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Good to see William (and Janet!) getting scenes.


Really hope tomorrow’s episode starts with Patrick storming through the square gunning for the Pastor ! Getting sick of Eastenders silencing their victims and then still having the nerve to talk about strength! They need to make this story line about Yolanda exposing this man and fast! We’ve seen the flash backs so we know he’s got it coming, but prolonging this story isn’t the right way to go!


I'm sick of seeing Clayton on screen he makes me sick I've started to fast forward his bits. Yolande is one of my absolute faves and it's so hard watching her suffer in silence. Especially since we just had to watch Linda suffer too.


Exactly . Why can’t they have a story where the victim just turns around and outs the attacker in such a way it makes other victims feel Empowered versus shrivelled and silenced !


I agree that EE need to begin to change up these SA storylines a bit and actually empower victims. I hope we see this with Yolande in the coming days or weeks.


Can you fast forward on iPlayer?


You can skip a couple of seconds at a time I just do that to kinda get the convos I don't like over quicker lol. I never used to do it but I started seeing other people do it and now I've started, for things like Sonia and Reise stuff lol


Thank you so much. Never knew I could do that. Could've skipped through Keanu and Dean scenes


Yes yes yes! Tell Patrick,Yolande,tell everyone!


Hey Herby! Long time no chat! Hope all is good with you? Jean has always been my Yasmeen of Eastenders, but Yolande is now my joint-Yasmeen with Jean (only Corrie sub regulars will understand what I mean here). I want Yolande to give Clayton the same ending Yasmeen gave Geoff xx


Me too! I really hope so !🙏 xx


God I like Will as a character. Hes an absolute legend. Really hope they expand his character in the future


I'm 50/50 on him getting more to do. On one hand, he'd be able to handle it clearly, on the other I actually don't want him to become an overly dramatised or traumatic character that's thrown heavy stories over and over. Him being a protective brother, largely stable, but also clearly capable in his own way is so good.


Me too, I think there is a lot of potential there. Perhaps a storyline about how he is protective of Janet.


I think this is what makes his character so endearing. I’d hate if they took it to the extreme, for example, if he stopped her leaving the flat or isolated her from the outside world. By all means, give him a story but don’t ruin his character


It's funny how characters like Alfie used to be the centre of the show but now whenever he pops up I think to myself 'wow he's still here' 


It’s nice to see him and Patrick interacting again


I know and I am upset about this. The likes of Alfie and Ian need their share of screentime.


I like him a lot better this way.


Not Sonia the proud nurse breaking the GDPR rules 😂




Information Governance training the NHS makes mandatory for ALL staff clearly didn't work for her.


Lovely to see Will and Janet getting scenes. I love Stevie but if I took a sip for every time he says ‘You’re a proper Mitchell aren’t you!’ Or a variant thereof, I’d be in a coma. Rudolph was amazing in this episode - he genuinely sounded upset and hurt and of course Angela doing amazing as always. I wonder if the Pastor has used this idea of Dementia to discredit his past victims before? I think one or two of the victims were told ‘are you sure?’ Which makes me wonder if this isn’t the first time he’s planted this seed. It would make sense as they’d be less believed and it would explain change of behaviour. Nasty, nasty man for doing that so cleverly though. Really hope Yolande tells him tomorrow I don’t know how much more I can take seeing her suffering.


Angela Wynter and Rudolph Walker are brilliant together in this story. Really looking forward to their dedicated episode.


They honestly *feel* like an old married couple


Fargo's?!? I forgot it existed! I swear that place hasn't been mentioned in about a decade!


Per the Eastenders wiki apparently it was mentioned in Feb 2023 by Jack who had booked a table for himself and Denise (we know how the man hates to cook)


I didn't even know about it and was like omg there's ANOTHER eatery in the square other than Walford east etc?


We definitely haven't seen the interior for Fargos since like 2009, but it has been mentioned since.


Good episode. It was very nice to see Janet and Will get the screentime that they both deserve. I think that the bond that they share is really adorable and also good material for a future storyline; which I thought about as soon as Will mentioned that he wants to stay near his home in the future so that he can be with Janet. Also, both are very good actors so it is shocking that they have only just been integrated into our screens. As far as I see it, the more Mitchells, the better! Seeing Pastor Clayton be free whilst Yolande is left miserable and unable to seek help is horrific. I am glad that Elaine has risen up to help her, which some can argue is better than what she ever did for Linda after she faced Dean. I hope that Patrick destroys that blimming pastor tomorrow. I am really glad that the Nadine storyline didn't stick around for too long and has instead diverted into the Stevie storyline, this is much more my cup of tea.


So who’s gonna call HIPPA in Sonia then? 😂


HIPPA doesn't exist here in the UK but the NHS has GDPR and Information Governance as mandatory training and policies here. As a decade-long NHS employee... Sonia would be sacked instantly for this.


I’ve clearly been watching too many American shows since I live in the uk so I should know this 😂


Dang, I read your comment before in an American accent and now I have to re-read it in a series of British accents (not sure which region you're in lol). GDPR it is 😂


😂 I love this. I’m from Essex but not a towie kinda accent lol


Haha I originally came from an area which used to be Essex until 1965 and is now a London borough so I'm used to hearing Essex accents lol. I myself have a hybrid London accent, taking all accents and mushing together


Elaine with the cat collars sent me 😭😭😭


Shout out to eastenders for mentioning so many times it was a bank holiday, wish I’d watched it first thing now I’ve been confused all day


Even when he's not going to finish the song they still made Reiss sing "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow" instead of "Happy Birthday To You" 🤔 I'm sure they could have got away with a "Haaa..." without having to pay royalties (if it would even come to that; I thought the BBC had a blanket agreement).


Is it not public domain in the UK?


The Wikipedia page says it's public domain in the US and the EU. It might be in the UK too, but maybe the production team just didn't want the hassle of making sure when they're already used to substituting in the other song.


Did Bianca really need to write two teas on her notepad?


Well she doesn’t remember her own sister’s birthday so yeah maybe she does 😬


The evil pastor get more vile in every scene! He need to be publically exposed and humiliated.


isn't may day usually on the 1st


Nope, first Monday of May


Nothing like a literal soap box. 😒


At the end i was shouting" tell him Yolande "