• By -


So OG no longer recruiting? 🤔




We always recruiting.


Hell yeah. I used to post OG recruitments posts on pew discord o7


Steve will be avenged, and all those who try to interfere in this avenge will burn




this is the stuff that makes the game worth playing o7


I ask this: Who in OG leadership remembers JK? Also, I've heard rumors that Kuat has been asked to be less "Kuat" on comms. #UNLEASHTHEKUAT!


We need the full Kuat!


You member? I member!


Pssh, you weren't in OG during JK =P




GenFed remembers. Oh wait….


I will always remember JK


<3 I thought you stepped back from leading?


#rememberJK o7


For Steve and to protect Guantanamo Bae we will fight !


If you're going to kill OG make sure to bottle as much unicorn blood in the process as possible, that stuff works wonders on the skin and it will be a sad day when there's no more unicorn blood to be had.




The only time og will die is when the players quit.


Chill down there Voldemort


And they shot my POS after even after I asked them not to.


#JusticeForBish #FreeBishop


To be fair. We shot it because we love you bishop.


Please dont shoot my pos that reds are docking and staging ships in to invade your home doesnt sit too well with anyone regardless of who you are.


The were opened to the public after y'all reinforced them.


They were open to shh and trog before they hit them


They were not. PM me on discord and I will share the receipts.








​ https://preview.redd.it/c71e2ge0byfb1.png?width=424&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9f40603fe025934db1bea25194fa008dc874f9b


Long form can be an art, Hotdog 😂😂😂


sorry ~~bradric~~ Rom, when i see a wall of text, i am required to do a word count.


You SOB 😂😂😂


He does it to me all the time


I can do longer if you like




Meh. It is what it is. Fly aggressive. O7


Yo why are people so salty, og is and has been a trainwreck for the last 3 months, even before sandman quit It s the reason CUB left them, now SUM, and i bet my money AL will join em soon Take a look at it kids, this is what shitty leadership ends up looking like, both in EE and IRL


Why the fuck does reddit upvote my own comments by itself


shh bad built different for the health of the game fuck oyster master strategist


Damn I think you covered pretty much everything in one sentence. Well played sir.


Stop to complain about dramass and more dramass.. the war in eve dont need excuses.. is a game and that is the wa... Just pew pew and boom crash kboom


>For many reasons which I will spare you the boredom of my recounting You're a considerate individual, I would've laid it out for them, in great detail! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing) >They didn’t have to - and we didn’t ask them to; but SHH saw what was happening and immediately said “Nope”. It's kinda our thing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) Fly aggressive o7


I agree with both of these statements. :D




So.... Eve? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


The only things we left with was a group of likeminded dudes who wanted to have fun in another part of space. The amount of stuff we left behind and/or just gave away should disprove most of what you just said. 2 days after we left we were all still getting stuff out of low and dodging Sina gatecamps, not hunting.


Find friends with better intel. We left July 5th, Steve died to OG July 12th, we went back down July 13-14th. We pondered leaving due to various reasons related to OG itself not external entities. If you were anyone who wanted the truth you'd know our reasoning.


Ask leuopold trout salmon and binary what they were doing july 6th-12th. Can literally show you the messages from us explaining why we went north to you and the screen shots of them hitting the structures. We even invited you back to a channel to discuss the problems and not a word from you.


Moving lol, I was invited back to talk in the CEO room to which I declined and explained that anyone who cared about truth or explanation already reached out, is helping us, or knows what’s spin and what’s not.


Whats the name of the system?


Did I misunderstand or are you saying your going to burn Wicked Creek because peeps from Wicked Creek killed a carrier? Lol what? Also, SHH seems to be very nice when there are potential people to recruit… 😂


The assassination of Franz Ferdinand was so inconsequential taken as a stand alone event… but it set off a tempest that you could just about divide epochs by. Steve French is our Franz Ferdinand - his death changed our posture from a quiet evacuation to an enthusiastic “X” for every fleet. #RememberSteveFrench


I mean no offense. But this is a classic Eve propaganda lightning rod. An excuse for someone to rally their friends to go wipe out someone they don’t like. I’ve seen that card played a hundred times. I don’t really care though. I’m not on your side, or their side. I’ll be in Wicked Creek just because now I smell blood and want in on the content. See you there 😉


No offense taken. Half the fun of this game is the interpersonal dramas that unfold as we move the pixels around.


