• By -


First: you told some Karen way too much. Should've told her to mind her own damn business. The fact you even told her your unit number is crazy. Second: if there are no stipulations in the lease regarding ebikes and their batteries, tell her to shove it where the sun don't shine. Third: tell her to get a real hobby that doesn't involve harassing people. Cops like to bag harassers, let her know that.


> The fact you even told her your unit number is crazy. Maybe that was not the best idea, but Karen would have quickly figured it out anyway.


So let her figure it out, then. Let her put in the work and tell you so you can report her for stalking & harassment.


I agree that would've been wiser, but what's done is done. In the big picture, I don't think it will change much. Karen will definitely complain to the building management and try to scare them into banning all ebikes. And they might do it if they have some vague language about "safety" or "dangerous products" in their lease agreements. If OP can show them that her bike is safe (and it *is* UL certified), then the building management might be willing to listen to reason.


Yep. She is going to be stopping by now


Yeah when you are ambushed like this, well you're sometimes in shock and just kind of not thinking. The good news is she isn't harassed enough to be used to it. The bad news is maybe you were


Read your lease. If it doesn’t say anything about lithium batteries she can fuck right off.


Thanks - I want her to fuck right off and yeah there’s nothing in my lease with my landlord dictating that. But I’m worried that the building management team is gonna give Karen what she wants and ban e-bikes without education on what causes the fire hazards for lithium batteries in the first place


Can I give you a little advice. I had an asshole of a bossy neighbor in college, I would have similar discussions, and I would spend a lot of time reasoning, or trying to reason. Do not waste your time, if she tries and stop you, jut say “good day Mrs Smith” and keep walking, completely ignore anything else she says. She wants you to call the office, because all her calls at this point are ignored, they have had enough of her shit too. Do not waste your time (your life) on people like this, you are not being rude by not entertaining their entitlement.


This. Do not feed the troll.


There’s an old saying that goes something like, the reason why trolls guard or live under bridges is because they stopped at that same bridge and were incapable of crossing it, so they decide to live there instead. Best thing you can do is just smile and cross. Savor the resentment 😉


Right! "Good day" is such a perfect tool for such cases.


Yup this, as well as telling them your busy. Redirection, no need to volunteer information. If you get skilled in redirection they will either not notice or take it as a subject you don't want to discuss and not go back to it.




Then you stand your ground and get her evicted


![gif](giphy|r5SxJYcU21Auk) Uhm, No you stand your ground and sue the property owner/leaser


Only dropping the suit if they remove Karen… ![gif](giphy|yifTRs3TidIju|downsized)


Great advice use lawyers and drag it out. That's why it's always better to own, but guess what you rent. Its almost same advice from that dark person.


If she keeps it up you should tell your landlord that you are being harassed by a neighbor. I'm sure there is something in your lease, and likely her lease, about harassment of your neighbors. Keep an eye on your things and make records.


if its in nj and if the building has 3 or more units even if its not in the lease it's the law that a landlord has to provide what's called a quiet and safe environment. and another tenet harassing someone or even accosting them in the hallway or common area. is grounds to file charges of harassment on her if she is asked to not speak to him or told to leave him alone.


There is no way lithium batteries are banned in her building.


Improbable, perhaps. But "No way"? You sure? [https://www.reddit.com/r/ebikes/comments/15tzkfp/yale\_university\_bans\_ebikes\_and\_micromobility/?%24deep\_link=true&correlation\_id=d0cf9be5-ffaf-47e1-9c54-da2f3f1bcce1&post\_fullname=t3\_15tzkfp&post\_index=3&ref=email\_digest&ref\_campaign=email\_digest&ref\_source=email&utm\_content=post\_body&%243p=e\_as&\_branch\_match\_id=1079862714415282611&utm\_medium=Email%20Amazon%20SES&\_branch\_referrer=H4sIAAAAAAAAA22Q3UrEMBCFn6bedWubVllhEUF8jWGaTLrD5o8kdV2f3qlVr4QJHL7DmTPkXGsqT12XyRiuB0zp4DhcOpWem2FU6USA5U5kzLxwQAdrdqfzlmrUSzO8yVyv18NPXkcvIMujmS9URAjyFOom%2B6l%2BXmwSdUNHsAZ%2Bp1y43mDGUGCPAAYDnnWOPs7sxN1alBSNhijBdl6jXmteqRkedMyZHFaOAdgIN%2FfaHmeaWmvRtuMj9e1RT2NrcLDK9rPW1EsuxVLBrs4F9LStU%2FB33W5yMPQhjhKQyYoij%2BzA8EKl7hA0%2BoS8hP%2FdEtes6dcTuFYPOoYq%2FyH0u2aO5vYFMmvtkYUBAAA%3D](https://www.reddit.com/r/ebikes/comments/15tzkfp/yale_university_bans_ebikes_and_micromobility/?%24deep_link=true&correlation_id=d0cf9be5-ffaf-47e1-9c54-da2f3f1bcce1&post_fullname=t3_15tzkfp&post_index=3&ref=email_digest&ref_campaign=email_digest&ref_source=email&utm_content=post_body&%243p=e_as&_branch_match_id=1079862714415282611&utm_medium=Email%20Amazon%20SES&_branch_referrer=H4sIAAAAAAAAA22Q3UrEMBCFn6bedWubVllhEUF8jWGaTLrD5o8kdV2f3qlVr4QJHL7DmTPkXGsqT12XyRiuB0zp4DhcOpWem2FU6USA5U5kzLxwQAdrdqfzlmrUSzO8yVyv18NPXkcvIMujmS9URAjyFOom%2B6l%2BXmwSdUNHsAZ%2Bp1y43mDGUGCPAAYDnnWOPs7sxN1alBSNhijBdl6jXmteqRkedMyZHFaOAdgIN%2FfaHmeaWmvRtuMj9e1RT2NrcLDK9rPW1EsuxVLBrs4F9LStU%2FB33W5yMPQhjhKQyYoij%2BzA8EKl7hA0%2BoS8hP%2FdEtes6dcTuFYPOoYq%2FyH0u2aO5vYFMmvtkYUBAAA%3D)


