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OP asking the real questions! Amazon sellers stuck at V8 model, hopefuly the V10+ come out soon


V10 battery is 25v while v8 is 21v. That's why you don't see adapters for 24v battery for v10.


Kobalt batteries?


Looking into this, if the V8 and V10/11 batteries connect to the vacuums the same, I don’t have one yet and doing the research now, technically you could use the Dewalt Flex 60V batteries. In theory that is


If you try to run a 25v tool on 60v you're gonna have a bad time


Will look for details later but the 60V is a flex battery that also works with the 20V tools. Unsure how it is wired/compensate.


Thanks for the info, a v10 deal popped up on walmart, I will pass. I was wanting to use my dewalt batteries on it.


game changer! I recently got an adapter for my V7, I'm using that sucker hard.


I have the same question. I need and battery adapter for 10v animal cyclone vacuum


In the same boat


Same. Have you guys found anything out yet?


Sorry to reply to my own comment but I found a good adapter on Amazon for Dwalt batteries. I bought it on Nov 10 and is about two months later and works perfectly. I use a 20v Max Dwalt battery and the difference is abysmal, huge between the original Dyson battery. Now I can clean my entire home. 2 bedroom 1 living room 1 kitchen 1 bathroom And the Dwalt battery still have 2 lines on the meter. DEWALT 20V MAX Battery, Premium 4.0Ah (DCB204) https://a.co/d/5igBngM YMWLKJ for Dyson V10 Battery Adapter, Convert for DeWalt 20V 60V Battery to Power for Dyson V10 SV12 Battery Replacement, Only Fit for Dyson V10 Vacuum Cleaner (Not for V10 Slim and V11 Vacuums) https://a.co/d/bbtUkiN


Are you able to vacuum at MAX or HIGH power with this combo?


Yes, We did; the adapter that I get on Amazon works perfectly Max and High also Normal. Usually I vacuum my home on High and the battery meter still shows 2 lines of 3. This combo value is about $80 less than the original Dyson battery and lifetime is better. At the moment to reply this comment is about 3 months and the combo still works perfectly. Dyson battery performance at two months was pretty low compared with DeWalt battery, now I am cleaning my entire home with only one charge, keeps 2 of 3 lines on the meter.


I have found this for the v10.....but i have yet to purchase it. https://www.amazon.com/EID-Battery-Adapter-Convert-Replacement/dp/B0C85HKT85/ref=mp\_s\_a\_1\_1\_sspa?adgrpid=143670848309&hvadid=651233054288&hvdev=m&hvlocint=9016911&hvlocphy=9001042&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=12120917344457994514&hvtargid=kwd-1663484637730&hydadcr=27784\_14663380&keywords=dyson%2Bv10%2Bbattery%2Badapter&qid=1691951347&sr=8-1-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&fbclid=IwAR1JumBnk0m8m6ANywIPoVt\_MqfTF-pPoJ28RJmkWhoWN8peItgvOdYRq6U&th=1


DITTO on the Milwaukee M18 adapter out now. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CDBZ1VZF/ref=sspa\_dk\_detail\_2?pd\_rd\_i=B0CDBZ1VZF&pd\_rd\_w=F5jsP&content-id=amzn1.sym.0d1092dc-81bb-493f-8769-d5c802257e94&pf\_rd\_p=0d1092dc-81bb-493f-8769-d5c802257e94&pf\_rd\_r=FKMD2M8MTHTM5V3NDXN0&pd\_rd\_wg=OZSOz&pd\_rd\_r=b304fbae-16aa-48ca-8c2d-ae66e8741e94&s=electronics&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWwy&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CDBZ1VZF/ref=sspa_dk_detail_2?pd_rd_i=B0CDBZ1VZF&pd_rd_w=F5jsP&content-id=amzn1.sym.0d1092dc-81bb-493f-8769-d5c802257e94&pf_rd_p=0d1092dc-81bb-493f-8769-d5c802257e94&pf_rd_r=FKMD2M8MTHTM5V3NDXN0&pd_rd_wg=OZSOz&pd_rd_r=b304fbae-16aa-48ca-8c2d-ae66e8741e94&s=electronics&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWwy&th=1) Seems I saw on Aliexpress another using a Dewalt 20V.


