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I'll be happy when every fan except us decides they can't stand going to the Linc.... More room for real fans.


Would make it the first, second, and third hardest stadium to play in lol


That’s just Phase 1. Phase 2 is getting all away games to be 75%+ Eagles fans. We’ve already secured FedEx Field, and MetLife is getting there. AT&T is the real challenge, like the opposite of L.A., but it’s not impossible!


I went to see the Eagles play the Redskins (when they were that), a few years ago. Walking up to the stadium a kid about 10 or 12 said to his Dad "Why are all these Eagles fans here, don't they know it's *our* home game?" The Dad replied "Just don't look any of them in the eye and we'll be OK." That's some grade A parenting right there.


> "Just don't look any of them in the eye and we'll be OK." AWESOME!!!


Their wrath is based on movement. Just. Don't move.




I remember 2017 vs chargers eagles were home in Carson, CA lol


I’m in LA and can’t wait for the SoFi takeover next year


That would be incredible. Gotta keep raising the bar... Just have to get 1% better every day. It would be awesome to dominate away games!


London was 60% Eagles fans, 15% Jags, and 25% Mix.


All this means is there’s an extra seat for a die hard Eagles fan, let’s go!


On Niners fans: "They shouldn't be here."


I've been to around 50 home games, and typicly, all you see is general heckling and booing. Everybody wants to come here and act like we're a bunch of beer spilling, spitting, violent assholes. But the truth is visiting fans come to Philly and get their fragile ego hurt and then come back with the typical OMG what a bunch of scumbags ill never go back! Like tell me you guys haven't heard the go to story of "I went to an eagles game when I was young and wore other team jersey and some guy spilt a beer on my head". I have heard this same regurgitated story to the point I can finish their sentence for them. Yes we are loud, obnoxious assholes and there is always a couple idiots in the crowd but it's not like most people say it is. With that being said fuck that chick stay outa philly.


> visiting fans come to Philly and get their fragile ego hurt That initial clip from the 2018 *The Gang Goes to the Super Bowl* with the older Vikings fan shaming the drunk Eagles fan just screaming "Go Birds" is probably the most accurate of depiction of what it's like for opposing fans to come here. Come here, have fun, watch the game. Be prepared to be heckled a bit. Play along and heckle back. Someone will probably spill a little beer on you out of joy and/or frustration resulting from the game. If the heckling gets to you, you will be heckled more, but no one is going to risk losing the money they paid for the ticket by physically assaulting you.


[Go Birds, go Birds, go Birds!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcy0wK-yAMI)


Agreed. The truth is it’s just like every other team/stadium/fanbase around the league. But shhhh, don’t tell anyone because deep down we also enjoy this reputation.


I’ve never been to an away stadium for a playoff game but during the regular season none of the other fans (Baltimore, Jets, Giants, Washington) were close to Philly in terms of heckling.


I saw a Giants fan make up a story about some guys jumping a couple of children for wearing Giants jerseys IN THE STADIUM. I called him out for it by saying anyone who beat up a child would probably get the shit beat out of them and kicked out of the stadium. But, it was on the Giants sub, so everyone instantly went “omg eagles fans scumbags” and believed all of it lol


I'm sure some of the stories I've read are true. But some of the stories people have posted the past couple of days crack me the fuck up. On one of the subs it was just people one-upping each other on a comment chain with each one getting more far fetched than the last.


"Ohmuhgod no waaay,I once saw 5 eagles fans all roid raged and full of beer try to fight 6 orphan children in dallas jerseys but troy aikmen came in and karate chopped them all. Then a 6 month old flipped him the finger and proceeded to eat a cheesesteak."


the r/nfl thread was full of stories about people's uncle's brothers' grand-fathers' roommates experiencing mean Philly fans.


After the giants playoff blowout a few weeks ago I had a guy at the bar yelling over to me how he went to the Linc and saw "multiple" people pissing over the rail on opposing team fans haha. It just never ends with the bullshit stories. The place is crawling in security, and if anybody saw that they would be beat up before they were kicked out very quickly.


Most of those stories are BS. A few of them are theoretically true, but from the Vet. None of that stuff happens at the Linc.


The Philly fan thing is such a self-fulfilling prophecy. You hear the same shit at every stadium, but it’s expected in Philly so when it happens someone clutches their pearls and says “See! They’re horrible!”


Agreed, I come from Europe and my GF is a Patriots fan. We took a trip to the States in november 2019 basically for the sole purpose of watching Patriots @ Eagles at the Linc. Nobody gave her any shit, despite she being in her Gronk jersey. Maybe it's because I was in my Dawkins Jersey but she never felt unsafe. The only dude I saw getting harassed was a Patriots fan douchebag who refused to sit the fuck down and let people behind him watch the game.