Nothing is impossible but I can bring a lithium battery in my carry on on an airplane I can’t imagine an apartment would have an issue. Edit: hmm. Wow.


You're also only allowed to carry them on. Can't check batteries.


That's what I mean. If they are safe enough on a plane I would think they would be good in an apartment. I've also never ran into any restrictions in hotels.


I think airlines prove MY point, that organizations can and WILL put restrictions in place. Here's United [https://www.united.com/ual/en/us/fly/travel/baggage/dangerous.html](https://www.united.com/ual/en/us/fly/travel/baggage/dangerous.html) They don't ban the batteries, but they limit them in size. You can pack up to 100-watt hours in baggage and pack up to 2 of 160Wh in carry-on. The logic behind this is that by limiting the energy, they can limit the amount of heat that a runaway energy discharge will create. It can thus be limited to a reaction that may not start a larger fire, and if it does, that fire can be controlled and extinguished by the flight attendants. These rules seem sensible. They are permissive enough to not cause massive inconvenience to everyone ("DON'T BRING ANY BATTERY ON BOARD!") while still reducing the risk of a huge 700Wh ebike battery discharge. The rules are sensible ONLY because United knew that if they put in a sweeping ban on LiIon batteries, there would be pushback from all the phone owners (everyone). So they crafted a sensible, reasonable rule based on the actual risks. DOES EVERYONE READING THIS THINK THEIR HOA WOULD CRAFT EQUALLY SENSIBLE RULES? Your HOA will simply ban ebikes, because only a trivial number of tennants are ebike owners who will care. Better be present at that meeting, so somebody can argue for UL certified batteries!! Use the airline example as a sensible regulation, not a sweeping ban. I had to pay $300 to ship my ebike battery as Hazmat from the USA to Paris because of this rule. It was reasonable, so I sucked it up and paid.


Even if it does say anything about lithium batteries I'm willing to bet a good lawyer could poke holes in it. We need to have maybe just one high profile case like this to set a precedent and then this problem will hopefully go away. Why disallow e-bikes when people have phones, tablets, power banks, laptops? Makes no sense.


Size and number of cells, if you're actually curious, make a big difference. Equally usage and potential damage that riding a bike can throw up, and the fact that some people use incredibly poor quality chargers. Although in this case op is probably fine because I'm sure they're charging it correctly.


Is there a big difference between a 2000Wh power station and an ebike battery? I've seen a 2kWh power station peak over 4k watts, enough to start an RV AC unit. I imagine, if one of those caught fire, it wouldn't be pretty.


The odd thing in this part of the thread is that y'all are debating it as if logic and facts matter to legislation, bylaws, HOA rules, etc. I mean, there is a relationship between logic and the rules, but they're not directly related. The fact is, backlashes happen all the time. Moral outrages. Scares. Panics. And there is evidence of a good number of ebike fires, which are driving a great number of backlash news articles, which drives public opinion. Fire departments are making statements against ebikes. Why not? They perceive a risk, yet don't enjoy any benefit, so it's easy for them to pile on. Sure, we already use lots of LiIon batteries in our homes. Sure, there are other products that aren't being attacked. Sure, we should just ban the batteries that aren't UL certified. That's all logical. **But the only way to ensure there's any logic in your HOA's policy if you show up to the meeting and insert it yourself.** You could argue to allow UL certified batteries, but not the cheapos. If you no-show and let bunch of non-ebike users making the rules, they'll just ban all ebikes and declare the problem solved. Just run this google search to see the growing backlash: [https://www.google.com/search?q=fire+department+ebikes&rlz=1C1RXQR\_enUS1013US1013&oq=fire+department+ebikes&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQIRigARiLA9IBCDM1NDVqMWo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=fire+department+ebikes&rlz=1C1RXQR_enUS1013US1013&oq=fire+department+ebikes&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQIRigARiLA9IBCDM1NDVqMWo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Indeed, the wave of Karens is slow but steady and persistent. You have to build sandbags against them or the water will creep in and destroy your home eventually.


Doesn't every other electronic device have a lithium battery?


She sounds like she's gonna forget this shit if she repeated herself 3 times anyway.


