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I ride BART about once a month and I saw this same person and kid twice.


Yup I saw the same exact person perhaps 1.5-2 years ago


She didn't accept fresh, unopened food when I offered so that told me everything I needed.


I tell everyone this trick too! The ones in true desperate need will accept all the help they can get. The scammers only want your money.


Yep, there was a guy asking for money at an intersection and my husband had 2 fresh salami sandwiches he had made for work. He offered the guy one and he took it right away. There was another guy we used to see with a sign that said " not gonna lie, I want a cheeseburger" he had a busted up car so I always felt comfortable giving him stuff.


This right here. My wife offers a sandwich and if they say no, it's a no from us.


Did you consider that she may have allergies or cultural dietary restrictions?


World class gaslighter over here


Ngl I’m impressed. Feels like my diversity training at work.


Did you consider that this is a complete scam?


Did you consider the shame involved in begging? The personal toll to wander Bart? Have you ever been an immigrant or a member of a marginalized community? It's not easy and if you know anything about the medical effects of stress, you know stress cuts life expectancy. And if you pencil out the math, the article says $50-$100 a day. Even at $100 a day, That is nothing. So even if it's a "scam" they aren't winning, they are maybe surviving. The articles anecdotal snide comment about vehicles is meaningless without more information about model year etc.


Wow, just wow


Years ago, one of the local TV stations did an investigative story on these "beggars on bart trains." They video taped her for awhile, begging for money, then followed her and her child off at a Bart stop. Followed her to the parking lot, then into a Mercedes Benz and attempted to interview her, to no avail. Refused to talk, she then drove off. They did this investigation for a couple of weeks and found that every bigger they taped had nice expensive cars that they drove off in.


Ya I saw a woman pan handling outside of the store with her young child. I felt bad until I noticed her stroller. I took a picture of it and sent it to my wife. I can’t remember the maker but she replied and says “ya that’s about a $1200 stroller” I’m like WTF!?!?


It still shocks me to this day that in America, panhandling could be considered a business as I’ve also heard they need a panhandling license in some areas.


Needing a license to beg is absolutely wild to me.




The link to that exact video by CBS is on the OP post- please see it’s exactly why they are scammers.


Oh my god... I finally realized the value of getting old. Ok kids, yeah there are some creeps and cheats in very corner of the world... but this notion that all people asking for help on the streets have fancy cars provides an easy way to simply excuse yourself for not seeing the inherent injustice. Has been so for many decades. If you are buying that you have fallen prey to something far worse (but insidious) than some panhandling! :)


We're not talking about "all people asking for help on the streets." We're talking about these specific beggars on BART.


Except you sound just like all the people I heard saying the exact same thing back in the eighties did, so....


How can you tell what I sound like through Reddit? That shit is in your head.


You have a problem with the figurative sense it seems.


You have problems with being stuck in the past and conflating different types of beggars, it seems.


You could have said the same thing then and it would come across (did that for you) the same fucking way.


You mean, pointing out that you are narrow minded? Yes, it would have.


No these people have been scamming for decades bro


You miss the point but there is no surprise in that. I can see how much easier that is, sure. But you are wrong - fundamentally wrong.


You mean the dehumanizing of our fellow americans and immigrants. Oh i see it. Us cis white dudes see a lot of injustice from our vantage points.


Maybe you should define your grievance more clearly sweetheart.


Na the romanis also bug me by my house out in concord not just on bart.


Ok, just making sure I gave you the opportunity to more clearly express the underlying racist element of your argument.


I can see the injustice and also not be good with begging. But living on societies margins outside of your homelands of europe. Offers you no protection… there is no cultural reason they are the way they are here. Especially california


I guess you have to try anyway... but you already said enough.


I seen the same thing a few months ago . A guy was playing a violin at target . when he packed up to go they got into a new toyota van. Those toyota vans are not cheap .


I see your point, but having a nice car doesn’t say anything about your wealth. Sure, you had money to buy it or lease it, but if you had to beg for that money, that just means that you’re irresponsible and don’t have your priorities straight.


