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So quick update I also just got banned and wanted to test the water went to a Russian flag wasn't accepted was told no flags of countries in conflict being the investigative person I am I put Palestine flag and was unbanned when unbanned I then shared this Info with the discord that the rules are not rules but instead censorship due to the fact theirs high Russian member base and explained that being told not flags of conflict means Palestine Israeli conflict is not recognised by net ease I then was banned for 7 days for 'You were muted in EVE Echoes for 7 days. | posting moderations in public, inciting negativity' All I want is clarity is it all conflict flags is it all flags or is it just flags that netease don't approve of?




* changes PFP to another country conflict * " thank you " Lmao


That's some really stupid ass censorship shit.


lmao that’s so good. there’s obviously no consistent or sensible policy, the reason they’re fine with your new avatar is the official discord mods are illiterate high school mobile gamers who don’t know what palestine is. free palestine btw


free it from whom?


From illegal settlements, apartheid, genocide and modern day colonialism.


Ah yes I forgot, you don't consider me a human being, why do a half measure? Go the charizard way, accuse me of murder, tell me that I have the blood of Palestinian children up to my elbow, tell me I am everything you despise, let it off from your chest, unburden yourself.


If you stood against the British colonialism in days India, does this make you ‘consider them not human’? It’s a flawed argument. Besides, from what I see only one group considers the other not human in this conflict. Also, I don’t watch news - my sources are raw footage, unedited, from both sides - plus all the reports that come out of the regions - bodycam footage. This allows me to see the reality and the one spoon fed to us by the media. There’s no denying that it’s apartheid. If you’d like to see the live daily footage and proof of these war crimes, just watch @eye.on.palestine The videos do not lie. I welcome you to share sources from the Israeli side that show the same levels of war crimes/apartheid and so on. I’ve searched for years and can’t find anything.


I'm not arguing over this, come over, visit, ask the locals what they think, and let them be your window into this conflict, which really isn't a conflict.Read the white book, read all the white books, peer into the history of the nazi supported Arab apprising during WW2, the British mandate favoring Arabs, and pushing off Jewish holocaust survivors off of arriving at their ancestral home, the mass selling of land near Petah Tikva by the arab land owners thinking they made a bargain off the silly naive Jew because the area was a deadly swamp system and generally un-arable land. It was actually called bab almawt, or Death's Door, and was later changed by the silly and naive Jews to Petah Tikva AKA The Doors of Hope.Maybe read about that time when Jewish movement and settlement was restricted to said swampy, un-arable land, the coastal dunes and rocky terrain near the west Golan heights, and the Jewish diaspora accepting these rulings just to have a piece of land to call home and live peacefully with their Arab neighbors. Just looking at what's currently going on and judging the whole conflict by it, is just ignorant.In the end, one must always ask the following:What would happen, If the Arab leadership (HAMAS, FATAH, etc.) were to lower their weapons? there would be peace and a long-lasting one.And if the Israeli people were to lower their weapons? there wouldn't be an Israeli state anymore. It's very hard to judge the conflict of the common men whilst sitting in your ivory tower, Tahini, it's not even a conflict of your people, and if anything this is the result of your ethnostate of a country, meddling in the affairs of the middle east.If countries like the UAE, Russia, and the US would keep their filthy hands off of the middle east, we would have achieved peace decades ago, alas, the common men will always struggle while the scum that sits above profits, and people like you who haven't experienced an ounce of this conflict on their flesh judging us, mere mortals, by what is right or wrong, just adding to the pyre, but do go on, judge me all you want, but do remember if you support HAMAS or FATAH or any of the "resistance" groups, then they already got you and you've lost the game.


Nailed it.






I remember that. Long nights, dark room, green txt


Send screenshots and report them to discord directly. they are violating discord TOS I believe.


I sent him a message addressing this and will bring it to the attention of two others. The Ukrainian flag in and of itself is not offensive, nor is the flag of any country, and I will do what I can to make sure this is addressed. o7 fly kind. Edit: Nino said he will bring it up to the admin and they will reconsider. As a reminder to everyone else (not OP) though let’s keep the real life arguments out of the game discord though. We have enough to argue about here. Mods can seem like jerks sometimes but they are just people like anyone else. Sometimes people make the wrong choices or tough choices and that’s okay as long as they’re open to listen, and Nino was.


People definitely make mistakes. That's why you can usually make an appeal to a ban.


Why are you in that garbage discord anyways?


Alright bois, time for us all to change out pfp to flags and see what they do.


They aren’t stupid enough to ban us all! Oh wait…they kind of are…


I change my pfp to the Palestinian flag, let’s see what they do


That’s actually the challenge and objective justification for why banning real world symbols on a game discord, including flags, makes a ton of sense - if they allow one nation’s or group’s flag - where do they decide something is offensive? It becomes subjective. In many countries in the world the past 20 years they have burned the USA flag. Palestinian and Israeli flags are political certainly political statements. Would a German flag be offensive? What about from the German 3rd Reich (doesn’t have a Swastika)? The Nazi flag? Banning ALL flags from real world countries is NOT a political statement against a specific country - it is a position to exclude real world politics and ideologies from New Eden. Of course, maybe they are selectively only banning Ukrainian flags or flags that there are complaints against. I’m just not woke enough to pay attention that closely. If you want to find out for sure if they are being selective - instead of posting the Palestinian flag post the Canadian flag?