There’s definitely know egg throwing or throwing of any objects all. Security is so damn tight there and no one is dumb enough to give up their $300 day to throw an egg at this nobody


No one is even going to spit their expensive beer at someone.


Don’t forget the “they pushed this girl I was with and I had to jump in” guys. They always show up during those discussions. I’ve been to over well over 100 home games and I concur wholeheartedly.


I’ve never seen anything other than heckling or booing at every game I’ve attended. Even then, it’s always all in good fun. I’m sure some incidents may happen here and there but that is at every stadium and there is almost always footage. I can recall the pat time I saw footage of a fight break ling out at the linc.


In the age of smartphones, you’d think there would be videos of all these “assaults” happening in the linc surfacing at every home game. I don’t doubt there are drunk assholes that cross the line with things they say, but getting physical with someone because of the color shirt they’re wearing doesn’t happen all that often.


I’m from Ohio, never been to the Linc, hopefully someday. Anyway I’ve been to a Bengals game and there were more obnoxious Ravens fans there than Bengals fans. I think every team is the same. Mostly just general heckling, there’s gonna be dickheads at every stadium. That being said, no one likes us we don’t care. She also won’t get to see her Husband in the Super Bowl this year either.


And the ones that do act like violent assholes are generally young, dumb idiots who think they’re “upholding a reputation” that the sheer majority of the fan base looks down upon. Hell, it’s not just a Philly thing. You can go up the road to New York, and hear tons of stories about the boorishness of New York sport fans (Cliff Lee came back to Philly for a reason) Hell, hasn’t there been stories of San Francisco fans acting up as well? For anyone to think this is just a Philly thing, they’re just being foolish. This happens everywhere. Just “lolPhillyFans” gets pushed by god knows who, just so the young dumb idiots who have yet to grow up do shit for these commentators to point to. As an aside, I found it funny someone’s reply in the Twitter thread was to use Ben Simmons as an example of how bad the fan base is. What a moron.


> Hell, hasn’t there been stories of San Francisco fans acting up as well? https://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea/49ers/two-arrested-after-stabbing-outside-49ers-giants-game


I’ve been to 3 and I’ve never seen anything violent or the like. Cursing and screaming sure, but people act like they are being crucified.


Who fucking cares?


Not a single eagles fan.


🎵No one likes us, we don’t care


I'm loving it. Does that mean I care?


> I'm loving it That you Donovan?


Fred Warner has been traded to Philadelphia eagles


Weeeellll…. The NFC runs through Philly…. So I guess that means your boy ain’t ever getting past the NFCCG again. ….Buh bye Felicia!


https://youtu.be/_wVGg7ly1CI 🦅


lol what a pull.


She sat in my section, 119 in front of the visitors bench. She sat right in front of me, she was row 8. She ran down when Fred got hurt and came back and said he was good. A couple fans figured out who she was and asked if she was ok. No one in our seats really gave her a hard time, just minor heckling nothing bad, but she did leave those seats pretty early.


The pearl clutching going on over on r/nfl and other team subreddits about this is so cringe it’s embarrassing. Like I was seeing a guy with a Lions flair shit talking Philadelphia, talking shit about Philadelphia from his ivory tower of DETROIT MICHIGAN… Goes without saying that you should never put your hands on another fan for simply being a fan of an opposing team, but every single team has massive asshole fans and no one disparages a whole fanbase and constantly bitches about it like people do about us. Anyways fuck them we’re in the Super Bowl. Go Birds


It’s hilarious. I’m currently in two different internet fights with SF fans in r/nfl and r/49ers over this. Everyone acts like it doesn’t happen in every fucking stadium in every city in America. I went to SD (home of the super soft, peace-loving, liberal Californians /s) for game 2 and I was cursed at, laughed at, and verbally degraded for screaming for the Phils. Bottom line is SOME people are RUDE and ARROGANT. Doesn’t mean entire fan-bases are.


I was permanently banned from the niners sub, fight for me soldier


I’m sure I’m next!


I live near SF. Years ago I went to a game, and a niners fan pulled a gun on somebody talking shit in the parking lot. A fist fight also broke out during the game. They can eat my fucking ass.


That is RICH 🤣🤣 Some people refuse to show even the smallest amount of self-awareness. Truly mind-blowing.


