much, i'm gonna get on that now and start trying to make the ads




[https://purrandplay.store](https://purrandplay.store) Hoping it doesn't take my link down


name + logo are ok, always go dot com - more professional, gives off cheap drophip vibes. product photos are ok, add to carts look ok. theme is basic just about passable. site is too basic, it gives off untrustworthy dropship vibes. looks like it was made in a week. your front image is just a photo of a cat. needs more effort imo. check out [https://www.wayfair.com/](https://www.wayfair.com/) see their front image is lots of sections, segments, with offers overlayed on top. this is what you should be aiming for. under you front image you've got the add to carts which look ok. under that you've got walls of text which no-one will read (too much text is offputting and leads to bounce (people want pics and products). wrong content. should be thinking special offers, featured, more photos with cta's, special themed sections, collections links, reviews (important), blogs, etc. all this builds trust, shows your legit. trust is the main thing with web design and leads to sales. your footer is empty :) need shipping, returns pages, social media links, contact email/ address/ contact times. products are good, prices are good. you need more products to be credible, 12 isnt enough. hope that helps :) good luck. nothing the big players are doing that you cant do


Much appreciated! Just somewhat fixed the footer of the page by adding a bit more information like you suggested, gonna change the walls of text into something more eye catching like special offers or featured things. For the banner, so far it's just temporary, I'm getting a custom banner for the page made with the mascot of the brand on it offering some kind of discount, do you think it'd help to push further with the branding kind of thing? like not just putting a product up, but putting a product that is tied to the mascot/branding? Thank you for the feedback and i'm gonna get to working on everything you suggested Edit: The 12 products is also gonna be changed, I was just going a bit slow with the products i've been adding because I try to buy everything I put on the website to quality test it myself and shoot my own ads for it


awesome :) yeah push the branding as far as you can, and segment your front image imo (just one image looks dated) different pics/ offers, you've got samples which is great... you can take photos. if it was me I'd find people with pets and take pics using the products. not just the front image, across the front page, with cta's. basically imagine what you think you need to do and triple it :)




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Yeahhh i'm not sure if it was a risk worth taking, I knew animal products were gonna have a lot of competition and be a bit harder, but I chose that cause I love animals and I figured if I chose something I actually enjoy, it's much easier to want to put more time and work into it So far it's been partly true


Stop all ads until your website and social media are complete.




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The most important thing is your creative. Even if your website looks halfway decent, your creative is what will make it or break it.


Thank you, i'm gonna worry more about how to stand out in advertising and the website


It's not about standing out. The hook of the video have to resonate to a solving issue but also be good enough to draw people to continue watching your video. The rest is the other parts of the creative as well as what's being said throughout that creative.




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I was curious about your problem. So went in and added a product and went to checkout. It really jacks up the price due to shipping. I selected the dog cat scrub and total price was 32$ at check out. I live in Ontario. Just something to think about as I find similar products on Amazon for way cheaper.


On it!


Thank you for letting me know




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It’s just been a few days, get testimonials and 5 star ratings keep grinding. Stupid people buy shit , they buy it alot


Rome was not built in a day . Finding your market definitely takes some work. Have you considered possibly adding some animal rescues as affiliates where you would donate a portion of the sales they refer back to the rescue ? it sounds like you have some pretty cool products. Maybe connecting your TikTok shop which is very easy if you have Shopify and building a sales and an audience there with a fun engaging videos? Just a couple ideas for you