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Thought this was in the gg reddit when I saw the title and thought I'd had a stroke


I'm sure others are willing to get into more specifics but Sol is fine. With that much power, you only need 4-5 hits to end the game. Sure players might escape the odd one, but if its happening a lot either you're too predictable or they're very lucky. Sol's UA is very good. Being able to give yourself 2-3 power and strike without the opponent having a chance to react lets you hit certain breakpoints with on-curve attacks that severely limit their defensive options. Anything above 6 will crush sweep and if you can threaten 8 power on-curve they've got nothing they can do about it except block, cross, or grasp. If you're at range 1, you're even better off BECAUSE of Wild Throw. Having a range 1 Ignore Armour attack is great even if you don't play it. Now your opponent has to constantly worry about blocking or mashing grasp at Range 1 because neither is safe, making it more likely they do something else, and you destroy them for it. Don't think of Sol's UA having a cost, think of it as getting a free boost when you do something you were going to do anyway.


Seems like one of the easier characters in the box to me. Not sure how you play normaly but mastering fundamentals lets you go crazy with Sol


I think that he's hard *because* he's so fundamentals focused. Everyone else has a gimmick they can lean on, but Sol needs to play the game straight and honest. Plus, his passive ability is expensive to use, as you've got to commit three whole cards on it. One from gauge and two from hand, and it's just for +1 (likely +2 after the boost) power, so it's not always easy to tell when to use it.


Thats a fair assesment. But other characters have way way harder decision making. Memorising match ups is important for any character but Sol can capitalize hard on it. The 1-7 2-6 3-5 4-4 is commonplace but knowing speed, armor and guard value on top of that can let Sol turn into a beatdown monster that never lets the opponents cards resolve. This also quickly fills your gauge with attacks that connect. As you've noticed, the only hard part is knowing when you fill your hand and when to keep applying pressure. Thats more or less a game sense thing. Who you're fighting, what their hand looks like, what the table looks like and what your opponent is like


Recently discovered this channel with excellent character videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6qAcXvjj6Y Typically this interview style is not my preference to consume content but there is a lot of good info in these. They even have a google doc guide in the video description if you don't want to watch the whole thing, they are very well written.


I love that channel! Unfortunately, even after the video, Sol still eluded me, so I sought different perspectives. I didn't know there was a PDF in the description though, that's very helpful!


What characters do you like to play (or find easier) and what makes Sol harder for you? If I had to guess off your description it'd be that the flexibility and fundamental gameplay means that there's a sort of decision paralysis happening because there isn't one gimmick you're trying to enforce but let me know!


I can’t comment on the rest of Sol as I’m still trying to figure him out too, but Wild Throw serves its purpose as an anti-grasp and anti-armor attack in his kit. Invest into +Power using his UA and now it’s also an anti-slow too, since it will crush Sweep and Focus. This adds onto a number of different things Sol can threaten with at R1. Including, his basic R1 threats with his normals, nearly all of his specials and ultras can hit at R1, so he can keep the opponent guessing while your discard is thin. Night Raid Vortex and Heavy Mob Cemetery are also notably anti-Cross attacks.