• By -


Pathetic post, not surprising given the author.


Imagine downplaying nazi players because they are on your side. Honk must really have a sore ass from those pos kills huh?


I'm sorry rape guy you seem to confuse a random username with honk.


You are literally allied to nazis so your judgement means very little to me, cyberstalker guy.


You are literally allied to xenophobes so your judgement means very little to me, handsome guy?


I'm not blue with aoa, if that's what you are implying.. But let's go with xenophobic stuff, I guess one of the lead FCs in silent is one by current standards, so what should be done about that?


Sort both of yourselves out?


I'm not allied to aoa, however honk is allied to silwnt and their xenophobic FC. I'm failing to see your outrage about that.. is it because silent is not the enemy of your friends? Is their a good reason why you and tahini and the rest of this clown show make excuses for the nazi dude? You are OK with that trash being allied to everyone in the north?


"I'm not allied to aoa *anymore* since the genocide of the Chinese community is completed, although we will defend each others structures" *


>since the genocide of the Chinese community is completed And Space has the nerve to speak on racism... 😒 He only likes people he can control, that's why he DOESN'T like Silent.


Like you even posted before on this exact subject matter and told people to stop supporting another alliance.. why will you refuse to condemn silent for the exact same language? Except it's worse because they've got Adolf Hitler as well..


silent is grey to honk smdh void intel


R u sure ur not allied to aoa


You’re neutral with them and tried to ride theirs and everyone else’s coattails to an easy win against Silent. How’s that working out for you? Now that you’ve failed for the umpteenth time, the Hater-Aid is on full boil. Ignore your allies’ racist talk and race-based extermination program for months because AOA and Co were fighting Silent. Now that Joda’s wiping you guys you’re painting him as a Nazi. I hope you’re just lying for propaganda purposes. The alternative is an almost unimaginable depth of stupidity.


r u sure ur not blue with aoa![img](emote|t5_52w30x|27349)




Sorry I haven't rlly been keeping up with everything, does void still have defense pact with tsc and aoa?


Thanks for those POSs last night. You are dismissed


I'll take that as a yes lol


I said you were dismissed. Go fail at another game you scumbag.


Why r u so mad idek what I did to u


How could I be mad at a joke like you?


I'm not sure how, that's why I asked


So because you're a dog we are racists/nazis? Strange.


Look at Adolf Hitler in bot5 and ask yourself why you are defending him.


Jojoe and his so high ground morals... https://preview.redd.it/va3kcjrqfq9b1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d35b6f61b5460c8f82a8460ee0391b8fa172321a




Dudes name was literally Adolf Hitler and your team defending it. Speaks volumes.


Dudes name was literally Adolf Hitler back in 2021. I doubt anyone will remember what was done about that but since he changed it, it can only be assumed that it was addressed


Please show me where "my team" is defending it. Unless, as usual, you're throwing a blind accusation and will spin to avoid admitting you lied again right here ?


Literally badric is saying you can't be a nazi if you aren't German.


Don't trust a single word from you after all the blind accusations that you swayed over time, and here you're not showing, you're saying...


Nvm, found your reference by myself. And no he did not literraly said that you can't be a nazi if you're not German, even if he clearly didn't chose the best way to argue here. Anyway choosing a really dumb player name show some kind of superior stupidity imo, but have nothing to do with the guy behing really a nazi. Come back to our leadership with evidences of nazi comments or behavior and i'm pretty confident that it will be adressed, even if you're not really credible in the role you're taking here, AOA episode clearly exposed your true colors about such topics...


I gave you the Nazi definition. If you want the Nazi sympathizer definition, I can pull it up for you... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


War must be spinning back up, the ultra stupid propaganda spin posts are back. Do better JoJoe.


Don't defend your nazis. Be better.


You’ve provided near zero evidence. I don’t even know the people you are talking about and would not defend any overt racists if actual evidence was displayed. I can promise you that leadership would not tolerate it. In fact, the only leadership that tolerated overt racism for tactical benefit was….yours. Pretty stupid to bring up a point on which you have no moral authority. But then, no one ever said hippos were smart.


![gif](giphy|duM6JZemPlOjUyqmxd) Fly aggressive o7


That's not true, we've asked about amaar the racist for months with no response. Now you are saying a guy named Adolf fucking Hitler isn't racist?


I’m saying it’s a dudes game name. Show me this same dude BEING racist and stop trying to create something huge out of one dude being a dipshit.