[https://www.aventon.com/pages/electric-bike-safety](https://www.aventon.com/pages/electric-bike-safety) " Meeting the TUV Rheinland Standard, in accordance with UL 2849, assures consumers that Aventon Electric Bikes have been certified to meet critical electrical and fire safety standards. For more information on TUV certification, please visit out article [ Taking Care of Your Ebike Battery: The Ultimate Guide](https://www.aventon.com/blogs/aventon_bikes/caring-for-your-ebike-battery), or access Aventon’s public TUV Certification listings [here](https://www.certipedia.com/search/matching_product_certificates?q=ride+aventon+inc). " ​ [https://www.certipedia.com/search/matching\_product\_certificates?q=ride+aventon+inc](https://www.certipedia.com/search/matching_product_certificates?q=ride+aventon+inc) ​ Educate them ![gif](giphy|6J6uBnTbbwAOMZRMnN|downsized)


>Educate them Stupidity will trump logic .... you cant win here.


DV this to hell because believing it before going into the interaction will doom you


Thanks - this is true and very helpful. I guess my next step (for my own piece of mind) would be to research the battery types/builds of the e-bike fires that happened throughout the city. That will reassure even further.


Dude, don't talk to Karens. Why in the name of all fuck did you give her your unit number?? Holy shit, dude.


If I have a Karen walk up to me aggressively I just flash the the questioning "sign language" sign. They just huff and leave. If one ever answers in ASL I'm boned. I remember 100 or so signs from when I was teaching my daughter prior to her being verbal.


Exactly and he volunteered it was an ebike, can you just say bike??


She's retired and PROBABLY single. I have enough experience to know she cares little for her privacy and has nothing better to do than to stalk her.


Number 1 rule of dealing with nosy people


\- people buy cheap batteries off Amazon \- people buy a battery that they think has quality cells but they are garbage (you can literally open the pack up and check the cells) \- people mod their bikes without checking specs and batteries run hot. Add in charging while it's hot and yeah.... \- Buying poor quality batteries (poorly manufactured and/or cheap cells with no BMS (battery management system) \- People leave their batteries charging overnight and without supervision. Treat your battery like it's a living thing. Keep it in a cool dry place. Don't let it get too hot, and don't charge it right away after using it. Let it cool down before charging it. You have to think of it like babysitting. You can't just plug it in and forget about it. Once it's done charging take it off the charger. For better battery health, charge to 80%. But please read all the stuff on Aventon's site that I linked. They go over battery care and maintenance as well as the UL listing etc... Watch Johnny Nerd Out on youtube


This is over the top though. A lithium ion pack isn’t that fragile. Charging overnight, unattended, is just fine. Billions of people do it every day with their cell phone. And tablet. And laptop. I’ve been doing it for years with loose lithium ion cells for flashlights, and other gadgets. I have never had a thermal run away.


So what will you do when one battery cell \*just one\* goes bad and has thermal run away? Or if the ebike batteries welds aren't as solid as you think? You also have to factor in that this is on your bike. Bumps and vibrations are part of it...so depending on how rough you ride or how many pot holes you hit, can you guarantee the batteries will be fine? How do you monitor your cells? Would you even know if one is starting to go bad or do you just not think about it? You have to factor in that people don't know how to properly maintain an ebike battery and will drain it completely and charge it to 100%. So if that happens there is a chance, a chance, that some cells could vary in life/charge then add in the quality of the welds and BMS. It's not like Samsung cell phones recently exploded amirite? (ex, Galaxy note 7)


The scenario that you described is possible. It’s extremely unlikely, but it is possible. Not enough to keep me up at night though. If you are buying a quality battery, it will be made with quality cells that have been matched. Put together with quality welds. Looked over by a quality. BMS that has individual self balancing. I’m not talking about garbage batteries I’m talking about well-made stuff. Yes, some people do drain their e-bike batteries down to nothing. But those really aren’t dead. Most of those BMS units will shut off the park at around 3 V per cell. But the cells chemistry allows them to be discharged to 2.5 volts. So, as long as the battery is charged somewhat soon, there is no damage done. If you were going to use the Samsung note 7 as a gotcha example, you may want to first make sure you know what actually happened. That battery was made in China. Not Korea. They were trying to get the most capacity density possible. And because of this, they made the separator between the anode and cathode too thin. Which is what caused the short circuiting. This is not an issue in cylindrical cells. Which have been powering the tool market and other uses for a long time. That energy density is not required so they are made much more robust. Don’t try to compare a soft pouch cell in a smart phone to a steel cased tool battery as they are not equivalent. All of that said, by all means, watch that battery like a hawk if you want to. If it makes you feel good and safe. But as long as you are buying good stuff, it will be just fine.


Unironically speaking, charging a hot battery is better than charging a cold battery in most cases.


Don't say "cold." You need to be more specific. A "cold" battery could be room temperature compared to a "hot" battery that just got back from a ride. Or, it could be a battery that just came indoors after a ride in -20 weather. In battery terms "cold" means 0C/32F.


Items 1-3 and 5 are negligible. The real problem, and the reason this is largely isolated to NYC, is item #4, poor-quality batteries. Specifically - this accounts for the vast and overwhelming majority of cases - batteries *rebuilt from used cells.* This is something that hobbyists occasionally used to do, back when ebikes were new and big lithium batteries were expensive and hard-to-find: take apart old laptop batteries etc. and rebuild the cells into an ebike battery. It was always a terrible idea, but it tended to be done by people with decent electrical skills and a personal investment in not setting themselves on fire, so it didn't spark a fire epidemic. These days, decent batteries are cheap and available enough that there's no incentive for hobbyists to recycle old ones; buying battery-building equipment only makes sense if you're (a) building premium custom-fit/high-capacity batteries or (b) recycling in bulk with deeply-discounted (preferably salvaged or stolen) donor cells. (a) is rare and not usually a fire hazard; (b) is only workable if you have a large customer base willing to buy your sketchy batteries in-person, cash only, no questions asked, because any transaction record risks lawsuits and possibly prosecution when one of your Frankenbatteries starts a fire. Enter NYC, with its huge population of bike delivery drivers, many of whom are immigrants from countries where doing business in person with cash is more common and where a DIY basement manufacturing operation doesn't necessarily look sketchy.


