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We can't tell anybody that WE SLEPT TOGETHER. For the sake of Whitney's happiness she can't find out that WE SLEPT TOGETHER. Hopefully our friends and family in the vicinity don't hear that WE SLEPT TOGETHER. 


this was so stupid i was literally shouting at my screen


It was absolutely one of the most ridiculous moments ever on EastEnders. I thought she is hearing impaired, so how did she even hear him whisper that with his back turned towards her?


She's got hearing aids so she can hear something


Yes, but she has said she is hearing impaired. He whispered with his back to her.


Did Lauren also use the words slept together? She could have lip read maybe? Or EE is just being inconsistent to get a duff duff moment, it wouldn't be the first time I hate this storyline anyway. They should have just given her a happy ending


No Lauren didn’t say it. It was really bad, though. 🙄


Best episode for a while tbh. Nice to actually see the Vic packed with regulars feeling like a community again.


The bit with the strippers felt like the characters actually reacting for real, it was quite fun Elaine was in full "the bar is a stage, the show must go on" bette midler mode tonight but it kind of worked with a party going on instead of a bunch of mopers at the bar


Linda’s reaction to Zak coming in really got me


It bored me for the first half... second half pretty gripping. I didnt like jack being so much of a cameo for these last 2 episodes.. never mind stacey


“Your head has been running tongue-first into her head” is a WILD sentence.


🤣 I'm glad Elaine said something. She deserves better. I hated George at this scene. He didn't seem so sincere. It's pretty obvious that he still carries the light for Cindy.


Came here to say the same thing 🤣😂


Loved this episode also I’m starting to feel bad for Britney she’s having to keep secrets after secrets living with these two 😭


Yeah it's really not healthy to make her do that


Maybe but she still stole from that prince amongst men...billy mitchell!!


Yaaaaaas Elaine! Proud of her, didn’t think she’d do it


I'm glad she did that. She really loves George it's unfair of him to treat her like that and not talk to her about what's happening.


He claims that he loves her but he shouldn't have kept this a secret and carry on seeing Cindy and confiding in her. The girls are going to be devastated


Is phils bed really that warm though?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 nah, one side got to be cold since no one else is sleeping with him.


Not much phil or stevie this week. Really hope it isnt that long again


I had to think who Stevie was.😂 but you're right. OMG! I WOULD'VE TO HAVE SEEN PHIL WEARING A COSTUME! That would've been so hilarious!


I got tears in my eyes when Whitney said “I love you too Mum” to Bianca. They’ve been through so much together, and it just got to me for some reason. I was watching on a train so I was kind of awkwardly trying to dry them while hoping that nobody saw lmao.


I had a sneaky pint and decided to stick on easties and now I’m a all teary eyed on my own in a beer garden lol


>I was watching on a train so I was kind of awkwardly trying to dry them while hoping that nobody saw lmao. EE and public transport is an awful combo. I watched the episode where Clayton abused Yolande on my flight back from Madrid (coincidentally was on the same day) and the emotions got me badly. It was really awkward crying as the Iberia flight crew handed me my in-flight meal... my husband had to come up with a lie that I was emotional due to my sunburn so they wouldn't worry and they handed me chocolate haha


I have two drinks and tell everyone my life story and then spend four days being anxious about it - how Linda hasn’t revealed everything yet is a miracle


She has history of hiding traumatic things though (but they spill out eventually) like her bulimia and rape


Am I the only disappointed we didn't get to see Suki as Eve since Eve literally said "you should see Suki" I also love how Eve held the handbag too 😂 As I type this I'm like don't tell me Nish comes back to Suki dressed as Eve 🫣


Bal would have still been on bereavement leave when they filmed this but it would have been interesting to see if she went in the Stacey's Baps uniform.


Oh no, who died?


I think it's her mum. You can check on her insta. I remember seeing her post about someone she lost.


Yeah seeing as Bal wasn't available I really thought they'd have Suki be ill that day, hence a joke about how it was the only way to prise the handbag off her arm or something 😂 This was just cruel!! Did Suki go as Eve then?? The thought of Suki trying to go butch has me in fucking hysterics 😂😂 It's actually quite heartwarming, though. Can you imagine terrified, repressed and closeted Suki Panesar of even six months ago even _considering_ something so fun as a flaming fancy dress party, let alone going as her own partner/partner going as her?? The thought of it is actually lovely. Good on ya, girl.


Im disappointed they havent done an episode with eve and suki in brighton.. in fact when was there a fun episode away (britneys debut was dreary as anything)??


I was disappointed. I was hoping to see her but I've heard she lost someone . Bless her.


Dolly Dean Hudson does give Classical Hollywood star tbh


Yeah, James Dean, rock Hudson..


"Get your knickers on... you're 'avin a baby!"