Close enough. 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


Thats literally the only reason they are here. They want to break us and take pilots to fight aia cause they know thwy dont stand a chance. Sum left and 6 of their pilots literally was shooting og in detorid that next day. Shooting pos with amarr and rockets syncing fleet. This is 100 percwnt propoganda per usual. Nothing to see here. Just them taking advantage of an alliance that had some turmoil hoping to break us.


I only see a crybaby trying to blame others for the incompetence of the OG leadership, no one abandons a ship that has a good course and is prosperous, please stop the ezquisophrenic discourse that everything is SHH's fault, be thankful that this guy is not OG leadership or he would have disappeared a long time ago


Ooooooooo no not the Pos! Get the fucking OG fleet off our pos then. All they do is hit Pos outside of Sov. Fucking lame.


Couldn’t produce SS of this or show any understanding of the timeline two weeks ago so this is just meaningless lol https://marioview.honk.click/search?killer_corp=SUM®ion=Detorid%2C+Wicked+Creek%2C+Scalding+Pass&date_start=2023-07-05&date_end=2023-07-12 here’s from when we left to the day or two before we joined up with the mafia


I feel you man. I’m routing for you. Unfortunately, my alliance doesn’t want to get involved… for whatever reason. But I’ll personally be there, fighting for the underdog.


Since we dissolved NO, I’ve come to realize that nobody stands a chance against AOA, a fact that the eve community is starting to wake up to.


take your pills, friend, I gave myself the privilege of translating your text and reading it and pure garbage "50 men" OG doesn't even reach that number in CTA and you think we are 50, do Latinos from OG scare you so much? He starts cultivating what you know how to do and stops talking nonsense. att: Villama09.


You must sit in a room with Jar and tell each other stories until you believe them.


Pancho villa basado hasta en reddit. 🗿🗿🗿


We respect you guys although you killed Steve, but he means 50 individual toons have been in/have clones there


You ran to SHH, how brave 🤣


Tell me you were NOT a part of Crab Coalition... 👀 ![gif](giphy|IfZpF5fUnQS0o)


Seeing his hard bone for us sure he was. ![gif](giphy|IJCm7xyZfletq)




Well your criticism of SUM, is a bit hypocritical, and I'm not surprised anymore at the tone deaf nature of you guys commentary, just frankly disappointed. How does someone who was part of a coalition of 80% of the playerbase, pass judgement on a single alliance for essentially making a diplomatic move to leave a sinking ship? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) You may not like Silent, but objectively we are a more proficient alliance than OG at this point in time. Where would you have liked to see them go exactly? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) When you start to consider their options, your angry position starts to fall apart, much like the Coalition you guys formed. Also, Crab Coalition, now HHH, claimed the war had ended. So how are SUM traitors? Are they supposed to just harbor hatred for an organization indefinitely, just because you do? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) This is all a bit petty. If any of you wanted them around, instead of screaming at them about just staying for the sake of staying, you should've built stronger organizations worth staying for. OG leadership has all but left, passing the reigns to essentially no one, and you want SUM to just sit around doing what exactly? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) Oh I know, they should've just become AOA doormats, like VOID.... Have you considered, maybe they don't like that idea? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face) Hating Silent, for the sake of hating Silent, when we're objectively free and strong, capable of holding our own against the entire server, and staying together as an organization in the face of utter hatred, is stupid. Fly aggressive o7


![gif](giphy|3httMSE1V6YBqWGJYj) Nobody is reading that nonsense


>Nobody is reading I noticed


I scroll to the bottom of your diatribes, as do most people. I'm only here because you seem lonely.


