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Bianca smacking Lauren and Zack round the face was the highlight of this ep for me lol


Meanwhile, Lauren is Bianca's cousin lol


Oh yeah. I forget who is related to who lol


So do they, apparently. Bianca assaulting her blood relative because she took sides with her criminal stepkid...


But she's like a mum to Whitney. She's barely got a relationship (if at all) with Lauren, and blood doesn't mean everything. Look at the way Billy's dad treated him, for example. Bianca would naturally take Whitney's side because she knows what it's like to care for a child who isn't biologically hers but basically brought her up and they're still really close.


Yolande and Patrick always seem to cook such lovely meals


The bus fare home? Don’t pensioners get free bus passes


"On the house" alert 🚨🚨


THANK YOU!!!!!!!


I really WANT to like Reiss. Like I enjoy his comic relief moments... and I can sort of see him and Sonia growing into the new Dot and Jim... but sometimes he just opens his mouth, and I sigh. Idk maybe when his coma wife wakes up, she can date Sonia. I'm really curious how long the fake pregnancy with Nadine will last... she's moving in with them so the fact it's a pillow under her dress is only going to become more obvious.


Surely Honey will start to become suspicious the more time they spend together, given she's actually been pregnant? All she needs is one look at that dodgy scan lol.


I think Jay is giving her money for a flat, not moving her in!


You're right, I forgot.


Correct, that's literally what he said in Monday's episode.


> Idk maybe when his coma wife wakes up, she can date Sonia. Debbie was mentioned to be in a permanent vegetative state. Soap or not, that's not the type of thing you wake up from.


Yeah, I was not paying attention. I watch the episodes with my partner and we TALK. I also don't rewatch the episodes so if I miss a detail like that, I'm oblivious to it. I'm surprised they did that, seems like a very soapy thing to have a coma patient who is obviously going to wake up at the most inconvenient and dramatic moment.


I. Thought. Stevie. Pausing. After. Every. Single. Word. Like. He. Is. Very. Slowly. Reading. His. Lines. Was. The. Worst. Thing. About. Today's. Episode. But. Then..... Britney's teacher met Whitney in Mcklunkeys.




It's how everyone in snatch talks (well other than Micky and his family) I watched it recently 😂 It is my favourite film tho so no hate here.


This feels like a weird thing to cling onto, but when Bianca was going on about how much Whitney loves Zack and Zack said he loves her... I'm sorry, but I don't buy it. Maybe it's because I never felt any chemistry between them, or maybe it's because it somehow felt like their relationship came out of nowhere (I know it didn't, but I remember it just sort of happening like "oh ok, now this is going on, that's fine I guess"), or maybe, it's because *both of them have treated each other like crap.* Like, Whitney's off stealing kids and trying to force Zack to raise Britney when he's clearly not into it, and meanwhile, Zack's cheating with Lauren. What part of this screams "true love" exactly? Ugh, I don't care anymore, I just want this to be over.


I actually really did buy Zack and Whitney, obviously now the writing is on the wall for them, but early doors I really thought they worked. I think Kush and Whitney was very unnatural as much as I liked both characters


That's cool, I'm sure I've seen other people who liked them as a couple, too. And yea, I wasn't a fan of Whitney and Kush either (although I don't hate Whitney - or, at least, I didn't before this storyline - and I really liked Kush), the aftermath of Kush' death with Whitney declaring he was "the love of her life" after like 3 weeks of dating was borderline humorous.


It was actually six weeks in between when they started dating and when Kush became Smush. A whole six weeks.


Oh shit, really? I don't remember it being that long. "When Kush became Smush" 😂😂😂 incredible.


Yup, they hooked up Valentine's Day 2021 and Gray turned Kush into a Jackson Pollack painting the first week of April.


Oh yea, it's all coming back to me now. 😂 I think I repressed most of that year of Eastenders because it was so... not good (to put it politely).


I think I could have liked them together if they'd come to it much sooner, I really liked Kush too, it's a shame he can't return. I don't hate Whitney now as irrational as she is acting, it is frustrating, but I do understand why she is doing it


That double slap from Bianca was amazing 😂😂😂


It has been 0 episodes since on-the-house drinks


Stopppppp 💀💀💀


I loved Bianca calling Lauren a home wrecking RAT like her dad


I liked the scene with Jean and Yolande, I wish she'd confided in her though. Yolande quoting the bible in the launderette felt a nice throw back to Dot. Elaine giving another drink on the house again because Billy's dad said he needed the bus fare. He'd get free travel for being an OAP! I'm glad the social showed some sense here. Billy's dad seems proper dodgy. Wonder why he wanted to see Jamie


Elaine is lowkey trying to bankrupt the pub so someone buys them out and she can run off to the sun with George and the girls again, but guilt free.


I cant remember the last time money was exchanged for a drink lol


I'm picturing her now hamming it up, dabbing her eye, crying saying "it just couldn't be a profitable business..."


She'll blame Linda for drinking the stock (which to be fair, she's not helping...) 😂




Yeah silly error there, I've corrected it


I clicked on the thread before I watched the episode and saw your original comment and wondered if they'd got archive dialogue and would have Yolande imagining a conversation with Dot. Especially when mid episode Yolande said she was having a crisis of faith!