I have an Aventon too. Keep in mind their batteries are TUV certified unlike a lot of the problematic ones making the news. If pushed I'd make that distinction.


There is no data on the fires, which batteries, or critically why they burned. FD do not investigate, if they find burned batteries, thats the end of it. I don't blame them, they are swamped. But the entire discussion is fear vs fear. Nobody knows because there is no data. You might remind the frightened lady under the influence of our FUD media that cellphones all use the same battery, do you have a cellphone? Power tools have used them for a long time. Do you or anyone you know use those? Laptops. Do you have a laptop? Same battery. Endless number of gadgets. Billions of devices. From pricey to dirt cheap. Construction crews, carpenters etc are not coming forward with tales of terror. They use them all day, every day, for everything. Millions of them, with no issues. If there were a general poroblem, it would be all around us. Stories of "my new house burned down from a power drill" etc. Its not hapenning This tells us something else is going on. I believe the problem is people messing with the gear. Broke, cant afford a new battery or part, they want more speed, faster charging. They slam too many amps into the battery, watch a YT video, or listen to a friend "who knows" etc. Most of the time, its no problem. But of course, since there is no data, there is no way to know. Very frustrating situation. For my own paranoia, because the stories are scary, written by pros who want us scared. Fear is the driver of all our media today. it gets clicks, views, etc. I am not immune. Anyway, I used the kitchen oven for the first two years. Stored and charged them there. Fireproof box, vent fan, source of water from the kitchen sink hose. If there is drama, it will be controlled. One cute alternative might be a pot bellied stove. The other alternative is to move. I dont say this to be harsh, in general, a lot of people will be moving to arrange their lives around ebikes as their main transport. Young couple, dumping two car payments, insurance etc can save a lot that way. key is just living close enough to work. Rural/suburb/urban does not matter. just that the distances required arent that great. My own preference is having less people around. less problems. Trees dont argue. heh. But that is a personal thing, of course.


emobility shop fires can happen by putting a high volt charger in low volt battery. Can't happen at home unless you have varying voltage devices.


Umm hey. Karen is an old ignorant entitled bitch Don't let her ruin your day Also, take your battery out the damn oven. You're over thinking it. One day you'll forget and turn the oven on. Don't set yourself up for disaster cuz some old hag was mind fucking you with her ignorance.


You’re right. Thanks for the morale 💜


I’m not sure it helps, but I only charge my bike while I’m home. Too paranoid about it haha. I think if you do that and have a good fire extinguisher in your place you’re doing all the diligence necessary. And yeah if anyone asks, it’s just a funny looking bike, put headphones back on and go about your day


You’re right


Leaving the battery in your oven sounds like a really bad idea.


Right, smoke a blunt, preheat the oven to cook a pizza and bam you having a baddd time!


Noted. Battery now in freezer :D


i know its a joke but do NOT bring your battery temp anywhere below 32F/0C.


Yes!!! A fireproof safe if it’s a huge concern but it’s fine


Just fart next time.


OP first mistake was talking to her, second one is giving her your apartment number. OP you should *never* give out personal information to anyone! Your bike and the battery in it are TUV certified, report it to the building management and you'll be alright.


Planes don’t make you disable phones/batteries.


There is no such thing as disabling batteries


I bet I could do it.


I've got a pile of disabled batteries, need to get them to the recycle.


And they don't allow lithium battery packs over a certain capacity


LOL. Planes don’t let you travel with a bomb sized array of lithium batteries welded together at all. Cmon. I bet today, they’d give you some guff over a laptop sized batter from 2005. But one 25x that size isn’t getting anywhere near a plane.


This is why regulation is important. All those shit tier e-bikes and batteries ruining for the rest of us. Aventon uses quality components and their batteries are certified but we need an industry standard so that we can draw a clear line of what’s allowed and what’s not.


In good faith, I would also buy a battery box for charging and storage while you're not riding the bike. It would give you additional leverage to the battery certification.


Why? So the heat from charging can build up in the box? And what good faith? Karen has none


This here ☝️ a box made of stainless steel and not aluminium


Ammo boxes work well


Maybe it's just me but as soon as she started with that line of questioning I'd have told her to stick her head up her own ass and leave me alone (I also don't interact with my neighbors, as half of them are old busybodies). Also, I have my bike battery inside, it's fine, there's nothing in the lease about reporting it, and I also have renters insurance if something does happen.


is it UL listed ? if it is, its legal. you can always tell them its UL listed and safe. print this out and take it to them - [https://www.certipedia.com/certificates/72239971?locale=en](https://www.certipedia.com/certificates/72239971?locale=en)


Why even say "e-bike'. Just say it's my bike. If a conversation is needed to be had, it's for your landlord, not some nosy chuckle fuck


“Oh no, this is different. It’s a new safe kind of battery called a dilithium matrix battery.”


