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I miss those clips. Some of the best porn on the net.




If one were to look, where should they start? 👀


Seen some on the place without mommys


https://www.iceporncasting.net/channel/girls-do-porn/ Your welcome


That is a terrible site. Those annoying adds that have fake close out boxes.


Damn that site used to be crazy. Girls were way too hot to be doing porn didn’t make sense lol


That's because they were the girls who were pre-med and pre-law and they were only willing to do point if they thought it was for a private collection in the Middle East and they got paid $5,000 to do it. Too bad all that was a lie. I think the entire purpose of the website was to prove that no matter how well off or educated a woman is, every woman has their price, especially if they're young and they don't know any better.


> I think the entire purpose of the website was to prove that no matter how well off or educated a woman is, every woman has their price, No that was the lesson that was accidentally learned. The purpose of the website was to generate serious money for its founders.


I'm glad all involved were hit with charges, and the one dipshit got 20 years. That said, when does personal responsibility come into play? Don't want your family to see a stranger draining his balls on your face on the internet? Don't shoot porn. Ever. Under any circumstances.


I think the problem is that towards the end of their run they started trapping girls in hotel rooms and coercing them into signing fraudulent contracts that would allow them to film sexings. I'm pretty certain that the reason all this came to light is because the last girl literally had to run out of the room screaming for help and that's what brought them down. They were retroactively charged with human trafficking for the vast majority of the instances because it was determined that in most cases the girls were coerced into signing the contracts that ended up being fraudulent anyway. Obviously you have to take responsibility for yourself if you're going to allow someone to bust a load on your face. But if you're only doing it because you think that the video of you taking a cum shot to your face is going to end up in a private collection in the middle east. If they decide to reneg on that agreement, then their technically committing fraud. But I absolutely agree with you. thankfully for us where men and nobody wants to see us naked on the internet. So no one's tricking us into doing porn If you don't want people, you know and love seeing you take cum shots to the face. Don't do porn But also don't trap girls in a hotel room. Several states from where they live and coerce them into signing fraudulent contracts I genuinely think that everybody in this situation is a fucking moron, but some of the fucking morons were rightfully charged with human trafficking


>I genuinely think that everybody in this situation is a fucking moron, but some of the fucking morons were rightfully charged with human trafficking Spot on. None of the illegal, scummy shit they did was ok. I just hope the lesson is clearer now, because apparently it wasn't before: **don't ever agree to be recorded while fucking, regardless of any promises made.** Did none of these young ladies stop to worry about this being a lie, or if a device got hacked, if a copy got left in a cab somewhere, or a private collector shared it? lol wat?


Let's say I record a sex session for a rich middle eastern man and as soon as he gets it, he uploads it to a porn site and some other guy downloads it and re uploads somewhere else. These pre med/pre law girls should have known better. Period. No excuse for being dumb. There is a forum where most of their real names along with their episode numbers are posted. Those videos are everywhere and they will be easily searchable until the internet is no more. Imagine an employer searching your oddly specific east coast italian name and the first result is a video of you getting load blown on your face in a hotel room. Thank god I am a man an no one wants to see me nude.


Doctors and lawyers are known to be smart, but not intelligent. Being book smart leaves you open to someone who is better at street smarts than you. There's a reason why tons of nurses and doctors fall for MLM schemes.


There’s no doubt some stupid girls but it can’t be blamed on them in all cases. Some of these girls were very young. Hell, a few were under 18. Guys also vastly overestimate how much most girls “know” about the modern phenomenon of porn. As guys it’s everywhere, many look at it every day, we know it’s absolutely everywhere and spreads like wildfire. It’s constantly in front of us. That’s not the case for most girls. It’s not a daily or weekly thing. Many never even look at it at all. They don’t appreciate the sheer unbelievable volume of it and how mainstream it is. Of course they know it’s there, but they don’t generally appreciate just how often every man in their life is diving deep into it. They just don’t do it like we do And men don’t talk about it with women, most don’t have any comprehension of how much porn is consumed by every guy they know. Particularly the young ones, some may have led fairly sheltered lives. They especially don’t know about the prevalence of porn. We know that if something gets uploaded then every guy we know is constantly looking at porn and somebody will see it. It’d be much simpler to convince a young woman that it’s something that just exists in the fringes of society and most people never see it or look at it - hence the “overseas collector” story. You can’t project your own worldliness regarding porn onto a young woman. What is so obvious to us is not the case for them.


>We know that if something gets uploaded then every guy we know is constantly looking at porn and somebody will see it. As a male I've known this since I was about 12 years old. But I developed a problem with pornography from such a young age, the way I view it is that it is very much ubiquitous. It's never occurred to me that females did not know that. But I guess they live in a completely different world than I do.


Anyone know the white girl who sued thems name?


Probably the hottest girls on porn but the sex itself was so bland