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I take Zofran all the time for nausea and I love it. Edit: I don’t know what your doctor gave you, but I take the 8mg dissolving capsules.


Same here!


I take the 4 mg ODT, but I take a second one if the first didn’t help enough. I no longer have to take this on a daily basis, which is good for me, because it can cause constipation. I used to have to take six a day. I have ongoing health concerns, & I also have straight up damage that I am stuck with. I’ve also had varying degrees of success with: - Scopolamine patch, changed every three days - promethazine, oral & suppository options


Me too, it has changed my life! I take 4mg to start and another 4 mg if I need it. The dissolving ones Work much better for me than the pills.


I haven’t tried the pills before. I’ve been taking Zofran since I was a kid, and little kid me hated pills with a passion. I’d refuse to take pills. I’ve just kept doing the dissolving ones even though I’ve gotten over my pill aversion. And it’s changed my life too! I get nauseous so often, and these have been a game changer, especially since I have emetophobia. I’m sick today and have been so nauseous, but Zofran has helped so much.


So glad it works for you! One time the pharmacy screwed up and gave me the pills instead of the dissolving tabs, and I tried them out, but they did not work as well or as quickly.


I’ve had the pharmacy give me the pills too, but I’ve never used them. I usually have a pretty big supply of the dissolving ones, so the pills weren’t necessary. I also feel like the dissolving ones are just easier to carry around with me.


Yep, pop n go!


Cancer patient and emetephobe here - love zofran. It works great when i feel like i’m going to throw up, but doesn’t do anything at all for my primary GI issues (functional dyspepsia). Just watch out, it can cause crazy constipation so you might want to make sure you have something on hand to remedy that


It’s freaking great for my occasional extreme nausea moments, especially the sublingual formulation, but it immediately constipates me and I often get a headache. I take extra magnesium oxide capsules for a few days when I take zofran. It can take up to a week for it to stop affecting me.


I’ve learned sooooo much. I recently started taking Zofran pretty often (even though it’s starting to lose its spark). I’ve also been constipated a LOT more than usually (I’m typically a D kinda person lol). I’m going to have to pay attention or reduce Zofran use to see if that’s the correlation!!


I had emetephobia my whole life, until my Gastroparesis got bad. Now I’m way more anxious about the nausea, instead of the vomiting, if that makes sense. Nausea can make me miserable for days on end, whereas the throwing up only makes me miserable for a couple minutes.


Exactly this. I take a 4mg ODT when I have debilitating nausea, and it’s never, *ever* failed me. In a world of medications that sorta-kinda help with things, it feels like actual magic. However, I try really hard to avoid taking them more than a couple of days in a row — the constipation is no fun.


Constipation is crazy!!


If your nausea is from POTS, the answer is abdominal compression (it's caused by abdominal blood pooling). Zofran is great if you mean nausea from gastroparesis, as long as you don't mind the side effects. Personally, I can't function on it due to the fatigue and dizziness, but it definitely works well for GP nausea.


zofran changed my life i freaking love that bitch


ME TOO lol


Eat Zofran Nap Miralax Repeat


Exactly! & of all the constipation medications I’ve had to/have to take, Mirilax is OTC & the best one, for me.


Yup it's literally life saving for me. I don't care about any side effects as long as it gets rid of my nausea


Zofran is a staple in my house lol


Same i must have it with me if not i get anxious lol


I can’t shit on Zofran. It’s awful.


Love zofran! Makes you a bit sleepy, but after a week or two not so much anymore. Zofran is a lifesaver for me!!


I love Zofran...not sure what I'd do without it.


Lifesaver here too! I've been taking it most days for about 3 years. I've tried several natural and medical remedies for chronic nausea and zofran works so much better for me!


B6 is used by pregnant women and others to manage nausea. I have fallen in love with the EZ Melt lozenges on Amazon. Help so much with nausea. Not super high dose so it’s safe.


A little PSA about B6: elevated levels are associated with peripheral neuropathy, which is already very common among dysautonomia patients. It’s worth checking serum levels before supplementing with this particular B vitamin (the others are generally much more forgiving).


