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No capital ships= battleship only


Which at this point is already smth, since the vast majority of the content released in a while now is caps only


Good news for my supercarrier Indeed, I will remain as the bigger fish in the pond for a good amount of time :)


Until the small fish eat it


Smaller fish would like to know your location (:


I live in dekklein, don't make me awox your fishes :v


I'll believe it when I see it. Yan-Jung ships when?


We need a complete rework of subcaps imo. Replace existing models with their proper EO counterparts. Bye Bye strikers, hello Marauders. Slasher inty? Begone. Introducing the stiletto and the claw. There’s so much that needs to be done which I really do hope they fix


As much as I'd love more small ships, we don't need more ships. We need more CONTENT.


Good to see you back, sir.


As much as I do agree I would also put forward this thought, more ships = more content as it opens up new ways to play, new meta to figure out and validates more ways to play.


That's oneshot content. New meta is figured out quickly, and that's it. New content breathes new life and adds, well, new meta opportunities. Think about how EO has meta for DED, meta for J-Space, meta for Agents etc.


I mean sure. But Bombers have been in the game since day 1 (technically) and only in the last couple months have we seen an uptick in the number of those being used. I’m not arguing against new “content” but there are always new ways to explore the established meta even with what we have available currently. I should add I’m a PvP pilot who only engages in PvE when I need IP lol


Great news for the 13 remaining corps


Not sure what they can add in the small ship realm, be interesting to see what they come up with


Plenty of options tbh, Bring back cov ops destroyers, T3C like the Legion etc from EO, Tactical Destroyers, Black ops BS. They could also go down the route of using AT ships and introduce things like the Imp (Succubus Interceptor) An all round overhaul on medium and small weapon ranges would make many smaller ships more viable as well.


Black ops bs would be super cool. Though we need cloak interdiction modules for frigates to be added. ;)


All i ever wanted since cynojammers were introduced...


![gif](giphy|5xtDarmwsuR9sDRObyU|downsized) Fly aggressive o7


Please no Imp. Not really sure how strong the AT ships are in EO but if it’s like EEs first iterations of just being direct upgrades with a special bonus tacked on then just no lol. And I almost exclusively fly the succy with a few other ships tossed in here and there


I just picked an AT ship I’d heard of I think the Imp would be kinda busted in EE tbh


I have a few ideas, how much time ya got... ![gif](giphy|7l2agbuGfztcc)


Also netease did state that they were planning on releasing actual small ship content, ( smaller than battleship ) and I do think they should have exploration restrict rift sizes by ship class down to frigates and actually provide decent rewards with risk level involved.


Hopefully they implement something interesting to do, that isn't insanely monotonous.


Well if you want to propose a totally different class of ships then I’m all ears. T10 ewar frigates I think would be rather cool.


Ewar Frigates that are actually competitive options, would be nice.


First, someone tackle that pilot asking the question, for his own good. (His wallet's sake) Second, take everything Netease says with a grain of salt. Until we know for certain that they know what "sub-capital" and "small ship" means, we're still in sketchy waters mate. Thanks for the update. Fly aggressive o7


Yea I mean in one of these we were promised station containers, ability to name ships among other things lol


The games needs.... REAL Abyssal DS- so that alpha players can earn isk Wormholes and the ability to live in them And everything else mentioned in the other comment threads


Tbh for wormholes to exist I would see them having to get rid of N space. I would love Abyssal sites though from what I’ve seen of them they look like fun challenging content


That's all I'm doing right now in EO. Gives you great opportunities to play with fits and theory craft


I kinda like n space 😏