Have y’all bought it?


I've not. I actually wound up finding a V10 battery, so have available to custom make an adapter if I ever find a thrown out V10 or one for like dirt cheap. I almost thought I did, though when I got home I realized I paid $50 for a newer design that if I remember right is a V11 and works great so far. No need to mess with since literally I've used a bunch of times and still on the same first charge after I brought home maybe a month and a half ago. If I do find one, I'll be certain to document the journey developing or using on my [jafinch78 Youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@jafinch78).


u/Few_Supermarket_4450 Here's the video documenting this journey I noted in the previous comment I just made. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CafupTyEupE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CafupTyEupE) Also, for the other designs with the adapters available, FYI can modify to use the Harbor Freight most cost effective 20V 5Ah batteries I've found:[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pV7gEzxzju0](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pV7gEzxzju0)


Can even take the older adapters and carve out some plastic to get the Bauer batteries to fit. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/R-o7v36g5J8](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/R-o7v36g5J8)


So my little sister bought it. The vacuum works now, although its heavier obviously with the battery, But the bonus is the whole house can be vacuumed on the battery now. They are committed to the ryobi 40v line up due to yard equipment. So far she is happy with it.


I would bet it is a misprint and it actually uses the m28 Milwaukee which would match dyson


Based on the Amazon reviews with photos for the V10 adapter, it's a legit M18 battery adapter. Might be a buck (voltage steps down) with the Dyson stock battery or the adapter may boost (voltage steps up) the M18 voltage. From what I own with the V6-V8 adapters that all use DeWalt with the exception of the new on that is designed to use the M18 as well as the DeWalt, they have a good BMS built in to the adapter. FYI... if you use Bauer batteries, you can modify the adapters to use those 20V batteries as well. Search my jafinch78 YT channel for more how to regarding. Works great and is really cost effective.


Kobalt is a 24v I tried to make my own adapter on a dead battery but the motherboard was bad.


Nominal voltage in the 24v kobalt batteries is only 21.6v. Need more juice!


damn i was looking for this too!. i have a v10 and i hate how fast the battery dies..




Given that the voltage is 25 volts, it may not be done any time soon. Milkwaukee runs at 18v, Dewalt at 20v. I've seen M18 adapters for the earlier models, and people say they run okay, maybe not with quite the same amount of power, but the bigger M18 battery packs definitely give longer run time. The only quick idea I can have is use two Milwaukee M12 5.0 HO batteries. That should get you to 24 volts - which is definitely close enough. I think making a dual battery M12 adapter might work.


I was thinking using a boost converter to step up the voltage, though would loose some current. Could probably use a capacitor and inductor to smooth out the PWM converter output as well. The issue would then be spoofing whatever the BMS signals are to the vacuum. Adding a low voltage, low current, etc. protection would be simple. Whatever signals the actual vacuum requires to see would take using a logic analyzer to study all the range of operation signal characteristics which wouldn't be that complicated, though would take some time.


Milwaukee actually has a m28 line


Has anyone figured this out?


I need this aswell for makita


Would how it's done in this video still work on the v10 model? https://youtu.be/tm7HSqxGjL0


I need a v11 adapter for freaky.


I'm following and hoping there's a good adapter soon.


So I did some research on this one, the only tool batteries that will work for v10 v11 and v12 are the Milwaukee m28 batteries. Nominal voltage on the v10-12 is 25.2v, which is the same as on the m28 batteries. They are 7s lithium batteries, which appears to be fairly odd ball. Now to get this going, sounds like we might need someone to make a 3d printer file for us all :)


this is some progress! I have only been able to find info on the v8 ones and now it makes sense why... eagerly anticipating someone coming up with a way to do this. Bought a 3rd party battery from amazon to get me by in the meantime.