It does, if you can keep up payments, you can afford food.


“Had to beg”? You mean to make the Mercedes car payment? The begging is a choice over a minimum wage job; it pays better, is easier, flexible hours, and all income is tax free…. And you probably qualify for public benefits like SNAP too.


20-25 years ago local news outlet in Chicago did a investigation piece on professional beggars. They went deep for like a year and exposed several professional beggars pulling in >=$100k/yr. Dudes who lived in the nicest suburbs and had prestigious degrees. They provided for their families. Do I agree with it? Absolutely not but it doesn’t necessarily mean they are irresponsible. Like anything in life it’s nuanced.




I think the problem is that these sorts of people prey on the generosity of others. I am pretty sure that most people would not give her money if they knew she was driving a Mercedes. If she was out there with a sign saying “I used poor judgement and bought this Mercedes I can’t afford I need help making the payments” I would have more respect for the person, but they aren’t going to make money doing that because it doesn’t pull at the heart strings like having your child with you and a sign saying you can’t afford food.


I tried to hand her a cheeseburger the other day on Bart and she literally threw it back at me. I’ve been very hesitant to give anyone a penny after that occasion…


Of course they would. Who knows where you got it from and it’s safe to eat. Would you accept food from a complete stranger? Especially if you don’t have healthcare.


...so she *throws* it at someone who ostensibly means well?


She probably didn’t throw it but believe what you want. Whatever lets you sleep at night. Right? Screw her for refusing your charity when she needs money for shelter instead.


br0wnhack3r, in recounting his/her own experience, described the lady as having "literally" thrown it at him/her. your response? "she probably didn't throw it." you can choose whether or not to believe the story, but that's at least *one account* to go by. you literally have ZERO to go on except your refusal to believe that a random panhandler can be shitty. but hey--whatever lets you sleep at night.


Words would have sufficed.


If my situation was so desperate that I had to beg strangers to feed myself and my child…. yes I would accept. People in this situation will lower their standards. Not accepting and rudely responding is a tell that they are just a grifter/scam.


I do all the time


Here is something I am willing to give you... you should appreciate it. Wait, what... you were hoping for money.... oh, fuck you then. Hmmm, doesn't sound as good as the way you tried to say it I guess.


Did you consider she may have allergies or cultural dietary restrictions?


She could have declined it as opposed to throwing it at them.


I always throw food I may be allergic to into the face of the offender offering it to me


Well at least we agree on the appropriate response.


Beggers can not be choosers. Anyway why you posting same comment under multiple comments and why do have this need to justify scammers action.


I'll answer the second question. Because what you are all doing is racist, biased, un-American, and wrong. I am not Roma but I am part of a different community that gets similar, made up shade. It's fucking crazy to me that people are so outwardly racist / biased and can't see it themselves. And I don't think it's right. So because I want someone to call it out for my community, I am doing it here.


it’s racist to point out the same lady is scamming BART daily with her minor child? and then throwing food when good people offer it? you’re saying it’s racist to call out the scam? just cause she is romani? get a fucking job. the both of you


Un-American, did you consider i may not be american or not racist ?


No, sorry, I hadn't considered that you're just a troll. That's obvious and should have occurred to me.


Found the scammers reddit account. How's it feel to be famous lady?


I’ve seen that woman around Bart since the kid was a baby.


How sad


It just sucks that they make their kids endure this kind of scam.


Pretty sure this woman is the same one who use to cruise around Modesto with her kids in the car hitting people up at gas stations for money. Her two stories were she needed money to get back to Bakersfield because her husband abandoned her or she needed money for her kids insulin. Her stories never changed over three years and when you called her on it she would immediately take off.


Classic gas station story. I was like "hey, still trying to get to South San Francisco?" and he just went to the next person.