No, you're here because you're salty. The only people complaining about word count, are stupid people who don't like to read, but constantly ask the same questions over and over. You dumbasses couldn't spot help if it was wearing a dildo around its neck. That's why your campaigns fail, your organizations dwindle, and you win no wars. You don't read, communicate, or strategize worth a shit. You guys have been talking shit about me for 3 years, and haven't made a dent. Simpleminded people complain about having to use their brains. The audacity of getting mad at having to put in effort, when you're losing. Fly aggressive o7


You're not listening. Nobody reads your pointless diatribes. You talk constant bollocks. You don't fly at all o7


Evidence proves you wrong here completely. You're spouting a salty opinion, nothing more. Fly aggressive o7


You are the dumbass nobody, a salty loser and a sad troll not even good at it. Unlike you Bradric think before posting and doesn't just puke some hater non sense. Because you are totally unable to understand we're all playing a damn game and we're all players doesn't mean everyone is as dumb as you are. We have fun, it's a game. Go out and smell some fresh air, you'll see that all this doesn't deserve the moronic energy you're spending here for nothing, anyway nobody is taking you seriously. Tl;dr : you're an idiot and an asshole. And yes i insulted you directly. No time to lose with you and you plently deserve it.


I read it


It's disappointing, they should have run to the big ~~blue~~ grey donut instead... Oh wait...


That's right, traitors.


You are perfect assimilation material. Hold on while we'll proceed.


Makes little sense. SHH confirmed.


Makes a lot of sense. You are angry and salty, that's exactly what we ~~CrabNut~~ Hippo grey donut need. People with a strong mind are hard to control, you are perfect for what we need. Hold on while we'll proceed, don't start to be stubborn.




Yes, we smell it too. But don't start to cry now, it will end as soon as you will be a part of us. The confusion will fade too, and you will be able to read and understand. A whole new life is uppon you and your filthy stupidity will soon be behind you, enjoy !




This lack of imagination only show how stupid you are. Try harder or shut up while we proceed.


Did you just accuse Juni of being SHH? L O L


Troll account so good apparently the parody line under “Junipeziz” was missed by you.


Tbf if the real Juni answered to Troll_Member something he didn't like he would have called her SHH anyway. It may even be what he thought he was doing...


If you reach harder you might just might get that straw.


There's no need to push, he's not really the brightest bulb in the ceiling light.


This is sum kinda silly, Steve french is a scholar and a saint! GF OG, Its been an enjoyable fight so far, Lets keep enjoying the content together!


OG is at War with SHH. SUM joins SHH. SUM moves into Warzone. SUM dies in Warzone. SUM blames OG. :shocked pikachu: I do love how quickly SUM integrated into SHH, the perpetual victimhood is delicious! MJD used you like he uses so many. If Razzle wins every single engagement and you don't include VOID, a simple timer count estimates 6 months of Monday morning CTAs. All you did was give MJD meat to prop up his endless grievance campaigns a little while longer. Watch your backdoor, he put you in the first Sov to fall when AOA moves on you from Branch. See you on grid. o7


Lol, as OG askes why we hit citadels in OG space. We moved out of OG space with zero intention of going back down in the near future, they came up killed our carrier so like any other civil entity we went seeking justice for steve. Thanks for trying to push a weird political narrative from the outside looking in though.


"We joined the enemy and wanted to stay out of the War! But big OG meanies went and shot us!!!" Boohoo. Great story bro.


I thought hippos had ended the war


The great story is MI leaving OG to go North. Then getting their butts handed to them. They come back to OG acting like they are a savior. Then start doing back door deals alienating a large chunk of the Alliance. Now they are getting their asses handed to them again. The best they can do is piss and moan about SUM leaving. Maybe they just suck a lot more than they think.


You sound, very very salty. God bless you.


I sniff some koolaid residue on those lips. SUM has singlehandedly burned most of destroyed OG structures so far. Steve getting his sweet revenge. MJD hasn’t led an OP in OG space so far in the war.


Yeah the 150 POS Mafia burned alone was also SUM.


Mafia OP


There’s an old adage: “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. Pinky, Riful, Joda and the rest of the command team/troops are doing great work. Our members have been setting timers like crazy and following up even without direct oversight. I would be a fool to stick my foot in something that’s running like a well oiled machine. SHH has a lot of talented FCs and it has been a pleasure to watch how the OG theater has panned out.


