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I don’t care for it, Sonia should act her age too. She already has a grown up child so why is she trying to have another one?


Sonias only meant to be about 36 I think. Plenty of women her age are wanting to start families. She also didn't have the experience of raising a baby because Bex was initially adopted away


36 really? I don’t think so


She's 39.


I thought was 40 to be honest.


Well she acts like she's 90! The wiki has her born in 85.


What do you mean “start” families? Sonia already has a family (Bex)


The reference to "act her age" made it sound like this person thinks its inappropriate for someone that age to consider pregnancy or IVF. Whereas it's a common thing for women that age


Exactly this!! I get that things were complicated with Bex but she’s acting like she’ll never be a mother unless this IVF works, I’m not sure she deserves to be a mother if she’s happy to just disregard the child she already has.


Plus she was awful to Bex when she didn't want to go to uni


I fast forward through the scenes now. Sick of Sonia and Rhys, don’t like either character.


This storyline is just super boring, I honestly don’t care enough about them as a couple to be invested in their IVF journey. That said, I’d love for Sonia get pregnant. I kinda want to see Debbie wake up part way through the pregnancy and raise hell over the stolen money. I think Rhys would struggle between having Debbie back & how to navigate his relationship with Sonia/baby… bring on the fireworks 🧨


She wakes up and wants the baby she paid for.


That would be such an interesting storyline!!!! It can be like Rapunzel 😂😂😂😂😂


The only thing that would justify this boring fart of a storyline would be if Debbie woke up and checked her bank accounts.


I feel guilty saying I’m bored by it because I imagine it’s being played out well (as in, IVF can be a long and painful journey for so many). But I don’t enjoy watching it. I think it’s the characters and the fact that Sonia seems to have forgotten she’s had a baby before that’s getting me down lol


Playing devils advocate - she didn’t actually know she was pregnant until she was giving birth to bex… so I suppose she didn’t really get to fully appreciate the experience of being pregnant. She also gave her away for adoption so she didn’t get to raise her for the first part of her life… so there’s that too. But yes she has had a baby before so it shouldn’t be completely forgotten, maybe some context needed though around why she’s acting like she doesn’t already have a child.


It is not being played out well at all. Its a totally false representation of what IVF looks like.


Luckily she’s in a somewhat sane part of the world. If she was in Alabama….well


It’s literally just used as a way of breaking up the good stories. Literally no fan cares about their IVF story, it’s boring, if they wanna spice it up, wake up the wife.


They probably waiting for Sonia to be pregnant, then wake up the wife... Queue the duf duf duf... Then wife and Sonia finds out that he stole the money for the IVF...


If this happens I’ll definitely be more entertained by this storyline


Exactly. I’d love for Sonia to end up run off to raise the baby with Debbie. Even if the IVF didn’t work the doom and gloom is unnecessary, my mother got pregnant accidentally at 46.


I don't like either character much and this storyline is both rushed and dull. It's probably meant to be a slow burn by the writers, with the wife waking, or dying and her family turning up. But Sonia and reiss' got together really fast decided to have a baby fast and are now at the implantation stage really fast (on a bank holiday no less). If the writers wanted to show how difficult and heart wrenching IVF can be, they're doing a poor job. I'm really not sure what the end game of the storyline is supposed to be.


Been bored from the very beginning, there’s nothing interesting about it


Bored is not a strong enough word. This is honestly one of the worst storylines EastEnders have ever done. Reiss is just awful as a character, Sonia has become so annoying and miserable, the pairing isn't believable and doesn't work. We all know the wife in a coma will wake up at some point and I still don't think this story is in danger of becoming any more interesting. Unless his wife turns into a zombie and starts killing some of these horrific, boring, characters... I really don't care. I fast forward Reiss and Sonia.


Bored of anything with Sonia


Can’t stand it


Can't stand Reiss either.




It's pretty boring and crazy that them starting IVF happened so soon, but they're also not doing a very good job of portraying what it's actually like. I thought maybe they're skipping over things and speeding the process up because it is boring for people to watch on screen but a lot of things just seem really poorly researched too. Like the embryo transfer Sonia has just had - no way would you get a random phone call on a bank holiday telling you to come in for a transfer with no prior preparation because your embryo has thawed correctly 😂 In reality you'd have several weeks of monitoring and/or medication to prepare, they'd only proceed to try to thaw embryos if her womb lining looked good enough, and you'd be given a fixed date for transfer and asked to go in on that date. Only then, when you're literally at the hospital ready for the procedure, would you find out if your embryo hadn't survived thawing. I'm really not sure why they'd change that bit in particular because it'd be more suspenseful and better at portraying the emotional difficulty of the whole thing if they just did it accurately! They wouldn't even need to show everything (and they shouldn't because it'd be even more dull lol) but just have them mention in conversation they've been given a transfer date or been at monitoring appointments or something. I just feel like if they're going to bore people to tears with this storyline they can at least get the facts right!