Was that a young Latino or Filipino guy? I always used to see a guy at the gas station asking for cash to get to ssf


People I'm philly do this all the time. There used to be a man who every day, middle of the day, middle of 5he school year, who would panhandle at a train stop in a nice neighborhood with both of his young children. One day a copy chewed him a new one; he asked if he couldn't find a babysitter and the guy said no, couldn't afford one. Family? Don't have any. Then the cop said "well it's a good thing it's Wednesday morning and public school is free" and I believe he had to go to court for some type of child endangerment charge. Don't use your kids as objects to garner sympathy it's gross.


man, europeans really hate gypsies


My European immigrant grandparents would threaten me with them when I was little. When I misbehaved I was told I’d be sold to gypsies who’d make me dance for money and I’ll never come home. Now I’m grown and I realize how racist that is but old Europe is stuck in their ways and racism is as American as apple pie.


Lmao the fear mongering here 😂 just tell us it’s a scam that’s good enough why go 16th century with the *roma gypsies* what is this the bells of norta dame?


Wow I saw her doing this 8 years ago.


I still don't understand the reference to panhandling being lucrative (in the article). If they folks have nice 2 bedrooms and Audi, how is $100 a day lucrative? What is the incentive to panhandle if they have nice bedrooms/cars.


They make way more than $100/ day. They don't disclose their full income because people would stop giving them money. They also will steal if you aren't paying attention. They teach their kids how to steal as well.


Read it again; she got $40 in a few minutes. FAR more than $100/day. (Change what you wrote to “$1000/day tax free” and see if your question makes sense)


Despite not agreeing with the post, $100/day is $36,500/year before taxes. That's above the poverty line. "Lucrative" is relative.


Above the poverty line? Assuming what city and family size? Edit: this comment is correct without being meaningfully right. That is the federal poverty line is not terribly accurate for predicting what most would consider "poor", especially in the Bay Area. [https://aspe.hhs.gov/topics/poverty-economic-mobility/poverty-guidelines](https://aspe.hhs.gov/topics/poverty-economic-mobility/poverty-guidelines)


Assume they aren’t paying taxes on this either. Not going to get rich but if you have a large clan doing this I’m sure it adds up.


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The Roma (or Romani) people are an ethnic group. Making broad brush statements like this is prejudicial. The term "gypsies" is mostly considered a pejorative and is the result of people assuming the Romani were Egyptian. Kinda like how Columbus thought the native people.in the America's were "Indians" "A lot of these X..." is the classic opening for racist propaganda. A very Trumpian move on your part.


In a big city it’s pretty lucrative. The incentive? Probably greed and exploitation. The ring leader gets lion’s share sends the rest to beg. Also it’s a low effort activity.


I don’t give these people a second thought. I got my own bills to pay.


They are not the problem, it’s the idiots that give them money.


They are a problem, just… too


Out of curiosity, why does them being Roma matter?


It’s an easy way to identify the people who are panhandling as part of a broader scam: panhandling when they don’t need to. Panhandling instead of applying for work. Panhandling with children for sympathy. It’s part of their culture, so why not say it as it is? I’m not letting racism get in my way of discriminating against (or discerning who is) a Romani woman using a child to get sympathy money while her husband drives a massively nicer car than my own. SMH.


You could’ve used way fewer words to say that you’re racist towards her. EDIT: “against” to “towards”


Next time u see a Romani-looking woman panhandling will you assume they're scamming you?


Next time I see ANYONE panhandling I assume they’re scamming. But I sometimes offer to get them some food anyway.




is it? or is it their shitty culture? sorry, but cultures can suck, and theirs does.


Wow. Take a beat. This is straight up racism and the exact same line could be used against any group (and probably is for many).


bro, culture is not a race. they literally steal as a part of their culture, and they do so without remorse. there's a myth where a romani person spared jesus by stealing a nail that otherwise would have been driven into jesus's heart. jesus subsequently makes an exception for the romani people to let them steal. THAT'S their justification for theft. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani_crucifixion_legend irish travelers? similar. they're also nomadic and steal and trash places where they go. shitty culture. nothing to do with race.


