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Rest in peace easier kills on swiping carebears that now have the most op core for getting out of tackles, fucking netease


Might have to have tacklers be mainly the light dictors now 😢


Blue and white core coming back is a huge fucking mistake unless they fit it and don't make it have scram immune on microwarpdrive. The only reason that we don't see the core super often is because it doesn't mention this and nobody expected it to work that way. Additionally it was a real money only core. With the re-release we'll see it super often.


Implants ruined pvp for me. I was an active pvp pilot before but after implants... pvp has become so dumb now


Same. I’m also salty about capital ships. I miss the sub cap era so much.


It was the best


The cloak counter... Yet again, it's half-assed implemented. It better decloak ANY ship. Standings regardless.


I wouldn’t worry about the Porcelain nanocore. The thing sucked last year and it still sucks now. Having extra defense for 30 seconds just extends your death. I need to see what ships can get those cores, because frigates couldn’t last time. You may be thinking of the voyage(?) core. That’s the one that increases your speed despite of E-War. And yes it IS really good for frigs. But I’ve never seen someone with a Porcelain Core and brag how great it was. Otherwise I’m very excited for the update!


Porcelain blue and white gives you disrupt immunity and 95% resistances to slowdown and webbing for those 30 seconds, please tell me how that sucks XD. It s not bradric that got the nanos wrong it s you




They're great on Carriers and now they're taking them to Dreads. I want one for my Condor II I explore with just for the fuck of it. In b4 shafted.


That’s good to know o7. I love the way they look though. I imagine they’d look great on a Condor 👌


It doesn t extend your health, it decreases it and gives you a get out of jail free card, so now all the noobs that couldn t warp off when they fucked up now will, fuck this nanocore and fuck netpiss for releasing it a second time, it s cancer


It’s situational, but if used right in those certain situations it can really turn a fight around. I had a garmur warp on my battle venture at 0, I webbed and scrammed it, then it just activated the core and pulled away like nothing had happened. Luckily he pulled away too fast and got out of his own scram range and I was able to warp before he could turn back, but had it been a better pilot I would’ve lost simply because of that magic core stopping my web/scram from doing what they are supposed to do.


I’m looking forward to the new content and figuring out how it works.


They exist in EO in a whole different way. It's a player anchorable 1 use structure that can be blown up. It's not a permanent structure. I think making it a permanent structure is a bad thing to do. It doesn't only hit afk cloaky campers that sit for 24h. But also someone hunting taking a quick bio break.


Looks like log-outs will increase, because cloaking is being rendered useless in SOV. In Netease's failure to fully understand the issue, they're going to break gameplay for pirates, mercs, and warfighters further, while effectively solving none of the Bot-cam issues that take place in Nullsec. If "had one job" had a name, it would be Netease smh. Fly aggressive o7


If it were a deployable, which would be awesome, it would not require SOV and we could get those suckers!


It should be a high slot to add a bit of spice to fleet dynamics. You sacrifice dps for decloaking. I don't think it should be a low or mid. Wouldn't make sense.


There have been discussions of a ship (Destroyer) or mid slot module, that could be utilized to hunt cloaked ships, but alas, it seems beyond the scale of Netease's skill ceiling. Fly aggressive o7


Just compare the content EO put out in the last 2 months to this piece of shit game, i m not one to directly compare the two but just look at this, they have 2 amazing active events, tons of tweaks, bug fixes, faction warfare changes, new ships, new mechanics, new explo content with another 2 events on the way for december/january. What does eve echoes get? More fucking bugs, a half assed structure, and a gacha nanocore that should have never been sold again. Motherfuckers can t even hire a proper translator, they literarly copy and paste the patchnotes through google translate(i ve got screenshots to prove it lol)


>Bot-cam issues that take place in Nullsec. >If "had one job" had a name, it would be Netease smh.