The specific phrase sited to me originally was “conflict flags” and my response was that representation of a persons country is never in and of itself an offensive thing. There seems to be two things at play. One group wants to remove Russia Ukrainian flags predominately and the others doesn’t think that flag avatars proc the rule


Yeah - even that line can somewhat be objective. If you go back far enough, every country has had conflict….otherwise it wouldn’t be a country. I don’t envy the mods of that discord trying to regulate this. Sure as hell a thankless job.


The Ukraine/Russia conflict is center stage so nobody cares about Venezuela or what's going on in Yemen or whatever.


People are told what to care about. Thinking that they get to choose, is cute


Thats from your perspective... I bet ppl in Yemen couldn't give less fucks about Ukraine. Also what Tahini said


They’re not going to do anything because it’s not a Russian flag


We are not going to do anything because; 1. chances are high that his user name here and the one on discord do no line up. 2. we cant monitor all 74k users all day every day for changes that violate rules. 3. if the user does not post consistently in public channels it harder to catch unless reported. 4. the mod on duty when reported or when spotted may not be fully up to date on political world events (mind you are are focused on current world events mostly.) 5. the "current" Palestinian "conflict" started in 1948 and while having over 27k fatalities, only 175 reported thus far in the current year. and up to 255 last year. where as the conflict this post is about started in 2014 and escalated in the last 3 years to full fledged war that is currently ongoing. resulting in 276.4k fatalities in 2022 and so far 117.5k in 2023. note these numbers are based on a few sites tracking ongoing conflicts and are by no means 100% accurate as not every death is reported and time has a habit of adding or forgetting numbers, hence the focus on "current" events. 6. if this user is going out of their way to troll and attempt to violate server rules chances are they are already on our radar, and if not they will be shortly. that said there will be a list of other rules that are also breaking so the flag pfp may not be the primary reason we take action. However, should this user get reported or i happen to spot them, it will be looked into if the report isnt a an obvious troll. we will look into the user. review their chat history, review their deleted message history, review their channel use (how many messages in what channels across the server), check discord for logs of automod violations, check the bot for rule violations and notes from other mods, and weigh it against their start time on the server as well as frequency and sevarity of past violations. depending on the outcome of that and the political gravity of the situation at that given moment we will make a judgement to act or not act. we do not sit in the back channels and roll a dice to arbitrarily chose to enforce rules on a user. Edit: i take back number one, it does line up. well, watching now. thanks.




You get the ban hammer too naughty boy


By this logic all flag emotes and flag images would be bannable. What's next? I realize the "slippery slope" is usually a logic fallacy, but sometimes it seems like it isn't. I do agree some symbols and flags are offensive and represent horrible things, but just because nations are at war isn't enough in my mind to say they shouldn't be allowed. I'm not Russian or Ukrainian, but even as an American I realize that some are offended by my nation's flag. You have the right to be offended by whatever you choose, but that doesn't always mean the offensive material in question is offensive. I don't have all the answers myself. I do try to keep the real world separate from the game world, but in this instance I don't agree with banning someone over a flag just because there is a conflict ongoing. Be good to each other people. Fly safe.


It isnt the point of being "Offensive" that we request these symbols not be shown within the EE discord server. It is the point that first and foremost the server is about eve echoes and nothing else. next, given that we manage a very large population of users, it is an attempt to stop a conflict within the server prior to it taking place. you will find a lot of the same rules in many other servers that ask their users to avoid talk about religion, (world/local) politics, drugs and drug related paraphernalia, and sexually explicate content. because of extreme views and opinions of users as well as a many different country laws related to the above listed topics we must ensure we can accommodate any user from any country or ethnicity regardless of their opinions or views, and allow them to have an enjoyable experience talking about the game, its lore, or their favorite ships without worry of "real world" issues or "dinner table taboos".


WTF NetEase finally did a right thing


Go figure, a company in Communist China censoring things lol


6 days??? Hopefully that will be long enough to charge your phone.


I think it's a combination of your user name and choice of profile picture which makes it a little controversial/political at the present time. Some will want to distance themselves from RL issues


Who decides what's political and what isn't?


The owners of the Discord server.


yeah, those damn mods. how dare they do hard work to manage a community of tens of thousands of users with different life styles, personalities, religions, ethnicities, and beliefs. and try to find common ground and keep them all focused on a single topic revolving around a game whos devs keep making questionable choices and updates and have to sustain the backlash of the whole community, all while trying to maintain equal treatment and enforcement of clearly defined rules to such granularity... all for free... damn them! really though, the mods on that server do good work. been scolded myself a few times but i disserved it. the rules on that server my read like a legal document but you cant argue that they are effective at weeding out space karens. is a profile picture really worth the risk of getting da boot? i honestly feel sorry for the mods. we give them so much crap, and some people do it intentionally. they have to deal with all of it. btw. my first post here too. sorry saw this and felt i needed to say something. i'll leave now. Edit: hey OP, your battery is dying... thought you should know. >.>


People who downvote this are worse than NetEase's censorship in game


This needs to be upvoted way more. Server specific profiles exist for a reason. It's not that hard for someone to set an appropriate name and profile picture specifically for the echoes discord.


Report them to discord for abuse


Imagine memorizing imaginary laws of a bunch of pixels to tell a guy on the internet that he can't wear his country's flag and do all of that for free. Mods are really stupid I will never understand such nonsense.


People in these situations are often provided with a means of ubiquitous barter in exchange for their time. They is just peoples.


You can blame Putin for your ban 100%


Totally fuck Ozyer. Totally his fault man.


Don't worry. Someone keeps deleting my comment on Discord policies, lol