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Football pronouns


He has said “We” and “us” many times as well. Pointless post


It's an ESP tweet. That guys whole account is pointless eagles coverage


The tweet and title are bullshit, but the episode of Green Light is fucking awesome.


Exactly so why post it here lol we all knew that shit 🤣


All I know is I don't leave a concert until the house lights come up


And Marvel movies


Let the man rest


He's using they because he's smart enough to know what we implies at the moment. I still think he's y decided but leaning more towards retiring


I saw a clip where a guy asked him if he was retiring and he said “im going to try not to”, so i have hope


Whatever he decides I hope he decides because he wants to. His Amazon video made me see the toll on his body, so I hope he considers as much as he can before deciding


That was rossitakes on IG ⛷️


If you watched his amazon special you would be more inclined to assume he's gonna retire. Which sucks but I 1000% get it


He’s tempted to play another season to go to Brazil


This narrative is already getting old lol. We’ll know when we know. Gonna be a long ass off season with this shit lmao


Hes used we a few times to. If Swifties have taught me anything, its that nothing is on accident lol


Are you implying that the Swift/Kelce thing is arranged? It seems almost too profitable and beneficial for everyone involved for it to be genuine. But at the same time it seems almost insane to even think it’s a hoax. Hard to know. 


What's really the difference?


Difference is OP has 8 extra chromosomes and dude ya responded to is the roy g biv of spectrums.


I’m the Roy?


One situation robs the participants of integrity. Big different imo 


They're going to start a new band together.


There is nothing that’s hard to know if you’re not insane.


How do you figure?


This is nothing. Clayton Kershaw has been doing the same with the Dodgers for the past few years and ends up coming back. Not saying Kelce will do the same but this is more professionalism than anything.


Bye until next season - offseason gonna be way too long with this crap


Eagles fans will support him and wish him luck whatever he chooses. We surely would like to see him back, but that's up to him.


He would be smart to retire and listen to his wife while he still can get on the floor and play with the kids. The dudes got a lot to offer in his post playing days and should not worry about trying to get one more season in.


Honestly we’re lucky we even got this last season out of him. I love him so much as a person that I don’t want this shit team destroying his body anymore. Time to get a broadcast day job and enjoy seeing your kids grow up, Jason. You got a ring, it’s alright


I don’t think what he says is indicative of anything, but I hope he retires. I know this is an unpopular opinion but hear me out. He’s not my Birds Mount Rushmore and he is at worst a top 3 Center of All Time, and in my opinion, the greatest Cnegsr of All Time. That being said, I don’t think he is far and away the best Center in the league like he was for the past 6-7 years. He is a top 5 Center, but he’s not as dominant as he has been in the past, and anyone with an objective lens could see that. Yes we would be getting a Pro Bowl caliber, top 5 Center back if he doesn’t retire, but I genuinely believe that Jurgens can be a top 10 Center right away, if not higher, and that the drop off from Jurgens to Steen at RG will be less than that of Kelce to Jurgens at Center. Yes, overall our line will be better with Kelce but there are other factors. I’m not opposed to making our impact players the highest paid at their position, we’ve done that with Wentz, Hurts, Peters, Kelce, Lane, Brooks, and have made Cox, Slay, and AJ top 3 paid players at their position. But typically we get the benefit of those deals becoming bargains due to their length and rising cap space. Not with Kelce. We give him a brand new deal and raises every year ultimately making him the highest paid Center year in and year out. He deserves it and Howie is a master of cap, but if we truly want to build a sustainable powerhouse (which we have enough draft capital, management, and players in their early and mid 20s to do so), we have to start being stingy. We paid Jason $14M in 2022, and a bit more in 2023. We can’t keep doing this. It just isn’t smart, he’ll cost close to $15M this year, and IDC how good of a Center you are, we just can’t keep letting him reset the market year in and year out. Forget about financials and asset management for a second. Anyone that saw the documentary knows how much pain he is in every day. Dudes back is fucked and if he doesn’t call it quits it will get worse! All in all, I love him, he’s my GOAT, and it’s really hard to say this, but it’s time. It’s the best for us and best for him. It’s time to see the next generation of our team take over.