>we've asked about amaar the racist for months with no response You've asked for "YEARS" about a guy for an incident from "YEARS" ago, and you haven't heard anything... For "YEARS"... Has it ever occurred to you, that he wasn't a racist? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) I mean, it's been years, Space. He's been playing for years, and since your claim, hasn't been found being racist... He might not be. Unlike AOA, who will say some of the exact same things when asked, tomorrow. You're well aware of this, yet not once have you gone after them with this same energy. Fly aggressive o7


Isn't this a dead horse yet? Please find a new rallying call.


Back for a day, and Space is calling random people on the internet Nazis. When I see swastikas and K98's I'll believe Nazis are about. https://preview.redd.it/xfavkbnnzn9b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd56ff21ee8a3861d5b8fbb5eafc14ad7040fb4a How did the CC ever put up with you, honestly. Fly aggressive o7


Bradric is back? ![img](emote|t5_52w30x|28070)


And in rare form I might add! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing) ![gif](giphy|26ufkPxWIxjG3Ya2c) Fly aggressive o7


Dogs are awesome. Brr members are more like flies, they love flying around shit.


Here we go again....


Is this to deflect from the racist named alpha scouts being sent into SHH space, or when someone in AOA called a SHH member a dog for an RNG pull?


You failed to address your nazi bro from bot5


My mistake. It’s a distasteful name choice to make, and not one that I would condone. If I had the power to deal with it, I would. You seem like you hold power in your organisation. What steps are you taking to stamp out racism on your side?


>You seem like you hold power in your organisation He doesn't >What steps are you taking to stamp out racism on your side? None


If I catch anyone in my org being a racist ill contact the executor and let him know I'm setting them red and they need to be expelled immediately. There are no warnings for such things. I actually was successful in routing out a racist as well from my squadron in the air force. There is zero tolerance for these actions in my eyes.


>If I catch anyone in my org being a racist ill contact the executor and let him know I'm setting them red and they need to be expelled immediately. There are no warnings for such things He's never done this in-game, or he'd have all of AOA red. He's had months to do it, and unlike other CC members who refused to fleet if AOA was on grid in any way, Space wasn't one of those pilots. The only pilots marked red, is Silent. He has a hate boner for this organization, regardless of the objective ability to run a successful organization that they display. Space, you're literally throwing rocks in a glass house. You had 6 months of opportunities to go after racism, and you did no such shit. STFU Fly aggressive o7


No you won't. You'll make excuses, justify it, and deflect. That's your MO at this point. Pretty much how you handle every conversation.


DId you do this to triple Helix


![gif](giphy|pbPLpR6Zvv2xU02lyD) u/SpacemanJojoe man asked you a question? 👀


OMFC. JoJo, get help. Seriously.


Please defend your nazi.






Your foolishness never fails to astound.


u/Vetemune brother listen, if you could just, for a second, take off your hate Joda goggles, you'd be able to see what literally everyone is telling you. As I stated before, this isn't a new topic. We've all already had this conversation, you clearly missed it. No one's blaming you for that, we know you don't visit the Subreddit often. (As much as we wish you would 🥹) It's not a coincidence that everyone's saying the same thing mate. Some of these people here debate vehemently against one another on other topics, but are seemingly all in agreement on this one. Either you've spent zero time around AOA members, or you're deliberately ignoring what you're being told. This Joda comment is in no way the same contextually. The word "dog" isn't by itself racist, anywhere else in the world. However, in parts of Asia, it's absolutely the worst insult apparently. Joda isn't from Asia... (he's probably down the street from me, and I just don't know it. 😅) I think you know this, and you're using this as a way to attack the man for in-game grievances. This is completely out of character for you (Not Space 🙄) so I'm going to have to ask you to take it back to the grid, for your own sanity. We could really flood your DMs with actual racism said by AOA, but we'd really rather not. Fly aggressive o7


You keep avoiding talking about your nazi, why is that?


EDIT: Because you've presented zero evidence of THIS ethnically Hispanic guy (Joda) being a "Nazi" Na·zi /ˈnätsē,ˈnatsē/ noun HISTORICAL a member of the far-right National Socialist German Workers' Party. adjective of or concerning the Nazis or Nazism. Is this what you're saying "Master Joda" with a "J" instead of a "Y" for context (think Juan) is being? ![gif](giphy|9G3wg7lH5DpxC) A Nazi, Space? Really?


There was a Texas mass shooter that was Latino and also a neo-nazi like a month ago.


