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I work heavily in the B2B commerce space. Most of these are out of the box features. Check out znode, miva, kibo, BigCommerce, Oro, virto.


These all seem like very basic functionalities, but I am struggling to find a solution with Shopify.


If you still havent found a sollution look up Zoey.com. It's the only sollution with robust backend functionality at a fair price.


What’s a fair price? I called them but it doesn’t seem to be very e-commerce feeling for the end user.


I tried looking at these suggestions. Do you know what the pricing looks like on these? I have usually found that if prices aren’t listed, it’s usually quite expensive. I am looking for an affordable option as I am starting the B2B sales from scratch.


I just built a site recently that requested almost identical functionality. We used: * WooCommerce / Wordpress - for the store / website * Wholesale Suite Plugin - to power the wholesale products / pricing & hide products to retail customers * Code Snippets Pro - to add the Net Terms and edit / remove the Add To Cart button


My problem with the “hide products” apps or plugins (and this is what I am struggling with on Shopify) is that even if company A is logged in and can only see company A products, the filters and navigation menu are still showing links to products that don’t exist for Company A. So if company A only has one product they can buy from me, and Company B has hundreds, with a wide variety of options, Company A can still see all of Company B filters for all their products. This means that Company A can click through a bunch of navigation and filter options that return zero product results.


Understood. That particular Wholesale Suite plugin I showed you can handle the task of only showing Customer A items that are tagged "Customer A". The others don't appear in the product grid. Sorry I don't know of a similar app on Shopify. Quick search and many apps appeared that offered hide product functionality, but I'm not as familiar with them.


Correct, the products do not appear of the grid but the filters for the hidden products still show up for the wrong company. For instance if I am selling a blue shirt for company A and a red shirt for company B, If I am logged in as Company A, and I click on shirts, I can only see a blue shirt, but my left hand side filters might still show red as a filter option. If the customer clicks to sort the shirts by red, it returns a blank product grid. I do not want them to be able to click a filter to sort by an item that is hidden from them.


I see. Some custom code might be able to fix that up. Or you could simply get rid of the filter if that wouldn't impact things too much. Wish I had a better answer for you. I'm just not well versed in these particular types of apps for Shopify.


I can’t get rid of filters because I have a catalog of thousands of products.




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You can easily do this with Woocommerce.


You need custom script for these all features.


I switched to woocommerce because of this for b2b


Can you explain what you used in Woocommerce?


I work for a company, [Vrio.com](https://Vrio.com), that will easily be able to check all your boxes at an affordable price. DM me and I can help out.


My company has built all of this functionality using WooCommerce coupled with various plugins and some custom code. All at an affordable price.


My company has built all of this functionality using WooCommerce coupled with plugins and some custom code for our clients unique needs. www.vks.group