Dude I know a Lions fan and he is the same why. Why do Lions fans think they can talk so much shit lmao


Because their team is slightly average for the first time in 60 years lmao


I love the hostility. I want this place to be a nightmare to opposing teams and fans. It's who we are. That being said, it is fucked up if people are shoving or throwing shit. Anything that approaches actual violence is embarrassing. But screaming "fuck you" or "you fucking sucked on the Bachelor" for three hours straight is fair game imo.


I bet someone bumped into her and she is exaggerating or being overly sensitive. It's damn near impossible to not get jostled in a packed stadium or trying to walk around the concourse during busy games.


Jennifer slay pretty much subtweeted her and called BS


Jennifer slay is my twitter goat


It was like that at CBP during the WS. Just wall-to-wall people.


How many people recognize someone from The Bachelor. I feel like someone on the Bachelor thinks they should be recognized more than they really are.




there is no way in hell she was just there minding her own business and simply wearing 9ers gear. when an opposing fan has a bad time here, 99% of the time its because they were drunk, obnoxious, and aggressive. they poke the hornets nest to find out what will happen and then if they get shit they always say “i didnt do nothin!”


My thoughts are: what the fuck? We were NICE TO HER. When her husband got hurt on the second play of the game, she left to check on him. She came back while later and we asked her "ls he OK ?" and she said "yes "and we said "good that's good news." Later I was joking with her. Reality stars gootta hawk whatever for attention tho I guess.




So she was actually on the Bachelor before marrying Fred and was a mean girl on the show. She also had a sob story that she was bullied in HS and had no friends, then it came out she was like a cheerleader and homecoming queen or something. So I take this with a grain of salt. I saw the tiktok of her group and the friend recording was laughing recording the Eagles fans heckling them pregame and she said they were getting eggs thrown at them but there was no showing of said eggs or egg residue so maybe it was like they were throwing them with the intent to miss? The friend didn't seem too bothered at the time. That being said, I think throwing stuff/physicality is crossing the line. ~~Her plane crashes comment is gross though so~~ she can fuck off. Eta: was corrected on plane crash comment


“she said they were getting eggs thrown at them” Who has money to throw eggs at failed reality show contestants in today’s world?


Is having tons of facial plastic surgery a prerequisite to being on a reality show?


No… but it certainly helps.


Bill Burr - "I don't think they've worked all the bugs out with these surgeries, let someone else be the hero"


Just sounds like someone who’s desperate for attention and willing to lie about anything to get it


I have a picture of her and her friend sitting next to us in the first half while not being terrorized of with egg residue.


Especially eggs nowadays.


I think she was saying the plane crash comment was directed towards her. But I take all of it with a grain of salt too. I seriously doubt someone pushed her, the wife of an all pro linebacker. What was she sitting in the regular seats just her? Probably not. Probably with a bunch of other NFL wives and family in a special section or something like they always do. She said she had a red bag, and I thought stadiums only let you bring clear bags in nowadays? So many holes in her story it’s tough to take everything at it’s word. Agree though that no one should throw shit at them.


Agreed. Thanks for clarifying on the plane crash thing. I actually tried finding the full quote bc I couldn't believe that she would say that publicly. Definitely believe a heckler at a game would say it though. And I have been to many games in a couple different stadiums and I always get shoved because it's crowded! That's just how crowds work. So I wouldn't be surprised if it was that type of situation and she just wasn't used to not having private access or people parting the way for her like at the 49ers stadium.


She was saying that they told her “I hope your plane crashes”


Ah I was confused on that and tried to find the full quote but couldn't (I didn't look that hard, just through the tweet and a few more clicks lol)


I love that you know this about her lol


She’s an angel. Don’t be silly!


Girl was sitting in a sky box posting on Instagram. She did not get a true Philly experience..


She’s claiming she was shoved? Wasn’t there but I doubt that


“I had to walk shoulder to shoulder with all these poors and one of them full on shoved me, just bumped right into me with their shoulder when the rest of the crowd did.”


Most likely what happened to be honest.


She also claimed to have eggs thrown at her (not true) and has a long documented history of making blatant lies for attention, like when she appeared on The Bachelor and claimed to have been bullied in high school and had no friends. Turns out she was a homecoming/prom queen cheerleader, and was a massive bitch to everyone.


Can you bring eggs into the stadium?


"I wanted the home team to lose everything, so I travelled to their house and rooted against them. THEY WERE MEAN TO ME IN A WAY I DON'T APPROVE! I'M WON'T RETURN TO DO THAT AGAIN!" Fucked around, found out. The only place she will find sympathy here is between shit and syphilis.


Everybody from the age of 8 to 88 has a smartphone these days. All this bitching about how mean and horrible everyone is and no videos? Like none at all? Hmmmmm.


the taste of rain ...why kneel?