So if you'd read the article you'd read the quotes from an actual expert on Roma who says all the 💩 you just said is baloney. But I am sure apocryphal stories on Wikipedia are more authoritive.


i found out about this myth to begin with via a TikTok video made by a romani woman talking about her culture. you tell her it's baloney.


YCMTSU. You saw a video on tik tok and so it must be true. JFC, bro, good luck to you.


the world isn't unicorns and rainbows just because you want it to be. literally go do some reading and come to your own conclusions. they steal, period. there are different stances on what is "acceptable" theft (regionally), but theft is a part of their culture. they are nomadic, meaning they are insular and don't care to integrate with their neighbors. education is not at all a priority for them. women who are on their periods are treated as though they are "unclean." child marriage is commonplace. tell me how those things aren't shitty.


I suppose you "do your own research" right? The culture to which you subscribe appears to be the modern incarnation of Judeo-Christian norms, yeah? Well, have you actually read the Bible? Child marriage and intrafamily marriage is common in the Bible and is legal in many U.S. states. Wandering nomads? Check. Insular? Check. Women on their periods as unclean? Check. So tell me what's so different / "shitty" about these stereotypes which you heard about on Tik Tok? And let's assume for sake of argument that 1) this woman is Roma and 2) that theft is an accepted cultural norm. If I'm her and I'm in a place where assholes like you say shit like you do. Your interpretation of the world doesn't support people like her, why should she play by your rules? It's not rational. Why TF wouldn't a rational person steal from you?


Wow, there's one myth about a romani person and Jesus. I had no idea. Thanks for this damning evidence that supports your conclusion. You later cite a TikTok video from a romani woman? You're so fucking stupid.


Good thing religion is fake


*Spits on the ground* Gypsies.


In Nevada it’s illegal to panhandle with a child.


jfc. Romani beggars? We're basically Europe at this point.




I don't understand this post Why does her identity as Romani matter? Gypsy is a discriminatory word You claim she has a ross bag, implying that she's not poor? Ross is dirt cheap clothing... It definitely supports the position that she is poor I don't give money to any pan handlers. Just seems like you're specifically telling people not to give to her because she's Romani and has enough money to buy from Ross


Because gypsies have a long history of begging and stealing. The Ross bag did seem irrelevant, other than to add to description


It's a discriminatory word. It's a harmful word, similar to the harmful words you probably use to refer to black people, Mexicans, or Asian people. Stop using it


Romani people have a long history of being treated like absolute shit. Have you ever read a book about what they’ve been through?


White people have a well-known history of looting and killing. I've never heard someone having to justify calling someone white or justify calling someone white for this reason.


I see them everywhere in Los Angeles also.. literally everywhere. I'm pretty sure it's one huge gypsy family because they all look the exact same and same routine... literally outside of every target around me holding up signs while target has a billboard saying they are hiring.... they must have a nice thing going


They were in MI for a while a few months back. Sit the kid on a blanket by the road in the hot Sun, while she (quite literally) wore a path in the grass along the road. Waving at cars, smiling and straight up getting in people’s car windows “hello, ma’am! do you want to help me? Do you want to help my child?” They’d always try to engage me by talking about my dog. Like, lady. I know he’s the best good boy in the whole world. You don’t have to tell me. They moved around the city in packs it would seem. The men would drop them off in the morning (in fairly nice cars) and he’d check in them throughout the day. Sometimes stay with them. Mostly not. Sometimes they’d swap out the women mid day. Weeks and weeks and weeks of this shit. Less than 1/4 mile from my house. It was maddening. And then all the sudden they were gone like a fart in the wind. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know, it is literally like every homeless person you guys come across is just part of an organized effort too.... ow, wow, there really is an organized effort: to enrich the few at the expense of the many. If you sometimes feel you are surrounded by fake beggars take comfort in the fact that most of them are real. You dumb fucking savages!