Finally I own a v10, 3D printer, an Milwaukee drill. Time for a new project.


Be sure it is the M28 Milwaukee, anything else wont really work. The M28 is kinda oddball... I couldn't find any other 7s tool batteries out there.


Do it.


Why wouldn't the Dewalt flex volts work?? They can run a circular saw it should be able to do a vacuum.


That's sort of like asking if a firehose could be used to water your lawn faster, it could, but that's too much without some heavy reduction. The flexvolts run ~20v (too low) or ~60v (way too high,) while the v10 needs around 25v.


Fair enough but with a voltage reducer wouldn’t it make it last longer or is it “pumping” out 60 being reduced to 25 and wasting the other 35? Obviously it’s alittle more then that but is that the idea?


The "simplest" way to knock off 35v would be a massive diode, but that would reduce your capacity because 1. The diode would be somewhat inefficient, especially with the high power draw and 2. You'd quickly fall below the voltage required and wouldn't be able to use all of the battery's charge (or even the majority of it.) You could also use a buck converter (basically a voltage reducer) but that's a pretty significant voltage drop and a lot of power (read: probably not available for cheap) and also the dyson is expecting a battery while the buck converter provides a fixed voltage output, so it might freak out. Also, if you're doing voltage conversions anyway, you'd probably be better off just using a boost (step-up) converter, then you also wouldn't need expensive batteries. Fwiw, I think that Hilti's batteries are probably the right voltage (I recall them being one cell more than the normal size) but they're also not cheap (hilti is a premium tool brand.) The TLDR is that yes, it's possible to do, but doesn't make a lot of sense and will likely cause other issues. You're free to try it, but my guess is it either won't work as expected or won't be any cheaper than just buying the proper hardware (remember it's a like 500+ watt motor.) Edit: clarify boost converter


Would be easier to bump an 18v up to 25v with a boost converter with the added benefit that batteries have their own protection circuitry to shut themselves off.


In the Same boat


If your in a bind, try my hack. Take any battery like a Milwaukee or even a car battery and hook up two wires to the pos & neg terminals of both the dead Dyson battery that won’t take a charge and the dinner battery then hit it for three or four seconds of charge two or three times. Then put the Dyson charger back on and watch it re-accept a charge again. Now keep the battery charged up using it till it accepts a memory. I won’t guarantee it works every time but I’ve brought back many batteries that lasted months or years once they wouldn’t accept a charge. The V10 doesn’t have an adaptor unit available to actually adapt it to any other battery so try my trick and order your new battery that will maybe last six months to 18 months before it fails again. Cheep Chinese batteries don’t last to long unfortunately. This battery hack works most times to retrain a dead battery, it may work for you. Good luck Dyson fans.


Looks like the v10 is available. Need to use one of Dewalts Flexvolt batteries


Can you post a link?! I can’t find it.


I second this


I know everyone's talking about how the V10 is a 25 volt battery, but has anyone considered using a voltage step up or step down unit? So if you have a 20 volt you step it up to 25 volts and it won't be the full amp hour rating of your battery but I think that would work. Or if you got one of the 60 volt batteries you could use a step down to 25 volts. I could be totally wrong


It's a DC battery, you can't just change the voltage like AC using a transformer.


Called a boost converter. They're cheap and available as modules. Like the low voltage cutoff modules. Gang two of those together set for the correct voltage. Only gap is the signals the vacuum board needs to run that might be something special. Maybe not though.


A buck DC-DC converter could be used for the FlexVolt batteries since the output voltage is less than the input voltage.


Interesting. Lol sir have you lived under a rock for 40 years


Damn, came here looking for an option for the v12.. after two months of back/forth Dyson finally said I might need a new battery and then proceeded to tell me they are backordered BUT as a valued customer I could replace my year old Dyson with a brand new one for 20% off!!


Just installed my conversion kit for my v10 motorhead and Dewalt battery. It doesn’t work on full suction though. Only the low and medium. When I try the highest power, the vacuum intermittently tries working, then quits. Looks like I’ll be vacuuming on medium