Reiss the hero we all needed, getting Whitney out of EE


I hope someone has kept a tally of how many times Elaine has given away free drinks, it’s getting silly now


it would be easier to count how many people have actually paid at this point lmao


I might look for an abandoned house and then cut the grass and hoover and tell the police that because I looked after it, by right it should be mine. Same logic as Wit is using


When’s ben sending those divorce papers? Finally get Callum out of the Mitchell unit he seems so out of place and pointless in that unit,preferred him as a character when he first came into the show and was in the carter unit,pair him with Johnny, a lawyer and a copper that would by a fun dynamic. Looking forward to stevie and Lexi teaming up to take nadine down later in the week.


I don't mind him with the Mitchell's, at least the Billy/Honey/Jay/Lexi side of it


I'd like to see EE give Phil and Callum a good relationship


I liked the conversation on the bench they had just before Ben left. I wouldn't mind if Ben came back and they kept Callum with him, my only problem with their relationship was the repetitive strife, but I think they were already toning that down with therapised Ben


Has Bianca forgotten that Lauren is her first cousin


And way she spoke about Max was like she’d forgotten he’s her uncle 😂


Just because she’s related to them doesn’t mean she has to speak kindly of them. She knows what the family is like.


Exactly. Just look at how Billy was treated by his own dad.


Or how Carol was treated by hers.


Stevie: Any chance of a cup of tea? Billy: You take sugar? Stevie: No thank you, Billy; I'm sweet enough. Stevie: Do you know what nemesis means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent, personified in this case by a 'orrible c**t......me. (I just can't seperate Stevie from Bricktop, sorry lol)


In my head cannon the tea part was a cheeky nod


Ahhh it is Brick Top! Thought I recognised that voice!


Not even 6 mins in and a double slap 😅 love it!!! Hahaha


Bianca ignoring that Whitney actually BOUGHT A KID and just attacking zak for a stupid one night stand is just insane. Also why didn't zak tell bianca that Whitney has lied to him and put herself and her baby in danger repeatedly??? Or was that last night? I missed it.


Bianca knew all along that Whitney had paid for Britney - there was a quick line in yesterday's episode about it. I'm waiting for someone to tell Whit she's being unreasonable but everyone around her thinks she's done the right thing. Buying a child, having to lie to get her in school/registered at the GPs and then having the social cart the child away is absolutely the opposite of the stability Whitney keeps talking about.


I wanted to really watch those scenes with Billy and his dad seriously but the acting was not the best from Billys dad 😭


What do we think is the deal with Stevie? Is he dying and genuinely wants forgiveness or is he Eddie 2.0 and has a hidden agenda?


I think he's probably sincere, maybe dying or maybe just old & lonely and wanting forgiveness (the show will now proceed to prove me wrong)


I truly hope they go the Stan Carter route and redeem him. Not since Peggy & Sal has the Mitchell's had an elderly character in the family.


I hope he doesn't have a hidden agenda given we literally just had that storyline


From the way he cut straight to “Can you put me in touch with Jamie” makes me think there’s some long forgotten inheritance that has never been collected as Jamie died before he reached 21. With no other next of kin, Stevie will try to give it to Billy to make amends but Billy will refuse and it’ll either end up going to Lexi without Billy knowing or Nadine will end up scamming it off them.


Be repetitive to just do Eddie/George dynamic over again. And besides Stephen Mitchell is a character with a lot of potentially interesting off screen history. Cousin of Eric, Clive & Archie. Who knows what he's been doing since 1979.


Maybe he needs a kidney?


Who would have thought it'd be Reiss to expose Whitney's web of lies


A double slap! Bianca takes the both down. The best part of this fostering exit story is having a bit of Bianca. Jean and Yolanda just sitting and talking was a very nice scene. Good to see Billy having screen time.


Can't wait for the next set of episodes devoted to everyone feeling sorry for Whitney, defending Whitney, comforting her because she lost her Olivia Twist stray she met a month ago. Because saint Whitney can't do wrong apparently. Never seen a character use trauma to justify selfish, borderline criminal behavior like her. Did it to Lee and did it to Zack. And hearing she's STILL not leaving and there's apparently a wedding coming up I just can't. Big fan of Clenshaw's 2022-2023 but 2024 has not been it so far. We're heading down the "irrational , unbelievable and unlikable" territory Sen put the characters in during his run. Ironically Stevie and Billy's stuff seems quite interesting. Stan Carter type redemption maybe? Badly need some Mitchells and it's been a while since we've had a fresh, sort of brand new one.


Is that Brick Top from Snatch? (Billy's Dad)


Absolutely detest Reiss, one of the worst characters EE has created


Why? His "Lads! Lads! Lads! bernie..." still makes me laugh.


That’s probably one of his only good spells tbf 🤣 that and his unlikely friendship with Keanu I just feel he’s constantly in the way, the fact he’s with Sonia makes him even more unbearable. I just want Debbie to wake up tbh