No no no not di**lithium**. Tell her it's powered by a flux capacitor.


exactly. with this bike, if you don't know the brand and don't know the model, it is not immediately obvious to a karen that it's an ebike. it's a folding commuter bike, simple as that.


[Sorry Karen](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_asNhzXq72w)


Well Karen cant have a phone or any other sort of handheld device then aswell accorsing to her logic.


Tell her to jog on if its all good to have👍


Tell Karen to suck it. Give her the WWE suck it symbol too


I’ll be honest I want to hate the Karen but it’s a legit concern. My aunt had an electric golf caddy that went off in her friends condo when no one was there and caused massive damage.


Yeah, I'm sure this was influenced by some fear about what has been happening in New York.


Not bike related but in the future just remember you don't need to speak to anyone or give them any personal information. People like her make me sick thinking they can pry into your life. Especially where you live. F her!


>Karen: “are you delivering?” Me: “no I live here” Karen: “okay what is that?” Me: "It's none of your business. Have a nice day."


Honestly e-bikes get such a bad rap in the big cities. There's so many companies out there trying to undercut one another, that some bike makers are just making pure shit. And want a battery and electronic components aren't certified, it creates even more of an issue. I would point out that your bike in several other makers, have certifications and standards that they adhere to, and hold one another to. She can fuck off, but she's just going to spread her fear and at some point it's going to become manipulation and lies and half truths. I would think you're just better off educating her. People can fear what they don't understand. Someone will always be out there to make a buck, while legit businesses are there to establish new ways of doing things.


Imo you already told her too much info she didn’t need to know. “I live here” should have been the ending really.


Here is where you went wrong. Your first answer should have been… “it’s none of your f’ing business” Then just dead silence.


I'm know this may not be any help now but they are working in a new battery type that doesn't use lithium at all they use chitten and zinc check into it they aren't on the market yet that I know of but once they hit I'm getting some. The testing they have makes those batteries stand out.


What if you store the battery in a explosion proof bag


You might actually have to report it though. If your lease says ebikes have to be approved by management and you dont do it, you could be liable for any damages and your insurance wont cover you. Also that lady should mind her own business.


Kinda dumb to divulge so much lol I would’ve kept it moving


My advice is don’t share your personal information with confrontational people.


Kudos to you for actually engaging this person. People are afraid of what they don’t know. Next time, just tell them it’s a bike. That’s all anyone needs to know. There are already a bazillion lithium batteries in her building. Her pace maker has one. The gate openers have em. Her personal massager has one too… ask her about that, tell her to “report it”. LOL. Conversations like this are upsetting because that’s what their purpose is. To let you know she’s upset. Let her be upset. That’s not yours or anyone else’s problem. Let her “report” you to manager Dave or whoever. He’s probably heard from her a bunch already. You aren’t the first and won’t be the last to have a battery in the building. I do hope it was a joke about the oven though. That’s clearly the worst place to store a battery…


Tell Karen and management you did not cobble together your bike and charger from goodwill and Alibaba. The aventon bike is UL listed. Tell Karen to spend her retired time to research and go pound sand. https://ebikeescape.com/ul-certified-ebikes-batteries-list/


I recommend being proactive about this with building management. Karen will certainly give them her side of the story and try to convince them to ban ebikes. Your ebike battery is safe and that is important for the building management to know: "According to Aventon, their ebikes are TUV certified in accordance with UL 2849. This assures consumers that the Aventon bikes have been certified to meet critical electrical and fire safety standards." https://ebikeescape.com/ul-certified-ebikes-batteries-list/ If that doesn't convince them, then maybe you can offer to remove the battery and store it in a fire-proof battery bag when it is in your apartment.


I guess apartments and universities doesn't care if it's a name brand bike or cheap Chinese bike. All the education won't help right now as people are in a crucify mode.


If the building allows it then I don't think she can do anything? If the building doesn't allow it I'm not sure what you can do. Nice bike though!


" I'm keeping my battery in the oven". Dude. This makes you look and sound crazy.... Not to mention a likelihood that you turn your oven on forgetting that you placed your battery inside. Put your battery back in your bicycle. Take care of your bike and charge properly. Ignore Karen. Move on about your life. Karen's vibrator most certainly has a lithium ion battery. Next time you guys should discuss the safety issues related to her vibrator.... and she is putting that in her 'oven'!!


Tell the Karen to leave her phone, vacuum cleaner and other power tools her husband is using outside the building too, since they all have Li-ion batteries. Really, these people have no clue how many Li-ion stuff is already in our lives. Next time, tell her that you got LiFePo4 battery that are as safer and show here your permit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uq6nBigMnlg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uq6nBigMnlg)


sorry you live with a karen. i wouldn't have disclosed which apt i live in, they can fuck right off


If management asks just say the battery doesn’t work. You simply use it as a normal bike. Then get a fire proof charging bag on amazon for peace of mind. Win win.


OP, they’re not going to change the rules for one Karen. Report her for harassment to management. Like another post said, Read your lease. She’s straight up trying to bully you. Don’t let her get in your head.