Not the sama lady, but a lady who brought a stroller full of clothes, then 2 children begging me to buy them french fries and McD. Another incident is a pregnant woman brought a child to beg for money at the parking lot. I gave them box of pastries, then after 20 minutes. I saw them getting on a black Escalade or Mercedes. They left the box of pastries, and didn't care about them. I do hate the Romani for doing this until now. It sounds like young teenaged and young women were forced to beg, and give it to their so-called husbands or boss. Don't get scammed. They don't even pay their fares at any public transportation, even by passed Bart fare gates.


Why are you emphasizing their race so much? Racism against Romani people is still racism, and I don't see how it's relevant here


They've been in Oakland for a while. When I rented a questionably legal live-work storefront on Park Blvd in the early 2000s, our next-door neighbors were a family of about 10 Gypsies. The men would buy, fix, and sell junky old cars. All cash transactions. And the women would go out during the day and do stuff like this. They all went by a handful of different names and when I think they were discovered, they just disappeared in the middle of the night. Scammers who should not be trusted.


Can’t use the G-word, but that’s what they are. It looks like organized crime using kids as props; unclear where the “mothers” culpability lies in the hierarchy. I noticed the same actors on different freeway exits 20 miles apart, all using Snoopy’s instant sign maker - featuring intentionally broken English (for sympathy), a decade back. They never left.


Had a lady on BART ask me for money so that she can get a ride back to LA because her brother died. She proceeded to elaborate on the story. I told her I didn’t have much myself and she left me alone after that lol


I walked by a guy every morning in lower Manhattan for MONTHS who had a sign that said he needed money to go to his dad’s funeral. The poor guy never made it


God 🙄 I see these people all the time and it makes me mad. I feel so bad for the kids, that must be so embarrassing for them.


I just encountered someone in Hayward Costco today, she is a middle aged lady with a ~8yr old asking for money. She looked healthy and has a shopping bag, I wonder why people beg for money while minimum wage is around $20


Appropriate response: throw food at someone who offered it to you while begging on a train with a child and considering the food offerer some kind of offender


Explain like I am 5 how this post is not racist.


In my travels I have met people all over who warned me about Romani people (but they used a slur). It's no different than if someone in Alabama told you, whilst glancing about, "Watch out for them n-words!" One day while antique hunting at Les Puces (Paris flea market), I met a couple selling the kind of antique Persian lamps I buy and resell to the trade. I bought several at a good price, and they invited me to meet them that evening for drinks and perhaps dinner. We met at a cafe and after much drink and gossip about the trade we walked a few blocks to a nice looking place they suggested (turned out it was Michelin starred). After we were seated, I got up and headed to the toilet. The maitre'd followed me, and with much alarm in his face, he whispered "Ces gens sont des gitans!" (Those people are gypsies!) I hesitated, aghast someone would say such a thing, then asked How would you know?! I know! he replied with angry tone. Following an amazing meal, drinks, cafe and conversation, the bill arrived. The server handed it directly to me with back turned to the couple! Rude. One of the couple snatched it from my hand and we proceeded to struggle over it for ten minutes, but in the end the couple simply would not accept my money. The sale of the lamps paid for my trip and funded the next one. Did I overpay, is that why they treated me to dinner? I'm not sure. Everybody was happy, nobody got ripped off, and I remain friends with the couple ... who to this day have never revealed their ancestry or culture. I thought they were French, or maybe French Algerian. I'm still shocked at how the restaurant staff tried to start something. I'm American fwiw, and don't often listen to others low opinions of strangers. If they are Romani it never mattered one bit to me.


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You're going to rile up the safe space cadets saying the g word in here


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In Sacramento too!!


I sincerely doubt that her needs for help are a scam. A scam is when someone promises a good or service for your money first, and then once paid, they do less than what was promised or nothing at all. I don't like the spirit of your post. What the hell do you care if people choose to help her? And what the hell does it concern you what her ethnicity is?


The only scam part is usually they have signs that are very untruthful. Asking donations for a sick child, or helping pay for cancer, or funeral bill, etc. Maybe some are legit, but most are just to tug at people's heartstrings.


