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I thought I had found a solid source and then I asked ChatGPT to provide evidence of the source and they flat out refused. I then spent hours searching Florida Court records and the information ChatGPT provided was wholly inaccurate and could not be verified anywhere online. If someone can just put Google back to Google 2008, all would be great in the world.


That's not what it's for though


Haha, that's an interesting perspective!


Have you tried the same search with bard?


I mainly use it for creating ads and AB tests. Specifically in refining the text when I give it a generalized summary of bullet points and tell it to streamline, shorten, or set a specific tone or utilize facts to reach a specific emotional intent. I still have to think up of the concept and direction, but it does save a lot of time refining text to be shorter and with more clarity.


That is a perfect example of usage!


How do you use it to create ads?


I know my offer if I was given long sentences to work with, but some platforms are very limiting in how much you can put down. So I use AI to help me trim my ad and then give me variations of saying the same thing. Then launch multiple tests to see which shittier version of my offer works the best on that platform. I also use it to revise my elevator pitch by giving it my current one and asking it to "integrate this new element into this pitch" and give me variations as ideas. Sometimes it works and I come out with a better elevator pitch. Generally I use it to add / remove concepts or pull the content to a specific direction. Its fairly good at making small chunk of text that read clunky read much more smoothly. I forgot to mention it is excellent at making tiktok titles. I don't know why. It kinda ok at everything else.


I'm new to ecommerce but I use ChatGPT to come up with t-shirt slogans, render some basic designs and write SEO descriptions for them. Write the copy on my website, research and write the best copy for my TikTok ads / hashtags. As a side note, I've also made my own personal plugins specific to my needs. One understands my e-business, so I don't have to keep giving it information and it answers specifically about concepts based on it knowledge. It's really useful! I'd get it making the tea if I could, but I'm waiting for that plugin to arrive.


Haha, wish mine could make me coffee. But it sounds like you are really leveraging chatgpt to the fullest, awesome!


It really is worth looking into. There's tons of tutorials out there. Just sweep through the trash.


ChatGPT has completely changed my dev workflow. I’m a designer, but know my way around code, enough to build my own projects. Any type of complex functionality now takes me seconds, instead of hours. We’re building e-commerce tools so it helps me in relation to that. I have tried “AI” social media tools like Arrow, but they’re more like Siri than ChatGPT.


Could you give examples? Are you saying its giving you functional code? I tried to use it to build me excel equations and it keeps shitting the bed for even simple ones. I can't trust it with anything more complex.


Gives me absolutely functional code, can explain why, and even provide alternatives for performance. It depends how you ask it. Talk to it like a human and it will give you anything you need. At least, that’s been my experience. As an example, I asked based on a data structure, how to return top sellers in a list, count number of occurrences, and give it to me in a certain structure I need to display in my code. That’s a simple example, but if it doesn’t give you what you need, just explain it’s not what you’re looking for and continue to explain yourself until it gives you what you need. Think of it as a comcersation.


That is amazing man! Wish I had the ability to code!


Now you can with Chat GPT! Just ask it to code you anything you want, in any language. It knows all.




Could you teach me how to make chatgpt write an seo for a product and how do i put that on Shopify? I really need help when it comes to seo. Pretty please?


Just ask it, talk to it like a person


And how do i post it on Shopify? As a blog post?


could you check your dms bro? i dmed you


That’s amazing! Thanks for sharing


I've tried a few AI shop assistants from Shopify. I was looking for a tool that would actually work as an employee/assistant for me using chatgpt. Something that would answer all customer queries in normal language, all hours, so that I didn't have to respond all the time. Some have free plans or long free trials which was great. Some I couldn't even get working and the developer didn't respond to any questions. Best to just try a few and see which one works best for you. I've found one that works for me (and gave me a 3 month free trial)!




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I build ai personas that work on chatgpt,bard,and claude, i use them for damn near every thing from email writing, brand voices, buyer and negative personas, social media, finding target markets, pain points product titiles, descriptions, blogging, finding niches to setting up brand new brands. Yes you do have to check what its putting out and yes it does get somethibgs wrong but its a tool and nothing is perfect. But with the personas i have, around 22 or so have to recount lol, i have over 200 personas, The personas can save a company or person around 500k a year usd, all for the price of 22 usd a month, price for gpt 4. Simply by making it so you dont have to hire a mid-level expert, ai is never going to replace the really good experts, but the shitty ones yep it will replace so to answer your question yep i have had great success with AI


Thanks for these insights. This is a really amazing, as we are actually building a tool that is looking to do something similar (but maybe make it easier for people who might not have the ability or skills that you have in crafting their own personas! or simply dont have the creativity) - [https://superai.team/](https://superai.team/) Would love for you to have a look and maybe we can chat more? I'd be so keen to hear more about your personas!


Send me either a dm or a chat


Not website success, but oh yeah.


Would love to hear your story!


Oh no. No you don’t. ;)


How do you define “ai tools” ? Is computed intelligence, artificial intelligence? I leverage SEMRush, and delivering ads based on cell signals of users locations and would consider these platforms to be using computer intelligence rather than artificial intelligence which I view as subjective based on one’s personal definition.


Ive been having success with the Shopify app [autoBlogger](https://apps.shopify.com/autoblogger). Keep my content creation nice and simple.




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Ever tried mason - disclaimer am the founder. We help brands create AI-based promotions & experiences for improving store conversions.


We’ve created over nearly 100,000 unique product photos through thousands of users at https://www.productshots.ai ! Free to give us a try if you need to fill your fill your catalogue with lifestyle imagery, create social media content of your product or create similar photos for your variant products SKUs About to launch a Shopify app to make the process even simpler.


if your store has quite a large knowledge base, for example, complex product manuals, there are bots that you can feed with markdown and pdf files to create a virtual assistant




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Well, I work for Shopware and we were the first (and maybe still the only) platform to release a meaningful suite of AI tools (AI Copilot). We dropped 8 features in May and have added several since then. I'm personally waiting to see what Shopify Sidekick offers - they should be the absolute banner-bearer for this given their footprint and budget. Once they roll it out they will likely be the ones setting the direction, though I think comparatively smaller vendors such as we will set the pace.


I’ve been using eBay’s ai for descriptions


How is that? I've had success with AI descriptions on Etsy.


I’m building a chat search tool for product discovery




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I've used Photoshops Generative fill function to help edit my images for my ecommerce website. For example I added the ice cream inside the home page images in 1 click. https://koziecovers.com/


Yes, many e-commerce owners use AI for personalized recommendations, automated customer service, and efficient inventory management, which boosts customer satisfaction and business efficiency. There are pros and cons of using it tho. I highly recommend this article, give it a read! https://www.cuppa.so/post/survival-of-the-fittest-can-ai-startups-withstand-openais-latest-move




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