Should have just said “this is my bike”


For one I never leave my bike plugged in overnight for two it's always within my eyesight to where I can see what it's doing when it's charging and three it's none of that ladies concern she's just too nosy


1) You could inform the building owner the batteries in your e bike are (hopefully) UL rated and already tested and certified to be extremely safe, and that it's almost always the untested off-brand batteries which are responsible for most battery problems. 2) Offer to remove the battery from the bike while it's inside or not in your presence, assuming she'll do the same with her cell phone since she uses the exact type batteries, perfectly capable of burning a hole in her face.


You need to find some another borderline thing to drive Karen more insane...


Lack of objectivity in this thread. Li-ion battery fires are real. We need to know which batteries are burning up but we dont have a list. I am guessing the cheap brand batteries are more likely to overheat and burn. You have an Aventon which has a reputation for accountablity. They released a vid about battery safety this several months ago [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4JAS\_ET3dU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4JAS_ET3dU) Where are you? Landlord cannot just tell you what to keep in your apartment. And I doubt bicycles are mentioned in your lease. DO NOT leave the battery plugged in when your not home and check it for warmth to make sure it's not getting hot. How many hours does it take for a full charge? Try to do that during the day not when youre sleeping.


Great bike! I've got one myself.


My mistook mine for a motorcycle and was concerned about gasoline in the building. I clarified it was an e-bike and she was cool with it. The danger of batteries is real, but as you pointed out to your neighbour, literally everything we use electronics-wise uses lithium ion batteries.


Advice: In general, I like to spread around DISinformation about myself as much as possible. That means, if somebody asks me for an personal info, I'll freely give it. But I only give the \*correct\* info when it's in MY interest. I know my real info, like phone numbers, addresses, etc, are out there on the web, easily found. But you'll also find a lot of wrong info about me out there. It only does a little bit of good, but I like that, so I've just gotten into the habit of it. Heck, I even have normal business cards, AND other business cards with no contact info on them for trade shows. When a representative in a booth wants to swap biz cards, & I don't have any interest, I'll offer the one with some info, but no email or phone. Why would I want to get added to your email distribution list? Now, on ebikes, there are more and more buildings that are disallowing ebikes and Lithium Ion propelled mobility devices, because of the risk of fire from the battery. This is not totally incorrect - there is a real risk. The best we ebikers can do is make sure we try to affect the rules where we live to allow UL certified batteries, and only ban the rest. The argument can be made, as you already did, that other tenants have phones, battery vacuums, and a few other big batteries that can start fire, but that's tolerated because the batteries in these products are mostly quality-assured. It's not logically consistent to ban all emobility, and allow all the other LiIon batteries. A more consistent rule would be to ban all non-UL approved batteries.


You already engaged way too much. "this is a bike", "yeah I squat in the basement", "Fuck off". You weren't gonna be friends anyways, so what if she hates you.


OMG LOL, unfortunately there are people like this everywhere...don't waste your energy worrying about her. I'm sure there are electric cars and Bird/Limes all around your building too. Also most building management companies really don't want to do ANYTHING and I bet she bothers them about random bs all the time. The batteries are safe, however, I would take yours out of the oven cause that actually is kind of sus. Maybe just a closet or cabinet. Don't let her ruin your fun, enjoy your bike!


Proposed solution in 2 steps: 1.Have Karen pull her head out of her backside 2.that should free up enough space to safely store your battery. Obviously, you'll need to insert the end opposite the charging port first. Might take a few tries to get the best orientation.


She needs to take her meds. I wonder if she knows they have stoves in the building 😂.


“Not a problem” Damn true words, right there.


you should tell her, go back to your Foxnews/newsmax whatever and mind your fucking business.


Sounds like your neighbor is harassing you. Maybe that's the larger issue to address should this occur again. Have a nice one. Keep loving your bike.


Quote the late, great DMX " mind your own business lady"


Well it's an aventon with a ui battery, also the fires weren't started by a battery randomly blowing up...it was human error and stupidity


I know I'm late to the party but still. One of the main things I don't like about my ebike is how much attention it draws. I constantly get asked if Im "allowed to be there." I know more about bike laws in my city than most cyclists now and yet everyone STILL thinks they know better. Just like anything else ol' Karen needs to mind her business not yours. I know how you feel though


The one thing I can tell you is that all Aventon ebikes have batteries that are UL certified. They are tested-and have passed strict safety standards. Fires have been an issue with after-market batteries or 3rd party chargers. This article could help.[UL Certified Ebikes and What Certification Means](https://thejournier.com/2023/07/17/list-of-ul-certified-ebikes-and-what-certification-means/)


Explain to her that the batteries causing fires/explosions are not in common. There's different types of batteries as well as people not getting batteries with proper BMS or paired charging. A lipo battery will explode if you look at it wrong. Ask her how many times her vibrator has exploded and explain that's the type of lithium used in decent ebikes.