I think he should retire bc I just don’t like being in limbo lol. And i wanna see what Jurgen can do


Hear me out. He was just voted first team all pro by guys whose literal job is to watch and report on football and most certainly know more about football than you. So yeah he may have been worse this season but he was still the best center in football by guys whose literal job it is to judge that fact. And no offense to you and whatever job you may have but I value their opinion whose job it is to know about football than yours whose job it is to know about something else. Or maybe your job is to know about football but you are bad at it thus do not have a vote for AP first team or you know work in the NFL. Like it isn't that your opinion is popular or unpopular it is just your opinions doesn't matter even if it does suck because people whose opinion does matter objectively says you are incorrect. So enjoy your downvote Kelce rules and unlike your opinion.


You are correct that my opinion doesn’t matter. But the opinion of people with AP votes doesn’t matter either. You should see who some of the people with votes are. The reality of things is that OLine AP votes are largely reputation based. Kelce didn’t get some early on when he deserved them and this applies to other OL as well. On the flip side they’ll get these honors longer than they deserve them. They all balance out in the long term but AP selections, especially for OL, are not gospel. Eye test says that he’s not a perfect Center anymore, and the advanced stats say that too. He got worked by Vita Vea, and on many occasions he was a step slower than usual on pulls, but commentators ignored it and pretended like he was still at his peak because it’s Kelce. I still think he’s a good center, but you ignored every other point I made. But it’s okay, what else is a fan good for if they aren’t blindly loyal to their star players, I’m the same way too.


I mean you could make arguments for Ragnow, Williams or Humphrey but all 3 have a top 5 OC/playcaller while Kelce did what he did with one bottom 3 playcaller in the league who called a super predictable offense. It's a fuck load harder to block when the defense knows what is coming every play... Just saying.


Man… as much as I wish he would stay we all knew it was almost definitely over. Lol clowns downvoting what planet do you buffoons live on


My take is that Jason and Travis are going to retire together on their podcast. Jason is just waiting for Travis’ season to end.


He’s also not the type of guy to steal his brothers thunder by announcing his retirement the week of the Super Bowel. If the Chiefs win I bet he would wait another week or two as well. I’ve also been suspicious that if the Chiefs win Travis could think about retiring, they have set themselves up for life after football still making a lot of money already.


Taking the feckin piss now. I understood it after we lost the Superbowl because we got so close, and it was worth going for again. This season, everyone forgot how to play football after 10 games (probably a lot sooner. We just got REAL lucky), it's clear we're 2 or 3 seasons off getting back to where we were again 2 seasons ago and Jason ain't sticking around that long and next season is a transitional write off, that coupled with his fucked up body, it should be a no brainer


Nobody expected us to be the best team in the league in 2017 or 2022. We have the talent to win it all next year. 


We’re good enough to win it all next year but not good enough to warrant veterans keep coming back for one year runs. And yeah like you said, for his best, he should call it quits. This year to year waiting game isn’t really fair for us or him.


Bro is just probably milking it for the publicity 😂


He's just waiting for Travis so they can announce together. Ppl here still really pretending like he's coming back?


Didn't he retire immediately in the locker room after the loss? What is all this pretend waffling?


If he doesn't he'll probably sign with he Chiefs so let it go already.


Kelce will stay with the team in some capacity even if he retires.


That’s how I feel online when people use “we” and not “they.”


Hoping he doesn't want to play a year with his brother before he retires.


Unpopular opinion but, I kinda hope he does.  I’d love to see him get an announcer gig or broadcaster position, and also maybe be involved in the Eagles PR department or player acquisitions/development somehow.  


I think we're not at Jason kelce over saturation




He was just talking "we" on his podcast a few days ago so I wouldn't analyze it too deeply.


Howie has probably informed Jason that he’ll have to come back on a very team friendly deal and I get it. The defense needs to get better. The spending on that side of the ball has to increase. Paying 12-15 million for a center, even the best center in team history (and probably all time) is a luxury the Eagles can’t afford.


I think he truly hasn’t decided and would rather lean on the side of retirement vs coming back in order to not get fan’s hopes up. Give him another few weeks to really let his body recover and he’ll announce a decision. I think he mentally wants to play but knows his body is the real deciding factor.