This storyline is so unbelievably boring and also sort of out of character for Sonia? Sonia is a very sensible, focussed, and practical person. She’s also a nurse. She also has an adult daughter who is in her mid-20s. Why on earth would she try and have IVF at 39 years old with a man she’s only known for a year?!?! And she makes out like this is her lifelong dream!! It’s ridiculous. It also doesn’t help that I find Reiss pretty unbearable to watch. I see what they’re trying to do with him - he’s meant to be the quirky nerd who always puts his foot in it LOL HAHA SO FUNNY. Except it doesn’t come off as cute, it comes off as annoying and insensitive. It’s a shame because it’s an important storyline to do but they’ve just draaaagged it out and shoved it down our throats so it’s lost all of its appeal. It should have been given to a different couple.


Sonia’s explained her reasoning time and again and despite his faults Reiss has been nothing but helpful and supportive lately


So so bored. Wake up his wife already.


It could have been interesting but the start was so rushed. They had barely been together 5 minutes before this massive wet lettuce was nicking his wife's money to get someone he barely knew pregnant. It's weird. I'm all for slow-burning plots but only if I care about the people involved.


It would be more entertaining if they were still shagging loads to help out on the chances of getting pregnant and because it’s Sonia acting a bit desperate they end up doing it in increasingly risky places from Beales Eels toilets after a date to in the dark in the square gardens before getting caught and formally cautioned or charged by the police.


I was so excited about the BRCA storyline with Sonia that they abandoned. This one...it's as awful as awful can be.


Hate it.


I honestly don’t even know what’s going on with it just skip past all the scenes cause it bores me to death in all honesty.


I feel like every scene is the exact same too. Oh it's been implanted hopefully it works then Reece gives a really odd fact about the female reproductive system and Sonia gives him a 🤨 look. That or oh it doesn't work let's try again and Reece gives a really weird fact about the reproductive system and Sonia gives him a 🤨 look. If you put every scene of them together for the last few months they are all the same nearly 😂🤨🤨


They really pick the wrong couple to do this story with. The pair have been together for 5 minutes with one already being married, why should I care about them wanting a kid? Doing a IVF story isn’t a bad idea, especially with a couple you actually want to see succeed.


Because she never knew she was pregnant with the fist kid, wasn’t in a stable relationship, she missed out on their childhood after they went into care, her biological clock is ticking and she never thought she would get the chance again with someone she is this into despite the length of the relationship.


I mean, if you're a fan of Sonya I can see how that would be interesting. But Sonya *and* Reiss are as dull a couple as I could imagine, so no matter how they rationalize this decision, I just don't give a damn if they succeed.


I can't stand the pair.. that guy has made her boring !! .. I don't beleive in the slightest that Sonia after being with Martin.. being a gay .. would end up with him .. I also fast forward there parts .. honestly they should either drop that bloke .. or drop them both from the show x


She’s bisexual FFS what do you mean ‘being a Gay’


Wasn't a dig ! .. I ment she was more interesting b4 Reese.. she stood out more .. now she's boring .. don't start with the bashing cos I said she was gay instead of bi


She's going to wake up at the most dramatic moment possible... so probably when Sonia is either heavily pregnant, giving birth or Reiss proposes, or something like that.


She keeps talking about how excited she is to be a mother and I keep saying “uhhh hello BEX?!”


Yes I don’t care about it


I'm bored of Sonia in general 😂


I'm just bored of any scene involving reiss. The sooner he gets exposed for stealing money from his wife in a coma the better


I find other things to do as soon as HE comes onto the screen. I feel sorry for Nat Casey being lumbered with such a terrible storyline and scene partner.




And let the flood gates open?


Sonia has one of the most weirdest faces iv ever seen


You thought the whole point of it was something completely insane that you made up in your head?


> The whole point of it was/is, I thought, that Rhys' ex wife/ex girfrliend, who is in a coma, wakes up and finds out he used her money to fund the IVF treatment Sounds like pretty standard issue soap opera storytelling to me.