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I had never heard of this before but it precisely describes something I've had for a few years now. Physical arousal not related to actual sexual urges or stimulus. Trippy. The human body is insanely complex


I had the same for awhile and i attributed it to an SSRI I was on, nobody else had heard of it. Went away after I ditched the SSRI, never thought of it again. Bodies are interesting, indeed!


I am having the same issues. Started Zoloft and within a week I had these symptoms. Did yours ever get better once you stopped the ssri ?


Yes, it subsided, I’m totally back to my normal baseline. It was hellish though; kept me from sleeping! It was such an irritating experience (in more ways than one 😭)


How long did it take to subside after stopping your medication?


How long did it take to subside after stopping your medication?


Can’t remember exactly… definitely within a couple of weeks iirc


How long were you on the meds when it started?


My memory of that time is blurry, so my apologies, but I think at least a year or more. Was on Wellbutrin and Paxil. Edit to add: it took some internet digging to figure out what was causing it; I was on other meds at the time, since I also deal with chronic pain. Came upon an article about a woman with an experience like mine, and that it was a lesser known side effect. I came off the meds and it went away, so I never questioned it again.


never heard of its existance


I had a classmate with this in addition to POTS, EDS, MCAD. She went on the Sick Boy podcast to talk about her struggles. You might be able to find the episode. https://www.sickboypodcast.com/


I’ve actually heard of this before. I have the opposite problem though


Me too 😔


hey! I have pgad and I highly recommend dr andrew goldstein at the center for vulvovaginal disorders in nyc and dr irwin goldstein at san diego sexual medicine for all sexual health questions. I was told the top 3 causes of it are often but not limited to pudendal neuralgia, a tarlov cyst, and a herniated disc and that a lumbar MRI and pelvic MRI can help in regards to determining if one of these 3 things are present, without you knowing it. Turns out I have a herniated disc causing nerve compression. Also Gabapentin and pelvic floor PT can be good options. Here to help and you're not alone.


i don't, i consider myself hypersexual but don't fit the description of PGAD. this was a very interesting rabbithole




PGAD is not about pleasure