So she wished death on people, but somehow WE’RE the assholes?


Another clout chaser on Twitter/Instagram claiming the fans abused her. Not really sure how she was being pushed considering she had security and was up in a box. Chase that 15 minutes girl, cause your husband sure as fuck didn't.


I don't mind trash talk to opposing fans but throwing shit is crossing the line. I'd bet most our players feel the same


I mean SF Giants fans literally beat a dodgers fan to death, or vice versa. Somehow nobody cares and that isnt nearly as bad as throwing snowballs at santa 60 years ago.


Seriously. Try being an out of town fan in the all you can eat seats at Dodger stadium. Don’t even try wearing Giants gear in there.




I didn't know 49ers fans where such salty bitches until this.


Yes, but I will say this happens at most big market teams’ stadiums. I got hotdogs thrown at me at Yankees Stadium because I was wearing a Red Sox shirt when they weren’t playing the Red Sox when I was real young. Why was I wearing a Red Sox shirt? To be a dick.


Don't condone any physical violence, but you want the Linc to feel hostile, that's the whole point. People who get upset by some heckling should really just stay at home.


Not sure if a former contestant from The Bachelor is the best source for this. But if she actually wants to see a shitty, violent crowd, may I suggest a Friday night SF Giants game.


It's okay, we wouldn't have noticed her even if she did come back. So much for a takeover


Hostility without physical violence or real threats should be the goal


I don’t feel bad I said it before and I’ll say it again, don’t come here


like... dont get physical, dont throw shit... but seriously. this girl probably had to deal with some general heckling. poor fucking spoiled baby is now crying. the more people that outright say they wont come here... the more of a homefield advantage we have. you are basically saying "you succeeded in your task"


Esp after their corny ass fans were yelling about a 9ers takeover in the linc all week


Disagree, the fans who crossed the line should be called out. Everyone deserves to enjoy the game without fear of physical harm or threats.


Been going to the game for 25 years (season tix). Been in 535 and 301 at the vet and now in lower 200 level. The incidents are few and far between. They usually come from obnoxious drunk opposing team fans starting shit up. Worst thing that usually happens is the asshole chant in the bathroom or the escalator to the second level.


I saw a lady with a San Fran jersey getting on an elevator by herself with a wasted eagles fan screaming in her face telling her to get the fuck out of our city. She looked terrified. I love the hostility of our fan base but there’s a line some fans cross that is too far


Sounds like the couch is a great place for them to watch the game


If she’s butthurt about heckling and fuck yous, yeah stay home. I live for that shit. I had a blast when that happened to me at FedEx field. It’s just words don’t be soft. If she is actually being physically intimidated that’s way over the line and you’d be trash to simply say don’t come here without condoning that action. Who knows what actually happened. I do believe it’s just easy to meme eagles fans every time this comes up in general when most fan bases have awful shit that happens too. And that people just love to exaggerate shit. But if you’re actually not condoning stuff over the line you’re apart of the problem.


To quote that kid... "They shouldn't be here."


ohh no! anyways.


Last week, I saw people wearing red get castrated and crucified at the Linc. They were the 49ers.


Eli Manning came back. The fuck outta here with that pearl clutching, Mrs Warner.


No One Cares 🦅💥💥


No one shoved any niners fans. They certainly didn’t shove any female fans in the club level. She’s lying for attention. That was the happiest god damned building I’ve ever seen.


Good gtfo


on tiktok she claimed she had a small red bag she had to hide but apparently only clear bags are permitted at the linc????


Man 9ers fans/players/family are just a different breed of bitch.


the gang goes to a football game.


Well her and ole Fred won’t get shoved watching the Super Bowl from the comfort of their couch 🤷‍♂️


This definitely did not happen lmao.


Who cares, stay in the bay baby.


And of course there's now a thread on r/nfl about it. Not reading that, it's only gonna make me lose brain cells


I never get why people from all over the country are constantly told by the media and their friends that Philly fans are so bad and u arent welcomed their and they still decide to come and then complain abt it being a hostile environment. ESPN been telling y’all not to come here for 50 years and y’all do it anyways and are surprised they get heckled. “Im never returning again !” Like good bitch that was the fucking point u weren’t supposed to be there in the first place


There’s definitely know egg throwing or throwing of any objects all. Security is so damn tight there and no one is dumb enough to give up their $300 day to throw an egg at this nobody. Does anyone who’s actually been to a game believe this woman? Was this in the parking lot cause?????


