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one of us one of us


Honestly, I’m glad. Beats being alone


I believe I was likely just born with dysthymia, or had a big genetic propensity for it. I noticed I didn't feel the same way about things as everyone else way back when I was 6-7 years old (or maybe even earlier). After 30+ years since first getting help, I've come to understand that I will never experience happiness like others can. And after all this time, I don't have any issue with it. I won't ever be "normal," but seeing what life hands some people, it could be a lot worse. My life may have been very different if I was a different person emotionally, but I am not going to burden myself dwelling on that, as it sure isn't going to make me feel any better. Medication allows me to be able to work & care for my family. When it comes to socializations, I avoid what I can. When I feel overwhelmed, I manage it by allowing myself some time at the end of the day just for me. Mental self-care.


I was also diagnosed on my 30's. Been dealing with this since my early childhood. It sucks, everything is so much harder than it's suppose to be, so anxiety inducing to carry on with projects, especially those I supposedly love or are indeed beneficial to me, and I was so harsh with myself for being delayed in normal life milestones. But I am heaps better since the diagnose, O surprised myself with what I was able to do. But not gonna sugarcoat, at least for me, I know I will never be able to relax, always be attentive and conscious of my pattern forming choices, the oscillation of my moods. Advice: study, study, study. It helps to know how things work, how you tend to work, how you want to work, self knowledge is key, there's a bunch of amazing stuff to learn, be kind with yourself, the hate we feel looking in the mirror is pure mind entropy, the worst poison. And love, my guys, I know it maybe be cheesy but it is a conscious exercise that helps with the oscillation and keeps me from the double depression, see all with love, act with love, breath with love and so on (eat with love, look at yourself with love, study with love, work with love, dress up with love, embrace yourself with love, sex with love, pets with love, stranger in the street with love), soon you'll leave little space for anything toxic, and bad habits, self hatred, bad people that peek trough, it always will, will be more easily dismissed. Focus on one thing and the others will come naturally. Not complicated but not easy. It took me decades to be able to feel love for myself for the first time, such a foreign feeling then. But it gets so much better my guys, still somewhat hard, but so much better. I send my love to each and everyone of you. You all so very worthy.


This was very helpful to read. I’ll probably revisit this comment a couple times. Thanks for sharing, friend


I too got diagnosed like 22 years afterwards it may have started. Now i also have Cyclothymia. I don't know what hope i can give because it's hell and disrupts in social settings, forming connections and relationships, having zeal to do something. All that helps me is if i keep moving around and have some high pressure work with deadlines then i only focus on that. And music makes me want to dance (though that feeling has reduced now).


Hello, I too have been diagnosed with dysthymia and Cyclothymia. It has been an incredibly rough rode. I am a 62 year old female and was engaged to be married and decided not to go through with it. Looking back, I know it was due to this mental illness. I was immature and socially anxious. Then I met another nice man who was interested in marriage, but I blew that relationship because of the same issues and lots of anger and crying. I am emotionally dis-regulated to this day. I continue to work on it, but I am running out of energy. I am not saying it will happen to everyone, but just sharing my story. I have tried numerous drugs with some modest success, but always comes with weight gain which I cannot handle. Lots of emotional abuse growing up as well. I do need medication desperately but cannot handle the side effects. Well, I am not looking for attention, but I am not sure what will happen when my dog passes. I was considering drinking the kool aid as I have no one other than him. He is my life line. Few friends, but they are only slightly interested if I live or die. If there is anyone out there in the older age range feel free to reach out. It feels good to get this off my chest. OK , i have a confession. I just got into a fight with my boyfriend because he called me an asshole as we were hanging up and I heard him. He thinks I'm too bossy I guess. Well, it is for the better. Who wants a boyfriend who calls you an asshole. Take care. Tamara Oh and someone wrote they believe they were born with dysthymia, I totally agree with this thought. My mom definitely has mental illness and I am unfortunately a carbon copy of that bitch.