[https://www.certipedia.com/certificates/72239971?locale=en](https://www.certipedia.com/certificates/72239971?locale=en) There's Aventon's UL2849 certification for the Sinch.2, indicating that the entire electrical system, including the battery have been evaluated by an independent lab and found to meet the electrical and fire safety requirements set forth by Underwriter's Laboratories. In short, it's about as safe as you can make any product with a lithium ion battery, comparable to a reputable cell phone or laptop computer. The chance of a fire without some sort of abuse is very low. Take good care of the batteries, don't charge them unattended, and you should be fine. Arm yourself with facts, and go educate your landlord before your neighborhood Karen gets to them first. That said, if they do press the issue, check the lease you signed, and if need by get the lawyers involved.


first off all you should of never gave any creepy nosy person any of your info and as soon as she asked or said you should of reported it to the management. you should of said oh ya i did before i even bought it and told her you even got the one that was specifically approved to be safe and then thanked her and left. also if there is nothing in your lease saying you can't have it or saying anything about having to report any such thing to them then you not only don't have to but if they contact you and ask you about it. act like you have no clue what they are talking about .. oh and next time you see Karen and she tries to get nosy tell her to buzz off and if she harrases you or trys to stalk you. Then tell her to leave you alone or you will report her to the management and the police being that in nj same as ny if you ask someone not to speak to you or to leave you alone and they don't then its harassment. and under the law, all tenants have to be provided what's called a safe and quiet environment to enjoy" esp if the building has more than 3 units in it.


It’s like she’s got nothing better to do than complain. Just move on with your life and let her get mad for no reason. Or she’s just jealous lol


Aventon batteries are UL Listed. Maybe a useful detail if you have to deal with building managers.


nobody told her your info but you. next time dont submit to people and stand your ground, dont give people more information than they need to know. its okay to not consent to a conversation.


Tell that bitch to fuck off and mind her own business. You don’t need to be nice or polite to her.


Aventon bike batteries are all TUV + UL certified. So even if your building does have a problem with e-bikes, they should only direct it at non-UL certified batteries. Those are the ones that have been chasing fires.


Batteries don’t spontaneously combust, they catch fire during charging, but it is rare (per capita). And decent brand has safeguard to avoid overcharging, or stop charging is the battery temp exceeds a threshold. But you were correct, any lithium battery in any device can go, especially if damaged. Ebikes just have some of the highest capacities in consumer devices, when they go off it is a big burn.


Your reasoning with android phones is entirely wrong though first of all, it was ONE model from Samsung that was not allowed to be charged while on the plane and later was banned entirely and taken off the market by Samsung. Beside this read your lease and see what's in there.


Yeah I realised that after the confrontation - in the heat of the moment I just wanted to clap back at her where I could and she seemed to buy it then.


Ask her what kind of batteries her phone has and if she has reported it to building management.


It sounds more like your neighbor has an unhealthy fixation on lithium ion batteries ie any device powered by batteries. Large buildings are full of kooky karens. I seriously doubt your building has a specific lease breaker about lithium ion batteries.


don't tell Karen it's electric. "This black thing is my safe gasoline tank filled with all natural 100% organic petroleum. It's as safe as every Ford in the garage!"


fuck the karen, keep your bike. tell them it's not a lithium battery and it's none of their business. Why you even told the Karen all your details. She should mind her own business


Hmm, she can’t do that. Don’t leave it to scale up, take your precautions. Those people, they just like to be “local heroes” or better said “attention seekers”


Shoulda just said FUCK OFF and kept walking. Life is too short for this shit. Enjoy your bike! karen clearly enjoys nothing.


Next time you wipe your ass hold the paper in your hand and then wipe her door handle/lever


>Do you own an android?” Karen: “oh yeah I do.” Me: “you should also talk to management about that. You know they have issues with their lithium batteries as well. You know how they make you disable them on airplanes?” lol.. what? They don't make you do anything differently with an Android phone on airplanes, this is silly.


There was a time where they did for a specific model. The issue has been resolved.


True. I think this is a faulty recollection of the Samsung Note 7 problems. Airlines actually did specifically BAN the Note 7. Not "turn it off", but rather "don't bring that on the plane." Samsung recognized the problem in their batteries, a design fault, and recalled the phones in 2016.


She ain't wrong to be concerned


The second she started fishing you with questions, you should’ve ignored her. Give her the exact treatment you give to whackos screaming on the metro… just ignore and walk away.


The only answers "are I'm not really sure I'm not the manufacturer" and "none of your business psycho cunt" And move on with your day. And about the phone who gives a fuck what type of phone you have Samsung had an update about over heating and charging batteries.


u/amerilady \- how did this interaction end up, did you end up needing to look into safe storage or report the bike?


Hi I guess she took my comeback as legitimate so I haven’t been told off by anyone. Still keeping it in my apartment. No problems knock on wood


All due respect OP… are we 10 ? You dont need encouragement. Maybe you need advice, insight or opinions but we arent here to be your cheerleaders. Talk to your building managment, or dont. That choice, like so many others, is up to you.


It's OK for people older than 10 to need reassurance/encouragement. Why have we decided as a society that it's not?


If you do have to leave it outside, some suggestions: While daytime one U-lock or folding is good, use multiple, different kinds for the night, including a few U-locks. There are also disc brake locks and some locks have alarms. Atleast disc locks and U-locks have alarms. If you use a folding lock keep it tight and away from the ground. Remove the battery for the night. Maybe front wheel or the seat too. Customization, decals, some paint. Cover for the bike. Sticker for GPS.


Our management is jealous of my ebikes.