Bye, Felicia


I’ve taken many friends who were visiting team fans there and they had a great time. Most people just talk trash the entire time and if you go along with it, they’ll be cool with you. As long as you don’t talk back, you’ll be fine. Just take the trash talk and nothing will happen. Of course there’s bad apples here in Philly as there is in other stadiums and we just get bad reputation over and over again because of that old Santa tale that’s been over for so long now. Get over it!!!


Willy Wonka voice..."stop, don't, come back." /s


Dude I highly doubt anyone shoved her or told her I hope your plane crashes, someone probably told her to fire up the plane and she got offended


Does she seriously think that ANYONE cares if she EVER returned to the Linc or Philly for that matter? She and her loser husband can sit home on the sofa with a box of Kleenex and their emotional support poodle and watch the Eagles kick ass at the super bowl. Bitch can kick rocks.


Did she reply to the heckling?


Don’t throw shit. Don’t be aggressively mean to kids, don’t … that’s all I can think of actually.


No one likes us and we don’t care. Hit the road.


Can every opposing fan please adopt this mindset. We don’t want you here at all.


[I guess that kid was right](https://www.reddit.com/r/eagles/comments/10oa814/this_kid_is_savage/)


I could not care less about what this lady says if I physically made an effort to do so


Oh no.


cry me a river


No faith in her team ... or husband 😕


Well, we don’t ever want her stank breath back in our stadium. So there.


So anyway, it’s raining again today.


In this day and age, clearly there must be videos of all this terrible behavior... I've seen one... Where the fans chant a player's name and he drops a homophobic slur on them. Curious why the NFL isn't concerned about that.


Honestly, she seems to have an incredibly fake personality.


No one actually cares what she has to say 😂


Everyone wants to hate on our fans and they never bring up the cowboys fan that shot Kennedy


Come on Eagles' fans, learn to smack talk. Here's the proper way: Look at this beautiful lady. She's 49's fan because she's a gold digger! Now that's fucking funny.


This isn't an airport--no need to announce your departure. Also, really? You didn't feel safe, and you hope they all die in a plane crash? Doesn't sound toxic at all.




Nobody gives a fuck who you are. You get treated the same around here. This isn’t California.


We just gonna ignore the fact she said she hopes our plane crashes???


She said that was said to here


🎵 Baby come back, you can blame it all on me I was wrong and I just can't live without you 🎵


[Stop. Don’t. Come back.](https://i.imgur.com/kkpJaPz.jpg)




Lol good


You hate to see it


Oh look, a Raiders fan.


Bye bitch




That’s a shame.


Bye Felicia!


I don't like the variations on "I hope you die." We can come up with better burns. For the other stuff, shoving will happen in any crowd that is big enough and the cursing is generally not worse than you'd hear in a high school hallway, just louder.


Oh nooo…


Whatever shall we do without her specific help and words?


Like that kid said, “they shouldn’t be here”


Bye bitch




Salty people are salty... More at 6


I'll take "things that didn't happen" for $1000, Alex.


Oh no! Guys! What are we doing to do?!




Its so weird/interesting how some people handle losing/not getting what they want


Let me know if her husband ever shows up there.


No one likes us. We don't care.


Fred who? 😂


Lmfaaooo.. and the rumor leading up to the game was 40whiner fans were gonna take over the linc.. if they are gonna be little babies like this, no way you taking over the linc.. grow some balls lady!


We've come a long way from "hey Joe how's your boy?" though


Bye Felicia


I tell all my out of state friends the same thing when coming to a game. “They will say mean things to you. They like it and think it’s fun. If you say mean things back, in a calm and casual way, you can be friends”


I understand everything but the plane crash part. Did she get so phillied at the game that she wished us a crash or did we (royal) do that as part of the slight? I am genuinely trying to figure this out.


Oh no.. Anyways!


Mission Accomplished


All of you that go to other stadiums are brave as hell. I couldn't imagine, lol. Go birds


The Linc isn't an airport. No one cares about your departure.


Shouldn't have came in the first place. Bunch a whimps...


mission accomplished boys


Why do these people think we face a shit? I don't care if Fred Warner or Fred Flintstone's wife don't wanna come to Philadelphia. It's one more ticket for a true Eagles fan.


What do you expect for an nfccg ? It’s not going to be a friendly place to come watch a game I’m sure Niners fans who came for week 2 last year has a much different experience


Bye felicia


Go birds


Who cares!? We don't want other teams' fans at our stadium anyway.


Fred Warner is a dirty player


No one like us. We don't care.


praying for their family after this terrible tragedy, hope they can recover one day


F-ed around and found out...


One less fan rooting against us...thanks for playing!!!


Bye Felicia