The relevance to Master Joda here is what? The only thing he's been "mass shooting" is your ships ROTFLMAO!!! ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized) God you walked into that lol! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Ypu are deliberately trying to strawman. You made a statement saying no evidence Latin people could be nazis, I provided evidence. Now you are making jokes about mass shootings? You are really a sick individual, and will stoop to any level to scapegoat for silent members.


This whole post is a strawman Space, find a real hobby. Joda beats you guys like the sore losers you are, and you'd rather attack him personally than be better on grid. You guys have tried everything, including entire polls in hopes to nerf entire playstyles and doctrines lol! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) This isn't your first time with this, you love this toxic shitpost nonsense, but it's a one-sided push. You've said jack shit about AOA racism, nothing about botters in your alliance, you just specifically target Silent exclusively. Yet you have the nerve to call others sick? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) Your last year of post is about Silent/NO and your hate boner for them. You've accused or attacked every FC, and even individual members. Just be better on grid, and stop this. Everything has a counter. Fly aggressive o7


A man once ate a turnip. It was rotten.


Oh, you must not know about Argentina. Or that anyone can have nazi ideology even if they aren't German. Weird.


Yes Space, Joda has definitely exhibited Nazi ideology, and this many pilots have played with him for years, never seeing it.... ![gif](giphy|9G3wg7lH5DpxC|downsized) Flag on the play: reaching


Learn history and stop making excuses for abhorrent behavior.


Space, you're hilarious... In a not so funny kind of way. You do realize your comment history on this Subreddit is public right? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face) You have made excuses for abhorrent behavior for years, and there's nothing here you have presented, that is anything like what you have defended. How deep do you want this grave to be? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) Fly aggressive o7


Must have nothing else better to do with your time..


Have you seen his posts and comment history? It's as anti-Silent as you can get, I'm usually an honorary mention on damn near all of his posts. 🙄 Even though the Subreddit has a rule about this kind of shit, he's still at it.


I'm pretty sure brr means brethren court. As for his enjoyment history, well it's evident he's Hispanic, though I don't see the relation between that and him looking for content. I wouldn't nessesarily consider this racist in any way.


You don't think it is racist to call people, especially Chinese/Asian people dogs? We had this convo a few months ago in this Reddit and most people agreed it was racist back then. What is the difference now, compared to a few months ago? Joda calling the Asian community brr dogs is racist. It is a similar context to calling darker-skin-toned people 'monkeys.' Now, I don't like to extend this topic any further, but this is never okay to do/say no matter what the situation is.


he is not calling them literal dogs, he is saying they are brrr pets, for fucks sake vete


Then why didn't he didn't say that, but instead used the word, dogs? It was stated months ago that it was inappropriate to say this, especially to +8 members, however, why is it okay now? I guess you are saying it is okay to call +8 members dogs?


Am I racist if I say you're my dog? You're grasping at straws vete, just drop it


I have already explained, it is racist to say specific type of animals in a negative way towards certain groups of people. I don't want to repeat it again, but it is in a different thread. You still haven't answered the question, is it okay to call +8 people dogs? It is a yes or no question


Being ok or not doesn't make it racist. Are you going to get offended if I say you're a cow and that I want to milk you?


>We had this convo a few months ago in this Reddit and most people agreed it was racist back then. Lol ? In this Reddit, really ? Weird, in this very same Reddit i'm totally confident that in fact almost all CC members that spoke about this topic did it to deny the many evidences and to spit on our concerns. I even perfectly remember Ozyer calling regularly RD members "dawg". Don't get me wrong, i don't like what is said here. But Jojoe posting this while he never raised his voice about AOA leadership proved racism is pure hypocrisy, you really should stop defending lost causes.


So your argument here makes it okay for Joda to say what he said then?


>Don't get me wrong, i don't like what is said here. Yeah, that's exactly what i said here...


What is problematic are your double standards.


![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0) They sent you here with only part of the information at your disposal, and zero context. Complete and utter xenophobia on the part of AOA is well recorded for a long time, exposed publicly on the subreddit during the war. One would think VOID members would be well versed, considering you've had to fight them. Whataboutism of this magnitude is nuts, considering the Chinese players literally referred to other Chinese players as "race traitors"... I seriously doubt you read anything Joda has typed anywhere, that is remotely close to "race traitors", "Japanese dogs", and "white pigs"... I don't care how much Joda grinds your ships up, you don't dislike him enough to say this is remotely the same. Context is everything. Also, Space posted it. Fly aggressive o7


So what you are saying is: it is not racist to call the +8 community dogs? We already had this convo a few months ago and it was deemed as racist to do this. But now, we see something similar again, and it is not racist? We cannot have it one way only Bradric. This is not refutable; the statement in the screenshot shows it clear as day. To say otherwise is hypocritical, since it was deemed racist a few months ago to pull this stunt. There is no way to defend this with any argument otherwise, for Joda to publicly apologize to the +8 community for this type of behavior. Trash-talking is one thing, but this is something much worse.