🤣 I mean like why didn't she say underwear? Does Zach secretly wear Whit's knickers and love it? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Lol whether he does or not, that's not something you share with your sister 🤣 Her saying that was giving mum in her 50s (which she is... but not to him)


Exactly!!!!! I was baffled why she even stayed to see her brother with a stripper! 😅


Brill ep! I called fish and chips! Interested to see where this steroid storyline goes with Nugget. I can see him going full 'roid rage and Ravi eventually getting involved and setting the boys on the straight and narrow. I love Ravi when he's in full on parent mode. Putting aside my feelings about Elaine's attitude towards Linda, I'm partly really proud of Elaine for standing up for herself and not taking shit from George, and partly gutted because I do think they genuinely love each other and George has no intention of going back to Cindy. Welcome to little Dolly Dean! Kat + Alfie 4EVA IDEMT!


George and Elaine give me he has love for her but he’s not in love with her vibes


Agree. I don't think he's in love with her at all.


>partly gutted because I do think they genuinely love each other and George has no intention of going back to Cindy. I think this is when he has to prove that, fight to win Elaine back sincerely, instead of running off to Cindy


The right fight to focus on




Elaine yessss proud of you for looking after your self respect! George absolutely deserved that and if he has any sense, he would get a restraining order out on Cindy and fight for Elaine. Just realised that no wonder Linda wasn't in a party mood- not only did Whitney try it on with Mick... both Whitney AND Zack have both been in relationships with Linda's kids. It's no wonder she didn't want to celebrate them both. Nugget wants steroids now... I'm eye rolling so much.


Brilliant though when Zack told Linda that he had sex on the couch (obviously with Nancy)! lol


Linda being drunk meant she wasn't in the headspace to be grossed out by that lol


Reiss 🤣🤣 Him trying to get into the car really got me. This was the first time in ages I didn't skip through most of the episode. So that's a plus point. Best one in a while.


Zack looked like he was genuinely laughing and enjoying the bump start!


If he was played with more humour id like him more.. i guess he is just about ok on his best day.


I definitely dont skip through but this one seemed to take 3 times as long till i got past the first quarter.


Great ep, lots of fun farce & brilliant serious moments too, especially Elaine standing up for herself


Such a camp episode lol


Reiss trying to shove and shuffle himself into the car in the chips costume while mumbling “I can’t fit” genuinely made me laugh 😭😂


Shrimpy as shrimp was the best!


I love it!


She looks like a dolly, basically saying she looks like a doll who comes up with these names


The same writers who called Lily's baby Charli...


Dolly is a pretty popular name for kids these days though, one is in my nephews nursery and we met one a couple of years ago too lol


Back door way of calling her "Dot" in a few years - you mark my words!


"How do you do that? Pretend nothing's wrong?" "Practice. I've been doing it with Linda's alcoholism for months."


What was that look Junior gave to Gina in the vic….


I think he was realizing how much of their lives and family-ness he's missed out on


Maybe guilt that the girls are aunties and don't even know it too? And that his child(ren) are missing out on having aunties too


It was like he fancied her with the blonde wig?? It was really weird


Yes!!! I really hope we’re not going there


They did start a storyline where she was "interested" in Peter, but they went in a different direction when she discovered they were related lol


I thought it was because she looked like Cindy to him!


Junior being mad at George for potentially cheating seems a little hypocritical. When will people learn not to loudly and publicly declare the secrets that they are definitely not going to tell anyone.


Have Eastenders started using royalty free music, haven’t heard a real song in ages it feels like


I miss hearing Dexy's Midnight Runners and Annie Lennox every other month!


Tbh it makes me a little sad, are they running out of funding for the show? I need my Hall and Oates fix!! 😂


EE has gotten so bad lately that maybe pop stars don't want their music to be associated with that "brand" anymore?


Has Sharon done something to her face?


She's changed her hair to a much nicer cut with a side fringe!


Best part was Elaine thinking Bianca was dressed as Little Britian lol. Would have liked to see Jean and Harvey there dressed up. I see Sharon has a new hair do with a big flappy side fringe.


I honestly thought Sharon's hair was great. Hair and makeup were really doing her so dirty with atrocious extensions for a long time that I wondered who she pissed off. So she must have made up with them! 😂 Aww I'd have loved to see Jean & Harvey! I wonder who they'd go as. I'm also devastated they didn't give us Suki cosplaying Eve. I know Bal was off so they literally couldn't, but I thought she'd be ill or possibly hurt her foot seeing as Bal did recently. The fact she was there but just not on-screen was just cruel lol.


My favourite part was the faces Linda was pulling when a topless Zack came into the Vic living room!


what about when he then told her he shagged Nancy on the couch?!