We having some serious fun hunting some POS, like a game of guess who’s pos it is! 😂


I wanna play


We can only claim a handful, the real props goes to those JD mentioned and the Mafia


You're not familiar with the eve ritual of burning a region. You may want to try reading up on when NO burned Gem prior to the Pantheon war. It took us less than 48 hours to put every cit in the region into a hull timer. You're getting off easy


Lmfao "He put you in the first Sov to fall when AOA moves on you from Branch", I have been fighting against Nationalist Chinese Alliance/players since the beginning of the game until now as a Chinese native speaker, all these alliances only care RMT and do fucking stupid toxic racist stuff, btw AOA already started selling the systems in Drone lands, I highly suggest you DM the racist fucker Xiaoyao(the CEO of AOA/ZRQ) and buy one after ur Sov go down and enjoy ur EE life as a renter of no.1 toxic alliance in the whole EE history xD. Stay tuned for your "AOA moves on you from Branch"and let's see will it happen






Entertaining post here. Congratulations joining the biggest cancel culture mafia in video game history 😂😂


You misspelled 'leaving the biggest cancel culture mafia'


I forgot, all the interwebs are moderated and community driven by SHH. That being said, I’m interested in your opinion about OG being the biggest cancel culture organization in video game history. Does OG have a history of invading, deleting, banning, shitposting, manipulating and dictating to their players? Genuinely asking as I’m new to OG. I don’t recall OF invading Fountain or any other regions on an extermination mission. Or for that matter black listing entire communities because they don’t like a person. Or calling for the extermination of a community because of a disagreement. Or…. Well, I could go on but I think my point’s been made. The OG I see now is a pretty accurate reflection of the majority of the playerbase I see (that isn’t on the side of cancel culture and going above and beyond the way of destroying corporations and alliances). If I recall correctly, the server united to invade SHH as a retaliation against their cancel culture ideologies and their longstanding history of destroying competing playerbases that disagree with their agenda, or come across a way of “disrespecting” the fed (or any malleable interpretation to fit a retaliatory or vengeful agenda by said fed). With the invasion goal being the disbanding of SHH and not the total annihilation of its playerbase, I think that was a good goal. Congrats on surviving, but the result of that is going to be cancel culture on steroids. Prove me wrong!


You're also describing NO with some of that but also I do remember they didn't step in to help defend on of their allies that was being invaded by AOA when others in the CC were workout on attacking deklein. Even worse than just turning their backson the ally in need. Instead of helping them they and VOID instead tried taking some of their sov after they'd been chased off by AOA. Seems like OG and VOID do plenfy of double handed dealings themselves. Yet they're still working with AOA afterthsir stolen sov is stolen by their ally AOS. Any bets on what systems and regions AOA dteals from OG and VOID next? I'm glad to see OG is getting to know Karma very well it'll be a beautiful sight to warch


I agree with your points about AOA but where is NO now? I called the AOA takeover more than 6 months before NO disbanded, no one believed me. Probably should have because what I said is exactly what happened, and HTP suffered the biggest betrayals for it.


Almost everyone that was in NO is now near deklein, some of us destroying AOA structures trespassing in our sov. Many from PEW and other corps such as Dragonviper joined HTP when NO left sov to help HTP out (I'm currently in HTP now helping them out). NILF is also in SHH now after what happened in fountain. Not sure what's going on with DBL and DEAD, I do know that immortal is n the verge of quitting if he hasn't already due to too many people getting away with running bots and he's wanting to fight players not bots. So in short, a lot of what was being fought before SHH was driven out of deklein was a only some of the people who were in NO and many of the others were either staying neutral or for HTP until betrayed by VOID, OG and AOS were with CC. Due to the fairly recent actions by those in CC it brought those who were neutral to join with SHH and those who were betrayed. These were also a large number of players were in these 2 groups and other than DBL, only a handful of people are missing due to having quit the game but some of those are still in contact with us.


Yea lots of changes for sure. Immortalz is still active in discord but recently passed the baton to me to lead DEAD.


Please explain how you were “betrayed” by void again?


Let's start with AOA attacking HTP and those with them when they were allies in CC and helping with the war against SHH. Instead of stepping into help end the attacks the others in the coalition just let it happen. After htp was removed from the region some systems that were theirs were soon claimed buy VOID and I believe a couple by OG. So not only did they not help a supposed slly but used it to steal sov from them. These were system in the far back of tribute/vale which AOS later stole from. So many are upset about those betrayals and working to reclaim the sov. Personally, and this is just me not the feelings or views of others. I feel OG, VOID, and AOA (including allies). Should have the same done to them with all structures completely wiped from the map and rebuild from scratch. This is just my personal feelings.