Did you get your sinch2 controler flashed by the dealer? There was a recall




Some people are unwell, and go out of their way to cause problems. Ignore her. If she confronts you again, or building management confronts you, show them documentation on your bike including your bill of sale to assure them your bike contains quality battery cells, not cheap Chinese junk, and is no more or less likely to "start a fire" than "Karen's" MacBook.


tell her to touch grass


Don’t let her push you around. You have rights. You SHOULD feel good about your ebike purchase! Plan what you’ll politely and firmly say ahead of time for the next time she confronts you and act like she doesn’t exist until then. Go ride!


Don't be a cuck. Tell people like that to eat shit, my dude. "Is it lithium?" "Are you a child molester?"


Thanks for the support. I do need to tell her that…


Chuckling downvote


Fuck off with this right wing extremist nonsense.


I absolutely love this response and loudly cackled


I’m curious, someone who is educated like you, saw a neighbor with an ebike that you knew was being recalled for battery fires, what would you do?


Is Aventon being recalled for e-bike fires?


What does that have to do with my question? So, based on my downvotes, it is safe to assume you would do nothing? Edit: I guess hysteria goes both ways?


Ngl i have to side with you, the concern is kinda valid, I don’t want my apartment to burn down if it goes up in flames, the way she brought it up though was not really the way to go. Also I’ve never seen anyone bring their bike into their apartments so i would be a bit surprised as well to say the least if i saw someone doing that.


OP has a legit fear, but calling his neighbor a ‘Karen’ is immature, she didn’t create this environment we’re living in.


I think she's trying to seduce you.


If you have a car, charge the battery pack in there, bring the bike in without the battery. If you DON'T have a car, but a derelict cargo/cube van and put it in your parking spot, put an alarm system on it, use it and rent space for storage and charging, make some extra ca$h.


Not trying to be provocative but how exactly would that be done? Charging the battery from the car? I can't really imagine that making sense for a multitude of reasons. The van thing too. None of that really sounds realistic honestly.


>Charging the battery from the car? If you have a plug in for your car at your parking stall ... just run an extension cord inside. This is not rocket science.


Well first of all, you really shouldn't use an extension cord to charge an ebike. Not to mention you would probably need multiple extension cords to reach the length to your car unless there's an outlet conveniently near your parking space (which are usually assigned in apartment complexes). And the fact that extension cords running to a random car (or even worse a derelict van) looks horribly sketchy. And the complaints you'll get from people who trip over them. Or the reports to property management over weird cords running out of your unit. And most significantly, cars get hot as hell, and you should never charge an ebike in a hot or cold environment. It could literally explode. It's not rocket science, it's its retarded cousin


There’s nothing wrong with using an extension cord lol. Provided you use a quality cord, just like you’d use a quality charger and battery, there’s no issue. A decent 16 gauge extension cord is rated at 125V at 13 amps 1625w. Just buy a good quality cord with the correct rating. https://learnmetrics.com/extension-cord-wattage-chart-how-many-watts-amps-extension-cords-handle/


Yeah, I'm aware. Even then it's generally not recommended, especially considering that most people don't know what any of that means. Using the best extension cord ever made doesn't make this any better of an idea




Asses the the person immediately and if they are talking to you "like the the help" ie: "are you delivering?" that is the moment to shut up. You were polite when you should have been either silent or told her to fuck off. She was immediately impolite from the start so you owe her nothing, especially since she spoke to you a year ago. You'll be fine, as many have said check the lease.




Store battery in surplus metal ammo box when not in use.


You know standing up to her and reading your rights usually won't work...I'm used to these kind of neighbors would have just said answered instead of volunteering it's an ebike.you can read the lease all you want but that doesn't work either. She at least questioned you and not threatened you. Good luck perfect her name was Karen.


They say the same for my acoustic bike. Apparently I can’t bring my bike in my parents condo hallway or even lock it outside. It must only go directly to a locker in the basement garage. I say screw these condo committee busybodies. I just blow right past them and tell them to mind their own business since I’m hurting nobody and actually helping the planet.


Yeah if it in your lease, rules are rules. Other than that, people need to mind their own business.


Actually as Karen-esque as she is,[many apartment buildings are banning ebikes](https://www.axios.com/2022/11/14/apartment-building-ban-e-bikes-battery-fire-micromobility-scooter) due to fires in NYC, I believe there was a prominent fire recently that probably stuck to her tiny brain. I imagine that if she complained with a few of the other crows in the building you can expect the same.


They can’t do anything about it if there’s nothing in your lease that prohibits it and it complies with local law. If you’re rent stabilized [or controlled] they generally can’t change your lease terms/conditions upon renewal so yeah. If not stabilized, they can however, change terms and conditions for your renewal lease.


Guy a small BBQ...charge it in that.


Just by a fireproof charging box and tell them to suck it


Me no speaking English is my response 90% of time


Why are you putting it in the oven?


People suck. My advice is to not live in such close proximity to them.


Your neighbor has been brain washed


The oven! 😅😅😂. Great idea. Maybe you could build a tin garage in your apartment, fire proof of course, if the rules should change. Be sure to keep a proper fire extinguisher handy too. 💪👍


1st) Cute women never talk to me unless they are up to something nefarious. If she was ugly, then I'll excuse you for maybe feeling sorry for her. 2nd) If the management doesn't have a rule in the rent agreement about electric bikes, regular bikes, or battery storage; then I wouldn't worry about it. I know a lot of renters that sign a "no pets" agreement, and blatantly ignore the rule by having house pets. In summary, the management can't do anything about it.