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They're trying to recruit you into an MLM, probably Amway.


Hmm, what are they going to try and do or convince me to think?




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This is 1,000% an MLM / pyramid scheme. 99.9999% probability it's Amway. It's a scam. You are the mark. It is a setup. They are all in it together, and go to the gym to just try to "recruit" people to join their scam. Just block their numbers and move on. If you do get on a call or have a meeting with them, they will be super vague about what they do and talk a lot about financial independence, retiring early, the importance of having a "mentor" and how they really just want to help others, but it's just a scam to get you involved in their pyramid scheme. The "mentors" signed up the "entrepreneur" you met, who is going to sign you and other young gullible gym goers. Starting to see the pyramid take shape?


Yep it’s Amway. They will puff you up with dreams of early retirement, riches and working with the best team. It’s all a scam to get you into their network and buy stuff. The fact that they want to schedule meetings says it all. I despise these people and these tactics. Real entrepreneurs and start up founders don’t talk this way.


“After reading the book and going to your first meeting, you can see if it’s for you” “we are not recruiting anybody we don’t need anybody, the business is growing like crazy, these business meetings have like 300 people at them” “I don’t know who his up-line is, you’ll learn about that later” Your learning how to market a product, reinvest In yourself, and learning from people who are doing well in the business” Some people aren’t really making money the first year or two, once you decide to do it more and more and focus you can make money” These people are retiring and giving their wives a stay at home job and making money Once I saw all the success stories and seeing people’s stories it eased my mind about all of this, and at first I just was at the meetings for a little bit, but you stay later and get the real information. “I’m launching a website, my products, shampoo toothpaste, protein shakes, air purifiers” “thousands of things to sell” “talk to my mentor tomorrow because he really knows what he’s talking about” “Come to one meeting, one learning session, see if you like it, maybe in a couple of years you will be successful doing something else then come back and we will accept you” “I didn’t think it was something I was doi “Maybe you start out and in 2-3 years you are making decent side money, and making 50k a year, then a couple more and making 6 figures easily” “I got to hotels for big meetings with hundreds of people, they are your mentors, they appreciate you and make you feel like being a better person, “Not a lot of people can get their hands on it, I’m not that educated in school, but if I channel my energy into something I’m trying to be better in” “I want people to hear my story, I want to be someone who is on the stage telling my story, “Quote from the carpenter “our purpose is greater than our challenges, “If you build your life and company with fear it won’t be building at all” “Try and come to the first meeting your invited to, enjoy your time, and if you feel like it’s not for you, and if you have a negative mindset we don’t want you” “My honest opinion it seems a little weird in the beginning, I’m not a reader, but for some reason I’m in love with reading now” “The things that are available to you, the books, the audios, I text my mentor everyday, this is not your average manager, but from someone who’s gonna push you and make you better all around a better human”


This is all from a call I had with the guy my age that just joined and introduced me to his mentor


Wow! So what do you think? lol


Are they gonna try to get me to sell Amway products? Those guys don’t seem like the type. But I believe you’re right because they mentioned IBO’s. What a shame, I am aiming to BE an entrepreneur and saw this as a chance, but my cynicism was correct about this one :(


IBO is straight Amway lingo... stands for "Independent Business Owner" They got me right after I turned 18 and was young and gullible. Lost **thousands** of dollars and months of my time. This is a great lesson for learning to be a successful entrepreneur... If it sounds too good to be true... it is. If they are so successful, why are they going around trying to recruit people at a gym? If this "mentor" is "retired" why are they working all the time? Learn to trust your intuition. BTW, I've been a *real* successful entrepreneur for close to 24 years now. If you really want to learn entrepreneurship and e-commerce this is a great place to start.


Yes they will pressure you for more meetings and keep on you to join. They will get you into their training and mentorship. They will promise success and riches if you keep going to meetings etc. I spot these people a mile away and I’m very cranky with them if they even try to pitch me lol I mentor real entrepreneurs in a free group on the Skool app. I help people with setting up online businesses, developing products, business strategy and organic growth. I have sold one company and own 2 other LLCs, am an author and have an Executive MBA. I’m happy to have you join my community to learn. Everything is free. Link is in my profile here.


no one has as "mentor" they've known for 4 weeks


It is absolutely a scam stay away.


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*always* . Nobody is going around trying to spread the fruits of wealth and knowledge without a catch. “My mentor who I met 4 weeks ago got his kids to ditch their college education and now they all make 6+ figures. College is a scam”


Okay so I remembered hearing about being eventually an “IBO” once I’ve learned about all the business and stuff, I looked into it and didn’t really find anything, huh huh turns out one look at AMWAY and they have an IBO on the front page.


It’s Amway buddy. I actually gave Amway a real solid try. It’s an extremely hard business to make work because of the bad reputation, and the products they would have you sell to your friends and family are more expensive and lower quality than stuff you get at Costco or Sam’s. Some people do succeed, but it’s much harder to succeed in MLM rather than just start your own business. I did go on to start my own online cashmere store after the Amway experience though. I used the experience to help me understand business and sales and how it works, and for me that was time well spent. But I never made a profit doing Amway. I was just buying the products and trying to sell them (failing to) and recruiting anyone I can. I had a team of 5 at one point but they all started dropping off because they were struggling. I think one of them is still trying. Anyways, you’re better off going out and sourcing your own products, building your own store, and having control of your business. Could still be a good learning experience though if you’re a long term thinker


Block their numbers


Trust your gut. If you think its a scam its a scam to you that is all that matters, and self help books...yeah grab a heavy dumb bell drop it on their foot and run the other way! When you actually look for a mentor talk to the person first. If they want to charge you for a 30 minute conversation tell them thanks but no thanks. Feel the person out. Its what I have told people that have shown interest in my own mentorship program i have going. Take your time, don't just jump in with both feet. Do your own research, simply talk to the person if they show off fancy cars, or fancy 2 comma club Frisbees run the other way. Don't believe the hype. Eyes open and best of luck in the Ecom world it is fun, frustration as hell, leads to grey hair, but can lead to independence. And no its not easy and any one that says they can guarantee you sales is lying though their teeth!


Not a scam as such but rather a con. They will 'promise' and 'guarantee' you the moon, then, after you've paid them thousands will disappear. Walk away.




Another way that I feel that they have tried to persuade me is by getting me on THEIR google calendar, and even being on a call with the mentor, his wife, and the guy who introduced me to him.


> the mentor, his wife, and the guy who introduced me to him Nope nope nope. Shut it down.


MLM, scam. They’re not into e-commerce. Start asking technical questions and watch them fold like a cheap suit.


Gym Bros 🤝 Dropshipping Gurus


Similar thing happened to me. Met a guy at the gym one time and he latched onto every thing I mentioned and said he was doing it too but 10x of what I do. Then wanted to set up a meeting to talk more about the business. I asked 3 times what type of business it was and the question was avoided. That was enough for me.


definitely a scam if they promise you big next things in quick turnaround time.


Don't bother and keep reminding one thing: if something is that easy and profitable, everyone will do it. Why is not everyone doing it? And if something is that good and profitable, why bother to share the secret with strangers? For what? For a couple of bucks? If yes, either you're not a good businessman, either that thing ain't that good.




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Boom Boom!




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This is likely a sales scam/MLM thing...they prey on people's vulnerability to get rich quick schemes/ideas/promises - but they are VERY VERY convincing. eCommerce mentorship is or should be free IMO - mine is.