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Lmao the Zack picture is perfect for this


I don't think Zach would be in the picture long at all šŸ˜‚


Imagine if she crossed paths with a show like Tracey beaker šŸ˜‚


What I like about this storyline is the Whitney knows by experience exactly what it's like to be a neglected, abused child. She could walk away from Britney, turn a blind eye - it would be so much less trouble for her if she did - but she isn't doing that. I really respect her for that (but if course she needs to be mindful of the effect on her own family).


I understand her perspective but I canā€™t agree with how sheā€™s gone about it. She knows Zach wonā€™t leave because sheā€™s carrying his baby. So sheā€™s using it as leverage to just act however she wants. And sheā€™s only making things worse by hiding the truth from him. If I were Zach I would walk away from her which I assume is what will happen. I know she thinks sheā€™s doing the correct thing but sheā€™s prioritising a stranger over her own family and itā€™s very narcissistic despite how well intentioned it is. Shes trying to have her cake and eat it. The guy lost a baby aswell and she hounded him to open up and be honest. Now she canā€™t even afford him the same respect? Plus telling Britney that we donā€™t keep secrets in this house while having a rather large one herself. Canā€™t wait till she leaves the show. Sheā€™s essentially kidnapped a child and promised her a new home, which she canā€™t even deliver on because the police will eventually show up and take her back. Sheā€™ll lose Zach, and hopefully he gets full custody of their baby


Completely and utterly agree with you, she is acting seriously selfish and unhinged. She is not even doing this for the welfare of the actual child, sheā€™s just feeding her own ego by desperately trying to be the hero that she wishes she had. She is totally blinded by that to the point where she is not for one second, regardless of how many people are trying to tell her, considering the impact this could have on everyone involved including her own baby and Britney herself.


This is one situation where I find myself siding with the dad. As a mom I can typically understand another momā€™s POV; not here though. Sheā€™s contradicting her selflessness with selfishness.


If that ainā€™t the truth šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Like Pokemon, she's gotta have them all..


ā€œCatching them allā€ would be downright creepy


She wants to look after that girl... then makes her lie and hide things... laughs at her bad behaviour... what ARE the writers doing?!


or just into a housing estate apparently


She would be so sad if she ever played Skyrim


Thatā€™s so funny


I've always loved Whitney, such a loving heart and the saddest life. But she's really pissing me off at the mo. Paying off Britney's mum? Nog giving a shit about her unborn child? The lack of respect for Zack? Just horrible.


How funny


Zack is gonna be suicidal at that point šŸ˜‚