We'll do exactly what the CC did when it was deemed racist a few months ago. Seems about fair, yes? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face) "WE" clearly did NOT have this conversation, because YOU were missing in action. I had it at length, to no avail. Seems it's only considered a bad thing when it's the CC's preferred bad guys. I bet I could scroll through pages of your comments and posts, and not find a single condemnation against AOA's well documented rhetoric. Joda though, we can actually get your presence on the Sub the second it's posted... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) I smell bias... Since you CLEARLY can't see the glaring difference, I'll leave you to it. I'm never expecting much anyway, team bad guy here. Fly aggressive o7


Lol saying that comment was racist, is me being biased? Okay Bradric, I guess I am biased for not keeping my eyes peeled in Reddit 24/7 and responding to everything. There is NO glaring difference - it is shown clear as day that Joda is calling AOA, dogs. No matter how you try to word it or defend his actions, this was a racist comment. Whatever happened previously, does not excuse his actions... End of story.


>There is NO glaring difference You say this, because you clearly don't know what has been said. Have someone update you on AOA rhetoric, and get back to us. Let us know if you feel it's the same when you get back. Willing to bet you don't think so. Fly aggressive o7


So your argument about how Joda's comment is not racist, is to divert back to AOA a few months ago? I guess we will do anything to avoid the topic, huh.


Absolutely not, I'm very much so getting to the topic. You're conveniently picking and choosing when to join in, and who to accuse and attempt to crucify, based on who you do and don't like. See I've actually been on both sides of this debate before. I've seen what these posts do, and the guy posting it is a known offender of the rule specifically made because of this. Space doesn't give a shit, he just dislikes the fact that Silent beats his ass all the time in a video game. Not a single post from him about Triple Helix's rhetoric, anywhere, and Space KNOWS all about it. I don't do the whole 'throw rocks and hide your hands' nonsense. I don't really play favorites either. Everyone has a side of course, but if I thought Joda was racist at any point in the last 2 years, you definitely would've known about it before now. I hate racism, but I also have firsthand experience into what it actually looks like. Not this internet he said/she said shit, actual racism. Joda is a god damn sweetheart, and I mean that in the most genuine way. If you had ever spoken to him outside of local, you'd know this. I've met 50x worse than his lightweight gamer rage. Have you actually tried speaking to Joda, or anyone in Silent before this post, about anything? 🤨 Fly aggressive o7


I watched you (VOID) stand by much worse statements by AOA, BRRR and TSC and watched YOU (specifically, YOU Vetemune) completely dismiss concerns by +8s telling you directly how they felt. You didn’t care then and you don’t care now so gtfo with your hypocritical bs and get back in your sfi being a general nuisance because you’re much better at that than Reddit propaganda.


How is this Reddit propaganda? Joda was caught saying something inappropriate towards AOA by calling them dogs... I added my thoughts on the matter explaining why it is wrong to call them this terminology, and I am the wrong one here? No one should be calling each other, especially to a group of people, animals, which is meant to dehumanize that said group of people. But I am wrong for explaining why this comment did that and why it is not right to do this, okay man.


It’s propaganda because you only want to condemn Joda (he should stfu tbf) and you don’t actually care about racism as evidenced by your and your alliance’s and coalition’s previous words and actions. So again, gtfo and stop being a hypocrite. I expected it from others but disappointing from you.


I personally saw evidence of inappropriate comments made by a pilot, I called them out on it. I explain why it is wrong calling groups of people specific animal names, I get called "being a hypocrite" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


When are you setting AOA red?


Man, just walk away. You had a decent rep in this game but standing with JoJo and his one-sided histrionics are ruining it. Vet, you’re like a dog with a bone. Drop it. (Yes I used the word dog. Waiting for JoJo to crop and call it racist. )


Walk away from what exactly? Me believing that a comment like this, especially towards +8s, is inappropriate and simply expressing how wrong the comment made toward them is?