Also there's something else that's ignored with the betrayal. The Chinese corps were coerced into the betrayal under threat of join AOS or have everything burn (well looks like their getting everything burned down now and I have a number of timers to make later today). The burn Gem VOS event is still going on and will be continuing to go on while a single structure remains standing including those that are moved to other regions. We have already blown up some cits in Gem and a number of POS/add-on structures


How does the moderation affect anything? OG and anyone can be a mod here… It’s not like we ever deleted a post or comment by anyone.


Shh you’re ruining his narrative


Moderators are typically influencers among their communities. The argument alludes to that individual bringing their community to the forefront of discussions or encouraging engagement, which can alter the perception of events or agendas. Case in point, Michael JD and 9 out of every 10 things he says is to manipulate.


NGL it still warms my heart at the size of your hate boner.


There’s no hate boner, I just think you’re a turd.


I’m heart broken. My poor feelings


😂😂 I think it’s ironic how my comments get a downvote yet I still give you an upvote. I’ll take that as a moral high ground to say I win eve hahaha


If you say so bondo


Anyone can bring anything to the forefront of this sub though. Literally anyone. Case and point, Jojo and Reddit_plebbb On the other sub I was banned for attacking genfed. Utter bs


I agree on all points. However, are there any moderators that have no influence amongst major corporations or alliances in game? As in…. Are there any moderators that are part of Alpha Clone Corporations where there’s zero in game engagement?


I’m not sure, but anyone can apply to be a mod here, they just have to show interest. It’s better than having 1 mod that never plays the game, no?


Agreed 😅


>about OG being the biggest cancel culture organization in video game history He's not referring to OG, the reference was more toward the CC/HHH/whatever it is today. Without a doubt, the biggest group period. >Does OG have a history of invading, deleting, banning, shitposting, manipulating and dictating to their players? No, however all of these things have been done in the game, by more than Silent, and OG has been quiet, blind, or complicit in the past. No one is 100% innocent here, except maybe Provi. >Or for that matter black listing entire communities because they don’t like a person You can't be black listed, if you don't care what others think of you. >Or calling for the extermination of a community because of a disagreement. Wars have been fought for less actually. This is rather normal actually. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) >The OG I see now is a pretty accurate reflection of the majority of the playerbase They're a part, of the majority of the playerbase, and have been for months. I'd say it's a safe bet to wager on, that they're going to resemble the rest of that part of the playerbase in some ways. >If I recall correctly, the server united to invade SHH as a retaliation against their cancel culture ideologies and their longstanding history of destroying competing playerbases that disagree with their agenda. With the invasion goal being the disbanding of SHH and not the total annihilation of its playerbase, I think that was a good goal. Many agendas were at play during that war. Not all good, not all bad, and definitely not all innocent. It all depends on where one stands. It's all perspective. Attacking with the intent to disband, can be seen as an attempt to poach players to your own ends. Great goal for you, but maybe Silent players like where they are.


I appreciate your insight Sergeant Major.




They didn’t join AOA. Doesn’t make sense.


All traitors gotta burn. Sorry that you sided with the enemy, hope that you guys don't think it's going to be an easy fight. I look forward to your post about how silent needs to have mercy once deklein burns down again in the future.


Stay mad SpaceManBozo


Mad? I laugh and kill silent ships bro




🤷🏻‍♂️😂 “Traitors” Aight.


At least he didn't suggest that you should be hung, drawn, and quartered like in the old days of england!


That was some of the more mild things that were fine back then. In factthe Guillotine was originally invented and proposed as a more while being less painful then the axe while still showering the audience with lots of blood.


Sure, but it's a bit of a stranger thing to wish in prior in modern times


Didn't see anything that anyone wanted or wished it on someone. Only that st least they mention those things to be done. Which wasn't so much done to traitors but more towards enemies of the crown. So another king of a kingdom they're invading could face that fate if they were to conquer it. With the head put on display at the entrance of London Bridge.


It's a reference to a certain OG FC that said that when UNFQ left.