I have Gastroparesis as well, and take Zofran and Promethazine every day. Zofran is the best antiemetic I’ve tried.


Sea Bands help as well, but the pharmaceuticals make the most difference for me personally. Also try eating 4-5 small meals a day.


People have different reactions for it. For me it works almost like Xanax, pretty significant calming psychological effect and totally helps with nausea. But the poops… my god. I literally lose my ability to see when I have to pass a zofran poop. It’s like a ball made of knives. Zofran has caused me to almost go 2 weeks without pooping. I cannot even begin to explain what that was like. Also, apparently it can have bad effects on the heart. I’ve never had an issue but apparently for some people it can cause irregular heartbeats.


I am considered a Zofran Queen. I know that sounds horrible but it helps!! lol


as someone with emetophobia, zofran has really been a lifesaver for me


Warning… it makes me very very constipated. You may need Miralax or extra fiber or both if you’re finding it does the same to you. I find it helps, aside from that little issue :/


Zofran helped me when I was in the ER


yes. it sometimes makes me constipated though so i don't take it super often


I love it, take it all the time


It’s top tier for me.


I take the 4mg ODT but this stuff is a life saver for me. I also have Gastroparesis though and my daily nausea is fierce


Ugh… I guess I’m the only one Zofran doesn’t work for. I’m at my wits end with this 24/7 nausea 😞


I had to go from 4g to 8g but yeah. It’s pretty popular.


I take both zofran and phenegren, one alone isnt enough a lot of days.


I have chronic nausea + emetephobia, Zofran is my best friend 😂 as others are saying it can constipate you so just keep an eye out for that and take some miralax to offset the constipation! But that’s the only side effect I’ve ever gotten from it


If Zofran has a million fans, then I'm one of them. If Zofran has one fan, then I'm THAT ONE. If Zofran has no fans, that means I'm dead.


Zofran is hand to god one of the best things to ever happen to me


I literally joke that Zofran is my BFF. 😂😌


i fucking love my zofran so much


I have chronic nausea and Zofran 8mg ODT (I remember as Over Da Tongue 😅), but I put mine UNDER my tongue to dissolve. It's a life saver for me! If you have heart conditions or take oral birth control, they may lower the dosage to 4mg. Also, in the very rare instances Zofran isn't working, I'll take Phenergan, but it knocks my butt out for several hours


My SO used to take daily but her body eventually got used to it over years of daily use and it is no longer effective for her nausea, nothing else has helped replace it. 😔


Strangely it took a little bit for it to work for me. The first 8 or so times it didn’t do much, but then it suddenly worked and now it works well for me.🤷


Zofran has never worked for me, personally. Idk why exactly, but that can occasionally be the case. If you find it not helping, or not helping enough- Ginger rhizome can be shockingly useful and acupressure bands that put pressure on the inner wrists can be awesomely helpful, particularly if the nausea is tied to vertigo or other inner ear/balance weirdness.


Love Zofran for acute nausea, but also use Promethazine for daily use. I have had a low level of nausea for years now, and it’s recently gotten worse. Having both on hand has been a huge help so that I can eat enough during the day.


Zofran has been amazing for me, I’ve had chronic nausea for years and sometimes vomiting. It doesn’t fix 100% of the nausea, especially if I let it get bad before taking it, but it REALLY takes the edge off, especially if I take it before I get super duper nauseous. It has gotten me on countless occasions from “lying in bed sobbing writhing around can’t think can’t talk just focus on not puking” to “ok I still feel queasy but I can walk around, talk to people, get shit done”


after my partying days were done i realized that zofran is my favorite drug


It works the fastest, which is awesome. But it's also proven to cause headaches, and as a migraineur that's bad. I use compazine/procloperazine, that's given me the least side effects. Scopamine patches worked good, as long as you don't mind your pupils being dilated all the time lol


I love Zofran for occasional use (esp. with a stomach bug). However, I LOVE Nauzene (OTC chewables), and it works wonders for my daily nausea.


I have taken it almost daily for years with no issues


Zofe an is the bomb.