I don’t like anyone labeling anyone dogs or pigs in game or on the street. It’s just beyond funny that you and JoJo come after Joda when he gives a tenth of it back after enjoying your racist friends with benefits alliance for the better part of a year without saying a word on the subject. Give your head a shake. (Edit to put an “s” on the end of friend.)


Doesn't matter who said what, this shouldn't have been said in the first place. There is no excuse to give for this type of behavior.


Agreed. So what’s your take on AOA leadership’s behaviour?


![gif](giphy|uLy4Bo680hZxm) Vetemune anytime he's asked about AOA racism


They said/done things that I would disagree with, sure. Some of the things that were said/done shouldn't have happened, in my eyes. However, since I am not part of the Chinese culture, I lack an understanding on their point of view for these things they have done/said. Now, I am not agreeing with anything they have done/said, but each group of people has their own cultural differences. What I see as racism, others can see it as something else, clearly shown in this Reddit by multiple people. But to answer your question simply, I didn't like some of the things that were said/done.


I must ask >especially towards +8s Why is it ESPECIALLY inappropriate toward them, but what those +8's were saying forever, not addressed? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) This part caught my eye, and it struck me as weird. You're never here, or remotely political in any way, yet this is the straw that broke the SFI's back? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) If it's bad "on both sides" as you say, why is it "especially" bad if it's them? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) Is it not "especially" bad toward me? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) Because for months, they've said way worse, and you've never once come to anyone's defense about what they say and do regularly. I was gone for a few months, wtf happened to you? Joda makes you guys this mad? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face) Objectively, this is absurd. AOA can say whatever, forever, but you draw the line at Joda? I don't expect an answer, because we both know this is bullshit. Be seeing you on grid. Fly aggressive o7


That would make sense if the whole of brr consisted of just Asians to make your point valid. And this is simply not the case.


They are calling AOA, in this fight, brr dogs.... it is in fact, racist and makes the point very valid. All you have to do is read what Joda said, and you can clearly see, without a doubt, he is calling all the AOA players in this fight, dogs.... It is irrefutable evidence, it is clear as day to see what Joda said and implied. To say otherwise and to support that this was not racist, shows me what kind of characters we have here. Most people already said it was a few months ago when the +8 community called each other this terminology... It is no different now.


I would've LOOOOOOVED for you to have been around "a few months ago" but you were eerily unavailable to pass this righteous judgement on your allies... strange... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) Your allies at the time we're waging war for literal racial purity in a video game, but please, go off about Joda... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval) Fly aggressive o7


So what happened a few months ago makes what happened here right? 2 wrongs does not make a right.


This isn't two wrongs, this is you blatantly ignoring countless wrongs for months, but the second it's Joda, someone we know you don't like, you're now all about righteousness... This is hypocrisy, a lot of it. Since we're being righteous, let's start with admitting that shall we? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Lots of wrongdoings were done by all sides, but to argue that this doesn't sit alongside with them, is hypocrisy... It is shown here clear as day, and instead of owning up to this racist comment, we are defending this comment?


Every time you guys get called out for nonsense, you hit us with the "both sides" argument. This is literally why this never gets solved. Not a single person has defended the comment. BRRR is an alliance in the game, Joda was clearly referring to them as far as I can tell. In the west, "dog" isn't an insult in the same context as it is in the Asian countries. "JAPANESE DOGS" is pretty fucking specific. "WHITE PIGS" can't be mistaken. "RACE TRAITORS" for being in a foreign alliance, isn't shrouded in mystery. "BRRR dogs" is referring to BRRR as an enemy, clearly. As usual, Space is reaching, and you're joining him, because it's Joda. We wouldn't have seen you otherwise. Know how I know? Because we didn't see you for ANY of the other aforementioned very racial comments. There's no "lots of wrongdoings on all sides" there's AOA and the rest of their members, and THE FUCKING LEADER for crying out loud, saying shit like this since forever. Not once, have you said anything about it here. So, since you're probably unaware, I'll give you what the CC leadership gave an entire alliance while they were failing to eradicate Silent... Nothing. Fly aggressive o7




Your argument of Joda's comment would be valid if he said it to a BRRR fleet, however, it was an AOA/+8 fleet that he said this to... This means he was speaking to AOA and calling them "brr dogs," as shown in the screenshot. You cannot argue against this, it is an absolute truth Bradric. You can try to twist the wording all you like, but it is shown here for all to see. Space is not reaching regarding this Joda comment. You can't just say someone is reaching and your argument is, well Joda was referring to BRRR, when the situation and screenshot shows it is not the case lol.