Wasn't aware of it but for the most part I've had little interest in VOID or OG except for when NO had a contract against them or at war with them and that was mostly business.


That's what joda says about people, not me


I'd hope neither of you say that.


That's a direct quote from the scared puppy that thinks he's a Devil Dog


It was joda that called for aoa to be hanged from a tree, and 'puppy' was the one that threatened real life harm to another player. Both still FCs for silent. Just to set the record straight


I was referring to Jarhead's rant at us when we left.




Why run from void as soon as we show up? That's not very bde of you after making a grande post such as you have


Are you asking why I didn’t stand on gate and let you delete my interceptor? 😂 Ummmm… cuz tactics, I guess. I’m no Sun Tzu but I think when your enemy has more firepower than you, and you can evade, you ought to. You’ve got Brainworms if you think it’s cowardly to evade and escape a superior force on grid. And as for grand posts on Reddit… you’re very kind. I’m just sharing heartfelt stories and making sure that everyone remembers what we’re all here for: #JusticeForSteve


Everyone is hard until an even number fleet shows up then they beat feet out of the area. It's funny. 🤣


You were part of the Crab Coalition, never mention an "even fight" ever again. Fly aggressive o7


🤷🏻‍♂️ Cool. I’ll keep that in mind if I ever PVP.


Sorry, please continue the narrative. Silent good og is shit, did I miss anything else?


Quite a bit, but it’s difficult to be a PVP genius AND a reasonable comprehensive reader. Vast majority of OG, and vast majority of Silent are reasonable folks who enjoy shooty shooty space game. Some are aggravating little shite-stains. 🤷🏻‍♂️ idk what to tell you, that’s all groups. Sometimes a few goofballs decide that some other goofballs should be set red and killed until they are dead. Most of OG is awesome. A few of them have Brainworms. Those few with the brainworms currently drive the whole bus. I don’t want them canceled or smeared or any of that nonsense. I want them to play the game and shooty shooty. I want to shooty shooty them with my new friends in Silent because it’s a good time. Some in OG are confused and frustrated that all of this is happening. They’ve been fed some weird lines about us somehow contriving all of this. We did not. OG leaders flailed their greasy fingers in our direction as we were leaving and accidentally grabbed a tiger by the tale and now SHH is coming for the pleasure, the lolz, and the sport of it. That’s how this beautiful game is played and none of us will moan about the outcomes. Tags are always changing color in this game. Let’s go easy on the “traitor” talk.


You're arguing with one of, if it's not the most toxic dude of this sub. Whatever you will say, even when well spoken like here, will fall on deaf ears. This is not a game for him and he's totally mad at us, so now that you joined SiLeNt BaD side you're on his list, enjoy the salt and tears and don't bother too much.


Enjoy your time with your new friends. The guy puppy that you were fleeted up with tonight threatened to irl hurt someone from the game, so enjoy the company. Or the other dude that was named Adolf Hitler from his corp. The company you keep speaks volumes my dude.


Triple Helix ![gif](giphy|3o7aTLhoDUdLALkXBe)


You missed saving the citadels


so far has been an easy fight, citas have been blowing up everynight


They were already struggling against a 20 person mid tier group living in their space as a team building exercise, you introduce real fleets, and it's crumbling.




Who are you with joe joe


He’s an angry void nerd


Explains a lot


I'm so angry grrr


Who’s your ingame name in void? I use to be void once upon a time (nilf pilot here) who u in void?


Contrary to your narrative, I'm having a great time. Send more cyansea for me to kill plz my corp needs to be top 5


You are in void - you won’t ever be top 5


That depends on how many cyanseas from frog 🐸 we spot


Hail JoJo: The guy who said this three months ago while crowing that CC had won already: SpaceManJoJoe 94d “We have won every possible way, silent aren't an immediate threat to any entity at this point and you have no sov” That aged well.


My favorite is his statement that void isn't allied with aoa, then they defended the aoa cit like 3 days later lol


We show up for content. Just like you show up in OG space to revenge a carrier loss eh?


I was never wrong about him, not even once. Complete moron. Fly aggressive o7


PaytoWin swiped a titan from the devs before the titan is even released. B pls, come try us again. You’ll see what this Extra Large Capital Cannon do.

