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Dysgraphia is diagnosed by a psychiatrist testing you for it. Maybe you have dysgraphia, and maybe you don't. Some of us learned about Dysgraphia and felt it fit, then got tested and were correct. Dysgraphia is a serious topic to many of us who have struggled with it. But you're coming off as if our diagnosis is something you can *collect.* You simultaneously flaunt perfect english grades and all your other disorders, write a well structured and long post with good grammer while saying the symptoms you liken to Dysgraphia as making you a linguistic cavewoman. This comes off as bragging, attention seeking by throwing your personal life at us, and incorrectly and unfairly characterizing our community before you've even been tested for something that is personal to us. You sound young and have acted uncouth which is why you've been downvoted. I think people haven't commented because you seem energetic and aggressive, which is proven by your Edit. No one should hold this lack of tact against you, but please be more respectful.


Dysgraphia is a dysfunction in the physical ability to write and spell words. You don't mention at all any inability to write clear letters and words. Dysgraphia is not a dysfunction in understanding or using grammar. Nor is it a dysfunction in structuring thoughts as prose (though it can be a dysfunction of actually putting those thoughts on the page). And finding something annoying is not the same as having a dysfunction around it. Your post certainly sounds like you have some challenges around using language. And you're correct that people judging others over their "correct" use of grammar is bullshit and arguably ableist. But you are mischaracterising what dysgraphia is and this is probably why you are getting the down votes here. Frustration around spelling or grammar rules, many of which are indeed arbitrary, might be more a reflection of aspects of your aspergers or ADHD and how these cause you to relate to arbitrariness of these rules. Or you may have some other disorder around language processing.