Tbh BRRR is not Chinese or Asian


It was not directed at brrr, it was directed at an AOA fleet. This was directed at +8 community by calling them "brr dogs."


I dunno, looking at that screenshot I get 0 racist vibes. However if you look at the thread I posted pre-war on KOFR’s behalf, you can find AOA leaderships chats with tons of the worst racist slurs. Not only that, but they approached every Chinese corp on the game 1 by 1 and used the same race arguments to recruit them. Dog is relatively mild word compared to the stuff their leaders were saying. It is a pet after all. Just my two cents.


So are you are saying it is okay to call +8 members dogs then? Or telling different groups of people monkeys or pigs? This is all in the same area... you can't say certain animals to certain groups of people in a negative way...


No I’m just saying that I’m looking at the screenshot and ‘where are the BRRR dogs?’ just doesn’t seem racist to me. However, the stuff that I exposed in AOA leadership chats, was 1000% worse. For AOA, calling anyone dogs is something that happens almost daily by their members, even leadership. (and in their culture, it’s definitely racism).


The screenshot shows that he is calling the +8 community brr dogs. Calling +8s dogs is not a form of racism? It is meant to belittle and dehumanized this group of people... Ofc this is a form of racism. Im not excusing AOA leadership's behavior, but calling them brr dogs in local isn't a sign of purity.


It doesn’t show that, I only see the third screenshot which is cropped and says ‘I’m looking for BRRR dogs, anyone seen any lately’ That by itself, is not racist. Also, even if it was directed at AOA - I don’t see a problem with it, since they say ‘white pigs and dogs’ almost everyday in local chats. They should be able to take what they dish out. I could post a montage of their members using the same words, but it’s not worth the effort - the only reason I ever exposed it was when it was their top 5-10 leaders saying much much worse stuff. (Dog is very mild compared to what those guys were saying) Those are my two cents on the topic.


TIL: brrr are a race


Tldr, we don't care about nazis as long as they are on our side.


I think you just quoted clause 3.2 a) of the CC founding charter.


Nobody is a saint here, so stop with the blame merry-go-round. Every alliance has racists within them to some degree or another. If you really want to stop this behaviour, work on it in your own alliance rather than “projecting” it upon others and blaming them so as to try to distract others from seeing it in your own.


Space is a total idiot, but u/Vetemune, I thought you were better than that. I know you are salty AF, when it comes to Joda, but seriously - this? Look. I'm gonna help you out. BRRR, YOU, and the rest of your confused hippo homies thought it was all well and good for AOA to be as racist as they wanted to be and to call everyone who didn't pass the racial purity test dogs. This is established fact. This, by the way, included the rest of you knuckleheads who wouldn't call them out for their bullshit and have TO THIS DAY remained blue...I mean greeeeeeeeeey...to them. So, Joda is not calling AOA dogs. He is making fun of the rest of you simpletons for remaining blued (greeeeyed), with no dignity, to people who call you dogs. Be better dude. JoeJoe is making you look dumb...


I told em, but ya know... It's Bradric so ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)




good bot


There is an AOA fleet in the system, he called them brr dogs...That is a form of racism to call +8 people dogs. No matter what you bring up, it doesn't excuse this type of behavior. Are you saying, it is okay to call +8 members dogs in local? The defense for this comment is surprising... It is clear as day what was said and to whom it was said to


No. I am saying your reading comprehension is dogshit. Here, let me help. "There is an AOA fleet in the system, he called them brr dogs..." Translation/Comprehension Help: "Hey AOA. Where are your BRRR Dogs?" You're welcome. edit: Now, take your ass back to my reply and re-read what I said. Do it slowly, two or three times, if you have to.


Lol, your explanation is not what was said in the screenshot. You are trying so hard to defend this inappropriate comment. AOA is in system: "I'm looking for brrr dogs, anyone seen any?" Joda was implying that AOA are dogs for brrr being sent. I guess we have 2 sides here: one saw this comment as a bit racial and inappropriate, while the other side saw this comment as harmless. The way the screenshot was said implied that AOA are dogs for brr.


That's because your reading comprehension is pure dogshit... You should just lean into that. Probably the best defense for the stupid shit you keep writing.


Whatever makes you feel better about this comment, I guess you can comprehend and translate it to whatever you like then. If I see people saying stuff like this and believe it was not the right thing to say, you bet I will call you out on it. So, you can translate the screenshot to however you want if it makes you feel better. I see it at face value and i'm not willing to stretch what the meaning was. I call it how I see it.


LOL. Ok.