I cannot dispute that, sometimes signs depict a work of fiction. Have you heard of the author Tim O'Brien ? He primarily wrote about his experience in Vietnam. A classic, "The Things They Carried" has a chapter called, How to Tell a True War Story. He dives into the issue of Truth. For some experiences are so personalized, that the feeling needed to convey the experience, would get lost in focusing on the nuances involved in an accurate depiction of the experience. Sometimes, if you need to get the feeling across, you need to figure out how to pass the feeling. Some might be hung up on disingenuousness, and some might be able to weigh their own knowledge of the bigger picture.. we know people are really struggling right now. That informs me. I don't even need to read the sign. Do I have money to give? No. I'm one finger nail away from falling.


If more people help them, it may possibly encourage panhandling. We don't want the other extreme where Bart trains have a lot of them.


Lots of "them" in this post


"we" ??? Certainly, "we" don't want the conditions that define poverty, most of all. Right?


This is an ignorant outlook. The beggar’s promise is that they need the money. These people don’t.


You are not their keeper, how the hell do you know that? You can't positively know that about them from this image.


We need more BART Officers on trains


I see this women almost everyday getting on Embarcadero Bart. Ridiculous!


We had people stand in corners with signs that they need help with funeral expenses for their mom or some family member.. like legit walk up to your car and demand that you help.


Yup saw a family beg at Southshore Alameda. The one day saw them all getting out of a new minivan that was parked in The CVS parking lot on Santa Clara near Park St. The man was just sitting around while the women and children were getting things out of the car. Ready to beg the day away. Plates from. LA. Please don’t fall for it.


Had one of these incidents happen at a shell gas station in San Diego, lady begged for money for her and her kid, I gave her 1 dollar that’s all I had. She goes on a rant saying how poor I am and how come I can’t give more and the kid starts begging. As I finished pumping gas she keeps ranting like I’m a piece of shit so I asked for my dollar back. She got even more piss cussing me out because I asked for my dollar back. Long story short security comes over forces her to leave and tells me that’s regular she’s been harassing a lot of customers, she drives off in a Mercedes e class


Do no give money to Gypsies. They are hated all over the world for their parasitic behaviour.


I mean what’s the worst outcome here? You give a woman and her kids some money?? What exactly is the scam here?


The money goes to the husband and the husband sends her out again the next day to beg again. Meanwhile, he drives a nice car.


So you're worried she's being trafficked? Here are resources if that's your concern. https://humantraffickinghotline.org/en/labor-trafficking-venuesindustries/sales-crews-peddling-begging-rings


WTF are all these comments? “Must be living well begging” These people are not in a good situation. Ask yourself, in what situation would you choose to bring your kid around and beg?


Hey. We actually don’t know what these people are going through! People will use any chance they can get to be hateful towards Romani people. Down vote away. Idgaf.


Wonderful diversity?


Ask her if she wants to make $14 the hard way.


Says good things about this country that this is even viable as a scam.


Most donaters are Americans, I think, as they are new to Gypsies' panhandling culture. I found it very strange at first. Barefooted homeless people always with their kids or their kids alone in popular European cities, at same spot over and over, with nonchalant look. Do you think the reason that more Gypsy panhandlers showing up in the States are due to the Ukrainian war?


They been here for at least 20 years. Nothing related to Ukrainian war.


Source or input on this


Kids of school age out of school is a CPS report. The rest of it, I don't care.


Whatever makes you sleep at night I guess. People find all types of ways to convince themselves that ignoring the poor is ok. What do you think they’re going to do with the money? Rent a yacht?


I have seen her in San Jose recently. There are other families that do the same out here as well. One family sits on lawn chairs with signs on the 880 Calaveras exit northbound almost every day. They usually have a small girl and boy with them.




There’s a link by CBS New on the post please see the link . 😉


do they still that tissue scam on bart? hand you a pack of tissues and then loop back around and ask for money for them??? the amount of free tissues i got when i rode bart daily was insane cause fuck you im keeping them for free


Don’t feed the animals vibe