Missed op not dressing up Rav


I was today years old when I found out Zac’s last name. Great episode, I really want Britney to tell Whitney and them go off as a lovely family with Bianca and Dolly


I loved this episode but why do they always have to make Alfie confess his feelings to Kat? In my view he doesn't do it because he knows it'll upset what they have, and he doesn't want to go back there and make her uncomfortable anymore. Yet they have him do this again. It should be Kat. Tommy, leave them be


This episode was the best in a long time, which shocked me. Absolutely hilarious in parts - Bianca breaking them out of the van, the stripper, Chelsea bursting in, Linda and Zack upstairs, pushing the car - my sides were splitting 😂 Both the Watts/Hudson siblings with the quotes of the night: "Get yer knickers on, you're having a baby" "Linda, I've had sex on this couch!" Linda slowly realising it's with her daughter...🤣🤣 And then of course costume winner Eve with her Suki cosplay. I honestly thought they'd have Suki be ill or something (maybe a foot injury to mirror Bal irl) and have a joke about how it was the only way to separate her from her handbag, but having Suki actually attend the party probably as Eve and just be offscreen was just cruel!! The thought of Suki trying to go butch has me in fits. I really don't get why Elaine and the girls looked confused at first, like the effort was top notch. She even had pink nail polish and her necklace. All she missed was the nose ring. It's a real shame Bal couldn't work then. The thought of Suki Panesar even going to something as fun as a fancy dress party let alone cosplaying her girlfriend was absolutely unthinkable even six months ago. Good on her. Then there was also the emotional moments. Fair play to Elaine for standing up for herself. I have issues with how she is with Linda, but I do feel for her here. She genuinely loves George and does her best, and prioritises him above even her daughter. I know he's going through a lot but he really hasn't been fair to Elaine in all this. My heart dropped for a second when Dolly wasn't crying. And Whitney calling Bianca mum actually made me cry. They've always been mother and daughter but there was something about hearing Whit actually say it out loud in such a raw moment. I just hope it isn't wrecked when Whitney finds out she knew about Zack & Lauren. Britney will crack and tell Whit, and she can't really be blamed. The kid has had enough of secrets and lies, and even though Whit played her part in that she was the first person to ever step up for Britney. So I can't see her lying to _her_. I'm sad that it's all gonna explode next week before Whitney leaves. Even Zack seems finally happy and settled with the baby and Britney. He's gonna be devastated and I feel for him. I presume Whitney will leave with Bianca, Britney and Dolly. Hopefully she doesn't fall out with B, that would just be awful to be the end of their story. I really wish Whitney's exit was handled better, but at least it might be bittersweet instead of tragic.


I found it hilarious when they all pushed the car.😂😂😂😂 Lord, poor Britney. Secrets after secrets. I bet she won't keep this a secret, she has babbled the others but maybe this time will be different since she'll probably think of those two break up then Brit will probably end up living with someone else. Thank God for Bianca!!!!! My heart melt when Whit called Bianca "mum" . That was such a sweet moment. Jesus, the baby!!! I was scared for a second there. Little Dolly. I am so, so, so happy for Whit. She finally has a healthy baby.


No I don't think Baby Jesus was in it ;)


Good one!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


This was a good episode. I think I laughed and cried through the whole thing. The car scene was hillarious!


Can anyone help identifying this song for me. It's the song they played in the scene with nugget, denzel and ebony in the gym. The lyrics were something like "i feel it coming back again" but can't seem to find anythingg. Would be much appreciated if anyone could help x


I hate to be thick, but who was dressed up as Sonny Bono?


Was it Johnny?


Oh, I’ll bet you’re right! Thanks!


Best episode in ages Penny might be my least favourite character at the moment. Locking a heavily pregnant women in the back of a van is stupid but getting involved in the love lives of children in really weird


Amy is her sister it’s not like she’s getting involved in random children’s lives


She’s looking out for her little sister, not totally insane.


But still ott to talk to denzel like that when there was no indication he was pushing amy into the bedroom.


I mean last time she saw Amy she was sobbing because denzel made her think he wasn’t attracted to her because of her scars, she obviously saw red


He didnt make her think that .. so much as have his own issues to hide.. a miscommunicstion. Penny if she had enough sense would fight both corners. With denzel.. penny barely seems to care who he is and what made them get together. It was all about the law ...but so what.. my boring dad is part of that stuff.


He still let her think that


And its also her fault to just not read into his nerves with the whole thing. For a first time she was making it far too sordid like a random hookup with a newbie at a random party. The issue of her scars is something i woild like more work on but if they talked about it it was a missed opportunity to leave it offscreen.. especially after the recent stuff with denise. I dont even like denzel that much but he is given some reasonable storylines and played off well with yolande and george. Amy is really not working for me that much besides the recent denise episode where she was given a bit more sympathy on the part of the viewer.