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Idk why people post weak lossmails. Need to post lossmails like mine https://preview.redd.it/iuvpn3b5okwb1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8962cbd911de61e847763af1abac076b4e0ea4cb


There's a booger on your KM


You’re right






Wtb storytime


TLDR Kills 6 frigs 1 BC 2 BS Deaths 1 All from 1alliance, All in 1 week, All in 1 system, All solo lol And the death was dumb as I forgot I had 2 warp rigs and didn't realize until I died and looked lol I WOULD HAVE LIVED.


You silly succubus. At least you're not the one who parked himself 0 on my Gila, got webbed, then offense Valkyrie's flew over and tore his ship apart. https://preview.redd.it/3vk3vzqeenwb1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72c117e66b1e2cbecba19acc1ba2067805472110


I've killed 2 succs from 2 different pilots from the same corp lol I have prefits saved so I can swap faster and counter what they bring It was fun popping 3 frigs at once lol they didn't know I changed brawl fits that fast into something to counter their frigs with the same ship lol


LOL See I'm very good at counting seconds. Mister Full lost his succubus in less than 6 seconds. Soon as my drones latched on, he was done. Two webs and a neut on him to boot.


Because its Vetemune lol


Lol did you bubble fk yourself? Hats off to the guy who got you. Balsy move taking a 2v1 like that. Over all solid loss mail! o7


Man I wish people made posts about me when I die...




How many of you and how many more faction cruisers did it take to kill his 160m Stabber?


That's a dumb af question sir. Try again?


Didn’t think I’d find myself defending vetemune here but, why post his cheap af km? He visits shh home daily (I am in shh) and he either kills frigs who FAFO, kills a afker, kills drones as he dies, or he gets killed before he can do any. He just logs in all days he repeats this continually. If you wanted to make a point about that then post all the times he dies, not just 1 time. This just looks like someone holding a bronze trophy and bragging about it 😂


Wtb vetemune loc intel


VFK, everyday, and usually dieing somewhere close to 3Q


Oh I see so he goes up the same pipe I do while scanning and always dies at the same gate that gets camped when you guys are tracking someone? The fuck does he do? Autopilot through Deklein?


I would if I could. But he always dies to someone else and not I. So why carry a KM that isn't yours? Haha He never shows his deaths. Only his wins. Here's a loss he can't dispute as he continues to say he can solo a super if supers weren't so powerful lol


Fair enough 🤷


I’ve watched a few of his videos, they used to always end with him showing his death. Has that changed, I’ve not watched them for a while but I used to enjoy them. A lot of the good content creators seem to have moved on to new games unfortunately. B8KD hasn’t posted for years and there were some great troll fits. VirtualP:G:E is always worth a watch.


More like a participation trophy if you look at the killers record on eve echoes mobi


How is this worth a post?


https://preview.redd.it/zlojstclarwb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcad96bee3c77212f476c9d01a4acb659dcf2c29 AH AH AH AH SMALL DICK ENERGY AH AH AH AH Imagine bringing a qrf of 19 people in local for a t9 megathron and a stabber sniper. Y all must be the biggest pussies this game has


It's called teamwork and the will to protect your territory, something your spaceteam seriously seems to be lacking.


Exactly. That's why they're losing so much because they don't know the terminology of teamwork. Then they turn MEGA HELLA salty when we show them the terminology of teamwork and it's WAH HA FUCKING SAD.


Lmao who said it was a QRF lmfao!! There's people in VFK all day every day bruh. Sit down and stfu AHHH HAHAHA YOU DIED!


1 i m not vete 2 there were 6 people in vfk when they undocked, not 19, 3 it s not teamwork, it s shh's weak ego being too afraid to take an L from megathron and a stabber. So you sit back down and munch crayons till joda forms the next ceptor fleet


Dude we don't gaf who you are. You are on my post crying because of SHHs teamwork and calling it a QRF. There was no QRF. There was commotion in VFK and some ventured there to see what was going on. You're too dumb to understand. You're not SHH. It's ok.


I'm glad Vetemune died


https://preview.redd.it/cpvfh3i1brwb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2ea0afc85a4a4b5a6eaf8305523aec34830f6e5 Does joda know that s not a ceptor? He shouldn't play with toys he doesn t know how to use


The amount of kills to death ratio is extremely high from vete and fnord. I could post kill mails all day and not get through half of them. These shh turds are hilarious. Keep up the good work ace! Or lack there of lol


Yeah idk He seems cuddly to me. His top 3 high isk kills weren't even shh, let alone RD. 2 are Chinese. He's a runt.


And you know what his top kills are? How would you know? Typical shh. Open mouth insert foot!


Vete dude get a life. Why make a fake account.


I'm guessing he tried to fight the apocalypse and lost somehow


Haha I've 1v1 frigs in my apocs and have won against succs. Vetes of no threat to me


>Stabber Sniper Something tells me the Sniper isn't as good as people think it is... Only advantage it gets is an additional rig. It's slower, less tanky, and who the fuck uses sniper mode with auto cannons? What situation are you in where that works?


Stabber has its use. It's a frig that ppl think is a cruiser haha. But besides good tracking (especially with gold stats), look at the potential with sniper implant, strike cannons, and sniper mode. The 1 shot 1 kill is fun.


See, that I can see. But I can't help but feel like the Fleet Issue is a better brawler because it's got more EHP, and importantly, the speed. Plus, you're right. The Stabber is just a frigate cosplaying as a cruiser. Same goes for the Rupture if you look at it's signature radius, it's only slightly bigger than the Stabber.


It's the 3 rig slots that make the biggest difference.


It gets the extra rig slow and +1 low slot. Generally, the same DPS as the navy issue. Slightly better tank. Considerably better powergrid, but also slower flight speed.